In mid-October, Link's first tour began. The first stop was in Miami. The concert was held at the Hard Rock Stadium, which hosted the WBA title fight.

The first concert attracted 87,000 Miami spectators.

It was more lively than when Lady Gaga held her concert in Miami.

The first song of the first concert was "See You Again", a duet with Wiz Khalifa. The second half attracted the chorus of tens of thousands of people in the audience.

The finale was the Spanish song "Despacito", and invited Fatty James, Michael, Daniel, as well as more than 30 beach neighbors and 50 professional dancers to dance Latin dance on the stage.

During the performance, the audience also danced along with them.

The atmosphere at the scene was extremely explosive.

"It's great, Link, have you seen it? Tens of thousands of people in the audience danced with us, booming, booming, as if there was an earthquake."

After the performance, Fat James was so excited that he danced with excitement and his face turned red.

He still wears a baseball cap, with his reddish-brown curly hair hanging under the brim of the hat like a cape. He is wearing a large Heat jersey with a gold chain hanging around his neck, dressed like a hip-hop youth.

"Yes, it feels great to dance on stage."

"It's like a dream. I never thought that one day I would dance in front of so many people."

Daniel from the hot dog shop and Michael from the surfboard shop also talked excitedly.

Link sat in the nanny car and looked at the three people with a smile. This time he came to Miami for a concert and invited the three people and the surrounding neighbors to dance on stage. It was also an impromptu decision.

After discussing with director Ortega and choreographer Micaram, the two thought they could consider it and asked everyone to give it a try first to see how it would work on site.

After trying it, it's pretty good.

Most of the residents on the beach dance Latin dance. They often hold parties on the beach and sing and dance together. The only thing that needs to be considered is courage. When performing on a stage with tens of thousands of people, the timid cannot let go and are prone to mistakes.

James originally didn't want to go up, but after everyone's persuasion, he went on stage to dance, and ended up having the most fun.

"Hey Link, you're a superstar now, how do you feel?"

Michael asked, gesturing with his hands.

"feel good."

Link smiled softly and poured a glass of champagne for the three of them.

"It's just good? I think it must be very cool. When you first came on stage, more than 80,000 people cheered together. Wow, my heart was beating wildly when I saw that scene in the audience. If I were up there alone, I'd probably have a heart attack in front of eight or ninety thousand people cheering."

Michael was breathing heavily as he spoke, as if he was going through that scene.

"You have to know that this is not the first time I have experienced this kind of scene. In the boxing ring, at other concerts, and on the MTV and Grammy Awards stages, those scenes are no smaller than this one. I have experienced too many and I am used to it. ”

"Link, aren't you boxing? How come you have become a famous singer again? It's amazing."

Daniel from the hot dog shop asked, holding a glass of champagne.

"I was lucky. I originally released an album just to test the waters. Unexpectedly, the first one sold well, and then I became a singer."

Link laughed.

This is also true.

If the sales of the first album were too poor and the market did not accept a singer of his type, he would focus on boxing and make money through boxing. As a result, both albums sold well.

"Is it so easy to be a singer? Link, look at me, do I have any chance of becoming famous as a singer?"

Michael asked cheerfully.

Link took a look at Michael. In the music circle, his image was considered to be at an upper-middle level. However, being a singer had very high requirements for voice and creative talent. Whether a person could become a singer or not was not obvious.

"Would you like to sing a song?"

"Here? Forget it, I'm a little nervous singing in front of you."

Michael shrugged and laughed.

"Michael, stop thinking about it. Being a singer is not that easy."

James said while blowing on the air conditioner in the car.

Link shook his head. He knew that Michael had a dream of becoming a star and did not want to be just an ordinary surfboard shop owner. It was a good idea to have this idea. It was better than Fatty just guarding the Baker's shop all day long.

"It's not that difficult. Michael, if you want to be a singer, you can shoot a cover video and post it on YouTube. Nowadays, many record companies' talent scouts select people from there. You can give it a try."

"ok, I get it."

Michael nodded.

"Link, how many days can you stay in Miami after the concert?"

James asked over his shoulder.

"Houston is also ready. We will go to Houston to rehearse tomorrow and perform the day after tomorrow."

"So soon? You've been too busy all day. We were planning to hold a party on the beach to celebrate the success of your performance."

James said with a frown.

"Next time! I'm very busy during this period and don't have time to play. I'll probably be free next year."

Link chuckled softly.

Arriving at the Palm Beach Promenade, the commercial vehicle stopped slowly. James and the other two got out of the car. Link glanced at the Baker's shop on the beach from a distance through the car window, and asked Bob to drive away.

"Link is a big star now, and I feel like he'll probably never go back to the beach."

Daniel said, looking at the car going away.

"Yes, he is a billionaire now, worth hundreds of millions of dollars. I heard that he has big villas in New York and Los Angeles. Why would he go back to the beach?"

Michael said with some envy.

"No, he will come back. He said that when he has money in the future, he will buy a big villa in Miami Gardens. I believe what he said."

James said indifferently.

The three of them walked side by side to the small shop on the beach. The setting sun shone on the three of them, stretching their shadows very long. Suddenly Michael sighed and said, "Do you think your life is boring now?"

James shook his head, "No!"

Daniel said a little, but it feels okay.

Michael spread his hands and said, "I think living like Link is not in vain. He lives in a big hotel, drives a luxury car, has a big singer girlfriend, does whatever he wants every day, and many people pay attention to him wherever he goes. It must be very enjoyable to live like him."

"Don't joke. I can't stand flying around like him all day without even having time to rest."

James said, shaking his fleshy face.

"Isn't it good to be busy? I want to be as busy as Link."

Michael waved his hand and went back to his surfboard shop. After a while, the sound of guitar rang out in the house.

"We will lose another playmate."

Daniel said while eating ice cream.

James scratched his cheek and pushed the door into Baker's shop.

The second stop of Link's concert was in Houston, the largest city in Texas.

The concert was held at NRG Stadium. A total of 65,000 concert tickets were sold, and all were sold within three hours after the release. Because the number of tickets was limited, the sales speed was faster than Miami.

The guest of the concert that day was Selena Gomez, a native of Texas who went to New York when she was ten years old. She will release her first album soon. Being a guest at his concert is also a good promotional platform.

At the concert, Link sang "Let it go", "Rainbow" and "unstoppable" with her.

The atmosphere was also very warm.

"Link, how was my performance?"

When they finished singing "Unstoppable" and walked off the stage, Selena held his hand, blinked her big eyes and looked at him, her round face full of "Praise me, praise me".

"Wow~ It's incredible! Selena, you almost stole my limelight on the stage just now. You are only seventeen years old, how can you be so amazing? Are you a genius?"

Link looked at her in shock and praised her.

"Haha, you are right, I, Selena Gomez, am indeed a genius."

Selena patted her not-so-full chest and grinned proudly. If she had a tail, it would be up to the sky at this time.


Ms. Mandy tapped her forehead, "Miss Genius, can you please get all A's in the next exam?"

Selena immediately puffed up her face, covered her forehead, and said dissatisfiedly:

"Mom, everyone is so happy, why do you say such a spoiler? Also, Ms. Mandy, I am the guest you invited now, not your daughter, you'd better be polite to me, otherwise I will complain to you."


Ms. Mandy stared, angry and wanted to hit someone again.

Link smiled lightly, stopped Mandy and said, "Selena is right, she is a guest today, we should treat her better."

Selena raised her little face proudly, stuck out her tongue at Mandy, and then heard Link say, "It's not too late to hit her after the concert."

Selena instantly pulled her face down again, gave him a big eye roll, and felt unsatisfied, so she patted him again.

Link still had a performance next, so he didn't have time to chat more backstage.

After changing clothes, he wore a sequined leather armor, exposed his strong arms, took the elevator, and appeared on the stage again in a dazzling fireworks.

There was also a rock band next to him, a famous underground band in Texas, who was invited to participate in the concert.

"Link! Link! Link!"

More than 50,000 fans in the audience waved their light sticks and shouted loudly, the sound was like a wave.

Ding ding ding ding ding!

The band began to play the prelude of "Give me reason", the sound was high and fierce.

The shouts of the audience in the audience were also like the waves at the seaside, one after another.

Until Link walked to the microphone with a guitar and started singing, the shouts of the audience slowly fell.

I remembered black skies, the lightning all around me

I remembered the sky was full of dark clouds, and there were lightning and thunder everywhere

I remembered each flash as time began to blur

I remembered every moment, and the years passed by in a trance

Like a startling sign that fate had finally found me

From mid-October to the end of November, Link held 17 concerts in major cities in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. The largest number of attendees was in Miami, and the number of audiences in other cities remained above 30,000.

According to the plans of Universal Music and Atlantic Records, there are expected to be 73 concerts in the United States and the Americas, 55 in Europe, and more than 50 in Asia and Oceania.

These concerts are divided into several stages. After each stage is completed, Link and the tour team will have some rest time to do other things.

So at the end of November, after the performance in Vancouver, Canada, he flew back to Los Angeles to prepare for the WBA-WBC-WBO-IBF four major organizations super middleweight gold belt unification battle in early December.

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