Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 223 Link was beaten and took a step back

Link came to the entrance of the O2 Arena and answered a few reporters' questions. When he was about to enter the venue, he saw the team of his opponent Carl French arriving. He turned back to look at the opponent and recalled the opponent's information. .

32 years old, with a height of 185cm and an arm length of 186cm. He debuted in 2002 and has a current record of 26 fights, 1 loss and 24 KO wins. The only defeat was when he lost to Mikkel Kessler when competing for the WBA European boxing championship last year.

Later, he succeeded in revenge in the WBC world boxing championship and defeated Jean Pascal, Jermaine Taylor and other boxing champions.

Nicknamed 'Cobra'.

The jab is extremely fast and tricky.

His fighting style is very strong, the more he fights, the fiercer he becomes, and he is good at fighting bloody battles.

When he looked over, Carl Franche also looked at him and nodded at him.

Link nodded in response, and then led the logistics team into the pearl-shaped domed gymnasium.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the game is about to start.

Reporter Gary and Detective Charlotte also entered the stadium on time. When they arrived at the back row of the audience, the stadium was full.

Centered on the blue ring in the middle, from the VIP seats under the ring to the last few steps, there were people everywhere.

There are about 28,000 people.

This is the O2 Arena's maximum capacity for boxing events.

In the audience, there were many young people holding posters of Link, including boxing posters, singer posters, and Link's fitness posters. The fitness posters were released with the deluxe edition of the record, and there were not many of them.

When Link appeared on the stage, all his fans shouted loudly, shouting Link, come on, Link is the champion. Some asked Link to fight hard and win more gold belts for everyone to draw.

Only this is London, England.

The cheers were louder and the applause even louder when Carl Franche came on the stage.

More than 20,000 people were cheering for Carl French, hoping that he could defeat Link and keep the WBA and WBC super middleweight gold belts in the country.

"Emma Watson is there!"

Charlotte held the binoculars and pointed at the front row of the audience.

Gary raised the camera and looked at it. Emma Watson was wearing a blue dress and a golden ponytail.

Sitting next to him were Harry Potter, Golden Retriever Wayne, and Master Malfoy. They were staring at Link on the ring and whispering to each other from time to time.

"Keira Knightley is there!"

Charlotte pointed to another location and said.

"Don't worry about Kayla. The scandal between her and Link was made up by our media. Kayla now has a boyfriend."

Gary said.

In order to capture valuable footage, they had to eliminate several distractions before taking action, and Keira Knightley was one of them.

Charlotte shrugged, raised her binoculars again, and focused her sights on the boxing ring.

In the boxing ring, Link was wearing red competition shorts with his name 'LINK' tattooed on the waistband in white silk thread. He was wearing red boxing gloves and was being interviewed by the hosts of BBC TV and Eurovision Sports.

Opposite him is Carl French, a British boxer wearing black shorts and black gloves. His coach is saying something next to him, and he nods from time to time.

In terms of height, Link is taller, but his muscles are relatively well-proportioned, which makes his body look not as strong as his opponent Carl French.

"Bernard, who do you think will win between the two of them?"

Charlotte asked, putting down her binoculars.

"It should be Link. This guy KO'd Mikkel Kessler in 101 seconds, defeated Jermaine Taylor in 98 seconds, and defeated Jean Pascal in 42 seconds. Although Carl also defeated them, he couldn't do it that easily."

"It would be great if Carl could win, I bet £100 on him."

Charlotte said.

"What are the odds?"

"Link wins, 1 pays 1.05, Carl wins, 1 pays 51.5"

"so tall?"

Gary was surprised.

He also only heard that the odds of the match between Tyson and James Douglas that year were more than 1:50.

Tyson suffered an upset loss in that fight, and many people who bet on Douglas made a lot of money. It is said that Tyson also bet on Douglas.

"If Link bets 1 million on himself and loses the game on purpose, can he earn 50 million?"

Gary guessed.

"The people at the bookmaker are not that stupid. They will investigate the identity of the bettor in detail when placing large bets. In addition, with Link's current identity and worth, he will not do such a thing that damages his reputation."

Charlotte said.

Dang Dang!

The bell rang for the game, and all the hosts and staff in the boxing ring left, leaving only Link, Carl Franche, and the ring referee.

Charlotte immediately raised her binoculars and focused on the ring.


The referee gave the order and the game started.

Link and Carl France touched their fist gloves, then moved their steps and kept changing their positions.

"Come on! Come on Link!"

"France, come on! Franche will win!"

The audience also cheered loudly.

Amid the shouts of the audience, Carl Franche took the lead in launching an attack. His fists were like flying shuttles, and he kept hitting Link. Each punch was heavier and harder than the last, and he didn't give any chance to Link. Opportunity to take action.

Link raised his fists, moved his feet flexibly, and kept dodging.

In less than fifty seconds, Calfranche punched 87 times.

At the 52nd second, Carl France used the rope tactic to force Link to the edge of the ring. Before Link could change his position, he punched Link several times in a row to break through Link's defense. One of them hit Link's head. Profile.

Link was knocked back a step.


Following that punch, the audience let out a huge exclamation.

Legend has it that Link's boxing skills are very high. It only takes a few tens of seconds to beat others in the ring, and he rarely gets hit in the face.

But this time, he was hit in the side of the face by Carl Franche and was staggered.

The British audience at the scene shouted excitedly.

"Come on Carl!"

"Karl will win!"

"Carl, you are the best!"

The shouting at the scene grew louder and louder.

Amid the cheers of tens of thousands of spectators, Carl Franche also fought harder, his fists were faster than shuttles, and he often punched four or five times in one second.

Even the voice of the on-site commentary became excited.

Mr. Edward Campbell, the BBC TV host, stood in front of the camera and said in a very inflammatory voice that Carl French was possessed by Pacquiao at this time, showing all the speed and ferocity of boxing.

The on-site commentator also claimed that before the game, everyone thought Link would win, but now the game seems to have taken a turn for the better.

The balance of victory is tilting towards Carl France.

‘Undefeated boxing champion’ Linkback is very likely to experience a defeat at the O2 Arena.

Charlotte glanced at the live host from a distance and said to Gary in surprise: "Link is going to lose?"

Gary looked at the competition in the boxing ring and was a little confused about the situation.

"I don't know, but the American newspaper said that Link has been busy selling records in the past few months and has no time to train. I heard that his strength declined significantly when he competed with Andre Leyer, and he might lose. It’s not necessary to drop the game.”

"It would be great if Link loses. I bet 100 pounds on Carl. The odds are 51 times, which is 5,000 pounds!"

Charlotte became more and more excited as she talked and yelled towards the ring.

"Come on Carl!"

"Karl will win!"

At this time, there were no more than 10,000 British spectators roaring with him. When their voices merged together, even the dome of the O2 Arena was shaken and buzzed.

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