Driving back to Santa Monica, it was already evening, the setting sun was shining on the beach, the pier in the distance and the huge Ferris wheel in the park all looked particularly beautiful in the sunset.

Perhaps because the weather was too hot, there were still thousands of citizens and tourists scattered around the beach when it was getting dark, walking their dogs, playing volleyball, or playing guitar on the beach, drinking and having fun, and enjoying the free sea view.

There is also a bar street on the east coast of Santa Monica Beach, with more than a dozen bars, dance halls, restaurants, and amusement parks.

In the evening, before the sunset, the neon lights on the street were lit up first, the lights were bright and the flow of people on the street was denser than during the day.

Link drove to a dance hall called Venice Coast and stopped.

He walked into the bar and took the elevator to the underground dance floor. The moment the elevator door opened, the huge sound waves and the noisy and chaotic scene hit him on the head like a heavy punch, making him feel a little dazed.

Hundreds of people were crowded in a lively dance floor, screaming and twisting to the rhythm of the music.

The dazzling lights made his eyes a little uncomfortable.

Link took out his mobile phone and made a call, but it didn't go through. He looked around the booths and heard someone shouting "Link, here!"

Link looked at the corner and saw Carrie Underwood, a country music singer he met in Nashville last time, waving at him.

There were Taylor, Miley Cyrus, Kesha, and two men in their thirties next to him.

Just now, he left the boxing training ground and saw a message from Taylor on his mobile phone, asking him to come to the bar for a drink, saying that there was a happy event, so he hurried over.

Among these people, he was more familiar with Carrie Underwood and interacted with her on Twitter.

Miley Cyrus, who greeted him backstage at the Grammy Awards last time, is also a friend of Selena.

Ke$ha, the money lady, is also a newcomer who debuted this year. Because her stage name ‘Ke$ha’ contains a dollar sign, she is also called ‘money lady’ by fans.

Ke$ha debuted in March and released the single “Right Round”, which topped the singles chart for six consecutive weeks.

Last week, she released her second single “TiK ToK”, which was downloaded 610,000 copies in the first week and ranked second on the Billboard singles chart, with a tendency to replace “See You Again” as the first.

Fortunately, in the third week of its release, “See You Again” still had more than 2 million downloads on various platforms, and its position as the champion is still relatively stable for the time being.

Of the other two men, he only knew the more handsome John Mayer, who debuted in 1999 and released four albums. The second and fourth albums won the first-week sales champion, and the third album was the runner-up in sales.

At the Grammy Awards in March, he also won the Best Male Pop Singer and Best Rock Singer for the songs “Say” and “Gravity” respectively.

John Mayer has three famous ex-girlfriends. One is Jennifer Aniston, who played Rachel in Friends. The two started dating last year and broke up at the beginning of the year. He is single now.

The next one seems to be Taylor. The two also collaborated on a love song "Half of My Heart".

The next one is Katy Perry.

There are rumors that Taylor and Katy Perry later fell out, and this person was also the reason.

Of course, with Link around, those things should not happen again.

"Hi! Kelly, Miley, Kesha!"

Link walked over and hugged Kelly, and then greeted Miley Cyrus and Kesha.

Before Miley's transformation, she was still a very cute little girl, always grinning and showing a sweet and cute smile. Seeing her smile, it is easy to remind people of the saying, "Girls who love to smile will have good luck."

After the transformation, she let herself go, taking drugs, dancing, posting nude photos, doing lesbian, and taking the mature and sexy route. However, she still did well in her music career and won many Grammy Awards.

Kesha's stage name is Kesha, and there is no need to add "Miss" when calling her, anyway, these musicians don't care about these.

"Link, why are you here just now?"

Taylor stood up shakily and said with his arm.

"How much did you drink?"

Link saw that her cheeks were red and she smelled of alcohol.

"Two mojitos!"

Taylor smiled and shook her finger.

Mojito is a cocktail made with rum as the base wine, sugar cane juice, lime juice, soda water and mint. It has a refreshing and slightly sweet taste, suitable for girls to drink, and is also one of Taylor's favorite cocktails.

"It smells so much alcohol, I thought you drank a bottle of vodka."

Link put his arm around her waist and smiled.

After Taylor's introduction, he shook hands with John Mayer and his friend Richard Sheen, and then pulled Taylor to sit on the empty sofa in the middle.

"You didn't tell me why you came so late? I sent messages for almost an hour."

"I just came out of the boxing gym, and Emma is here too. She wants to practice boxing with me."

Link took the initiative to explain to Taylor, so as not to be exposed by paparazzi, which would be even more difficult to explain.

"Why does she practice boxing? She is so small, I can knock her down with one hand."

Taylor waved his fist and said.

Link shook his head, took back her fist, looked at Kelly and the others and said, "What were you talking about just now? Please continue, don't be interrupted by me."

"Link, we are talking about you."

Carrie Underwood smiled, "You are amazing. You released two albums in the first year of your debut, and the global sales of both albums are over 5 million. You can be said to be the first person in the history of world pop music."

"Yes, Link, and the song "See You Again" is amazing. How can you write such a beautiful song? If I can write such a song in my lifetime, I would be willing to die."

Miley Cyrus smiled with her cute teeth.

"Miley, you are only 17 years old. You still have decades to write hundreds of songs. It's too early to say such things."

Link chuckled.

"Not too early. I know that no matter how old I am, I can't write such songs."

Miley shook her head, and her hair swung up.

Link smiled gently, looked at Carrie and said, "Good music is not about sales, but about quality. My album is hyped a lot. If it wasn't hyped, the sales would not be so high, so don't worship me too much."

"You are too modest, as if no one releases an album without promotion."

Carrie Underwood held the wine glass and laughed heartily.

Link saw her smile and found that country music singers were different from pop and rock music singers.

They looked cleaner, had a literary temperament, and were easier to get along with. Country music circles often produced "literary goddesses", such as Dolly Parton, Shania Twain, Faith Hill, and Taylor was half one.

Most female singers in the pop and rock music scene imitated Madonna, first pure and then sexy, taking the visual route.

"Kelly, stop praising him. The newspapers are full of news praising him. I don't even want to read the newspapers."

Taylor leaned on Link's shoulder and waved his hand.

"You two are equally good. Your album will definitely set a new record this year."

"Kelly, don't say anything yet!"

Taylor interrupted Carrie Underwood and looked at Link with a slightly proud chin raised and said, "Link, do you think that 2 million copies of your album sold in the United States are a lot? Do you know how many copies of my "Fearless" sold?"

Link smiled lightly. He could roughly guess it, but pretended not to know and asked:

"How many copies?"

"Tell you, 3 million copies! It is the first album to break 3 million copies in the United States this year."

Taylor raised his lips proudly.

"Wow, it's amazing, dear, you are a hundred times better than me."

"Of course!"

Taylor covered his mouth and laughed.

"Hey, is it really okay for you and your wife to flatter each other here?"

Carrie Underwood teased.


Link picked up a can of light beer and said, "Everyone! How about we toast to Taylor's album sales exceeding 3 million copies?"


Miley picked up the cocktail glass and shouted.

Kesha, John Mayer, and Charlie Sheen also raised their glasses and clinked them.

When he was chatting with Kelly and Miley, Kesha stared at him blankly, as if studying him.

John Mayer also looked at him, and sometimes at Taylor, with a faint smile on his face. He wore a watch on both his left and right hands. After putting down the wine glass, he would take off a watch and rub it in his hand, like playing with beads.

"Kesha! When Link was not here, you were the loudest. Why didn't you say a word when Link came?" Miley asked Kesha, pulling her.

Kesha glanced at Link and shrugged: "I am a fan of Link. I am nervous when I see my idol in person."

"Really? You and Link have different music styles. How can you like his songs? I don't like his songs." Taylor hugged Kesha and smiled.

Kesha shook her head, "I like Link's songs, but I'm a fan of his boxing. I think he's very strong, and I want to be like him."

"Link, I'm also a fan of your boxing. I didn't watch boxing matches before, but since I knew you were a boxer, I started watching boxing shows." Carrie Underwood smiled.

"Me too!"

Miley nodded repeatedly.

Link smiled softly, "Thank you all for coming. I'll invite you to watch a boxing match next time. Kesha, I heard that you wrote the lyrics and music for "TiK ToK". That's amazing. When can we work together?"


Money Po Kesha nodded with a glass of wine.

Link thought that she was unhappy with the cooperation with the record company she signed with now.

Her first single "Right Round" won the championship in the United States for six consecutive weeks, but her name was not on the record, and she didn't get a penny of profit. The news said that at the beginning of the year, she listened to her songs playing in the supermarket, but she couldn't even afford a potato in the supermarket.

Because of this, she changed the S in her name to $.

Link had plans to poach her, but Kesha was currently in the rising stage of her career, so it was too difficult to poach her.

"Link, do you like watches?"

John Mayer put down his glass and asked while playing with his watch.

"Yes, I have two."

He had two famous watches, one was a Patek Philippe given by Taylor on Valentine's Day, and the other was a Vacheron Constantin given by Eva Ka on New Year's Day. He was asked to use them to decorate his appearance and not be seen as too poor. Both cost more than 500,000 US dollars.

However, he usually had to exercise and was used to wearing sports watches. The two watches were placed in a box and only used as accessories during public events.

"Link, which brand of watch do you prefer?"

John Mayer leaned forward, as if he wanted to talk seriously about watches with him. From the gold Rolex watch on his hand, he was a fan of Rolex.


Miley waved her hand between the two and shouted, "Don't you think it's boring to talk about watches here?"

"Yes, let the boys talk, let's go dance."

Taylor stood up shakily and pulled Kelly to dance.

"Let's go! Let's dance!"

Miley and Kesha stood up.

Link saw that there were too many people in the dance floor, like a water tank full of fish, with all kinds of people.

He was worried that Taylor would be taken advantage of, so he said hello to John Mayer and followed him to the dance floor.

Taylor had drunk a few glasses of wine and was very excited. He followed the rhythm of the DJ music, shook his hair, twisted his tall and sexy figure, and his perky buttocks, and got into his arms from time to time to tease him and kiss him.

Link just twisted very politely, expressionless, like Vincent in "Pulp Fiction".

After the dance, several girls laughed at him, saying that he couldn't let go, like he was performing a one-man show in a crowd.

Link didn't deny this, he wasn't a nightclub guy, and he didn't like to join in the fun.

When he was on the dance floor, being able to move to the music was already a big improvement.

When the few people returned to the booth, John Mayer and his friends were not in their seats. It was unknown whether they went to dance or left early.

Link and Taylor chatted with the few people in the booth about gossip in the entertainment industry for a while, and left the bar together when it was almost eight o'clock.

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