"Bernard, this seems to be Daniel Radcliffe's home."

On Hampton Avenue, detective Charlotte sat in a black Lotus sedan, looking through the window at several townhouses and said.

"Yes, a reporter has photographed Daniel here."

Reporter Gary leaned against the car window, holding a telephoto lens camera, and kept watching the upstairs window.

Suddenly, he saw the figure of golden retriever Robert flashing by the balcony. That should be Daniel's home, Link and Emma Watson were also there.

"What should we do now? I just inquired that not only Link and Emma came here, but also several actors from the Harry Potter crew. They are holding a party here. Can this prove that they are dating?"

Charlotte asked.

Gary sighed and shook his head.

Celebrities in the circle like to hold parties and call a group of people to play together.

Entertainment reporters hate this kind of party the most. If two celebrities date, it will be a scandal if they are photographed and spread.

If a group of people date at a party, as long as there is no actual evidence, it will not have much impact if it is spread out.

Now they know that Link and Emma Watson may be dating under the name of a party, but they can't find evidence, just like knowing that there is a pile of money upstairs, but they can't get it. He is very unwilling.

"Jack, how do you take photos when you help people catch cheating?"

Gary asked, adjusting his glasses.

"It's different. Most of the people we catch cheating are ordinary people. They are not very vigilant and have no bodyguards. The places or hotels they live in are relatively ordinary, and the security measures are average. Generally, they can be tracked for a few days. Celebrities are often followed by paparazzi, so it is difficult to catch them. Evidence."

Gary also knew this, and he looked at the surrounding apartment floors.

"Jack, go to the floor over there and see if there is any way to see Daniel's house with a telescope. I'll go downstairs and see if I can find a way to get up there."


Charlotte carried a work backpack with a telescope and a camera and walked to an older apartment building next to the King's Theatre. It was built before World War II and the Gothic roof looked very distinctive.

There happened to be an empty room in the apartment for rent. Charlotte paid a deposit of 100 pounds on the pretext of wanting to see the house, got the key from the apartment manager, and went to the top floor of the apartment building.

Originally, he was secretly happy and thought his method was very smart and might have unexpected gains.

But when he got to the top floor, he found that there were already three paparazzi-like people, holding telescopes and constantly looking at the opposite side.

Charlotte sighed in frustration. The paparazzi business was too complicated. If you want to make money, you need to run faster.

He called Gary and told him about the situation here.

Gary said he knew and asked him to keep an eye on it.

When he was on the phone, Gary was also having a bad start. The door of the apartment building was locked with a password, and he needed to verify his identity before entering the building. There was one elevator for each household, so he couldn't get in even if he wanted to.

Just as he was struggling, he suddenly saw a pizza clerk coming over. He turned his eyes and thought of a good idea.


"Link, you've been too popular recently. Look downstairs, there are paparazzi everywhere."

Robert walked into the living room and said.

"Wow, there are at least a hundred."

The blond Malfoy leaned over the window and took a look, saying in an exaggerated voice.

Link shrugged his shoulders, indicating that there was nothing he could do.

Fame and fortune are often one and the same.

When a person becomes famous, he will be involved in many things, and every move will affect the interests of many people.

Just like now, if the photo of him and Emma sitting together and chatting was taken by paparazzi and posted on the Internet.

He may have a bad reputation, and Link Music and Dynasty Promotion will also need to spend more money on image public relations, which may even affect his record sales.

But the paparazzi will make a lot of money from this, and the media behind the paparazzi can also take the opportunity to sell more news products.

Link's competitors, such as the East Coast rap groups, may be grinning happily.

"I told you a long time ago that the party should be held quietly, Robert, you are too high-profile."

Emma stared at Robert and said.

Robert lay on the sofa and shook his head and said, "This is definitely not my problem. After Link arrived in London yesterday, there were a lot of news about your rekindled love on the Internet. I believe that many paparazzi want to take pictures of your date, so when you came out of the house, there must be a lot of paparazzi following the car."

"When I came out, there were some paparazzi following the car."

Link nodded and said.

Emma snorted, put her hands behind her back, quietly reached out to him, and gently twisted his waist.

"Hey, Emma Link, the Internet says that you dated last year, is it true?" The actress named Bonnie asked with a smile. She played Ginny Weasley, the sister of Golden Ron in "Harry Potter".

"Bonnie, do you even need to ask this? Look at how they are now, they are almost stuck together, and you can tell at a glance that their relationship is not pure." Robert squinted and smirked.

Emma looked cold and picked up the fruit knife on the table.

Robert was startled and fell backwards onto the carpet. After getting up, he hugged Daniel as a shield.

Emma glanced at him and said while peeling an apple, "Yes, Link and I were dating. When we were dating last year, there was no Taylor. Later, I had to go back to the UK after filming. Considering various inconveniences, we separated temporarily."

Link nodded, Emma was right.

When he dated Emma last year, he and Taylor were still very ordinary friends. After the news of his relationship with Emma was exposed by the media, Taylor suddenly called and asked to be his girlfriend.

In a way, Emma is also the matchmaker between him and Taylor.

"Emma, ​​it was you who dumped Link. Are you willing to dump such a great boyfriend like Link?" Another actress asked in surprise.

"We broke up peacefully." Emma said, wrinkling the bridge of her nose.


Link spread his hands and said, "I am a boxer and my home is in Miami. Emma is an actress and my home is in London. If we two want to get along for a long time, we will face many problems that we cannot solve temporarily, so we broke up."

"It's such a shame, it would be nice if you were still together."

"Yeah, you guys look like a perfect match."

The people at the party said all kinds of things.

"Hey Emma, ​​I want to ask you a personal question."

The actress named Bonnie leaned into Emma's ear and whispered softly, "The news said that Link is very good at that. Is it true?"

But her voice was a little loud, and everyone around her heard it.

Robert, Master Malfoy and several boys immediately objected, saying that this kind of topic was boring and asked them not to discuss it anymore.

The girls laughed at them because they had low self-esteem and did not want to talk about such adult topics.

Hearing a few people joking, Link didn't interrupt. Suddenly, the phone in his pocket vibrated a few times. He got up and went to the window to answer the call.

The caller was Wallace.

He said that several paparazzi pretended to be food delivery people and sneaked into the apartment, maybe to take secret photos.

In addition, on several apartment buildings opposite, there were paparazzi peeking through binoculars.

Wallace told him to be careful.

Link looked through the window and saw that there were indeed many figures on the rooftop diagonally opposite.

He also had to lament that the British paparazzi were indeed quite crazy.

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