Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 227 Monitoring the Storm

At the O2 Arena, after the WBC-WBA boxing title merger ended, other weight classes continued in the boxing ring.

Spectators who are interested in the game can continue to watch, and those who are not interested can leave early.

Most of the audience chose to get up and leave, and the seats in the boxing gym, which were originally full, gradually became sparse.

Gary took a voice recorder and randomly interviewed several live audience members, asking them what they thought of the game.

Eighty percent of the interviewees gave positive evaluations and thought the match was exciting. Watching a boxing match live was more sensory-stimulating than watching it on TV.

A few people said that it would be better if Carl French was more powerful or the game lasted longer, but many people said they were not satisfied with watching it.

During the interview, the cell phone rang.

Charlotte called and told him in an excited tone that Emma Watson had just followed Link's assistant Anna to the dressing room at the back.

"Really? Is she the only one?"

Gary asked in surprise.

"And Daniel and Robert, do you want to go for a walk? You have a press pass, and the staff may let you in."

Charlotte suggested.

Gary thought about it and decided to give up.

The locker room at the back of the stadium is guarded by security and bodyguards, making it difficult to get close.

Besides, Daniel and Robert were both here, so it was impossible for them to date in front of them.

A few of them might just be chatting about the game.

He didn't want to make another trip in vain like yesterday.

Charlotte was a little disappointed when she heard him say give up. Giving up meant that their work in the past two days was in vain.

Gary was also very embarrassed and said he would treat him to drinks on the weekend.

After leaving the O2 Arena, Gary drove back to the Sun newspaper office. While sorting out the manuscript, he received a call from the thief Biggs.

Gary slapped his forehead and almost forgot that he should ask Biggs to return the room and save a day's expenses.

But before he could speak, Biggs shouted in a weird voice: "Bernard, there is a woman in Link's room. I bet Link is dating a woman in the room."

"how do you know?"

Suddenly Gary remembered that Biggs had installed a bug in Link's room, "Did you overhear it?"

"Hehe, that's right. Send me your email address and I'll send it over for you to listen to."


Gary quickly turned on his computer. After a few minutes, he received an audio file in his mailbox. He clicked on it and listened to it.

Boom, boom, boom!

Squeak! The door opened.

The sound in the audio is very clear.

"Hey, why are you here?"

This is Link's voice.

"Can't I come?"

Hearing the sound, Gary stood up from his seat, startling his colleagues next door.

"Bernard, what's wrong?"

Gary ignored it and clicked on the audio to listen again.

The second sentence was definitely a woman's voice, and that woman was very familiar with Link.

"Great job, Biggs, send me another one so I can hear whose voice it is."

Gary said, holding back his excitement.

After leaving the O2 Arena, he originally planned to give up, give up the bonus of 100,000 pounds, and give up the opportunity for promotion and salary increase. He was very frustrated.

But Biggs' audio rekindled his ambition. Promotion and salary increase may not be a dream.

"Emm, this is the only one."

Biggs said in reply to the message.

"Only this one?!"

Gary thought Biggs wanted to raise the price, so he said unhappily, "Biggs, we are partners. Only if we find evidence of Link's cheating can we get the bonus. You can too. Don't forget to book the hotel." I paid for it.”

"This is really the only one."

Biggs explained why later.

Gary was so angry that he gritted his teeth. This loser couldn't even install the monitor in place, and he still dared to call himself a master thief. That's bullshit!

While he was yelling and cursing, the editor-in-chief Joseph came over with a piece of colored copy paper in his hand and put it on his desk.

"Bernard, Kent called and said that he saw Link's assistant entering the hotel with an unidentified woman. You go over to support Kent and try to take some clear photos."

Joseph tapped his fingers on the copy paper and said.

Gary looked at the color copy paper. It was a blurry photo with two women on it.

The one in front can vaguely be seen as Link's assistant Anna.

The one in the back is wearing a sun hat and big sunglasses. He is tall and has long legs. Judging from his body shape, he does not look like Emma Watson.

Gary felt that this woman should be the heroine of the audio.

He was very unhappy when he heard that Joseph said that Kent had taken the photo.

Kent was his rival. If he had supported Kent in the past, caught evidence of Link's cheating, and rewarded him based on his merits afterwards, Kent would have made greater contributions.

But this was a task given by Joseph, and he had to do it.

Gary agreed, put on his backpack, and left the newspaper building with his camera.


On the way over, Gary notified police officers Charlotte and Ryder, asking them to watch at the door of the hotel and try to capture evidence of Link's cheating.

He didn't want to cooperate with Kent on the matter of secretly filming.

With Kent here, even if something fierce is captured, the credit belongs to Kent, and he doesn't want to give up the credit to his opponent.

When he arrived at the Tower of London Hotel, Officers Charlotte and Ryder also arrived one after another. The three of them went to Biggs' room together to discuss what to do next.

"Damn guy, how dare you secretly install a listening device in the hotel? Do you know that you are committing a crime?"

Hearing that Biggs was monitoring Link's room, Officer Ryder touched his lower back as usual, but he was wearing civilian clothes and did not touch the handcuffs.

Biggs was startled by his actions, and habitually stayed away from him, waving his hands and saying, "Hey, Officer Ryder, please calm down, we are accomplices now, and we are all trying to make a lot of money."

Gary saw James Ryder's gloomy face and secretly thought that he had made a mistake.

Although Ryder wanted to make some extra money, he had no intention of breaking the law, so it was not a good idea to take him to a crime scene.

"James, we are making money, please put down your identity first, okay?"

Charlotte squinted her eyes and looked at the monitoring equipment on the table, with some interest flashing in her eyes.

"James, I also know that this is wrong, but there is nothing I can do now. How about you just pretend you didn't see it? I asked Biggs to dismantle it afterwards, and no one knows about it."

Gary also advised.

Officer Ryder frowned, sat on the sofa opposite, and fell into silence.

Everyone was relieved when Officer Ryder gave in.

"Biggs, are Link and that woman still in the hotel? Have you heard anything else?"

Gary asked.

Biggs spread his hands and said helplessly: "No, except for Link asking the waiter to bring a table of French food at around five o'clock, I didn't hear anything else. But I guess they may be eating French food at this time. What are the next steps? Dating."

"It's no use just guessing, we need them to come out and take photos of their date to get the bonus."

Gary said helplessly.

"Biggs, you can sneak into Link's room, why don't you install a camera?"

Charlotte asked.

"Do you think I haven't thought about it? It's just that there is no wireless network here, and network cables are needed to connect the cameras. The amount of work is too large, and I can't do it alone."

Biggs pouted and said.

The three of them thought for a while, but there was no way. Link was unwilling to go out, and they couldn't break in.

"I have a method, but it's a bit risky. Do you want to try it?"

Biggs grinned with his teeth bared.

"any solution?"

Gary and Charlotte looked at him and asked.

Biggs took out a tool bag from the cabinet, opened it and took out a bundle of nylon ropes, a roller skate set, a winch and other tools.

"What are you going to do?"

"Hey, there are bodyguards guarding Link's door. It's definitely not possible to break in. I've seen the location of Link's room. It's suspended from the roof of the hotel. It's just within reach of his room. We can go in through the window while they are in the room. Let’s have some fun and capture it on the spot, what do you think?”

Biggs laughed strangely.

"If you break into a house and take pictures, you will be caught for at least five years."

Officer Ryder said solemnly.

"But do you have a better way?"

Biggs asked, looking at the three of them.

"No, newspapers would not dare to publish photos taken in this way."

Gary shook his head. If the illegally taken photos were published by the newspaper, Link's legal team would sue the Sun Newspaper for bankruptcy, and he himself would lose his job or even go to jail. The gain would not be worth the loss.

"Hey, everyone, can you be more courageous? Do you know who Link is? He is a real billionaire. We only need to photograph evidence of his cheating and threaten him with it.

For the sake of his personal reputation, he would not hesitate to spend millions of pounds to settle the matter. Even if it was only 1 million pounds, divided among the four of us, each of us would still have 200,000 pounds. "

"It's £250,000."

Charlotte reminded.

"That's right, extorted 1 million from Link, 250,000 each of us, extorted 4 million pounds, 1 million pounds each, guys, 1 million pounds, as long as we succeed, we will all be millionaires, you don't want to be A millionaire?"

Biggs said with excitement.


Hearing this title, Officer Ryder couldn't help but a flash of emotion in his eyes. If he became a millionaire, he could live in a villa and drive a luxury car, buy hundreds of pairs of roller skates for his son Harry, and buy many brand-name bags for Louise. .

He no longer needs to continue patrolling the streets. He can find a more leisurely job, and he will be respected by more people and become a master.

It feels great to be a millionaire.

But what if it fails?

In jail, unemployed, bankrupt, Louise will also leave herself.

Thinking of this, Officer Ryder glared at Biggs and scolded: "Damn it, Crowley Biggs, you want us to go to jail with you?"

"Officer Ryder, don't be so harsh. We all know that making money is not easy. If you want to become a millionaire, how can you do it without taking some risks?"

Biggs laughed strangely.

Gary also shook his head, "I don't agree either. I just want to make some money, and I have no intention of committing a crime."

Charlotte glanced at Biggs, narrowed her eyes and smiled: "I think so too."

"I'm still busy, so I'll leave first."

Officer Ryder said hello, got up and left the hotel room.

"Biggs, continue to monitor. If Link leaves the hotel, remember to tell me."

Gary also picked up his camera and satchel and left.

Charlotte shook her head and walked along.

"Fake! A bunch of cowards like you will never make a fortune in your lifetime."

Biggs stamped his feet and cursed.

Boom, boom, boom!

After more than an hour, the sky gradually darkened. Biggs took out his tool bag and was about to act alone when there was a knock on the door outside.

Biggs walked to the peephole, took a look, laughed strangely, and opened the door.

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