Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 222 Before the game starts

"I'm going to work."

In the morning, in an apartment in the East District, Officer Ryder ate a few bites of bread, picked up the cap on the table and stood up.

"Dad, can I have a pair of roller skates? Tom downstairs has them."

His son Harry raised his head and said crisply.

"You are only five years old. It is too dangerous to play roller skating. I will buy it for you next year."

Officer Ryder said with a headache.

"All right!"

Harry pouted, lowered his head in disappointment, and smashed the biscuits into pieces with a fork.

Officer Ryder ruffled his soft hair, "Make a wish, maybe Christmas will come true."

Little Harry blinked at him with big eyes. When he nodded, he closed his eyes excitedly and whispered to Santa Claus that he wanted a pair of roller skates, preferably blue, like the color of his father's uniform.

"Ryder, this is a sandwich prepared for you. Take it with you for lunch."

His wife Jenny came out of the kitchen wearing an apron and holding a yellow paper bag in her hand.

"If you don't want to take it with you, lunch boxes will be handed out at the gymnasium at noon."

Officer Ryder waved his hand and put on his hat.

"Bring it with you. The portion of the lunch box is too small. I'm worried that you won't be able to eat enough."

Under Jenny's force, Officer Ryder left the apartment with the paper bag, got into the police car parked on the street, and went to pick up his colleague Charlie on the next street. The two of them drove to the O2 Arena on Greenwich Peninsula.

Today is the day of the WBA/WBC boxing championship match, and the match time is at 2:30 p.m.

It was only around nine o'clock in the morning, and there were already many people around the gymnasium.

There are stadium employees who need to clean the site before the game.

Security personnel will also use professional equipment to eliminate risks on site to ensure the normal conduct of the game.

The ticket inspectors also sat in front of the window and made some preparations.

Employees from several TV stations also brought broadcast equipment and entered the scene in advance to set up.

In addition to these people, there are many vendors selling fruits, drinks, food and souvenirs on the streets.

Officer Ryder watched the news yesterday and said that the revenue generated by this game for the surrounding areas would be no less than 100 million pounds. At first he thought this figure was a bit exaggerated.

I saw these small vendors, as well as the crowded hotels, restaurants, supermarkets, and taxis and buses coming and going.

He thinks that number is somewhat conservative.

"Charlie, you watch here while I go to the toilet."

Officer Ryder knocked on the car window and said to his colleague who was reading a newspaper in the passenger seat.


Their job content today is not much. They mainly guard the streets of the North Gate, maintain order at the entrance and exit, prevent people from making trouble, and at the same time act as a deterrent to thieves around them.

Officer Ryder came to the public restroom on the street, answered the phone and said, "Louise, I'm on duty on the street and it's not convenient for me to answer the phone. What do you want on the phone?"

"Damn Ryder, you haven't been to my place for five days. Do you have another woman outside? Is it Lucina?"

Her lover Louise shouted dissatisfied. Her speaking voice was a bit rough, her appearance was average, and her thick body resembled that of a peasant woman, but Ryder liked her type.

"Louise, don't think too much. The O2 Arena is holding a boxing championship these days. We need to work overtime on patrol. I have to be busy until midnight every day these days. I will go to your place when I'm done."

Officer Ryder explained.

"You'd better not have another woman. If you dare to mess around outside, I can't spare you. Also, I saw a beautiful dress in the Prada store. It's the same style as Anne Hathaway's. I want to buy it. , you need 600 pounds, please bring the money with you next time.”


Officer Ryder couldn't help but rub his forehead.

"Louise, we are just ordinary people. Don't imitate those rich ladies wearing Prada. I think those niche brands are also very good. There is a Chinese clothing supermarket on York Street. The quality of the clothes there is better than that of luxury brands. good."

"Ryder, I just want six hundred pounds and you don't have it? Did you give the money to another woman?"

Damn Ryder, when you seduced me, you said you would love me forever and spend all the money you earned on me. Now I only want six hundred pounds and you are not willing?

Well, forget it if you don't give it, I'll go find Edward, that damn bastard stares at my ass all day long, I think he will definitely want to buy me Prada. "

"No, dear Louise, please don't do this. Edward is just a pig. He is not worthy of you. Well, I recently took on a part-time job and I will send it to you when I make money."

After finally appeasing his lover, Officer Ryder breathed a sigh of relief, hung up the phone, and called reporter Bernard Gary again to ask him if he had gained anything yesterday.

He was busy in the bureau yesterday and did not participate in tracking Link's actions.

He heard that both Gary and Charlotte were there, and he wanted to know if there were any photos of Link and Emma's date.

Gary disappointedly told him that no, Link was a coward. Seeing that there were too many paparazzi downstairs, he didn't dare to stay any longer and left early. Their whole day's work was in vain.

Ryder could hear some disappointment in Gary's tone and encouraged him to keep going.

As long as Link is still in London, he can go on a date with Emma at any time. We are all men, and the less we can eat, the more we want to eat.

Gary thought he was right and asked him to keep an eye outside the gym, and he would come over later.

After hanging up the phone, Officer Ryder returned to the police car and saw his colleague Charlie counting money. There was a thick stack of four to five hundred pounds.

"Where did the money come from?"

"Hey, someone gave me a gift."

Charlie took out two hundred pounds and handed it to him, saying that it was for everyone who met him.

Charlie then explained that this was a benefit sent by the ticket seller Raymond.

The stadium started selling tickets three days ago, and scalper Raymond grabbed more than 500 tickets through his channels.

These tickets are divided into five levels according to the distance of the seat from the ring, including £100, £200, £500, £1,000 and £2,000.

The news said that the first batch of more than 18,000 tickets released by the stadium was sold out in just 21 minutes.

Many people want to watch a boxing match live but don't have tickets, so they can only buy them from ticket sellers.

Now the black market ticket price has increased by at least 50% from the original basis. The highest price VIP seat has a ticket price of more than 5,000 pounds and is still unavailable.

"Such a big increase? Can Raymond earn tens of thousands of pounds this time?"

Officer Ryder said in surprise.

"At least thirty thousand pounds."

Charlie said wagging his finger.

Officer Ryder was a little envious. That was thirty thousand pounds, equivalent to half a year's salary.

The sun gradually rises, and the pearl-shaped O2 Arena dome reflects a bright halo in the sunlight, like a pearl left on the Rhine River.

Pedestrians and vehicles on the surrounding streets gradually became denser, pouring into the stadium from all directions, like a river flowing into the sea.

Officer Ryder and his companions ignored the conversation. They put on sunglasses and stood in a crowded place, looking around.

Although their vision is aimless and even a little astigmatic, in the eyes of ordinary people, they seem to be performing a serious mission and feel very safe.

Most of the first people to enter were tourists and citizens in the general seating area. They came by bus and subway and then walked to the stadium.

This group has the largest number of people, between 10,000 and 20,000 people.

By around one o'clock in the afternoon, there were gradually more luxury cars on the streets, including Ferraris, Maseratis, Rolls-Royce Silver Spurs, etc.

Officer Ryder also saw many celebrities in the crowd, including Prince Andrew and Harry sitting in McLaren, members of the House of Commons, the city police chief, and sports department officials.

There are also stars Keira Knightley, Adele, several actors from the "Harry Potter" movies, Daniel, Robert, Emma Watson, etc.

There are also several sports stars, the Beckhams, boxing champion Lennox Lewis, Joe Calzaghe, Frank Bruno, Chris Eubank and so on.

There were also some celebrities who wore peaked caps and large sunglasses, covering their faces so tightly that Officer Ryder couldn't tell who they were.

"There are so many celebrities. Are all these people here to watch the boxing match between Carl and Link?"

Colleague Charlie said looking at the entrance.

Officer Ryder shook his head, "Last December, Carl played here against Jean Pascal. There were less than 10,000 spectators. Now these people are probably here for Link."

"Link is really famous. I still have his records at home. How can a singer like him become a boxing champion? Is it easy to get the boxing champion belt?"

Charlie asked.

"You are wrong. Link became a boxing champion first and then a singer."

Officer Ryder told Charlie what he knew and what he heard from Charlotte two days ago about Link's news and deeds.

He is an Olympic champion and a seven-time world champion in swimming. He became a world boxing champion in 10 minutes. His album has sold more than 10 million copies worldwide.

While they were talking, Gary came from across the street, camera in hand, taking pictures of the crowd in front of the stadium as he walked.

In addition to him, there were also some media reporters randomly interviewing the audience at the scene, asking them where they were from, who their boxing fans were, and who they hoped to win?

"Hey, James!"

Gary shouted from the opposite side, casually taking two photos of Ryder and Charlie.

"Did anything unexpected or interesting happen here today?"

reporter Gary shouted.

"Everything's fine, man!"

"Oh, what a shame."

Gary regretfully said that compared to the police who like world peace, reporters prefer world chaos. The more chaos there is, the more news there will be, and they will be able to complete their monthly interview tasks and get the maximum salary.

"But I see Emma Watson coming, and Keira Knightley, and Adele, and Link is such a popular bastard."

Officer Ryder said with his belt hanging from his fingers.

Gary shook his head, "There are too many people here. It's not easy to keep an eye on them here. Forget it, it all depends on luck. If we can't find evidence that they are dating, we will assume that we have no chance of getting rich."


There was a sound of sirens on the street, and two Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicles drove over from the north and stopped at the north entrance.

Two strong men in black suits and sunglasses got out of the car and looked left and right, followed by a handsome black-haired man in sportswear with a slender figure. He was in his early twenties and had a handsome appearance. He has a gentle temperament, a pair of clear and bright blue eyes, and a smile on his lips. He seems to be in a good mood.

Officer Ryder and Gary looked at each other, and Link Baker arrived.

Gary quickly raised his camera and clicked a picture at Link.

Link heard the movement and said hello: "Good afternoon, two policemen!"

"Good afternoon, Mr. Baker!"

Officer Ryder responded, holding the brim of his hat, but in his heart he was thinking, I would be even happier if you could let us take a picture of you and Emma Watson dating and make a fortune.

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