Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 228 The Dark Shadow Outside the Window

Boom, boom, boom!

In the bedroom of B25 Hotel, Link was sleeping. He heard a clear knock on the door outside. He yawned, turned over and got up. He picked up the watch on the bedside and took a look at it. It was 6:10 in the morning.

Open the curtains, and a golden morning light shines through the towering spiers of Tower Bridge and onto the floor-to-ceiling windows. It is as clear as water, with some coolness in early autumn.

The Thames River outside the window is still flowing quietly, just like it has flowed for countless years. Today is just an ordinary day in its long life.

Link tied on his pajamas, went to his coat and opened the door. Standing at the door were Franco, Anna, Simon, Wallace, Paul, the hotel manager, and two hotel security guards.

He was about to speak when Franco made a gesture with his finger, telling him to be silent.

Immediately, the hotel security guard took a metal detector, carefully scanned around the room door, and pulled out a thumb-sized monitor at the corner.


When Link saw this thing, he couldn't help but cursed.

When he first moved in, he saw one of these things in Wallace's pocket. Yesterday, the hotel sent someone to check and found two more. When he came back from the game yesterday, he specifically asked Wallace and Bob to try again. After searching the room, nothing was found.

I didn't expect there was one hidden here.

The paparazzi in the UK are indeed so crazy, and they are worthy of being the place where James Bond was born. If Bond’s skills as an agent were too poor, he would not be able to compete with these paparazzi, and he would not be able to make a name for himself in the UK.

"Can anyone tell me what happened?"

Link asked with a worried look on his face.

"Mr. Baker, this was an omission on the part of our hotel and we did not protect your privacy. We are willing to bear the relevant responsibilities."

The hotel manager said apologetically.

"Now is not the time for accountability, I need to know what happened."

Link closed the bedroom door and invited a few people to sit in the living room.

The hotel manager walked in with Franco, Ana, and Simon.

Anna opened her laptop, clicked on the Google software, entered the name 'Link', and clicked search. In an instant, many related news links appeared on the page.

The top article is 'A thief was arrested trying to break into a house and claimed he saw Link Baker dating a beautiful woman in a hotel (with pictures)'

The second one is 'Link Baker cheated during the London game? The British media is in a rage (with pictures)’

Number three is ‘Who is Link Baker dating? "The Sun" reporter captured the silhouette of the mysterious girl (pictured)'

The home page of the search is all related news, and there is no news reporting that he became the double boxing champion of the two major organizations of WBA and WBC.

Link clicked on the first search link. The platform where the article was published was the British "Sun" newspaper, and the person who published the article was journalist Bernard Gary.

In the article, reporter Gary explained what happened in the tone of the person involved.

After get off work last night, he was strolling along the Thames River. At around 9:40, he suddenly heard someone pointing at the Tower of London Hotel across the river and shouting, 'Look, there's someone there.'

Reporter Gary quickly looked over and saw a man in a black coat with a rope tied to his body, hanging out of the floor-to-ceiling window of a hotel room, like a Spider-Man.

(Picture 1)

The picture is relatively blurry. Through the lights on the river bank, you can vaguely see a dark figure hanging out of the floor-to-ceiling window on the sixth floor of the Tower of London Hotel. The curtains on the sixth-floor floor-to-ceiling window are drawn, and a hazy light shines through, making the shadow's position more conspicuous.

Reporter Gary continued to explain that he thought it was a hotel staff member who was repairing the air conditioner, and he didn't intend to pay any attention to it.

But after waiting for more than ten minutes, he found that the man was still there. Feeling that something was abnormal, he quickly took out his phone to call the police.

Later, the police arrived at the scene and, with the assistance of the hotel, captured the unidentified person.

After being arrested, the unknown person claimed that he was a fan of Link's boxing and wanted to go in through the window to talk to Link. He also said that he had Link's autographed record, which could completely prove that he was a fan.

However, after police investigation, it was discovered that this person's name was Crowley Biggs, a probation officer. He was arrested three years ago on suspicion of burglary. Ten years ago, he participated in many robberies of banks, vaults, and jewelry stores. He was a criminal. A habitual offender.

(Figure II)

A picture of the suspect, Crowley Biggs, and a signed record given to Biggs by Link.

Seeing this person's photo, Link recognized him at a glance. He was the rotten-toothed guy he met in the hotel lobby the day before yesterday. The record also said, 'To Alice, grow up healthily, and be a brave girl - Link Baker' '.

After a surprise interrogation by the police, the suspect Kuro Biggs truthfully explained the motive and process of the crime.

Not long ago, he saw through the news that world boxing champion Link Baker was preparing to come to London to participate in the WBA-WBC boxing championship showdown. He heard that Link earned tens of millions of dollars per game. Link Baker was also a famous singer worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

Crow Biggs is interested in making money and wants to make a fortune from Link.

This is a criminal motive.

The criminal process was more complicated. According to the criminal suspect, Crowley Biggs, after hearing that Link was staying at the Tower of London Hotel, he took the opportunity to check in, and while Link was out, he secretly sneaked into his room and installed three eavesdroppers. device.

Unfortunately, hotel personnel saw through surveillance that two of them were removed by the hotel, leaving only one at the door.

His original plan was to steal Link's valuables, but he saw from the news that Link Baker would date Emma Watson during his stay in London.

So he changed his plan and planned to secretly take photos of Link and Emma Watson dating and blackmail Link for money.

He has been staying in the hotel for the past two days to monitor Link's room.

Just yesterday afternoon, he heard a woman enter Link's room through the wiretap and mistakenly thought it was Emma Watson.

In order to take photos of the two dating, he bought a set of Spider-Man equipment and planned to hang from the roof to the outside of the hotel room and prepare to shoot from the French window.

After the operation began, everything was normal.

But when he hung outside the French window, he found that the curtains were all drawn. If he wanted to take pictures, he needed to open the curtains, so he took out the glass cutter and prepared to cut the French window.

Unfortunately, during the operation, his drug addiction suddenly broke out and the glass cutter fell downstairs.

He had a drug addiction attack, and his limbs were weak, so he couldn't return to the roof. He could only hang outside the French window, unable to go up or down. He was later rescued by the police with a safety rope.

The above is the whole process of the case.

Link put down his laptop, returned to the bedroom, and opened all the curtains.

Sure enough, he saw a circular cut on the French window. He pushed it with his finger, and with a clang, a piece of debris the size of a bowl fell downstairs.


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