Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 231 Many good news and one bad news

After the WBA-WBC super middleweight gold belt merger ended, Link took the opportunity to return to Los Angeles. When he came back, fake news reporting that he was cheating was still very popular online.

So when he walked out of Los Angeles International Airport, many reporters stopped him and asked him, who is the mysterious woman?

Link said it was Taylor, who had already held a press conference at London Airport.

The reporters asked again, where is Taylor? Why didn't you see it?

Link said that Taylor was playing in Paris and would be back in a few days.

The reporters all looked disbelieving.

Link didn't bother to explain, so he went home to pet the cat and participated in the rehearsals of the tour.

Shortly after the boxing match ended, relevant data was released one after another.

The O2 Arena ticket revenue that day was US$12.67 million, and Link's 15% share was approximately US$1.8 million.

In terms of PPV revenue sharing.

A total of 630,000 copies were sold in North America, 550,000 copies of ordinary signals and 280,000 copies of high-definition signals, with an average of US$75 per copy, and total revenue of approximately US$47.25 million.

A total of 460,000 copies were sold in the UK, with an average of $65 per copy, and total revenue of $29.9 million.

A total of 1.07 million copies were sold in Europe and other regions, with an average of US$59 per copy, and total revenue of US$63.13 million.

According to the original agreement, Link and Dynasty Promotions will receive 60% of the PPV share in North America, 20% in the UK, and 15% in Europe and other regions.

Link and Dynasty Promotions earned approximately $43.8 million in PPV revenue.

In addition to 6 million appearance fees, 7 million competition bonuses, and 1.8 million U.S. dollars in box office share.

The total income of this game for him and Dynasty Company was 58.6 million US dollars, which was nearly 20 million more than the 40 million predicted by "Boxing Ring" magazine.

After the relevant figures were disclosed by the media, people from all walks of life were amazed.

Link earned 58.6 million US dollars in just 171 seconds, earning 350,000 US dollars per second. It is a real humanoid money printing machine.

And in this game, his opponent is the well-known Carl French. If he were replaced by De La Hoya, Mayweather and others, the total prize money of the game would definitely exceed 200 million US dollars.

"Boxing Ring" magazine published an article saying, "Link has become the top boxer in the boxing world. It took De La Hoya 6 years to achieve this achievement, Mayweather took 10, Pacquiao took 12 years, and Link only took One year and three months', 'Link will not be the next Ali, the next Tyson, the next De La Hoya, and his achievements in boxing will be immeasurable'.

"The Ring" magazine said in a review, "Link is not only a powerful boxing champion, but also a commercial boxing champion. With his outstanding appearance, strong body and funny conversation, he is popular among women all over the world." Favored by the crowd, De La Hoya called him the next golden boy'.

Bob Arum, president of Top Rank Promotions, told the Chicago Tribune:

‘Link has become boxing’s best ambassador. Because of his outstanding image and good at hype, his commercial value is greater than Mayweather, De La Hoya, and Pacquiao.

Currently, Top Rank Promotions and Dynasty Promotions have reached multiple cooperation agreements. We will join forces with Dynasty Promotions, Main Events, Arena Sports, Golden Boy Promotions, Tang Jin Promotions and other promotion companies to jointly promote Link’s boxing matches.

It can be expected that the PPV income and peripheral income generated by Link will be higher in the future, and his games will be more exciting.’

This time, even two big boxing figures, Don King and Lou Duva, who had not been seen for a long time, openly talked about Link in the media.

Don King praised Link as a "bloody" boxer whose boxing matches were "a joy to watch."

Lou Duvall stated in an interview with The New Yorker magazine:

'Boxing has developed to a new stage. We will face many crises and challenges. In this process, we need someone to stand up and do something for boxing. We old guys are also looking for spokespersons for boxing. Lin Grams may not be the most famous and brilliant among the current boxing champions, but his role in developing and promoting boxing will not be weaker than any boxing champion'.

With the praise of many peers, Link's reputation in the boxing world has also skyrocketed.

He even surpassed Mayweather, Pacquiao, and the Klitschko brothers and became the brightest star in boxing.

Although it is great to become famous and make money easier, Link also knows that he is still a newcomer.

In terms of professional record, number of gold belts, and total number of boxing fans, he is far behind several veteran boxing champions.

These gaps cannot be bridged by media hype for the time being.

Excessive speculation is a bubble, which is not necessarily a good thing.

"Franco, please ask old Mr. Duva, why Mr. Tang Jin and President Arum have come out to praise me recently. Do they have any conspiracy?"

Link lay on the bench by the pool, flipped through a magazine, and called Franco.

"Conspiracy? Why do you think so?"

Franco asked in surprise.

"Although I have good abilities and a great reputation, I am not qualified to have these three seniors stand up to praise me. I feel that this is a kind of flattery, so I can't be careful."

"Praise to kill?"

Franco didn't understand the meaning of the word.

Link explained that when one wants to smash a piece of porcelain, the higher one lifts it, the more broken it is.

Franco laughed loudly and explained: "The reason is very simple. You are strong, the boxing match is exciting, and after you became the boxing champion, you actively promoted the sport of boxing. This shows that you practice boxing, not just for the sake of boxing." I want to make money, but I also want to develop this sport so that more people in this industry can make money.

They are happy that you have this idea and put it into action, thinking that you are better than Mayweather and Tyson in this regard. There is another reason why you may not be happy if you say it. "

"Oh? What's the reason? All I've seen recently are articles of praise, and I need some bad news to adjust my mood."

Link joked.

Franco laughed, "My father said that the reason why I strongly recommend you is because there are no outstanding figures in the boxing world at this stage. It is helpless to choose you, a person who is not doing his job properly, hahaha!"

What Lao Dua meant was that there was no hero among the dwarfs, so Zhuzi became famous.

Hearing this, Link breathed a sigh of relief. It was fine that there was no conspiracy. He had been too busy recently and did not have so much time to deal with other people's schemes.

"Merry, come here, be careful of falling into the water."

Link shouted to Meridian at the edge of the pool.

The little guy glanced at him, meowed, jumped down from the edge of the pool with cat steps, walked to the bench next to him, and gave Olivia a squeak.

Olivia lay there not wanting to move, rolled her eyelids, and then dozed by herself again.

Merry asked for trouble, so he ran to the lawn to catch bugs for Link to eat.

Jingle Bell! Just as he dropped the phone, it rang again under the blanket. Link picked it up and saw that it was a call from Ivaca.

"Hey, pretty girl, do you have a new job?"

"You sound laid back?"

Ivaca asked in a calm voice.

"Are you kidding me? I have to train, shoot commercials, and go to the tour group to rehearse every day. How can I be leisurely? You are the president, so you shouldn't know this."

"Okay, there's good news and bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?"

Ivaca asked bluntly.

Link thought for a moment, "Bad news!"

"Clow Biggs is dead."

"Quro? Who?"

"The thief hanging out of your window."

Link remembered, it was the guy with the rotten teeth.

"How did he die? And what does his death have to do with me? Is this considered bad news?"

"According to the news from the British police, he died of drug overdose. Because he confided your privacy to the media some time ago, the British "Sun" and other media tried to connect this incident with you, creating a feeling that you hired the murderer. The illusion of murder.

Although this frame-up has little impact on you, it still has some negative effects. We are sending a team of lawyers to the UK and we must not let "The Sun" off easily this time. "

Ivaca said coldly.

Judging from her tone, it was obvious that she was offended by the Sun's report.

Link smiled softly and said: "Leave the legal matters to the legal team. We don't have to spend too much energy on it. What's the good news?"

"Last week, "Keep On Movin'" sold an additional 77,000 copies in the UK, ranking third on the UK album sales chart. Your two albums have sold more than 2 million copies in total in the UK. You are also the No. 1 American male singer this year. Someone who has achieved this.”

"This news sounds great."

"There is also good news. There are many companies in the UK that want to invite you to be product spokespersons. There are about 27 of them. There are 6 companies with endorsement fees of more than 5 million and good reputation. I have sent the product list to your email. You can Read the product introduction and decide for yourself which product to endorse.”

"Okay, I'll look at it later."

Link nodded and chatted with Ivaca about the concert tour arrangements.

The tour will take place in mid-October, with the first show in Miami. Twenty-two concerts are planned for the year, an average of two concerts per week. Link's scalp feels numb just thinking about it.

But his personal income for each concert was more than 2 million, and more than 20 concerts were worth 40 million. Thinking of this made him a little excited.

Link put down the phone, stretched out, and dove into the light blue swimming pool.

Meow meow!

Meridian arched her back and jumped on the shore.

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