Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 226: The Moon is the Star

"Hey, my respected father, did you see that Link's weakness and concession are all tactics, not retreat, what else do you have to say now?"

In New York, Dino Duva saw the interview on TV, turned around and looked at Old Duva with a smile.

Old Duva glared at him fiercely, scolded him as a rebellious son, and walked away angrily with a cane.

"Dad is old, why are you angry with him?"

Nora blamed.

Dino grinned and said indifferently: "I bet he is definitely not angry, he may be hiding outside and laughing at this time."

Nora smiled slightly, Link won another game and became the WBA-WBC double boxing champion, the reputation of Dynasty Promotion also spread from the United States to Europe, and Franco's career also reached a higher level.

At this time, Old Duva's mood was indeed not bad.

"Link seems to be playing longer and longer. Is he going to finish a round in the next game?"

Nora said while watching the wonderful replay on TV.

"I don't know, but I often see him discussing with Tommy how to make the game look more exciting. Tommy said it depends on the atmosphere of the audience. The more enthusiastic the atmosphere, the better the game. I think Link was probably led astray by Tommy."

Dino shrugged and smiled.

Tommy is coach Tommy Brooks.

Nora nodded, and probably understood Link's idea, which is to control the game, improve the viewing experience of the game, and attract more audiences to watch the game.

This idea is very good, but it is extremely difficult to operate as both the leading actor and the director. If you are not careful, you will be killed by the opponent.

In the past, only a few top boxing champions such as Muhammad Ali and George Foreman dared to do this, and they contributed many classic events in the 1970s.

Boxing champions such as Tyson and Holyfield are good in strength, but they are a little worse in tactics.

Every time they win the game, it is very reluctant. As for finding ways to improve the viewing experience of the game, they will not take the risk to try.

Link, a newcomer, dares to do this. It must be said that he is very courageous.

And in the boxing club in Las Vegas.

Tyson, James Tony, and Chris Bird looked at each other in bewilderment when they saw the interview on TV.

The three black men rolled their eyes.

"Majafak! Are these Link's tactics?"

"Damn, this guy's acting is so good that he even fooled us."

"I heard that he was working as an actor part-time before, and I thought he was going to Hollywood. Now I know that this guy has used his acting skills in the boxing ring. What a cunning guy."

The three looked at Link on TV unhappily.

Just now in the game, they saw Link constantly retreating, thinking that Link had no time to exercise, and his legs were weakened by women, and his strength declined.

It turned out to be all tactics.

But Link's tactics were too cunning, and even the three boxing veterans were fooled.

"Link is a very difficult guy, do you still want to compete with him?"

Tyson looked at the two and asked.

"Bi! Link is too arrogant. If he plays the game calmly, I can only beat him 60%. But now he uses this trick, I am at least 70% sure."

Chris Bird clenched his fist and said firmly.

James Tony touched his big belly and said, "Chris, you fight him first, and I will follow. I hope he doesn't lose too quickly."

"Okay, I will definitely bet on you to win when the time comes."

Tyson grinned.

In the top promotion company in the same city.

Greg Cohen saw Link wearing two gold belts on TV, and his eye muscles twitched. This guy actually won? !

He looked across at President Bob Arum and sighed, "I was wrong. Link is really a cunning and powerful guy."

President Arum smoked a cigar, looked at the TV screen through the smoke and said, "Link is really good. He has been trying to improve the quality of his matches since his debut, which is better than 99.99% of boxers."

Greg Cohen clenched his fists on his knees and said nothing.

President Arum looked at him again, waved his hand and smiled, "Gray, you don't have to blame yourself for not signing Link. I have never blamed you, because even I would not have signed that kind of clause."

Cohen shrugged, "I really didn't expect Link to grow so fast."

"Yes, Link is an incredible boxer, and his existence will definitely affect the top promotion companies."

President Arum stopped and laughed, "But this guy is also a great boxing promoter and spokesperson. After he became famous, he did a lot of boxing promotion work, such as the YouTube boxing unit, which is very interesting. In this respect, his success is also extremely beneficial to our entire boxing industry."

Cohen nodded and agreed with this point.

We are all in the same industry. If we only compete internally and grab a small piece of cake, but don't know how to make a big cake, everyone will starve to death in the end.

After becoming famous, Link continued to promote boxing, causing more people to learn about this sport because of him and become boxing enthusiasts.

After becoming a boxing fan, you will buy boxing training equipment and watch boxing matches. These consumptions will increase the GDP of the boxing industry, which is also a way to make a cake.

In this respect, Link's success is beneficial to everyone.

"Gray, I'll give you a task. Contact Franco and Link and build a good relationship with them. In the future, we will become their long-term partners."

Arum smiled while holding a cigar.

"Bob, will Link and Frank agree?"

"Of course! Link has great ambitions and great potential, even greater than Mayweather, but times have changed, and the scale of the boxing industry is shrinking. If Link wants to become the next Tyson or the next Ali, Dynasty Promotions and even major event companies are not enough. He needs all the promotion companies in the boxing industry to work together."

President Arum shook his fist, "Link and Franco are both smart people, they should understand this."

Cohen nodded, hesitated and said, "Just cooperating with Dynasty Promotions to jointly promote Link will affect Mayweather's development to a certain extent and occupy Mayweather's resources."

"It doesn't matter. In a few years, Mayweather will also be promoted to the middleweight class. Arrange a fight between him and Link. Whoever is better will be the next boxing superstar. After all, boxing still depends on strength."

President Arum said.

Greg Cohen nodded. This method is not bad. Let Link, Mayweather, Pacquiao and others all develop, and then have a few more decisive battles.

Like the ancient Roman gladiators, the final winner will become the king of boxing.

Judging from the comprehensive strength shown by the current players, Link has a good chance of winning.

Cohen decided to call Franco and Link later to congratulate them and express his intention to cooperate.

As for whether he would lose face, he didn't care at all. The most important thing in boxing is to make money.

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