Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 224 What a terrible opponent

"Link is going to lose?"

"No, come on Link!"

Emma Watson shouted loudly from the auditorium east of the ring.

"Emma, ​​don't forget that you are British, you should cheer for Carl."

Robert teased.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and shout!"

"It's useless. Now everyone is cheering for Carl. We are the only ones cheering for Link. It's useless at all. But I think Link should lose. This guy is a singer now and has no time to practice boxing. I heard He also has several rumored girlfriends, so his decline in strength is inevitable.”

Robert shrugged and smiled.

"Nonsense, Link won't lose."

Emma slapped him.

"Yes, come on Link!"

Daniel clasped his hands and shouted to the stage.

Robert glanced helplessly, feeling that he was a little heartless.

"Wow, this is my first time to watch a match live. I didn't expect the atmosphere of a boxing match to be so lively."

Adele said to Keira Knightley next to her.

She was still wearing a beautiful dress, exquisite makeup, wavy brown hair, and eyelashes on both sides that looked like fans.

"It was also my first time to watch a boxing match live. It was really enjoyable to watch other people fight live."

Keira Knightley held her chin and smiled.

"Oops, Link got punched again. He's not really going to lose, is he?"

Adele clapped her hands and said, in order to protect her voice, she restrained her emotions and did not yell along with the audience.

Keira Knightley pursed her upper lip and smiled: "Isn't it bad to lose? He is an American."

"Haha, you are right. If he loses, our country's boxers will get one more gold belt. If he wins, well, we also congratulate him, so no matter who loses or wins, for us, It’s all a good thing.”

Adele smiled.


At 105 seconds of the first round, Link was hit again by Carl France's strong attack, and his back hit the ropes.


Seeing him being repelled by Karl Franche again, the British audience at the scene became even more excited, shouting "Come on Karl" and "Karl must win" that made the eardrums of the audience in the front row buzz.

"What happened? Why was Link's performance so weak today?"

Frank Bruno, the former WBA heavyweight boxing champion known as the 'King of British Boxers', blocked his ears and asked loudly.

Lennox Lewis crossed his arms and looked at the fight in the ring and said: "Maybe this is his tactic."

"I do not think so."

Chris Eubank, a famous British boxer, said, "This may be Link's true strength. In the past, he only competed in the United States. I mean professional competitions. Under the tout of the media, his strength was infinitely exaggerated. Becoming an invincible boxing champion, a superman boxing champion, or an undefeated boxing champion is like a big bubble.

Last year I saw the news that he crossed three levels and defeated Tyson, and I thought it was a bit fake. Now it seems that the match must have been a fake match deliberately fabricated by the promotion company in order to make Link famous. "

"It's unlikely. Even if there was some water in his defeat of Tyson, he defeated Mikkel Kessler in 101 seconds, Jermaine Taylor in 98 seconds, and Pascal. It's impossible to fake these games."

Lennox Lewis crossed his arms and shook his head.

"I think it might be the venue."

Boxing King Frank Bruno said, "I heard that Link likes to play home games. Every time he plays at home, he can achieve great results, such as the Golden Gloves Championship finals. Now he comes to London and plays against Carl away. His performance is poor. It’s not excusable at all.”

"Another point is that after this guy won the WBA boxing title, he obviously slacked off in training. Just look at the two days he has been in London. He has been participating in programs, press conferences, and friends' gatherings. I heard that he even went to A fashion show.”

Chris Eubank shook his head, "The most important thing for a boxer is to focus, focus on training, and focus on the game. When a boxer no longer focuses on boxing, a decline in strength will be inevitable."

Lennox Lewis did not refute, but looked at Joe Calzaghe, who was watching the game attentively next to him: "Joe, what do you think?"

Former WBA-WBC-WBO-IBF super middleweight world boxing champion Joe Calzaghe said: "I'm not sure, I have watched every game of Link, including amateur games, and he does more defensively than offensively. Good, but there seemed to be obvious holes in his defense today. I don’t know whether it was his tactics or whether Karl’s offense was too sharp and he couldn’t deal with it.”


At 135 seconds, Carl Franche broke through Link's defense with both fists, and punched Link in the face. However, the speed was slightly slower, and the fist just missed his face.

The audience let out a sigh of disappointment.

If the punch just now had not been avoided, Link would definitely be knocked down.

"It's 130 seconds! There are only 50 seconds left before the end of the first round. This is a number that has never appeared in Link's super middleweight competition. Carl is working miracles."

BBC presenter Edward Campbell said excitedly to the camera.

"Link, if you hit this shit, can you keep your fist out of your head and hit it out!!"

In a boxing club in Las Vegas, USA, Tyson watched the live TV broadcast and yelled angrily.

Next to him, the "Quick Fire" boxing champion Chris Bird glanced at him, took a sip of beer and said, "Now many media are saying that the match between you and Link last year was a fake punch. Is it true?"

Tyson bared his gold teeth and said: "Bullshit, the prize money for that game is 10 million, divided into 30 and 70. If I can beat him, why don't I take the big one?"

"Is Link really that strong? This guy started provoking a few of us in amateur competitions. I always feel that he is a talker."

‘Lights Out’ James Tony was lying on the sofa like a Maitreya Buddha, stroking his big belly and asked.

Tyson grinned and looked at the two of them.

"You haven't retired yet, so you can definitely have a fight with him. Now this guy's reputation ranks among the top three in the boxing world, and his appearance fee is also very high. If you play with him, you can make some money even if you lose."

"I have this plan. If his strength is just like this, I will let him know that the boxing world is dangerous."

Chris Bird pumped his fist and grinned.

"Hou Li Crab! I don't know how Link is like this now. When he fought with me, his fists were very strong. When he hit me, I felt like vomiting blood, but now he is like this."

Tyson cursed angrily when he saw Link take a step back after being beaten again.

"Hehe, I heard that he has a lot of rumored girlfriends. Maybe he is learning from you and has been weakened by women."

James Tony said with a wicked smile.

"Nonsense! I won't have weak legs."

Tyson glared at him and heard a 'wow' coming from the TV. He quickly turned around and saw that Link was staggered and almost fell down.

"Shit! This guy has definitely regressed. No one could fight him off before."

Tyson cursed.


"Link is going to lose?"

In Las Vegas, in the lounge of Top Promotions Company, Bob Arum looked at the TV and said.

Greg Cohen shook his head and sighed: "How did this guy become like this now? When I saw him in the past, he was full of confidence in boxing and told me that his goal was to surpass Mayweather and De Laho Ya, he became a unique boxing champion, but now it’s like this, it’s really a shame.”

Bob Arum held a cigar and said: "This is little Dewar's fault. The more qualified a boxer is, the more management must be strengthened, and the contract should be used to firmly bind him and make him obedient, so that he will not appear. Accident.

But little Duva didn't do that. He adopted a laissez-faire attitude towards Link and allowed Link to go to the music and Hollywood circles, which took up a lot of training time. Now Link is like this, and it is his own fault. "

Bob Arum smoked a cigar and slowly blew out a smoke ring.

"Yes, little Duva is not a good agent. If Link signed with our top promotion, he would never be like this. Also, Link himself is too arrogant. He was just twenty years old and put on a show The arrogant attitude of being the best in the world is obviously a lack of training. I hope today’s game will make him understand this truth.”

Greg Cohen shook his head and sighed.

But I was relieved in my heart. Ever since Link became a top boxer in the boxing world, people in the circle have praised Franco Duva for having the vision to find a treasure like Link.

However, he did not dare to agree to the 70% share proposed by Link, and became a negative example.

This also became one of the stains on his career.

If Link loses today and never recovers from now on, he will have a chance to wash away this stain.


"Ahem~ Nora, when Frank comes back from London, you tell him to ask him to do more ideological work for Link, so that Link can spend more time on training and stop messing around in the entertainment industry. "

Lou Dewar said to his daughter-in-law Nora Dewar in the Dewar family villa in New York.

Nora looked at the TV and nodded, and then said: "I'm afraid this is difficult, Link is also very successful as a singer."

"Don't worry, I can see that Link's favorite thing is boxing. For the sake of boxing, I think he will agree."

Loudoit said.


Dino Duva, who was squatting in front of the TV, turned around, rolled his eyes and said, "You have concluded that Link will lose before the first round is over. Isn't it too hasty? What if this is Link's tactic? ? Don’t forget he’s a master tactician.”

"Whether it's tactical or not, his regression is obvious."

Louduva gasped.

Dino shrugged his shoulders. Since even old Dua said that Link had regressed, he couldn't refute it.

Maybe Link has really regressed. After all, he has to make movies, release records, and pick up girls. It's normal to regress.

"But I heard that the odds of Link losing are 1:51. Could this guy be fake?"

Dino touched his chin and said, "If it's true, this guy is too uninteresting. He should invite me to join him."

Seeing Link's weak performance on stage, it was not only Dino who suspected that he was playing fake punches, there were also many people at the O2 Arena who had the same suspicion.


"Bernard, if Link is really doing fake punches, that would be great. I can make 5,000 pounds from this one."

In the audience, Charlotte said to the reporter Gary beside her.


Gary stood in the aisle with his camera, taking pictures of the audience who shouted "Come on Carl".

This game is not only a contest between WBA boxing champion Link and WBC boxing champion Carr, but also a collision between the top super middleweight boxers from Britain and the United States.

If Carl can defeat the invincible boxing champion Link in this fight, it will be a great joy for all British boxing fans.

And the audience who cheered for Carl loudly at the scene also deserves to be reported by the media.

Wow! !

Suddenly, there was a wave of exclamations at the scene, with great shock and astonishment in the voice.

Gary quickly turned his head and looked at the boxing ring, and saw that Carl Franche, who was still attacking hard the moment before, was now lying on the boxing ring.

Gary did not dare to open his eyes confidently, and quickly turned back to look at Charlotte.

"What happened? Tell me, what happened just now?"

Charlotte pointed at the boxing ring, moved her mouth a few times, and then said: "Just now, Carl continued to attack Link, and suddenly Link did not dodge, and threw a punch from behind, hitting Carl's face firmly. The punch was very fast and very fierce. Carl was not prepared at all, and he was hit on the boxing ring with a bang."

"Flew a punch from behind? Backflip?!"

"Yes, backflip!"

"It was Link's backflip!!"

At this time, not only Gary remembered Link's killer move - the infamous 'backflip', but many spectators at the scene also remembered this move.

The news said that last year, Link used this move from the Golden Gloves preliminaries to the Olympics. In the Olympic American Qualifying Tournament, he used this move too much and strained his muscles.

But this move is very fierce, and all opponents hit by it will fall to the ground.

After entering the professional boxing world, Link rarely used this move to hit people. Today, he suddenly used it and knocked down Carl Franche with one punch.

No one expected this.

This is also the reason why tens of thousands of people at the scene exclaimed in surprise at the same time.

First, everyone knew that Link knew this move, but they didn't expect him to use it suddenly here. It was too unexpected.

Second, everyone only knew that Link's back throw was lethal, but they had never seen it with their own eyes.

Just now, I saw that Link's fist was like a hammer, knocking Carl Franche down with one hammer. The violent visual impact was also very shocking.

On the boxing ring, Link raised his fists and looked at Carl Franche lying on the boxing ring quietly.

After being punched, Carl did not faint. He supported himself on the boxing ring with both hands, gritted his teeth, and tried to stand up little by little.

"Come on, Carl!"

"Carl, stand up!"

"Carl, you are the best!"

In the audience, tens of thousands of people stood up and shouted in unison, making Link's eardrums buzz.

"Come on, Carl! Hold on!"

At the corner of the ring, Carl Franche's boxing sparring partners were also cheering loudly.

Encouraged by everyone, Carl struggled for six or seven seconds. When the referee counted down to 2, he roared and stood firmly on the ring.


The audience also raised their arms and shouted his name loudly.

Link nodded in approval. Carl Franche's ability to withstand blows and willpower are indeed very strong. Among the boxers he has fought, he can at least rank in the top three.

The referee stood beside Carl and asked him if he could continue the game.


Carl panted and stared at Link.


Hearing the referee's order, Carl Franche roared, waved his fists, and launched a strong attack on Link again.

"Come on, Carl!"

"Carl, you are great!"

"Carl, be careful of his back throw!"

The British audience at the scene roared loudly.

"Come on, Carl, you are the best boxer."

BBC host Edward Campbell held the microphone and said to the camera lens in a hoarse voice,

"Please listen, everyone, at this moment behind me, there are tens of thousands of spectators cheering for Carl France, because of Carl, all British boxing fans are closely united, Carl is great!"

"Come on, Carl!"

Charlotte also forgot that she was a detective and shouted hoarsely.

But Carl's situation on the boxing ring was not optimistic. After he stood up, he swung his fists again and launched a strong attack on Link.

But this time Link no longer dodged, and swung his fists quickly to fight with Carl.

The two of them punched each other, and each punch hit the flesh.

In less than 20 seconds.

Link hit 57 punches in a row, and Carl hit 42 punches.

The audience was also fascinated by the scene, and even forgot to shout for encouragement.

"It's too exciting, this is boxing!"

Charlotte said excitedly.


171 seconds!

Link launched a strong attack, hitting Carl with six consecutive heavy punches. Carl couldn't dodge in time and his back hit the ropes.

Link approached Carl and broke Carl's defense with a swing punch, hitting his side face steadily.

Carl was hit in the head, his body twisted half a circle, and fell heavily to the ground.

Wow! ! Seeing Carl fall to the ground, the audience came to their senses and exclaimed.

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!"

There was no miracle this time. The referee counted down to ten. Carl struggled a few times but couldn't stand up.

Link won the game.

"Yeah! Link won!"

Link's boxing fans cheered loudly, but the noise was much smaller than those who cheered for Carl.

"Oh! Carl lost! Link is too powerful."

Charlotte shrugged and said.

"Carl is not bad. No one has ever lasted 170 seconds in Link's hands before. Carl did it."

An audience member in front said.

Charlotte nodded in agreement.

Carl fell, Link won the game, and the presidents of the WBC and WBA boxing organizations came on stage to award him the gold belt.

"What do you think of this game?"

Lennox Lewis looked back at his colleagues and asked.

This game seemed a bit strange. At the beginning, Karl attacked hard and had the advantage, as if there was a hope of winning.

Just when everyone saw hope, Link struck out with a fierce back-throwing punch, shattering everyone's hopes.

Lewis was thinking, what would have happened if there had been no punch, or if Carl had prevented the punch?

"I think Carl lost a bit unfairly. If he had been more careful and guarded against Link's back-throwing punch, he would have had a great chance of dragging the game into the second round and the probability of winning would have increased."

Chris Eubank said.

Lewis looked at Frank Bruno again.

Bruno frowned and looked at the ring, "I can't figure it out either. I feel like this is Link's tactic. After the game started, he saw Karl attacking, so he chose to be on the defensive end, defended tightly, and allowed Karl to attack. When the follow-up attack failed, he suddenly used a backward punch to turn the situation around. "

Next to him, Joe Calzaghe sighed: "I think so too. I have watched all of Link's games. There are two forms of his games. When the opponent attacks, he defends, and when the opponent defends, he attacks hard. He also likes to lure the opponent to attack. , wait until the opponent's attack is exhausted, and then suddenly strike hard to end the battle in one fell swoop."

"You mean that those weak and conceding gestures he made in the boxing ring before were all staged, deliberately luring Carl to attack?"

Chris Eubank asked in surprise.

Calzaghe nodded, looked at Link who was being interviewed in the boxing ring and said: "I suspect that not only is the weakness feigned, but also that he took the few punches from Carl on purpose, in order to give Carl a hope of winning. Lure him to continue attacking and consume his energy.”

"How is that possible?! I don't believe that no one would get beaten on purpose in the ring."

Chris Eubank said in disbelief.

"Really! I also used this trick during World War II with Holyfield. The purpose was to lure him to attack and consume his energy to the maximum extent. In the end, I won."

Lennox Lewis spread his hands and said.

"In addition, although the back throw punch is fierce, it has a long distance, a slow punch speed, and is easy to be dodged. It is relatively easy to succeed in amateur matches, but in professional matches, it is extremely difficult to hit. This is also the case after Link changed his profession. Reasons why it is rarely used.

Today, Link first used tactics to attract Carl's attack, consuming Carl's strength and speed. When the time was right, he suddenly used a backward punch and succeeded in one blow. "

Calzaghe said.

"This guy is really difficult to deal with!"

Boxing champion Frank Bruno, Chris Eubank, Calzaghe, and Lewis all looked at Link in the ring with complicated eyes.

If all this is true, Link is too cunning. This guy is already very powerful and yet so cunning. How can his opponent fight against him?

And this guy who amazes everyone is only 21 years old this year. How could such a figure appear in the boxing world.

Bruno and several retired boxers are very lucky that they did not encounter such an opponent back then, otherwise it would be difficult to become a boxing champion.

At the same time, I regret that I didn’t meet such a strong opponent.

Competing with masters is what top boxers pursue.

"Joe, will you fight him?"

Lewis looked at Calzaghe and asked.

Calza looked at Link with two golden belts on the ring, nodded and shook his head.

"I'm not sure, but I'd love to fight him, he's a really good opponent."

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