Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 230 You will be responsible for the consequences

"Ms. Anna is here!"

At around eight o'clock, Anna arrived in front of the hotel. The media reporters in the lobby were like mice who discovered the cake. In less than ten seconds, they all swarmed around Anna and asked her questions one after another.

"Ms. Anna, has Mr. Baker gotten up? Can he accept our interview?"

"Ms. Anna, yesterday a reporter photographed you entering the hotel with a mysterious lady. Who is that person?"

"Ms. Anna, it is said that Link and Miss Knightley had a very happy chat at the Dior fashion show. Is that mysterious girl Miss Keira Knightley?"

The reporters held their microphones high and scrambled to ask questions, each with a louder voice.

"Everyone, please be quiet!"

Under the protection of Bob and the hotel security personnel, Anna walked up to the steps and said, "I want to explain three things here: First, Miss Taylor arrived in London at noon yesterday and came to the O2 Arena to watch the game. She paid tribute to Lin at the scene. Come on, Gram, we will go back to the hotel together after the game, there is no such thing as a mysterious lady;

Secondly, in response to the false reports by the Sun, Daily Mail and other media, we will file a lawsuit with the local court in London and pursue relevant responsibilities;

Third, Mr. Baker will respond to the rumors online at a later date. Before that, please exercise restraint and refrain from spreading rumors. We will hold individuals or media responsible for infringing on Mr. Baker's reputation. "

In the crowd, "Sun" reporter Gary had not slept all night, but his face was red. After hearing Anna finish, he raised his hands and shouted: "Ms. Anna, when will Mr. Baker respond? Will Miss Taylor attend at the same time?"

"I will inform you of the specific situation via Twitter later, please be patient."

Anna said.

"Ms. Anna, you just mentioned that Miss Taylor rushed to London yesterday to cheer for Link. Why didn't she appear in public?"

The Daily Mail reporter raised his hand and asked.

"This is Miss Taylor's private matter, no comment!"

Anna said calmly.

"Ms. Anna."

Reporters from other media also rushed to ask questions.

Anna answered a few questions, left the hotel lobby, and returned to the hotel room.

However, after the interview, the news on the Internet about Link's secret meeting with the mysterious lady at the Tower of London Hotel not only did not disappear, but became more lively.

More online media got involved and started hyping up the news.

The reason is very simple. Link is famous enough that news related to him is liked by the masses, and the scandals are even more popular.

In addition, his real girlfriend is Taylor Swift, a popular singer in the music industry, who is extremely famous.

After the two fell in love, they were hyped by the media as the 'golden couple' and the next 'Britney and Justin Timberlake'.

Not long ago, at the MTV awards ceremony, Link stood up in public to support Taylor, fully demonstrating his boyfriend power and winning the favor of many fans.

Mainstream media are also hyping the two as 'the most perfect couple in the entertainment industry', 'the most enviable couple', and 'making people fall in love again'.

The love story between the two has also become a "top topic" in the entertainment industry.

If Link's cheating was revealed at this time, he would gain a lot of attention in a very short time.

The scandal spread across both sides of the Atlantic and even circled the Earth within six hours, as evidenced by this.

"Boss, when will we hold a press conference? Public opinion is very hot now. I think it would be better to do it earlier."

Anna suggested.

“What time is our flight?”

Link asked, looking at his watch.

"Two thirty in the afternoon."

"Then it will be held at one o'clock."

"Okay, I'll go and notify them right away."

Anna nodded and left with the computer.

Link came to the bedroom with a dinner plate and saw Taylor with disheveled hair, sitting cross-legged on the bed and playing with his mobile phone, laughing while watching.

"what are you laughing at?"

Link asked, putting down his breakfast.

"Come and see, there are many people on the Internet who say you are a scumbag. They also say that boys with your looks are very carefree. They also said that they had predicted that you would cheat, but they didn't expect you to do it so quickly, haha !”

Taylor covered her mouth and laughed so hard.

"These things are all caused by you, how dare you laugh?"

Link pinched the tip of her nose and said.

"Hate! I also want to give you a surprise."

Taylor clapped his hand, got off the bed with his long legs bare and only wearing suspender pajamas, picked up the hair tie on the table and tied it into a ponytail skillfully.

"It's not enough to scare me! You sneaked over here, you must have wanted to see what I was doing in the hotel, and whether I was fooling around with any woman, right?"

"Don't try to accuse me wrongly, I'm not that stingy."

Taylor rolled her eyes at him, took a toothbrush and brushed it casually a few times, then sat on the sofa to eat breakfast.

Link shook his head, opened the curtains, took a few photos of the holes in the floor-to-ceiling windows, and casually posted them on Twitter, with the caption "Look what this is."


After the tweet was released, in just a moment, online traffic rushed in like the Thames River outside the window.

In five minutes, it received over 33.2K likes, 68.1K retweets, and over 11K comments.

Lady Gaga left a message saying: It’s really scary, but luckily you’re okay.

Carrie Underwood commented: Are British entertainment reporters so crazy? Be careful next time you go to London for a concert.

Paul Walker left a message: "007: The Adventures of World Boxing Champion in London"

Katy Perry left a message asking: I just tried it, the sound of scratching the glass was very loud, what were you doing at that time, why didn't you hear it?

In addition to these messages from acquaintances, there were more messages from fans, all asking who the mysterious lady was? They asked him to come out and explain quickly, and some people left messages calling him a scumbag who cheated on Taylor's feelings.

What made Link laugh and cry was that someone enlarged the picture and saw a blurry figure through the reflection of the floor-to-ceiling window, claiming that the owner of the back must be the mysterious lady, but she didn't look like Taylor.

Then someone teased Link, saying that he wanted to dispel the rumor in this way, but accidentally confirmed it.

He also asked Anna to inform the media that a press conference would be held when leaving London at 1 pm to explain what happened last night.

But the British media believed that this was Link's delaying tactic.

According to the speed of the plane, it only takes about 12 hours to get from Los Angeles to London.

If Taylor was arranged to board the plane and fly directly to London after the incident yesterday, it is very likely that he would arrive in London before 1 pm to cooperate with Link's performance.

Link shook his head, these media were too shameless.

When they identify a fact, no matter what the truth is, they only interpret it in a direction that is beneficial to their hype, and then lead the spectators who do not know the truth into the ditch.

"Hey, beautiful lady, many people want to know who the mysterious lady is now. How about showing your face?"

Link said to Taylor who was eating with his mobile phone.

"No! I haven't washed my face yet, don't take pictures randomly."

Taylor moved his butt and turned his back to him.

"How about taking a photo of your back?"

"Okay, remember to take a better photo."

Taylor put down her fork, adjusted her hair and suspenders, and straightened her slender waist.

Link took five photos of her back and gave them to her for review. Taylor looked at them repeatedly and selected a better-looking one for him to send out.

So Link posted another tweet with the text "The truth just got up, and the rumor has already run around the earth three times."

"Why do you say I just got up? I got up after nine o'clock. Fans will say I'm lazy when they know it."

Taylor patted his shoulder and complained.

"It's just a metaphor, and you just got up."

"I got up early and was just playing with my phone."

"Okay, I'll pay attention next time."

After the tweet was sent, the nitpickers jumped out again, asking why it was a back photo. If it was really Taylor, why didn't she take a front photo?

Some netizens left a message saying that the photo was photoshopped, and the PR team found a model whose back looked like Taylor, and the purpose was still to delay time.

If it was really Taylor, they should post a photo of the two of them, and they should stand in front of the floor-to-ceiling window with a hole to prove that Taylor was really in London.

In addition, if the "mysterious lady" was really Taylor, why didn't she like Link's two tweets?

She used to like and retweet Link's tweets.

Taylor's failure to like today means that she was angry and the two sides were not happy.

Link looked at these messages and smiled helplessly.

He believed that even if he sent out Taylor's front photo now and asked Taylor to like it, those people would still close their eyes and shake their heads and say "I don't believe it, I don't believe it."

He decided to ignore it for the time being and let the media make up rumors. For an entertainment star, some scandals are better.

Because he was too lazy to explain more, and because he had just defeated the British boxing star Carl France, many British media were very unfriendly to him.

After seeing him exposed to rumors and even scandals, they began to spare no effort to publicize the matter, trying to defeat him with this "scandal" and regain the lost face.

For this reason, the day after Link won the WBC gold belt, the media was full of news about his cheating.

Even though Link held a press conference at Heathrow International Airport that afternoon, made some explanations, and walked into the airport side by side with Taylor in front of many media reporters.

There are still many media who are unwilling to accept the facts.

They believe that "Taylor" is a substitute, not the real Taylor.

Some said that Taylor rushed over from the United States to save the situation, and praised Taylor as a "good American girlfriend".

This incident even involved several British actresses, including Keira Knightley, Emma Watson, Adele, and the models walking the runway at the Dior fashion show.

The news about "Link cheating" was noisy in the British media for half a month before it gradually subsided.

Because of this scandal hype, Link's popularity in the UK has skyrocketed, and even ordinary British people know that there is a boxer and singer named Link Baker.

The publicity effect is better than the millions of pounds spent on advertising by the promotion company.

According to statistics from Kingston Data Research Company, before the boxing match, among the 5,000 respondents, 1,059 people had heard of Link's name, 658 people knew he was a singer, and 297 people knew he was a boxer.

After this scandal, among the 5,000 respondents, 3,858 people had heard of his name, 3,617 people knew he was a singer, 3,522 people knew he was a boxer, and 3,809 people said he might be a playboy.

Link's fame in the UK skyrocketed, and he became a "black and red" celebrity.

In this fake news incident, the media that benefited the most were The Sun, The Daily Mail and other media. During that time, their news attracted almost the whole world's attention.


"Haha, thank you Link for making us a lot of money. I would like to call him my lucky star."

Detective Charlotte looked at the news at The Sheaf small bar at Thames East Bank Pier and smiled.

"Jack, this is yours!"

Reporter Gary took out a wad of pounds worth about ten thousand and pushed it in front of detective Charlotte.

"Ten thousand?"

Detective Charlotte squinted her small eyes, looked at the pile of bills on the table, and then looked at Gary opposite, and said with a half-smile, "Bernard, I am a detective and I am good at asking for information. I heard that you With this news, I became the head of the photography team of the entertainment news department of "The Sun" and received a bonus of 100,000 pounds. Other royalties should be tens of thousands. If you only gave me 10,000, would it be a little less? "

Reporter Gary adjusted his glasses and said with a smile: "Jack, you are right, it is 100,000 pounds. It's just that this time we distribute according to work. The more we do, the more we get. I think 10,000 pounds is very reasonable."

"Farke! Bernard, I was not afraid of hard work a few days ago. I followed you around and even followed Biggs to the rooftop of the hotel. I risked going to jail to help you make big news, but now you say What did I do the least?”

Charlotte said angrily with a cold face.

Gary frowned and said, "Jack, this time you are not the only one taking risks, James and I are also taking risks. In comparison, the risks we need to take are greater."

"But your gains are also greater. You get a promotion and a salary increase. James also made a contribution to catching Biggs and will be reused in the future. I am the only one who has not gained any credit. I think I am qualified to share more money."

Charlotte said firmly.

Reporter Gary shook his head, took out another stack and pushed it over.

"Is it enough?"

"I think it would be more appropriate to discuss the split of the money after James arrives."

Charlotte said crossing her arms.

Just as he was talking, Officer Ryder strode into the small bar with a sullen face.

"James, today is the celebration banquet, why are you here so late?"

Charlotte asked.

"problem occurs!"

Officer Ryder glanced at the two of them and lowered his voice and said, "I told you not to cooperate with Biggs at the beginning, but you didn't believe it. Now that bastard has sent a message to me, asking us to get him out as soon as possible. Prepare 500,000 pounds for him, otherwise he will expose what we are planning."

"500,000 pounds?"

Gary and Charlotte couldn't help but exclaim.

"That bastard is a robber. We shouldn't have cooperated with him in the first place."

Officer Ryder picked up the glass and drank it down in one gulp, and said with a gloomy expression.

"What should we do now?"

Reporter Gary looked nervously at Officer Ryder and Detective Charlotte.

If Biggs reveals the matter and lets everyone know that the four of them conspired to create fake news, he will not only lose the opportunity for promotion and salary increase, but may also be fired from "The Sun".

This is definitely not the result he wants.

"If we are stabbed out by him, will we go to jail?"

Charlotte asked looking at Officer Ryder.

Officer Ryder nodded silently.

Gary and Charlotte's expressions suddenly turned ugly.

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