Hampton Street is in Islington, north London, and is home to the London Cultural and Arts Center.

There are many theaters around, including the Garden Theatre, Almeida Theatre, King's Theatre, Sadler's Wells Theatre, and the famous Egg Bar is also nearby.

The place where Daniel Radcliffe lives is less than 800 meters away from the King's Theater. It is a more than ten-storey townhouse. The outer layer of the building is mainly made of grid-like marble panels, with Gothic style. The double pointed windows and stained glass are full of classical charm.

"Haha, Link, welcome!"

When we arrived at Daniel's apartment, the door was open and there were more than a dozen young men and women drinking and chatting in the living room. Most of them were actors from the "Harry Potter" crew.

Seeing him appear at the door, Robert the Golden Retriever turned his head, stretched out his hands, and greeted him enthusiastically.

Daniel also came through the crowd and greeted him.

"Hi Daniel, Robert, long time no see!"

Link hugged the two of them and handed Daniel a souvenir, which was a bottle of Bordeaux red wine. Daniel expressed his thanks.

Robert pulled Link to the party and shouted:

"Hey, everyone, please allow me to introduce to you. The distinguished guest standing next to me is the current WBA world boxing champion, Olympic boxing champion, world championship swimming champion, world-famous singer, and famous actor, Mr. Link Baker ”

Bang bang bang!

Everyone in the living room looked at Link and applauded enthusiastically.

"Robert, thank you for the introduction. I don't have that many titles. You can just call me Link."

Link chuckled.

"Link, I'm your fan, can you give me an autograph?"

Tom the Golden Retriever, who plays Master Malfoy, took out two records and said.

"Hey, Tom, this is a party, not a book signing. Don't think of this as a star chasing scene, okay? Come back later to sign autographs."

Robert invited Link to sit on the middle sofa.

Link's hand speed is relatively fast, and it only took a few tens of seconds to write signatures for several fans who wanted autographs.

There were several familiar actors among them, and Link politely said that he had seen the other party's play and thought their performance was wonderful.

Except for Master Malfoy, the others were not very famous. I heard that he had seen their play, and everyone was very excited.

"Link, you are an amazing guy."

Robert handed him a glass of sparkling wine, put his arm on his shoulder and said, "When I met you in Orlando last year, you were still an amateur boxer. In just over a year, you have become a big star. This is really amazing. ,how did you do it?"

While the two were talking, everyone else was standing around the sofa, listening to their conversation.

Link shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: "Maybe I'm lucky. After becoming a boxing champion, I gained some fame and it seemed that it became easier to do other things."

"You are too humble. People who are lucky can't win the world boxing championship belt, nor can they break the world swimming record. The album has sold tens of millions of copies. Link, you are so amazing. It's hard to imagine. I I’ll meet a guy as awesome as you.”

Robert patted him on the shoulder excitedly.

"Yes, Link, every time we read about you in the newspaper and see you achieve those amazing results, it feels very incredible."

Daniel stood in front holding a wine glass and smiled.

He was wearing a V-neck cardigan, was short in stature, and had a shy smile. Even though he didn't wear the round-rimmed glasses, he still looked like Harry Potter.

"Okay, please stop flattering me, otherwise I will tell you that I grew up watching your movies."

Link joked as he looked at the two.

"Haha, that seems to be correct."

Robert laughed, then suddenly put away his smile as fast as lightning, looked outside the crowd, and his face became serious again.

Everyone followed his gaze and saw a girl wearing a blue crew-neck sweater and a white Chanel skirt walking in.

Wearing black leather shoes, her medium-long blond hair was tied into a ponytail, revealing her delicate oval face and fair collarbone. Because the knitted sweater was relatively loose, it only revealed a little bit of the ups and downs of her chest, but her hips outlined by the belt were curved.

She pursed her thin lips, her fair little face without any emotion, looking a little cold, her dark brown eyes swept around the crowd and landed on Link.

"Emma, ​​you're here."

Daniel greeted him warmly.

"Daniel, congratulations."

Emma Watson picked up the small paper bag in her hand and handed it to Daniel. Daniel was stunned for a moment, a little confused: "Congratulations for what?"

"Your new movie's global box office has exceeded 800 million US dollars. Isn't it worthy of congratulations?" Emma Watson said.

Daniel understood. She was talking about "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince." The global box office has exceeded 800 million, but she is also the starring role in this movie. Does she need to congratulate her?

Suddenly he remembered that Emma called yesterday and said that the movie box office exceeded 800 million. Everyone had a party to celebrate and invited Link to come over. The theme of today's party seemed to be this.

"Well, Emma, ​​congratulations too."

Daniel laughed.

Others also greeted Emma.

"Hi Emma, ​​long time no see."

Link stood up and greeted.

Emma looked up at him, snorted with a straight nose, reached out and pulled Robert next to her, and lowered her voice and said, "Yesterday I was talking about a gathering of four of us. Why were there so many people?"

"Ah? Did you say it?" Robert asked, blinking innocent eyes.

Emma had a cold face and twisted her fingers hard on his arm. Robert hissed and his expression suddenly became distorted. He covered his mouth with his hand to prevent himself from screaming.

"It was Daniel who called me, not me."

"No way, Daniel is not as bad as you."

Emma snorted, patted the hem of her skirt, walked to the sofa next to Link and sat down, with her back straight and her knees together, looking very ladylike.

"What were you talking about just now?"

"Talk about your new movie, which is a hit and tops the box office. Congratulations."

Link said while holding the light beer.

Next to him, Robert rubbed his arm and took a breath. He had been pinched countless times in the seven or eight years since he met Emma on the set of Harry Potter when he was twelve years old. This time it was particularly painful.

Seeing Link and Emma chatting, Daniel stood nearby and laughed and joined in the fun, looking superfluous but unaware of it.

Robert couldn't help but lamented, walked over and pulled Daniel to the balcony, rolled up his sleeves and pointed to the red spot.

"Man, I'm doing this all for you."

"How did this come about?"

Daniel looked over and asked.

"It was pinched by that little wild girl Emma. Her fingers are definitely poisonous."

Robert glanced at Emma and lowered his voice and said, "Emma meant yesterday that only Link was invited to come over. The four of us were gathering here. I deliberately called Tom and the others over. Do you know why?"

"You're worried about neglecting Link. A party is more lively when there are more people."

Daniel thought for a moment and said.


Robert held his shoulders and whispered, "Man, I am thinking about you. Emma only proposed to invite Link here because she wanted to have a tryst with Link at your place, so that the two of us could be a fig leaf to prevent scandals from spreading. , Hehe, now that I’ve called Tom and the others, there will be too many people, so she won’t be able to have a tryst with Link here, do you understand?”

Robert raised his eyebrows proudly.

Daniel shook his head, "Robert, you shouldn't do this. Emma is our friend. She wants to date Link here, so we should help her. You shouldn't deliberately cause trouble."

Robert was stunned for a moment, "Don't you like Emma? Do you mind seeing her and Link having a tryst at your place?"

Daniel glanced at Emma and whispered: "A little, but I know she likes Link very much, and I don't want to see her disappointed and sad."


Robert gritted his teeth and stared at him with an expression of hatred, "Okay! Okay! You are the great love saint, I am the clown, I am making my own decisions."

"But thank you anyway."

Daniel put his arm around his shoulders and said.

"No, I don't deserve your thanks."

Robert pushed his hand away, his expression still depressed.

"Hey, what are you two mumbling over there?"

Emma looked over and asked.

"Robert said he liked watching the sunset from my balcony."

Daniel walked over and said with a smile.

Robert glanced at the sun in the west. It looked like red tangerines hidden in the thick haze. There was nothing to see.

However, he noticed that there were many strange vehicles parked on both sides of Hampton Avenue downstairs, as well as some suspicious people with cameras hanging around, wandering around on the street. As a long-established star, he could spot these at a glance. Guys are paparazzi.

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