"Hi, Emma!"

After a scene was shot, Emma Stone came from the set, wearing a blue dress. She had a nice figure. Her appearance was not top-notch, but she was very recognizable. Her big pine green eyes gave people a very smart feeling.

"Hi, boss, you are here."

Emma Stone brushed the hair beside her ear and smiled at him.

Link raised his eyebrows. He just praised her for being smart, and then he wanted to take back the word.

"Are you sure you want me to chat with you as a boss?"

"Okay, Link, I'm kidding."

Emma blinked and laughed, with some cunning in her eyes.

"The heroine has more scenes. Do you feel tired?"

"Of course not. I like it now. There are endless scenes to shoot every day. I don't have to worry about finishing the role after shooting for a few days and needing to find another role. Sometimes I can't find one in a few months. That's too bad. It's really great now."

Emma Stone's face was red and she looked very excited.

Link nodded, looked at Catherine and said, "Emma is young and has good physical strength. You can give her more roles and she can also exercise in the crew."

Catherine nodded and smiled, "During this period, we are also looking for suitable scripts and participating in movie auditions. There will be at least three movies next year."

"Very good. If there is a good script and the other party lacks investment, you can show it to me. I have a lot of funds on hand."

Link looked at Emma Stone and smiled, "Congratulations, you are going to be a movie star."

Emma Stone pulled up the corners of her mouth and showed a stiff smile.

Just now, when she heard Link ask if she was tired, she thought Link was concerned about her health, but she should insist on calling him boss. This guy is a capitalist who wants to squeeze the surplus value of employees as soon as they meet.

Just thinking that this capitalist is younger than herself and will probably be squeezed by him for several years or more in the future, Emma feels a little dark.

"Come on! You will become the most dazzling star in Hollywood in the future."

Link waved his fist and smiled.

"Thank you for the compliment, boss!"

Emma Stone pulled up the corners of her mouth and forced a smile.

"Link, Emma still has a little time. Do you want to act together? It will be smoother in the future."

Catherine took out the script and asked.


Emma Stone shouted excitedly without waiting for Link to speak.

Seeing that Link and Catherine were looking at her in confusion, Emma Stone brushed her hair and smiled slightly: "Link is very busy. It's not easy to come to the crew. I just have time. I am very happy to act with Link."

"Okay, Emma, ​​thank you."

"You're welcome, boss!"

Emma pressed the corners of her mouth that wanted to curl up, and she was secretly excited in her heart. Finally, she could take revenge.

Link plays the role of Todd, a school idol and sports athlete. He is also the object of the heroine Oliver's secret love. After Oliver became the queen of campus gossip, he began to notice her and had a good impression of her.

He didn't have many scenes and less than 50 lines. It was not difficult to act.

It was just that when acting, Emma Stone got into the role quickly and raised the character's emotions very high, which caused him to miss many lines and express emotions poorly, making the performance very awkward.

Link had to call for pauses many times to readjust his state.

But Emma was very happy, and the corners of her mouth were getting higher and higher, almost pulling down to her ears.


After more than an hour on the crew, Link said goodbye to Emma Stone, who was "reluctant to leave", and drove back home.

On the way, he received a call from director Darren Aronofsky, who said that he didn't know that the two dancers were members of his touring team. He had terminated the contract with the two and apologized to him.

Link was a little surprised by director Darren's reaction.

This matter was not important to him, and he didn't even have the idea of ​​asking the crew for people, but director Darren fired the two immediately, which was indeed decisive.

Link said it didn't matter, the touring team was still being formed, and there would be no impact.

Director Darren also told him that the post-production of "The Fighter" has been completed. If there is no problem with the release date, it is expected to be released in late November or early December.

Link asked the other party if he was ready to compete for the Oscar.

Director Darren affirmed this. The operating rules of art films are different from those of commercial films. They do not need too much commercial publicity and mainly rely on awards from major film festivals.

The more awards art films win, the better the quality is, and it is more cost-effective when they are released.

If "The Fighter" can win a few Oscars or nominations, the box office performance will be better.

Link wanted to ask Director Darren if he had a chance to be nominated for the Best Actor at the Academy Awards, but he thought about it and decided not to embarrass everyone.

After returning to the villa, he made a pasta and two cat food. While eating, he called Taylor and asked her what she was doing today.

Taylor said that she disguised herself as an ordinary person today and performed in a tavern in Nashville. The audience said that her voice was like Taylor Swift and advised her to participate in American Idol and have a chance to become a singer.

Link advised her to be careful and remember to take Emily and the bodyguard with her when she went out.

When she was on the phone, Olivia and Meridian were meowing beside her.

Tyler heard their cries and said he missed the two little ones very much and asked him to send them by FedEx.

Link said no, Olivia and Meridian were both Scottish Fold cats and were weak. If they were locked in the airplane warehouse and fainted, they would be scared to death during the flight.

Taylor also felt that air transportation was not a good idea and asked him to take some photos and send them over.

Link refused to take pictures and joked that he should make good use of this longing and write songs for the two cats.

Taylor snorted at him dissatisfiedly and said that the next time he came back, he would take the two children away and not let him hold them.

Link had no choice but to take a few pictures and send them to Tyler to relieve his boredom.

After talking to Taylor on the phone, while washing the dishes in the kitchen, the phone rang again. Dino called and said: "Hey, Link, something happened to Mario."

"What happened?"

Link remembered that Mario had a professional match today, "He was injured?"

"No, it's not a physical injury. You should watch the ESPN broadcast first. There is news about his game at this time."

Dino said.

"All right!"

I heard that it wasn't a physical injury, so Link didn't care too much.

After finishing the housework, he went to the small living room, made a cup of tea, and turned the TV to the ESPN channel.

ESPN is the abbreviation of Sports Entertainment Programming Network. It is a free sports channel that broadcasts free sports events 24 hours a day, including NBA, rugby league, baseball, boxing, etc. It is also the sports channel with the highest ratings.

Link opened it and looked at it. It was playing Mario's boxing match, which took place in Atlantic City.

The opponent was a rookie boxer who was weaker than him. The match went smoothly and Mario won by KO in just three rounds.

Current professional record is 4 wins and 1 loss in 5 fights.

After the game, the beautiful host of ESPN TV network interviewed Mario and asked him how he felt about the game. What is the strength of the opponent?

Mario looked at the female host's big breasts and grinned: "You ask David? Hahaha, his strength is very good, he almost KO'd me."

The host said that the boxer named David did not seem to have the strength to defeat him.

Mario puffed out his belly and laughed with his mouth open, "Beautiful lady, I'm not talking about this method. David is very fast. During the game just now, he ran around me like a If the electric fan rotates faster, I will probably catch a cold. After the cold, I will have a fever. If it gets worse, I will faint. Then David can KO me, hahaha!”

Mario thinks he has a sense of humor.

After the show aired, some people criticized him for humiliating his opponents and acting too arrogantly.

After Mario switched to professional boxing, when the main event company promoted him, he said that he was the number one sparring partner of boxing champion Link and one of the earliest boxers at the West Boxing Gym, three years before Link.

With Link's fame, Mario also gained a lot of attention in the boxing world and became a slightly famous boxer.

Also because he is famous, saying such things in public will naturally attract some criticism.

"Link, have you watched the boxing news? Many people are scolding Mario."

Dino called and asked.

Link shook his head, this little thing was nothing at all, "A bad reputation is just a reputation, it's not a big deal."

"Link, you were also famous for your big words. I'm going to let Mario learn from you and let him continue to talk nonsense in the media and challenge the heavyweight boxing champion from a distance to attract attention. Hehe, what do you think of this idea? Sample?"

"Are you joking?"

Link shook his head and said, "I said those words because I have the strength. Can Mario do it? If you want to train him to be a real boxing champion, urge him to train seriously, fight well, and don't mess around in public. Talk, if you want him to become an internet celebrity boxer, you can also try this method.”

"Internet celebrity boxer? Sounds pretty good."

Dino muttered quietly.

Link is helpless. With the rise of the Internet, many people have become celebrities through online platforms such as YouTube, such as Justin Bieber and Lana Del Rey.

It has become easier to become famous, which has led many people to try to take shortcuts and become internet celebrities first and then celebrities.

When a group of people choose to become Internet celebrities and some of them succeed, the atmosphere in the entertainment and boxing circles will also become impetuous.

Everyone is desperately trying to become famous and doing whatever they can, instead of finding ways to improve their own strength.

Regarding this kind of thing, Link has no way to change, nor does he want to change. All he can do is to train seriously, rehearse seriously, and be a boxing champion first, and then a singer.

After more than a month of rehearsals, his tour is about to begin, with the first stop in Miami.

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