Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 232 The crew visits the set

In the tenth week after its release, "Go Forward" sold 78,000 copies in the United States, falling to fourth place on the Billboard album sales chart, and its potential was almost exhausted.

The champion is the fourth studio album "Crazy Love" released by Canadian popular jazz male singer Michael Bray, which sold 147,000 copies in the first week.

The runner-up was Italian tenor Andrea Bocelli's "Christmas Special" with 125,000 copies.

In third place is Madonna's newly released greatest hits album "Celebration" with 96,000 copies.

The total sales of "Fearless" in the United States have also reached 2.943 million, and it is expected to exceed the 3 million mark in three weeks, but it is still far behind Taylor's "Fearless".

In terms of the Billboard singles chart, "See You Again" has topped the singles chart for five consecutive weeks with weekly sales of 327,000 copies. This song has sold more than 18 million copies online and offline in the United States, and its total global sales have reached 5,000. Wanfen also became the highest-selling single in 2009.

Selena's "Let It Go" was released in its third week. With the strong promotion of Disney Music, it broke into the top ten this week, ranking at No. 7.

Lana's "Young and Beautiful" ranks at No. 31.

"One Time" by Canadian boy Justin Bieber ranked 17th.

According to media reports, Justin Bieber's first album "My World" is expected to be released in early November, which is close to the release time of Selena and Lana's first album. By then, there will be another battle between the two.

Mars Bruno's new album is also ready and is expected to be released in December.

The album contains covers of hit rap singles "Lighters" and "I'm the one" as well as Mars' collaboration with Little Bobby "Nothin' On You", which is also a very competitive album. .


"Hi! Kenny!"

At noon, at the Los Angeles Art Theater, Link walked into the rehearsal dance hall wearing a T-shirt and sweatpants and said hello to Mr. Kenny Ortega.

Kenny Ortega was the director of MJ's comeback concert. Due to MJ's death, the concert was canceled and Ortega had to stop what he was doing.

Link cooperated well with the other party in the two rehearsals. Director Ortega's control of the live stage, artistic aesthetics, and special effects design are all at the top level in the industry.

When preparing for a concert tour, he sent an invitation to the other party through the company and asked the other party to serve as the tour stage director. Each performance can give him and the team behind him a 3% box office share.

After careful consideration, Director Ortega agreed to join and became his tour stage director.

In addition to the live stage director, the touring team also includes an artistic director, band, choreographer, lighting director, costume director, sound director, etc., with a total of 207 people, which is comparable to a large theater crew.

Since the tour plan was finalized in September, everyone has been busy with the tour.

After training every day, Link would come to the stage of the art theater to rehearse under the guidance of the choreographer. Sometimes he would dance and sing at the same time. After five songs in a row, the amount of exercise was no less than a boxing match.

"Hi, Link!"

Director Kenny Ortega and choreographer James J. Milakam were talking together when Link arrived.

Mila Kam is a famous dancer of Dutch origin and a famous choreographer in Hollywood. He has participated in the choreography of movies such as "High School Musical" and "Dreamgirls". He has also participated in the choreography of MJ's comeback concert. He is a top choreographer in the industry. .

I saw the two of them frowning and looking unhappy.

"What happened?"

Link asked.

"Two dancers were selected by the crew of "Black Swan" and are preparing to leave the dance team to become actors. We are discussing new candidates."

Director Ortega said.

Link nodded. "Black Swan" is a new movie directed by Darren Aronofsky. The project will start in September. It will star the famous movie star Natalie Portman as the heroine. It is also a hot project in Hollywood recently.

Being selected by this crew is also an excellent opportunity.

He didn't say much about this matter. The dancer belonged to Milakam's subordinates. Whether he stayed or left, he didn't need to care too much.

After the warm-up, Link and his dance partners started rehearsing on the stage.

There are more than 30 songs in his two albums, 8 of which are suitable for singing and dancing at the same time. He only needs to rehearse eight dances. For other songs, he only needs to hold a microphone, carry a guitar, or sit down. Singing in front of the piano is not that difficult when performing.

After the rehearsal at the Art Theater, Link drove to Wood Middle School in Burbank to check out the filming progress of "Scandal Project" and play a small role in the movie.

In August, after he made the decision to invest in the film, Catherine negotiated with director Will Gulle on behalf of Palm Beach Pictures. After Link made a promise not to interfere with the crew's filming and casting, Director Will Gulle Agree to cooperate.

But after hearing that Link's Palm Beach Pictures wanted to invest, Warner's Screen Treasures was unwilling to withdraw.

Expressed his willingness to co-produce this movie with Palm Beach Pictures, appointed Emma Stone as the heroine, and also invited Link to play the supporting actor, that is, the role of the boy the heroine has a crush on, and gave him a salary of one million.

The reason is that he is famous enough, and he can completely make up for Emma Stone's lack of box office appeal.

After Link read the script for the supporting actor, there were only 12 scenes before and after, which was similar to the scenes in "Valentine's Day". It only took five days to shoot intensively, so he agreed.

In addition, Screen Treasures is a subsidiary of Warner Pictures and has a mature production and distribution system. Cooperating with the other party can also save some funds.

"Scene 47, 2 shots and 1 shot!"


When he came to the scene, the crew was filming a classroom scene. The literature teacher was telling a story from the famous book "The Scarlet Letter". It was about a woman who lost her virginity. In the past, she would be given a scarlet letter 'A' and become a slut that everyone reviled. woman.

The heroine played by Emma Stone also became a rag because of the scandal. She got inspiration from it and put a red A on her chest, which caused quite a stir in the school.

It is a relatively relaxed and humorous campus comedy movie.

"The tour is about to start, why are you free to come here?"

Catherine, wearing a sunhat, came out from under the sun and handed him a bottle of ice water.

Link smiled softly and took the water in his hand.

"It's actually not that busy when I'm on tour. Now I train boxing for four hours a day and rehearse for four hours for concerts. The rest of my time is very free."

"Four hours of boxing practice and four hours of rehearsal, that's eight hours. Is working eight hours a day considered leisure?"

Catherine asked amusedly.

"Compared to before, I was very free. I was too busy in the first half of the year and my schedule was almost messed up. During this period, I got up at six o'clock every day and went to bed at nine o'clock in the evening. It became very regular again."

Link said with a shrug.

"It's a good habit to go to bed early and get up early. After Selena got a laptop, she would lie on the sofa watching videos and playing games as soon as she got home. I wouldn't let her play, so she hid in the bedroom and continued playing under the quilt. , I don’t have time to care about her in Los Angeles during this period, she is probably playing even crazier.”

Catherine said helplessly.

"It doesn't matter. She's young and it's time to play. Besides, she's going to release an album next month, so she probably won't have time to lie at home and play."

Link laughed.

Catherine smiled slightly, "Where has Taylor been recently?"

"I called the day before yesterday and said I was in Nashville."

After returning from Paris last time, Taylor said that living together was uninspiring, so he moved back home for a few days. Later, he went to live in an apartment in New York for a few days. The day before yesterday, he took a car back to his hometown of Nashville, saying that he wanted to walk and look for creations. inspiration.

Link didn't force her to stay at home.

Catherine looked at the performance on the set and suddenly asked: "You and Taylor have been together for almost a year. Have you ever talked about marriage or engagement?"


Link shook his head and smiled: "She and I are only twenty years old, so it's too early to talk about this topic."

He hadn't thought about it either. Taylor was so popular. She was on the road all year round when she wasn't on tour. She also had to record records and create. After doing all this work, how much time did she have to allocate to her family.

And I am too busy with boxing, music, and movies. If I really want to get married, it will be after seven or eight years or more than ten years, when the two people have accumulated a certain level of wealth, so that they can make money every day without working. It would be more appropriate to start a family then.

"Yes, you are still young, so there is no need to rush to get married, but I think if you really want to get along with Taylor for a long time, you should learn to run a family as soon as possible and invest more time at home. The same goes for Taylor."

Catherine said.

Link nodded, feeling that what Catherine said made sense.

"How to run it?"

He has never been married. Although he has had several girlfriends in the past, they have never been together for more than half a year. Taylor is the one he has spent the longest time with. When getting along with Taylor, he is also careful about how to manage relationships and relationships. He is not good at family issues.

Catherine wanted to say it was not difficult, it just needed this and this.

But suddenly she remembered that he was her son, and that her last failed marriage had resulted in Link becoming an orphan. She said in front of him that she was good at running a family, as if she were telling a joke.

In addition, she thought of her husband and her three-year-old daughter who were far away in New York. In the past two years, she had been busy working and running around. She mainly relied on her husband to take care of the family affairs. If it weren't for her husband's good temper and gentle personality, her second marriage would probably be impossible. It will also end in failure.

In a situation like his own, how could he have any successful experience imparted to him?


Link looked at Catherine who was suddenly stunned and shouted.

Catherine shook her head and patted him on the back, "This question is too complicated and I can't explain it in a few words. There are books like this in bookstores. If you want to know, just read them and treat it as a homework. Better than me." It’s better if I tell you.”

"All right!"

Link touched his shoulder and nodded.

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