"Link, people from the London Police are here. They want to come in and check the scene. It's inconvenient to ask for directions."

B25 Hotel Jacket, Simon came in from the outside, and there were two uniformed policemen standing in the aisle.

"Tell them it's not convenient right now and ask them to come back later."

Link took a look and sat down to continue browsing the news.

"The Sun" reporter Bernard Gary continued to explain in the report that after the thief Biggs was rescued, he twitched all over, vomited and fell into a semi-conscious state. In order to relieve his symptoms, the police injected him with medical morphine .

Biggs told the police that he heard correctly. There was indeed a mysterious woman in Link's room, and the two had a tryst in the room.

He also said that when he was hanging down, he heard the sounds of playing in the house. More than an hour later, after he was rescued by the police, the sounds in the house continued.

Reporter Gary said in a neutral tone that Biggs is a drug addict. The above description may be a symptom of drug addiction and cannot be regarded as fact. The true situation of the matter requires continued investigation and verification.

“Does the media violating my privacy right by writing this?”

Link asked as he looked at the newly arrived lawyer Aaron Honak.

"Strictly speaking, forget it! It's just that The Sun handled this matter more cunningly. When they reported, they quoted all the words of the parties involved and used an objective and neutral attitude to describe the circumstances of a theft case. This is media news The freedom of reporting is also in line with the public’s right to know. In addition, as you are a public figure, it will cost a lot to win the lawsuit. "

Honak said thoughtfully.

Link shrugged and clicked on to the next news item 'Link Baker cheated during the London game? The British press went wild’.

The source of the news was the New York Post, published at two o'clock in the morning.

Seeing this time, Link was also helpless.

In the past, the process of media reporting was complicated. During the day, reporters would submit interview drafts, and the editorial department would screen out valuable news. After classification and sorting, headlines for each page would be determined, and then a news template would be formed and submitted to the editor-in-chief and deputy editor-in-chief for review.

After passing the review, it is handed over to the inspector to check for typos, and then sent to the printing house for typesetting and printing. Some newspapers have stricter reviews.

Generally, the timeliness of news reports is more than 24 hours.

Now online news is reporting faster and more efficiently.

Just like what happened last night, in less than half a day, even the media on the other side of the Atlantic were reporting on the matter, but he, the person involved, was the last to know.

The New York Post handled the news even more cunningly. They completely reprinted the Sun's news report and commented on it and discussed it.

By the way, I mentioned in the article that Link's real girlfriend Taylor Swift was in Los Angeles recording the "American Idol" program the day before yesterday.

The purpose is obvious, this mysterious girl cannot be Taylor.

Link's cheating seems to be an established fact.

Link browsed other news, all of which were reprints and adaptations of "The Sun" news.

Some media are also building on this basis, listing all the girls involved with Link, trying to find out the identity of the mysterious girl.

These people include Evaka Thompson, Emma Watson, Gal Gadot, Amber Heard, Doutzen Kroes, Emma Roberts, Lady Gaga, Lana Del Rey , Keira Knightley, etc., and even the new MV heroines Emma Stone and Adele are on the list.

There are as many as sixteen.

The people who didn't know the truth thought that these people were Link's rumored girlfriends, and subconsciously regarded Link as a playboy.

And once this impression is recognized, it is like sulfuric acid falling on the skin, which cannot be wiped off even if it is tried.


Franco coughed lightly and said with a smile, "Link, don't worry, I just contacted Mandy. Later our two companies will work together on public relations to minimize the negative impact. There is just one thing I want to do." Ask."

Frank paused, glanced at the room, lowered his voice, and asked with a gossipy face, "Who is that mysterious lady?"

"Of course Taylor, who else could it be? Anna, didn't you tell them?"

Link said with a dark face.

"I was just woken up by them, but they didn't ask me."

Ana smoothed her uncombed hair and said.

"Is it Taylor? Really Taylor?!"

Franco said with a mixture of surprise and regret.

If it were Taylor, this matter would be very easy to deal with, and it wouldn't cost much to sort it out.

It's a pity that there is one less melon to eat.

Buzz! Before Link could speak, the phone on the table vibrated. The caller was Ms. Mandy.

Mandy blamed herself as soon as she opened her mouth, saying that she should come to London with him and control him a little to prevent him from messing around in London, so this kind of thing would not happen.

She also said that she had just called Taylor, but Taylor's phone was turned off.

"Link, Taylor must be angry. Come back from London as soon as possible and explain to her."

Ms. Mandy said in an anxious voice.

Link covered his forehead and said helplessly: "Mandy, have you ever considered the possibility that she is Taylor?"

"Is it Taylor? Really? She was recording a show in Los Angeles the day before yesterday. Why did she go to London?"

Ms. Mandy said in surprise.

"She was attending a fashion week show in Paris yesterday and came to London by the way. She said she wanted to surprise me."

"Haha, it's good that it's Taylor, it's great that it's Taylor, I'll call Eva Ka and explain the situation."

Ms. Mandy hung up the phone happily.

After Link hung up the phone, he saw several missed calls and text messages on his phone, four of which were from Selena.

In the first message, she asked in an excited tone: 'Link, did you really cheat? And the whole world knows about it? It's really exciting'

The second one said: 'Oh no, I just called Taylor but couldn't get through, and I sent MSN but didn't reply. Taylor must be angry. Oh, I told you a long time ago to be a loyal and good man, don't be fickle, but you didn't listen. Do you know you're wrong now? Go and apologize to Taylor, and be more sincere (I will also say good things for you)'

Link's face was full of black lines. He bet that Selena must have a red face when sending messages, and she was more excited than ordinary people.

He checked the time. The last message was sent an hour ago. According to the time difference between the two places, it was midnight in New York at that time.

Link felt that as her brother, he had to care about her schedule and asked her to go to bed before eight o'clock in the future.

He saw a call from Catherine, so he sent a text message to explain the situation. Catherine replied to the message and said, "I'm glad you're fine."

Unexpectedly, Selena sent another message: "Is it really Taylor? When did Taylor go to London? How come I don't know?"

Link felt like hitting someone.

"What time is it now? Why aren't you sleeping yet?!"

"The Internet is too lively. I'm reading the news."

"Is the news good? Why don't you read books with this time? Don't you know how many points you got in the exam last semester?"

"You're so annoying! Good night!"

There was also a pig head emoji hanging behind it, which should be used to honor him and apologize.

Seeing that she was so sincere, Link decided to let her go for now.

"Boss, there are many reporters outside the hotel. Should we take this opportunity to clarify it?"

Anna came in and said.

Link looked at the time. It was not yet seven o'clock. It was obviously not appropriate to hold a press conference at this time.

"Anna, go tell the reporters outside that the person I'm dating is Taylor. Ask them not to make up stories. The media that spread rumors and slander my reputation will be held legally responsible afterwards."

"Okay, boss!"

Anna nodded and left the room.

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