In the morning, Room B25, Tower Hotel, London.

The sunlight shines in through the French windows, making the room brighter. The sound of the Thames River and the whistle of the cruise ship downstairs also pour into the room with the sunlight.

While eating breakfast, Link sat in front of the window and flipped through today's newspapers.

The Times, The Sun, The Daily Mail and other British newspapers all reported on his coming to London to participate in the competition, as well as his answers at the press conference yesterday.

Serious newspapers such as The Guardian basically followed his original words when reporting, and conducted in-depth analysis and comments.

For example, in an interview yesterday, a reporter from The Guardian mentioned his words in September last year that he would defeat all boxers of the same level within 100 seconds, and asked him if he would still stick to this time limit when competing with Carl Franche?

Link's answer was the same as his reply to reporters before participating in the WBA boxing champion defense. He focused on the game itself and tried to bring everyone a wonderful game, without forcing a quick victory.

When reporting, the Guardian reporter said that he was ready to change tactics and no longer use "blitzkrieg" to deal with Franche, but also reminded Franche that Link was a tactical master, and this sentence might also be a smokescreen.

Entertainment newspapers such as The Sun used more ambiguous headlines when reporting.

One headline said, "Link claimed to admire Miss Keira Knightley and publicly expressed his desire to date a British lady."

This is obviously stitching his first answer with the second answer.

Although it is not made up, it will arouse people's imagination. After reading it, readers will think that he wants to pursue Keira Knightley.

There is also a news headline saying "Emma and Link flew to London one after another, and the old love rekindled? '

The news is a link between the news that Link arrived in London yesterday and the news that Emma returned to London three days ago.

In addition, he said at the press conference that he would consider meeting Emma, ​​Daniel, and Robert. When reporting, the media deliberately replaced "Daniel" and "Robert" with "wait for others", turning it into a date between him and Emma.

These half-true and half-false news are just gossips fabricated by the entertainment media.

If the media continues to follow up and captures evidence of his contact with Keira Knightley and Emma Watson.

These gossips will become "big melons".

There are also media reports that he claims to be a fan of Adele, praising Adele for becoming a great singer, and that he claims to have learned acting from Christian Bale, etc.

These news are using him to praise British local stars, and the British people also like to see this kind of news.

Of course, this is also his purpose, using these stars to win the favor of the British people and enhance his popularity and market in the British Isles, which is also called riding on the heat.

However, for Keira Knightley, Bale, and Adele, being rubbed by him as a top star will also increase a lot of exposure, which is a mutually beneficial thing.

"Boss, it's time to go."

While reading the newspaper, Anna knocked on the door and said.

"Let's go!"

Link put on a casual suit and followed Anna to visit the British Boxing Museum first, exchanging experiences with a group of teenage boxing apprentices.

Then he went to Kensington Park in the West End to attend the Dior new fashion show.

He is the global image spokesperson for Dior fashion. When the brand heard that he was in London, they invited him to watch the show.

Link did not refuse.

When he arrived at the scene, it was embarrassing that Keira Knightley was there.

She was wearing a blue Dior dress, standing on the grass, holding a glass of champagne in her hand, and looking at him with a smile.

Keira Knightley is not very old, 24 years old this year. She became famous in 2003 with the "Pirates of the Caribbean" series of movies. She also starred in "Pride and Prejudice", "Atonement", "The Duchess", "The Imitation Game", "Anna Karenina" and so on.

She is not very beautiful, and her figure is not hot, but her acting skills are good. She has the temperament of an English woman, fresh and elegant, a little sexy, and looks very different from American girls.

"Hi, Miss Knightley, I'm glad to see you here!"

Link took the initiative to greet her.

"Hi, Mr. Baker, I'm glad to meet you too. Thank you for your compliments in the media yesterday. It's my honor."

Keira Knightley said with a smile, holding up a champagne glass.

"I'm telling the truth. I'm a fan of yours. I've seen "Atonement" and "Pride and Prejudice". They're really great. Your performance makes the movie characters more attractive."

Link praised.

Keira Knightley smiled slightly while pursing her upper lip, and said as she walked with her hair tied up: "I'm also a fan of yours. "See you again", "Give me reason" and "Believer" are all great songs."

Link smiled gently, not knowing whether the other party was praising each other in business, but it felt good to be praised by a star in person.

"Hey, Link, Keira!"

Just after walking a few steps, Adele, wearing a black lace dress, waved to him from a distance and smiled: "I didn't disturb your date, did I?"


Link smiled gently and walked up to hug Adele.

Adele is one year older than him, with a plump and chubby figure, long false eyelashes on her eyes, and delicate makeup. After she lost weight, she became a very beautiful girl, somewhat similar to Lana.

"Link, it's a pity that you are too slim. If you were fatter, I would definitely go on a date with you."

Adele held his arm and competed with him to see who was thicker. Link's arms were full of muscles, so he was naturally stronger than her.

"Really? I could add a few dozen pounds and it wouldn't be a problem at all."

"Okay, when you get to three hundred pounds, we'll go on a date."

Adele patted his shoulder and laughed.

Keira Knightley watched the two joking from the side, her eyes focused more on Link.

Link is an Olympic champion, a boxing champion, and a popular singer. Each of them is a very famous name, and he is also more famous than her in the entertainment industry.

Originally, the two of them had no contact, but when they woke up in the morning, they saw their scandal online.

It feels amazing!

The three met and chatted for a while, then went to the lawn area to watch an outdoor fashion show.

After the event, Link came to BBC TV station without stopping to participate in a program interview.

In order to dig out more material from him, a top figure in the boxing and music circles, BBC TV planned a boxing interview show and specially invited former British boxing champion Lennox Lewis to the recording site.

The two talked about the current situation of the American boxing world and the British boxing world, and under the guidance of the host, they also commented on some of the top boxers in the current boxing world.

Lewis is a retired boxer and has no scruples when speaking.

It is said that the strength of boxers today is much worse than before. More people rely on height, weight, and arm length advantages, while boxers born in the 1970s and 1980s rely more on boxing skills and tactics.

Therefore, boxing matches today are not as exciting as they used to be.

Link also agreed with his opinion, but he would not say it out loud. He was still competing in the boxing ring, and he was trying to undermine himself by saying that the current boxing matches were not as good as before.

He said that in the current Internet era, the diversification of entertainment forms and the development of WWE, UFC and other events have had a serious impact on the boxing industry.

This influence will also extend to the audience's aesthetics. In the past, audiences would study boxing tactics and rules before watching a boxing match. Many viewers even know more about boxing than the boxers. This is the insider's approach.

Audiences who know how to watch the boxing will roar with excitement when they see the boxers' superb techniques and tactics.

It's different now.

There are so many fun things to do these days.

Audiences don't have the time or energy to understand a sport in depth, especially a niche sport. They watch boxing matches more to watch the excitement.

Therefore, those boxers who are tall, strong, powerful, and handsome will get more attention, such as Valuev, Pacquiao, and De La Hoya.

But this does not mean that the three of them have no strength. According to the level of these three people, they will still be top boxers in the 1980s.

When Lewis heard what he said, he glanced at him in surprise. He didn't expect that his knowledge and understanding of the boxing industry would be so deep.

"Link, you will play against Carl French tomorrow, what do you think of him?"

Lennox Lewis asked.

When Lewis didn't retire, he had dreadlocks, was tall and strong, and looked very difficult to mess with.

Now with short hair and a suit, he looks more like a British gentleman.

At the same time, he is also the boss of a large brand underwear company, with a net worth of hundreds of millions of pounds.

"There is no doubt that Karl is a strong opponent!"

Link said with certainty, "I watched his match with Jean Pascal last year. His fists were fierce and his speed was very flexible. What impressed me most was his willpower. He never gave up in a fight, like an iron-blooded warrior. Warrior."

The WBC boxing title fight last December was between Carl French and Jean Pascal.

The match was very bloody. Carl was beaten by his opponent so much that his eardrum was perforated and his ribs were broken. However, he refused to give up and fought through the injury. He eventually won the WBC gold belt. Pascal also suffered a broken eyebrow bone and was beaten badly by his heavy punch. Drenched with blood.

"Mr. Baker, you seem to admire Karl very much, so are you confident in defeating him?"

asked host Alan Campbell.

"Yes, Carl is good, but I'm better."

Link shook his fist.

"What if you lose? Have you ever thought you would lose?"

Lewis grinned.

"I have thought about it, so during the game, I will play more actively and try not to let such bad things happen."

Link laughed.

"Well, hopefully it will be a good game tomorrow."

Lewis stretched out his fist and said.

"Most definitely."

Link clenched his fist and touched him.

Bang bang bang!

The audience in the audience applauded and cheered.

After the interview, Link returned to the business car.

'Harry Potter' Daniel and 'Golden Retriever' Robert called one after another and asked him when he would arrive. Link said immediately and asked Bob to drive to Hampton Street where Daniel lived.


As he drove to Hampton Avenue, reporter Gary quickly drove to follow. On the way, he received a call from Charlotte, who told him that "Emma has gone out, and the destination is temporarily unknown."

After hearing the news, Gary was overjoyed. After waiting for a day, he finally caught a big fish.

He quickly notified Officer Ryder and Biggs, asking them to come and rendezvous. With more people, they would be more confident.

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