Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 211 The award ceremony ends

In the backstage dressing room, the incandescent lamp in the corner is still bright.

The small fan on the coffee table was whirring, but the doors and windows of the dressing room were closed, and no cool breeze came in. The fan was just stirring the stuffy air in vain.

The smell of whiskey is mixed with the smell of perfume, sweat, and hormones. Although they are not gasoline, gunpowder, or incendiary bombs.

But it can still ignite the air and make the room hotter and stuffier.

"how do you feel?"

Beyoncé slowly stood up with a fiery smile on her face.

"You are such an incredible woman."

Link smiled softly, pulled out a wet wipe and handed it to her.

"You are an incredible man too, very incredible."

Beyoncé pinched her throat and her voice was a little hoarse.

"Will it affect your next performance?"

"You are just thinking about it now, is it too late?"

Beyoncé glanced at him sideways, picked up the half glass of whiskey on the table, drank it in one gulp, then shook the empty glass, staggered out of the house on high heels.

"Your whiskey!"

Link said as he picked up the wine bottle on the table.

"Your reward."

Beyoncé left without looking back.

Link shook his head, tucked his shirt into his pants, and wiped the hot sweat off his body.

Thinking of something, I took my phone out of my pocket, turned off the recording function, and then deleted the recording after thinking about it.

In special times, he cannot be careless.

When he came back to the concert hall wearing a suit, p!nk's performance had ended, and the Best Special Effects Award continued to be awarded.

The winner is Lady Gaga's single "Paparazzi".

This year's MTV Music Awards, Lady Gaga has two singles nominated, "Paparazzi" and "Poker Face", while her competitor Beyoncé only has one "Single Ladies".

When Link returned to the audience, he was surprised to find that several people who had left the audience angrily had returned to their seats.

Kanye, Lil Wayne, and 50 Cent had gloomy faces, looking like 'I'm super angry, don't mess with me'.

Link thought for a moment and could guess why a few people came back.

Although several of them are big stars in the rap industry, they are still not as important as the Viacom Media Group behind MTV.

The MTV television network is also an important platform for rappers to promote their singles and albums.

At this stage in the music world, there is no promotional platform that can compare with MTV.

This is also the reason why an award from a television channel can be compared with the Grammy Awards and the American Music Awards.

A few of them left the meeting to protest against MTV's actions, which cannot threaten MTV.

There are a lot of singers in the American music industry, and there are also many singers in the rap industry. It is said that one in three African Americans can rap.

As long as there are enough resources, it is not a problem to cultivate one or two Kanye.

They failed to threaten MTV, but MTV had a way to ask them to come back.

After thinking about this, Link's previous joy from winning the award gradually disappeared, and he suddenly became uninterested.

In the eyes of capital and media groups, he, like Kanye and others, is a valuable resource, within their sphere of influence, at their disposal and control.

Even if he beats a few people in terms of single charts, album sales and awards, he is not the biggest winner in this game, nor is he the one who gets the biggest piece of cake.

The biggest winner is capital.

This feeling is like being in the boxing ring, facing a strong opponent, gritting your teeth and persisting, not afraid of being beaten, and finally defeating the opponent with difficulty.

When he was about to receive the award, the gold belt was taken away by the audience outside the venue.

This kind of fighting is very boring.

After he sat down, Kanye and the others continued to glare at him.

Link didn't want to talk to them, and he had no intention of continuing to compete with them.

His current goal is to make more money, acquire several major websites and TV stations, establish an entertainment media group, and become a chess player.

"Link, don't be complacent, we won't let you be arrogant for too long."

"Yes, you embarrass us, and we will embarrass you."

Lil Wayne and 50 Cent said sinisterly behind him.

Link shook his head, crossed his legs and said, "It's pointless to say this. Let's do this. We are all singers. If you can write a song that surpasses "See You Again" in terms of sales, I will take the initiative to admit defeat to you and accept the defeat. If If you can’t do it, please shut up, can you?”

Lil Wayne and 50 Cent were stunned for a moment. "See You Again" currently sells 15 million copies in the United States and 40 million copies globally. According to this trend, the total sales volume is very likely to exceed 100 million copies.

How to play this kind of song?

Unless Elvis, The Beatles, MJ, or Garth Brooks personally participated, it would be very, very difficult for other singers to come up with such a song.

"Can't you all do it?"

Link's eyes flashed across the faces of several people, and he spread his hands in disappointment, "So what method do you want to use to defeat me? Like Tupac and B.I.G. killing each other, physically destroying the opponent?"

"Hey hey hey~"

When Eminem heard what he said, he bit the drawstring of his hood and let out a suppressed laugh.

Next to him, Wiz Khalifa was also laughing.

"We can!"

50 Cent was irritated by the laughter of the two and said fiercely with his fist clenched.

"Yes, we can."

Drake Duck said seriously.

"Okay! When you beat "See you again", I will take the initiative to admit defeat to you."

Link clenched his fist and headed towards 50 Cent.

50 Cent hit it hard, then took a breath, rubbed his fist and sat down.

The other people snorted and returned to their positions with a sullen look.

"Link, you are such a cunning guy, you just said they retreated with one sentence."

Eminem gave him a thumbs up and smiled.

Link shook his head and smiled. This was a temporary retreat, and he didn't really let the few people admit defeat.

Among these people, Drake Duck is the next generation of rap king, with global album sales of 200 to 300 million copies, more than ten champion singles, and more than MJ in terms of data.

Maybe in the future, he will write a song with better data than "See you again".

Pa pa pa!

Amidst warm applause, Jay-Z and his companion Alicia came on stage to sing "Empire State of Mind", which was also the closing performance of this year's MTV Awards.

When Jay-Z was singing, Kanye and others took the lead in cheering loudly, which also set off a small climax at the scene.

At this time, Beyoncé also returned to the front row seat, wearing a golden evening dress, holding an astronaut trophy in her hand, and looked back at him when she sat down.

Link nodded and said "congratulations".


At 9:45 pm, the 26th MTV Television Music Awards ceremony ended, and the awards were also on the headlines of major news websites.

Queen Beyoncé won three of the nine nominations, winning the most valuable Video of the Year, Best Dance Choreography, and Best Editing.

Lady Gaga also won three of the nine nominations, winning Best New Artist, Best Art Direction, and Best Special Effects.

Green Day won three of the three nominations, winning Best Rock Video, Best Cinematography, and Best Director, becoming the nominee with the highest hit rate this year.

Coldplay was nominated four times but didn't win, becoming the most regrettable runner-up.

However, the biggest dark horse of this year's MTV is undoubtedly Link.

No one could have expected that he would win this year, and he defeated several old rivals Jay-Z, Kanye, and T.I. to win the Best Male Singer of the Year Award.

The second dark horse is undoubtedly Taylor. As a country music singer, she was able to defeat Beyonce and Lady Gaga and win the Best Female Singer Award, which is undoubtedly a big upset.

She also became the first country music singer to win the award since the establishment of the MTV award.

When the two dark horses are a couple, the relevant news becomes more interesting.

The New York Post and other media joked in their comments that "MTV Video Music Awards is the most romantic award in the world" and "Link and Taylor became the first couple in the history of MTV to win the Best Male and Female Singer awards at the same time."

They also used a teasing tone to persuade the Grammys, American Music Awards, Oscars, etc. to learn from MTV's award-giving style and help others achieve their goals.

In fact, the New York Post was mocking the MTV voting committee for being unprofessional in award-giving.

Some people think that Link should not win this award, at least not this year, and it would be more appropriate for him to win next year with "See you again" or "Believer".

Some media also think that MTV's award is very reasonable.

First of all, among the five nominated singers, Eminem won the best hip-hop video, so he can be ignored;

Jay-Z is old and has won this award before, so it is better to use it to encourage newcomers;

Kanye West went on stage to grab the microphone, and then gave him the award, which is equivalent to encouraging this behavior, and he also passed.

The rest is Link and T.I. PK.

From the quality of the MV video, T.I. is slightly better, but his fame is far less than Link.

In the public voting, he received fewer votes than Link, which is one of the reasons why MTV gave the award to Link.

Secondly, Link's two albums sold more than 2 million copies in the United States this year, and three singles topped the Billboard singles chart. So far, his "See You Again" has also firmly sat on the top of the two charts.

Knowing that he will win various music awards next year, why not give him an important award in advance? It is better to give him timely help than to add icing on the cake.

Finally, MTV is a commercial organization, and it will also consider commercial factors such as ratings and influence when awarding awards.

Link won the award unexpectedly, MTV made more profit, and it is obviously more in line with the business operation model.

Based on the above conditions, it is very reasonable for Link to win the award.

Since the above article was published by the New York Today News, and this newspaper has a close cooperation with MTV TV Network, the public also defaulted to this official explanation.

After the more official explanation, the discussion about this matter in public opinion has gradually decreased.


Another thing is like a feast, which was placed in front of various media-Link and the East Coast rap gang conflicted again.

Speaking of the conflict between these two groups, we have to start from Link's first album press conference at the beginning of the year.

From the beginning, the two sides accused each other, to the Grammy Awards, the two sides came into direct contact, the contradiction intensified, and caused a lot of big news.

In the middle of March and April, the relationship between the two sides eased briefly.

In May and June, a battle for the rankings broke out between the two sides.

This battle continued until July and August, and became a battle between Link and Jay-Z for album sales.

The battle was very fierce.

In mid-August, a video was leaked, showing that Link was actually a fan of Kanye?

The two sides reconciled again, and Link's relationship with East Coast rap also eased.

At the MTV Music Awards in September, Kanye went on stage to grab the microphone of Link's girlfriend Taylor, and Link went on stage to grab the microphone back, which also announced that the two had broken up again.

Then Link won the award unexpectedly, Kanye, Lil Wayne and others left the stage angrily, which also announced that the conflict between Link and the East Coast rap gang broke out again.

From the beginning of the year to September, the two sides experienced three conflicts and two reconciliations.

According to Eminem, an insider, the two sides reached a third reconciliation at the MTV site, but this news has not been confirmed by both parties.

The fight between Link and the East Coast singers, after three battles and three reconciliations, is more exciting than the plot of an ordinary movie.

The media reported it with great interest, and the public also ate melons with great interest.


The first big melon is naturally the "microphone grabbing incident".

After the MTV awards ceremony, mainstream media published comments and strongly criticized Kanye West's behavior at the ceremony.

He is a hip-hop king, a black star, and a singer who has debuted for many years. He went on stage to grab the microphone of a new singer. This behavior is not only disrespectful to Taylor, but also disrespectful to the audience, the organizer, the fans, and MTV.

Fans also expressed their confusion about Kanye West's behavior.

The MTV Music Video Awards are clearly a powder cake game. Beyonce won three and Lady Gaga won three. It is appropriate to give the Best Female Singer Award to Taylor, who has the best album sales this year.

Kanye suddenly went on stage to grab the microphone and interrupted Taylor's acceptance speech. This behavior is too stupid.

Even the Washington guy publicly criticized Kanye at a press conference, calling him a stupid donkey.

Faced with public accusations, Kanye had to publicly apologize to Taylor twice on Twitter and the media on the second and fifth days.

He said that he was drunk at the time, and his bipolar disorder broke out. He did something wrong on impulse. Now he regrets it very much and asks Taylor for forgiveness.

Taylor also quickly replied, saying that he didn't care, and forwarded the link of Selena's first single "Let It Go".

After Taylor's reply, the heat of this matter slowly decreased.

The second melon is naturally when Link won the award, Kanye and others walked out of the protest.

Walking out when the opponent won the award is also a behavior of disrespecting the opponent, the audience, the fans and the organizers of the MTV Music Awards.

If everyone in the circle is like them, who wins the award and who doesn't, all according to their wishes, how can the fairness of the major awards be talked about?

After the relevant news was broadcast, the behavior of Kanye, Lil and others was once again criticized by the mainstream media.

The public began to feel that what Link said in March made some sense. It seems that since this year, Kanye and his group seem to be more and more arrogant and rampant, becoming arrogant and no longer taking others seriously.

The third melon is the speculation and debate among netizens about whether the 26th MTV Awards Ceremony has a script.

The main reason is that this year's MTV Awards was so wonderful. Not only were the music and dance programs wonderful, but the performances in the audience were also wonderful.

From Link and Taylor being forced to sit separately, to Kanye grabbing the microphone, to Link winning the award, the East Coast singers left the venue in anger, and then came back on their own initiative more than ten minutes later. It is rumored that they reconciled again.

46% of netizens support that this is a scripted performance.

Because when Eminem went on stage to receive the award, he was attacked on the buttocks by the host Russell, and Eminem cursed.

Afterwards, Eminem admitted on the show that this was a plot that Russell had discussed with him before the party, so the period between Link and the East Coast Rap Group might also be a script.

43% of netizens believe that there is no script. Whether it is grabbing the microphone or leaving the venue, it is negative news. The East Coast Rap Group cannot joke about their reputation. They are not that stupid.

The rest of the netizens said that it is good to have melons to eat, regardless of whether there is a script or not.


At the end of the MTV awards ceremony, the eighth week release data of "Go Forward" was released.

This week, the sales volume was 231,000 copies, which won the Billboard album chart again and became the first album to win five consecutive championships in 2009.

At present, the sales volume of "Go Forward" in the United States is 2.752 million copies, becoming the third album in the United States in 2009 to sell more than 2.7 million copies.

The second place is the release of "Christmas Special" by the famous Italian blind tenor singer Andrea Bocelli, which sold 225,000 copies in the first week, and the sales volume is close to "Go Forward".

The media predicts that "Christmas Special" may rush to the championship next week.

Affected by the "microphone snatching incident", Taylor's second album "Fearless" has skyrocketed in sales this week, selling 125,000 copies, which is 3.2 times higher than last week, ranking fifth.

The total sales volume of "Fearless" has also successfully exceeded 3.2 million copies, becoming the first album in the United States in 2009 to exceed 3.2 million sales.

By the eighth week, the second month's overseas sales data was gradually reported.

A total of 2.338 million copies were sold in the second month, which was more than 400,000 copies less than the first month, but the total overseas sales also exceeded 5 million copies.

According to the data sent by Universal Music and Atlantic Records, Link's album songs are still hot-selling overseas.

If the world tour is launched immediately, the total sales volume is expected to exceed 10 million copies within the year, which can also boost the sales of the first album.

After thinking about it, Link agreed to start the tour, but it should not affect the two boxing champion merger matches.

After he agreed to start the tour, Link Music, Universal Music, and Atlantic Records began to arrange his concert tour schedule in full swing, and also invited Dynasty Promotion Company to participate and jointly allocate his time for the next year.

But when he got the initial version of the tour schedule, his eyes couldn't help but jump.

"236 shows? Is it too much?"

Link looked at Ms. Mandy and asked.

"Not much, Taylor opened 107 shows overseas last year and this year, and Lady Gaga plans to hold more than 200 concerts in the new round. You, a boy, can't compare with them?"

Ms. Mandy laughed.

"Yes, Link, if you want to be a singer, you have to be more diligent, don't be too lazy."

Taylor said while doing yoga on the balcony in white yoga clothes.

"Just do your yoga and don't talk."

Link waved his hand, touched his chin and thought for a while, "More than 200 matches are too many. I have not only boxing matches this year and next, but also filming movies. You can find a way to reduce it a little, compress it to about 150 matches, and leave me some time for boxing training."

Ms. Mandy smiled slightly, put away the folder and said, "Okay, I'll go back and discuss it with them."

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