Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 225 Post-match interview

After the game, Link carried two gold belts and walked out of the boxing ring surrounded by people.

"Great job, Link!"

Coach Brooks came over and patted him on the shoulder, "It's just that you are so awesome that I, the coach, have no chance to perform."

Link smiled softly and said that he would probably need to ask for advice in the next game. As he said that, he took the clothes Anna handed over and put them on.

Although the body is dripping with sweat, it will be uncomfortable to wear clothes, but it is a bit cold in London in September. Wearing a coat can play a role in insulation and prevent muscles from cooling too quickly and causing strains.

"Hey, Link, next time you play like this, remember to remind me that I almost had a heart attack when I was watching the game just now."

Franco patted his chest and laughed.

Link laughed and bumped his fists with him. "When you watch my games from now on, you don't have to think so much. Just know that I will win."

"Haha, Link, congratulations on your victory. You are indeed a very powerful guy."

Eddie Hearn walked through the crowd, wearing a suit and slightly fat.

Link shrugged, "How is Carl? Is he injured?"

"I've just seen it, it's not a big problem, but you are really cruel and don't give Karl any chance."

Eddie Hearn said helplessly.

Karl was his boxer. Before the game, in order to break Link's stormy attacking rhythm, he called all his coaches for a meeting to discuss how to block Link's heavy punches and attacks, and try to drag the game into the first quarter. Round two.

After several rounds of consultations and discussions, the tactic everyone came up with was to fight quickly with speed.

At the beginning of the game, attack Link. The longer the attack lasts, the greater your chances of victory.

Before the game, the coaching team conducted special training for Karl French.

I have been practicing for almost two months.

I thought this style of play would allow Kaldur to last for a few more turns, but unfortunately Link succeeded in sneak attack.

Link smiled when he heard what he said. If it weren't for getting more PPV shares and bringing a better viewing experience to the audience, Carl would lose faster.

"Link! You're the best!"

"Link, I love you!"

In the audience, many fans still didn't leave and shouted at Link.

Link waved and walked to the sidelines to sign autographs and take photos with fans.

Seeing that Keira Knightley and Adele were still there, he went over to chat a few more words and thanked them for coming to support them.

Adele joked that he took away the belt that originally belonged to the British and now they are enemies.

"Link, BBC host Edward Campbell said he wants to interview you live. Do you want to accept it?"

Simon pointed to the middle-aged man wearing a blue suit and holding a microphone under the ring.

Link nodded, spoke to Keira and Adele, and under Simon's guidance, walked to the BBC TV camera.

This game was jointly broadcast by BBC, HBO and other TV stations, and the on-site interview with the TV station was also part of the game promotion.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Linkbacker."

The host Edward Campbell introduced the fight to the camera, then took the microphone and asked, "Mr. Baker, the game is over. Congratulations on becoming the double super middleweight champion of the two major organizations of WBA and WBC."


Link waved at the camera.

Moderator Edward asked: "Mr. Baker, are you satisfied with your performance in this game? If the full score is ten, how many points would you give yourself?"

"Of course it's perfect!"

Edward looked at him in surprise: "Before, when you played against Mikkel Kessler and Jermaine Taylor, it only took about 100 seconds. Today, when you played against Karl, it took nearly a round. You don't think you are in the same round." Is it a step back? This kind of performance can also be rated as ten points? "

Link shook his head, "That's not the case. Before the game, I told the media that I would give everyone a wonderful game without rushing for success. So during the game, I will try my best to do my best and give my best." In a good state, it doesn’t matter how long it takes.

At the end of the game, I noticed that many people's voices were hoarse. This means that everyone had a great time shouting and the game was exciting, right? "

Edward thought for a moment. During the game, the audience's emotions were indeed very high, and the shouts were continuous.

But everyone is cheering for Karl, hoping that Karl can defeat him and get two gold belts. If Karl succeeds, this game will be truly exciting.

It's a pity that Link doesn't cooperate.

Edward shrugged his shoulders and continued to ask: "Many netizens left messages saying that in the match just now, Carl performed better than you. If you hadn't succeeded in throwing punches and sneak attacks, Carl would not have lost. Do you agree with this? ?"

Link smiled and said: "Karl has a chance to win, but the chance is very small. If you have watched the game carefully, you will understand that Karl's tactics are to use the weak against the strong, desperate tactics.

After the game started, he desperately attacked me with the purpose of knocking me down in the first round or dragging the game into the next round. If I was knocked down by him in the first round, he would win;

If he fails to win in the first round, after a strong attack, his physical strength decreases and his follow-up is weak, my attack will arrive in time.

My back-throw punch was used when he was exhausted, and I just knocked him down. This was not a fluke, but I saw the right time and seized the opportunity. Even without this punch, I would have won. "

Link explained this problem seriously. As an idol boxer, he didn't want to leave a bad impression on his fans that he won by luck, so it was necessary to explain a few more words.

The host Edward nodded, "Some netizens asked, after the game started, you kept retreating and pretended to be defeated, and then suddenly used the back-throw punch. Was this a tactic you had planned in advance?"

Link shook his head and smiled, "It is impossible to design tactics in advance, and I have never had the habit of designing tactics before the game starts. I usually choose the appropriate tactics after the game starts according to the opponent's reaction.

Today, Carl attacked, and after he launched the attack, I switched to defense and defended tightly. In the last ten seconds, he switched from offense to defense, and I switched from defense to offense. This was a spontaneous response, not a tactic planned in advance. ”

Edward nodded: "Netizens said that this match was very exciting, but the time was too short and they didn't get to see enough, which was a bit regretful. I hope you can have a second match with Carl to see if Carl has a chance to beat you. Have you ever considered a second match with Carl?"

Link smiled and said: "Maybe. I am now the WBA-WBC champion. If Carl wants to get the gold belt, he needs to challenge me. You can watch it then."

"Okay, Mr. Baker, thank you for the interview, and congratulations on winning the match again."

The host Edward said.

"Thank you! Thank you again for your support!"

Link shook hands with the other party, waved at the camera, and turned to leave the scene of the game.

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