With the car window open, the sea breeze blew in through the window.

Taylor was leaning in the passenger seat, with a charming blush on his cheeks, his blond hair hanging loosely on his face, a faint smell of alcohol coming out of his mouth, and his blue eyes looked very bright in the moonlight.

"Is it uncomfortable? You are not 21 years old yet. You can't drink so much in the future."

Link said while touching her forehead.

Taylor glared at him sideways, slapped his hand away and said, "First of all, Mr. Link Baker, you are my boyfriend, not my parents. Even my parents can't control my drinking."

"What's next?"

Link chuckled.

"Isn't this enough?" Taylor snorted and thought for a moment, "Secondly, I'm only a few months away from turning 21, and the police won't care about me even if they know it, so you care about me?"

"What about the last? If there is first and second, then there must be last. They are three brothers. Separation is a logical error."

Link reminded.


Taylor hit him with his fist and said, "You're too annoying. It's enough to have a first and a second. Without the last, you're not allowed to ask anymore."


Link shrugged.

Taylor leaned on the seat, supported his cheek with the back of his hand, was quiet for a while, and suddenly said: "Finally, Kelly flew from Nashville to Los Angeles and invited me to drink. It would be rude if I didn't drink. This is a social event and cannot be refused." ”

"I understand when you put it like that. How could you meet Miley and Kesha when you and Kelly were partying?"

"Haha, you want to ask John, right?"

Taylor tilted her head and looked at him and mocked, "You stingy man, you have random thoughts when you see me drinking with other boys. As a world boxing champion, can you be more generous and confident?"

"It is the instinct of every male lion to attack any male who dares to intrude on its territory."

Link smiled carelessly.

"Hmph, I'm not a lioness on your territory."

Taylor waved her paw and told him that she was going on a date with Kelly first, and met Miley and Kesha on the way, who were also going to drink.

The four of them arranged to go to a bar to dance. Later, John Mayer called and said he wanted to talk about music with her, and then he joined in.

"Why would John Mayer come to you to talk about music? He is pop rock, and you are country music. They are not the same genre. My first album was pop, and my second album was pop and rock. If he wanted to talk about music, he should come to me. ”

Link said.

Taylor rolled his eyes, "He wrote a new song and needed to find a good female singer to collaborate with. He thought I was the most suitable."

"Impossible! You are a beautiful and talented singer. Your singing skills are not among the top ten female singers. Don't deny it. This is a fact. If he needs a powerful female singer to cooperate, Katie, Joanne, p!nk They are all suitable. The reason why he is looking for you is because you are young and beautiful, your album sales are high, and you are also very popular.”

"Huh, I don't want to talk to you anymore."

Taylor crossed his arms and turned his head to look out the window.

When neither of them spoke, there was some silence in the car, leaving only the sound of the sea breeze blowing through the window, making Taylor's hair a little messy.

He was worried that the night breeze was too cold and would be bad for Taylor's health, so he closed the car window from the console. Taylor rolled his eyes and punched him out of anger.


A series of sirens came from behind, it was a Los Angeles PC patrol car.

"Look, it's a police car."

Taylor said pointing out the window.

"Is it weird?"

"No weird, so how about we do something a little exciting?"

Taylor said as he came over, held his face, and kissed him on his own initiative. His soft and wet lips smelled of alcohol, like jelly soaked in whiskey.

Link was unprepared for a moment, and the car turned a corner on the highway. He kissed Taylor, looking out the window, and slowly stopped on the side of the road.

"Stop making trouble! It's dangerous!"

Link pushed Taylor's shoulders away, pushed her into the passenger seat, and fastened her seat belt.

Taylor covered his mouth and laughed like a drunken maniac.


Before he could restart the car, a police car approached from the side and behind. A policeman stepped out of the car. Link lowered the window and heard the policeman ask: "Good evening, sir. I saw you brake suddenly. Is there anything wrong with the car?" ?”

"Good evening, Mr. Police, there is nothing wrong, just a small mistake in operation."

Link explained.

"Mr. Link Baker? Hello, Mr. Baker, I smell alcohol. Have you drank?"

The policeman also recognized him.

"Yes, we just came out of a Venetian bar."

Taylor laughed.

Link shook his head and told the police: "I only drank a third of a can of Booth Light. I am very conscious and I am not driving drunk."

"Mr. Baker, for your safety, could you please come down and do a test?"

Mr. Police said politely.

Link could only open the door and get out of the car, and under the instructions of the police, he walked in a straight line on the roadside to test.

Taylor took photos with her phone, laughing as she did so.

After confirming that he was not driving drunk, the police officer asked him for a signature and then drove away.

Tyler was still laughing after Link got in the car.

Link pinched the tip of her nose and drove directly back to the villa on the Santa Monica Bay. Without waiting for Taylor to escape, he grabbed her on his shoulders, went back to the bedroom, closed the door, and gave her a lesson. pause.


The next day, Los Angeles was still sunny and sunny. The temperature was above 15℃ in the morning and expected to exceed 35° in the afternoon.

It can be expected that more people will come to Santa Monica and the surrounding beaches to play today.

In the morning, Link wore sportswear and carried a 10-pound weight. He ran south along the bay road with cool sea breeze and lush vegetation to the pier, with a total distance of more than 18 kilometers.

The pier is one of the famous attractions of Santa Monica Beach.

A guitar-shaped pier extends westward to the Pacific Ocean. Seeing many yachts parked on the pier, he planned to transport the yacht in Miami, but considering that he did not have much time to go out to sea, it was useless to transport it, so he simply gave up.

When he came back, he brought a few breakfasts that Taylor liked from the Mexican and Italian restaurants on the roadside and returned to the villa.

Taylor still did not get up, and locked the bedroom door, telling him that she had inspiration and wanted to write songs in the bedroom and would not go out for a day, and asked him not to disturb her.

Link followed her lead and only placed the breakfast in front of the door. He took Olivia and Meridian downstairs to eat breakfast, so that they would not learn from their little masters, who were crazy about people, neurotic, and cave dwellers. In the past, they would be witches in the magic forest.

When he and the two kittens finished eating and lined up for a walk on the lawn, Mandy called and asked him if he had drunk driving last night?

Link was a little surprised and asked her if she saw the news in the newspaper?

Mandy said no, it was Taylor who sent her a photo of him walking in a straight line on the road with a policeman next to him.

Link explained generously.

Mandy was amused and talked to him about the MTV Music Video Awards.

MTV is the world's largest music television network, a TV channel dedicated to playing song MVs. It mainly plays various types of MVs such as pop music, hip-hop music, rock music, etc., and also launches some music-related programs and activities.

The role of the MTV music channel is equivalent to a platform for promoting music products.

By launching the packaged image of singers and bands, the singers' social reputation is expanded, thereby obtaining commercial profits, similar to music videos of the nature of TV commercials.

After releasing new albums, Link and Taylor will also shoot multiple MVs and put them on the MTV music channel to promote new songs and increase their own popularity.

Because MTV broadcasts more MVs every year, the 1TV music channel begins to select the best music works and singers of the year, namely the MTV Music Video Awards, also known as the MTV Music Video Awards.

It is one of the most famous awards in the American music scene, on par with the Grammy Awards and the American Music Awards.

The MTV Music Video Awards begin qualification review on July 1 every year, and the awards are presented between the end of August and mid-September.

Nominations or awards are determined by voting committees and the public.

The awards include the best video of the year, the best male singer video, the best female singer video, the best pop video, the best hip-hop video, the best rock video, the best lyrics video, the best newcomer, etc.

This year, Link received two nominations, Best Male Video and Best New Artist, and his nominated works are "Unstoppable" and "Despacito" remake.

Taylor was nominated for Best New Artist last year and was nominated for Best Female Video this year.

The singers with the most nominations this year are Beyonce and Lady Gaga, with nine nominations each.

Britney Spears received six nominations.

Kanye West, Eminem, and Coldplay each received four nominations.

Green Day received three nominations.

Katy Perry, Jay-Z, T.I., Lil Wayne, Rihanna and others were all nominated.

Judging from the awards in previous years, the MTV Music Video Awards are more inclined to hip-hop and rap music, and black singers are also the group with the most awards every year.

Because there are too many and too strong opponents, Link's chances of winning the award are not high.

Taylor would have won the award, but under his influence, whether he can still win the award, and whether Kanye will still grab the microphone.

Everything is pending before the MTV Awards.

Link chatted with Mandy for a while, discussing the arrangements and clothing for the day of the awards ceremony.

After hanging up the phone, he continued to walk with the kittens.

Olivia and Meridian were only over one year old, with short legs, and walked slowly. Olivia, in particular, paid great attention to her walking posture, stepping on her small feet, carefully avoiding grass tips and stones, like a noble lady, and she always fell behind.


Two horns came from the main driveway of the villa. Link walked over with the two little ones. A black Mercedes-Benz sedan slowly stopped, and saw Mrs. Andrea coming down with a bag.

"Link, how can you drive after drinking? Drunk driving is too dangerous. Be careful next time."

Andrea criticized.

Link was speechless. Taylor might have sent the photo of him walking in a straight line to everyone to watch him embarrass himself together, in retaliation for his actions last night.

"Annie, you know, I can't drink much. I get drunk after one glass. How dare I drink? This is what happened."

To reassure Andrea, Link told her what happened last night.

When Andrea heard that Taylor was drunk and deliberately messed up when he was driving, she was furious and walked into the villa angrily.

"Annie, Taylor locked the door and the key is on the counter."

Link shouted.

After two or three minutes, he walked into the living room with two cats in his arms, and saw Taylor coming down the stairs with her eyebrows frowned and her arms rubbed. She was wearing a white suspender dress, her long hair was scattered on her shoulders, and there were several slap marks on her white and slender arms.

Mrs. Andrea followed her, scolding her as she walked: "How can you make trouble while driving? What if there is an accident? You are in your twenties and an adult. Can you stop being willful and making trouble?"

"I know, I was drunk at the time, and I didn't mean it."

Taylor saw him watching the fun downstairs, squinted his blue fox eyes, sent him a danger signal, snorted coldly, raised his head and chest, and pushed him away, and went to the locker room to change clothes.

"Link, Taylor is a little willful. If she makes trouble again in the future, you can scold her and beat her a few times. I support you."

Mrs. Andrea said.

"I know, Annie, I will."

Link laughed.

"Link, you will die if you dare to do that, I swear!"

Taylor shouted in the locker room.

"Shut up! Hurry up and change your clothes and put on makeup. I'll design a new dress for you later."

Mrs. Andrea walked into the dressing room and shouted.

"Where's Link? Why is he still petting the cats?"

"I'm a boy, and a black suit can handle 99% of the activities."

Link laughed.

"No! You must also wear a new dress, otherwise I won't walk the red carpet with you."

"Stop shouting, change your clothes quickly."

Mrs. Andrea urged.

Link smiled softly and hugged the two kittens to watch TV.

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