After sending Catherine and Emma Stone away, Link continued to train in the boxing ring, and soon attracted another Emma, ​​Emma Roberts.

During the last filming, Emma Roberts said she wanted to learn boxing from him, and planned to film a training video and upload it to YouTube for a lottery, and asked him if she could.

Link thought she was joking and didn't refuse.

It was only at noon that Emma Roberts really came.

Wearing a Nike limited edition boxing training suit, pink gloves, very exquisite workmanship, white chest covering, revealing a fair and slender belly, lower body is a pair of close-fitting sports shorts, and two slender cartoon legs.

Although Emma is petite and has no breasts or ass, she has a very delicate appearance, fair skin, and a very girly look.

Under his guidance, Emma practiced on the punching bag for half an hour. She was panting from exhaustion, her hair stuck to her sweaty cheeks, and she looked weak.

"Link, won't it get boring if you keep fighting like this?"

Emma sat on the sofa, water bottle in hand, watching him hit the sandbag repeatedly.

"It's a bit boring, but if you don't play like this, you can't win the game."

Link said as he punched the sandbag.

Emma nodded and her eyes stayed on his strong arm, which was like a hammer. When he punched the sandbag, the sandbag would make a heavy muffled sound, as if it would explode at any time.

Emma walked over, stood next to her and asked, "How long do you train every day?"

"More than four hours."

"So long? I was very tired after just ten minutes of practice."

Emma stuck out her tongue and said.

"You're a beginner, ten minutes is already great."

Emma smiled slightly, smoothed the hair from her face, put on her gloves again, came to the white sandbag next to Link, and hit the sandbag according to his instructions.

Her arms are very slender and her fists don't have much strength, so they can hardly cause any damage to the sandbags.

"Link, I'm here! Hey, why is there a little girl?"

Morales walked in from outside wearing a training vest.

Morales is from Northern California. He used to train in Los Angeles. He is more familiar with Los Angeles than Link. He also introduced this Muscle Beach Boxing Gym.

Link introduced the two of them and then went to the ring to spar.

Morales participated in the Golden Gloves Boxing Championship in June, defeating his old rival Andrzej in the final, and successfully won the super middleweight championship.

After the Golden Gloves, Morales signed with De La Hoya's 'Golden Boy' boxing promotion company, preparing to switch to professional boxing within the year.

According to his current strength, he has a chance to become an international boxing champion. If he wants to become an intercontinental boxing champion, he still needs to work harder.

During the sparring, Link was the main attacker, constantly attacking Morales' head with his fists, while Morales was the main defender, wearing a sponge protective gear on his head and constantly dodging.

What Link has to do is to find a way to break through his defense and hit him in the head with his fist.

Morales needs to defend with all his strength and find a way to neutralize his attack.

As long as he can do it, almost no one in the professional game can break through his defense.

It's just that Link's boxing speed is too fast and his combination boxing skills are very exquisite, so it's difficult to defend against him.

After sparring for more than an hour, Morales received more than 20 punches on the head. Fortunately, Link gathered some strength and he was not knocked out.

"Link, Hoya competed with me yesterday."

Morales said while sitting at the edge of the ring, wiping the sweat from his head.

"what's the result?"

"He was very fast and very flexible. I was knocked down twice by him in twelve rounds, but I was not knocked out and persisted through the twelve rounds."

"Sounds good."

De La Hoya defeated middleweight boxing champion Vargas in 2002 and won four middleweight boxing championship gold belts. He is very powerful.

When Morales, an amateur boxer, competed with him, he was able to last twelve rounds, which was considered good.

"De La Hoya also asked about your situation and asked me what the probability of winning would be if he played you. I said less than 1%. He didn't believe it and said there was at least a 30% probability. I let him try."

Morales chuckled.

Link smiled softly, "1% is indeed an exaggeration. Although De La Hoya has passed his peak, he still has at least 70% of his strength. I need to be more careful when competing with him."

"He's definitely no match for you."

Morales laughed.

After a short break, the two continued to sparring in the boxing ring. At around four o'clock in the afternoon, the training ended.

When Link packed up the place and was about to leave, he suddenly saw two white and slender calves on the sofa. The little feet with strawberry manicure were less than half the size of a hand. They were Emma Roberts.

She was lying sideways on the sofa, covered with a towel, and the boxing gloves were still on her hands. Her eyes were closed, her long eyelashes matched with her small and delicate cheeks, like a doll.

"Hey! Emma, ​​wake up!"

"Link, have you finished practicing?"

Emma rubbed her eyes and sat up.

"I thought you were gone."

Link helped her take off her boxing gloves and put them into her sports backpack.

"I just saw you guys boxing and felt sleepy, so I fell asleep here."

Emma said stretching.

"Okay, remember to tell me next time, otherwise I will forget you here."

Link pulled her to her feet.

After the two took a shower at the boxing gym and put on clean clothes, Link drove her back to the villa in Beverly Hills.

A private villa covering an area of ​​5,000 to 6,000 square meters, with large green lawns and cedar forests, and she also met her guardian and aunt, Julia Roberts.

Although both of them are actors in the "Valentine's Day" crew, the two plots are not connected and the sets are not in the same place. This is the first time he has met Julia Roberts in person.

The former Hollywood queen is also old. She wears an ordinary T-shirt, loose casual pants, slippers, a cigarette in her mouth, and no makeup.

Julia Roberts was also surprised to see him and invited him to the villa for coffee. Link drove away from the Roberts Villa on the grounds that it was too late.

"Goodbye Link!"

Emma Roberts waved at the car.

Julia Roberts frowned and looked at her, "Emma, ​​you told me you were going to a party with friends, why were you with Link?"

"Link is my friend too, what's the problem?"

Emma shrugged her shoulders and walked towards the villa carrying her sports bag.

"What did you just do with Link?"

Julia asked following her.

"Practice boxing!"

"Really? How come I didn't know you liked boxing?"

Julia asked doubtfully.

"There's a lot you don't know."

"Just boxing training?"


Emma walked into the living room of the villa, put her backpack on the shelf, took off her shoes, and walked barefoot on the floor into the house.

"You just took a shower, I can smell it, Emma, ​​you'd better tell me honestly, what did you just do?"

Julia grabbed her wrist and said seriously.

"Isn't it normal to take a shower after training?"

Emma looked at her strangely.

"Is that really all there is to it?"

"What else do you think, Link and I are having sex in the training hall? You are thinking too much."

Emma rolled her eyes, shook her hand off, and walked into the dressing room to change.

Julia shook her head and shouted into the room: "Emma, ​​I just want to remind you that Link has a girlfriend, and being a third party is not a good thing."

"But you and Danny are happy."

Emma took off her T-shirt and smiled narrowly.

Julia was so angry that she wanted to take her out and be beaten.

Her current husband, Danny Moda, was a married man with a newborn child before marrying her. However, after dating her, Danny Moda quickly divorced his ex-wife.

This incident made a lot of noise back then, and she suffered a lot of criticism, but she didn't care. As long as she could find true love, it didn't matter if she was given a few words of advice.

Now that Emma was using this point to refute her, she couldn't refute it at all.

"Emma, ​​Taylor is your friend!"

Julia emphasized.

"I understand. I was just practicing boxing with Link. I didn't want to ruin their relationship."

Emma waved her hands nonchalantly.

"You better remember your words."

Julia pointed at her, closed the door, and ordered the servant to cook more food.

Thanks to book friend Fireworks Yi Leng Bu Leng for your support, Thanks(ω)

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