Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 212 Daily life of the young couple

In Los Angeles, the bright sunshine shines on the clear water, and the water in the swimming pool is warmed by the sun.

Link swam twice in the water in shorts and returned to the balcony. Taylor was still lying on the yoga mat, but he was not practicing yoga, but writing songs.

It has been nearly a year since the release of the second album "Fearless", and it has reached the end of its announcement period. The next step is to consider the third album.

Taylor has been writing songs and poems since he was ten years old, and has also won an award from the National Poetry Contest. In recent years, he has accumulated a song list of more than 300 songs, which is a real bonanza.

Originally, the songs in the third junior high school could be selected from the playlist, but she didn't want to rest on her laurels. She felt that the songs she wrote now must be better than those in the past, and she wanted to write better songs.

Link admired her professionalism.

"Link, what should I do if I can't write it?"

Taylor was lying in the sun, wearing yoga pants and white suspenders, fully displaying her tall and sexy figure.

Seeing him coming up, Taylor raised his head, frowning his slender eyebrows, with a little irritation on his face.

"Don't be anxious, take your time, you are a creative master, this little trouble in front of you won't be a problem for you."

Link smiled softly, wiped his hair with a towel, picked up a sports T-shirt and put it on, took off his swimming trunks and put on a pair of looser sports pants.

"Hey, exhibitionist, we're still here, how can you just strip naked?"

Taylor covered Olivia's eyes with his hands and glared at him angrily. Olivia meowed and yawned.

Link smiled softly, "Sorry, I forgot that Ollie and Merry are here too!"


Taylor sat up cross-legged, hugged Olivia and Meridian and said, "Not only have I been unable to write in the past few days, but I have also been unable to write a song that satisfies me this month."

"Really? It sounds like the problem is serious."

"It's very serious. Not only this month, but since we moved in together, I seem to have suddenly run out of inspiration, and the quality of the songs I write is getting worse and worse."

Link dug his ears with his fingers and looked at her speechlessly.

"So if you can't write a song, it's me that's the problem?"

Taylor blinked at him with blue eyes and nodded seriously.

“I used to feel isolated, lonely, and sad when I lived alone. I would feel sad when it rained. I would be moved to tears even if I read any romance movie or novel.

Since we moved in together, those feelings suddenly disappeared. My perception is becoming dull, and my ability to empathize with the characters in the story is declining. If this continues, I am worried that I will not be able to write a good song in the future. What should I do? what to do? "


Link was also stunned by this question.

The reason why Taylor can become the queen of the music industry is because she is extremely capable of writing and performing songs, and can write some high-level songs.

The reason she was able to write these songs is that she sacrificed many ex-boyfriends and many relationships.

But now the situation has changed. She doesn't have so many stories and materials to create, so she will naturally encounter difficulties in creation.

Link thought for a while, "How about I write it? I have a few songs here that are suitable for you."

"No! I am a singer-songwriter and I must create my own songs. Singers who rely on others to write songs will only become a singing tool in the future. I don't want to be that person."

Taylor said seriously.

Link shrugged his shoulders and stopped forcing her.

"Well, why don't you talk to those seniors who are more powerful in creation and ask them if they have encountered this kind of problem and how to solve it. There are so many creative masters in the music industry, I believe they can always find a solution."

Taylor pursed her lips, glanced at him, and nodded hesitantly.

Link took out a basket of freshly picked strawberries from the refrigerator, sat cross-legged opposite Taylor, ate the strawberries and said, "A few days ago you went on stage to receive the award and the microphone was taken away. Were you angry? Do you want to write this? "

Taylor put her pen to her chin and thought for a while.

"I was a little surprised at the time. I never thought he would dare to do this. Just when I was about to get angry, you came up. When I saw you grabbing the microphone, Kanye was so scared that he didn't dare to move. I thought it was funny. Afterwards, fans They all support me and I don’t seem to be angry when they criticize Kanye.”

Link smiled softly.

In the original microphone-stealing incident, Taylor stood alone on the podium.

After Kanye said Beyoncé’s “Single Ladise” was the coolest.

There was a burst of boos from the audience, and many viewers stood up and gave thumbs up.

Taylor thought the audience was here for her and thought she shouldn't win the award, which frightened her a lot.

But this time, because she followed her on stage and mobilized fans to support her, Taylor was not affected, which also caused her to be unable to find inspiration from this incident.

Link picked up a strawberry with cream and held it to her mouth.

"Imagine if I didn't go up and you were standing there alone, facing the ridicule of Kanye and the East Coast rappers, would you be very flustered or angry? If you think about this, you might be inspired. "

Taylor ate the strawberry, tilted his head and thought for a while, and scratched his hair angrily.

"Still no inspiration, what should I do?"

Link didn't have a good idea, but as Taylor's boyfriend, he couldn't ignore it when he saw her in trouble.

At his suggestion, the two went to the Aviation Cinema on 14th Street in Santa Monica to watch a newly released love movie "500 Days with Summer."

It tells the story of a devoted man who, after being abandoned by his girlfriend, begins to recall and reflect on the past 500 days they have been together.

This movie is the most popular love movie in recent times, and its box office performance is also very impressive.

It was released in early August, and the North American box office accumulated to 52.37 million US dollars in the first month, while the cost of the movie was only 7.5 million US dollars.

The attendance rate was higher than that of "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" released at the same time.

Taylor watched the movie expressionlessly, saying that the male protagonist was like a child and was not suitable to be a boyfriend.

Link and Taylor went to the Los Angeles Music Center again, listened to a solo concert of the blind singer Andrea Bocelli, and learned singing skills from the master. Afterwards, the two chatted with each other backstage.

"Don't worry, inspiration comes unexpectedly, and it's useless to worry."

On the way back, Link persuaded.

Taylor leaned back in his seat, eating cherry ice cream and said, "I wasn't that anxious originally, it was you who thought I was anxious, dragging me to the movies and concerts, as if you could find inspiration in those places."

Link smiled lightly, "So I'm just worrying about it?"

"Just so you know."

Taylor took a spoon, scooped up a spoonful of ice cream and handed it to his mouth.

Link opened his mouth and ate it, the cool and sweet taste made the heat on his lips lessen a lot.


The phone in the handbag rang a few times, Taylor took it out and saw that it was Selena's call.

"Selena, Link is driving, is there anything?"

Taylor asked after turning on the external speaker of the phone.

"Taylor, the new Billboard singles chart is out, are you paying attention?"

Selena's voice in the microphone was lively, with some joy and excitement.

"Not today, tell us where "Let It Go" ranks on the singles chart?"

"Haha, you guys guess first? Guess quickly, Link wants to guess too."

Selena said.

"I guess 99th."

Link laughed.

"Huh! No! Too far off, Taylor, Link is too stupid, you guess."

Selena said angrily.

Taylor smiled slightly, "You sang that song very well, and the lyrics are also very good. I guess it should be in the top 20."

"Haha, it's 18th. My first single landed on the singles chart at 18th in the first week of its release. I'm so awesome."

Selena said excitedly.

Link and Taylor couldn't help laughing.

"Selena, congratulations, you are not even 18 years old yet, and your first single has entered the Billboard singles chart at 18th, it's really great."

Taylor praised.

"Haha, it's not that great. Miley is great. She has many singles in the top 20 of the singles chart. And that Canadian kid Justin Bieber, who is only 15 years old, released a single last month that also entered the top 30."

Selena said modestly.

"Good, being humble means you still have room for improvement."

"Humph, if you have a brother whose album is the best-selling for several consecutive weeks and whose singles are on the top of the charts for many consecutive weeks, you will also be humble."

Selena muttered softly.

"So it's my fault again?"

Link laughed.

"Again?" Selena asked puzzledly.

Taylor interrupted: "Selena, will See You Again continue to top the singles chart this week?"

"Yes, See You Again has a weekly sales of 817,000 copies, which is twice as much as Kesha's Tik Tok, which is second, and more than 10 times more than the singles behind us. It's too exaggerated. This song will probably dominate the chart for a year."

"No, See You Again has a clear downward trend. According to this week's sales, it can probably last for two or three weeks. Come on, you all have a chance."

The main reason is that there were too many top stars in the European and American music scene in 2009.

Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Adele, Rihanna, Miley Cyrus, and the older generation of Beyonce, Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake, Avril, Amy Winehouse, etc., it's a battle of gods.

No matter whose song it is, it is difficult to dominate the charts for two consecutive years.

Link asked if the release date of Selena's first album has been determined to prevent her from colliding with Lana.

Selena said that it will be officially released worldwide at the end of October, after the second promotional single is released.

Selena's album contains two songs written by Link for her. After her album is released, Link can also get some writers' share.

"By the way, how are your test scores this year? We said on Christmas Day that you have to get all B+ or above before I write songs for you. The songs have been given to you in advance. Why haven't I seen the report card yet?"

"Ah? What did you say? Speak louder. The signal here is not good. Let's talk another day."


Selena hung up the phone in a hurry.

"Haha, you are such a bummer. Why are you talking about test scores at this time?"

Taylor patted his shoulder.

Link shook his head and was about to put away his phone when it rang again. It showed Evaka.

Taylor blinked, swiped the phone with his finger, and put the phone to his ear.

Link felt a little numb.

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