Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 239 Big Machine Records

After answering a few questions, Link said goodbye to the reporters and editors and returned to the party.

After the American Music Awards, Vanity Fair held a celebration party at the Hilton Hotel, inviting many singers to attend, including Link, Taylor, Selena, and Lana.

"Link, will these two trophies be put out for raffle?"

Lana walked through the crowd holding a champagne glass, wearing a white pleated skirt and long brown curly hair. She was dressed very classically and elegantly.

"Do you also want to participate in the lottery?"

"Yes, it's just tens of millions of records. I think it's hard to get."

Lana said with a shrug.

"Your album sales are good, and you will have the opportunity to get this trophy in the future. I will give this to you, and I will exchange it with you next time you get it."

Link smiled softly and gave her the trophy for best album.

“What if I don’t get it?”

Lana smiled as she held the trophy.

"Then you should reflect instead of asking me what to do?"

Link shook his head and when he saw Selina coming, he gave her another trophy.

"I'm getting ready to go back. Where is Taylor?"

"She's over there!"

Selena pointed to the crowd in front, including Taylor and Andrea, Big Machine Records president and producer Scott Borchetta, Justin Bieber and manager Scooter Braun, among others.

"Taylor and Justin Bieber seem to be familiar to each other. Will you be angry when you see them?"

Selena said while holding the trophy.

"of course not."

Link shook his head and smiled.

Taylor and Justin's relationship dates back to the MTV Video Awards.

At the MTV Awards in September, after Taylor left the stage, Justin Bieber came on stage as the host and said, "Taylor deserves it," and asked the audience to applaud Taylor.

Later, Taylor saw the broadcast and had a good impression of Justin Bieber.

Because of this, Justin Bieber entered Taylor's circle of friends and also regarded Justin's manager Scooter Braun as a friend.

It wasn't until a few years later that the conflict between Taylor and Kanye broke out again. Justin and Scooter sided with Kanye and led fans to frame Taylor, causing a lot of trouble for Taylor.

Scout also became Taylor's most hated person.

Later, Taylor's contract with Big Machine Records ended and he announced that he would not renew the contract, which caused dissatisfaction with Big Machine Records president Scott.

Without telling Taylor, Scott sold the rights to her first six albums to Scout, whom she hated most, for $300 million.

Taylor launched a public opinion war with Scooter and others to fight for copyright.

Justin Bieber also sided with Scooter, criticized Taylor, and wrote a song to satirize Taylor.

On one side is the King of Pop and on the other is the Queen of Pop. The battle between the two sides has spread to the world music scene, attracting many people to take sides.

Even though Link knew the future entanglements of these people, he would not tell Taylor now that those people were not good people and tell her to stay away from those people.

It's no use saying that.

Taylor is very opinionated and a smart guy who knows how to deal with trouble.

Even if he was manipulated by several people in the future, he did not suffer much loss. Instead, he won the sympathy of many fans and the support of the music industry, becoming No. 1 in the music industry.

This also shows that some setbacks and blows are necessary in the growth process of celebrities. For example, after the microphone snatching incident, Taylor's popularity increased, while Kanye West was ridiculed by the crowd, and the American Music Awards did not arrive this time. .

"Hi! Link, congratulations!"

Lady Gaga came over with a wine glass.

Although Lady Gaga didn't win an award tonight, she did have the finale performance at the awards ceremony.

In addition, last week, Lady Gaga won the number one spot on the Billboard singles chart with her divine song "Bad Romance", and also dethroned "See You Again" from the top spot, ending her 12th consecutive number one.

Afterwards, Lady Gaga called him to apologize and asked him to buy him a drink. She said it again when we met today.

Link certainly doesn't need this kind of apology. The song "See You Again" was able to win the title for 12 consecutive weeks in the fiercely competitive 2009, far exceeding expectations. He has nothing to be dissatisfied with.

"Link, I wrote a song and I need a male singer to sing. Your voice is very suitable. Are you interested in collaborating with me?"

Lady Gaga looked at him and smiled.

"Of course, I like your songs. Call me when you want to record."

Link agreed without hesitation.

Lady Gaga is the kind of singer who looks gaudy and sensational at first glance, but if you listen carefully to her songs, you will fall in love with her style.

In addition, Lady Gaga’s songs are groundbreaking. Working with her, I can also learn some useful things.

After seeing off Lady Gaga, Link chatted with a few acquaintances including Katy Perry, Eminem, and Carrie Underwood.

Katy Perry is a bit unlucky this year. Her songs are also very popular and her album sales are also good.

But they are always outclassed by Taylor and Lady Gaga.

She accompanied her throughout the Grammy, MTV and American Music Awards, unlike Lady Gaga who won several awards at the Grammy and MTV.

However, things will turn around next year for her, with "California Gurls" becoming a hit, selling more than 4 million copies in North America, and becoming a chart-topper.

Carrie Underwood is also a little queen of country music. She released her third album "Play On" last week. It sold 315,000 copies in the United States in the first week and topped the Billboard 200 album chart in one fell swoop. Its development momentum is unparalleled. How bad is Taylor.

And Eminem, his next album "Recovery" seems to be the number one album sales chart next year, with more than 3.4 million copies sold, and he has also successfully made a turnaround.

See these three, as well as the newly debuted Lana, Selena, Justin, and Mars.

Link feels that the competition in the music world will be more intense next year, and it will be more difficult to continue to win.

After chatting with a few people, Taylor, Mrs. Andrea, and Scott Borchetta came over.

Scott, 48, was the head of production at Universal Music in Nashville.

He left Universal in 2005 and founded Big Machine Records, signed Taylor, who had just switched jobs from RCA Records, and successfully helped Taylor produce and release her first album "Taylor Swift" and second album "Fearless".

Big Machine Records also became a famous American record company in one fell swoop.

Link met the other party last year when negotiating the rights to "Dream It Possible".

At that time, "Despacito" became popular on YouTube, with more than 50 million views, and Link also became an Internet celebrity.

Scott wanted to sign him and make both him and Taylor singers under Big Machine Records.

After thinking about it, Link refused.

The other party was a businessman and a capitalist, and he paid more attention to interests. At that time, Link was already a boxing champion and had no shortage of money. He didn't want to work for others. He later persuaded Iwaka to set up Link Music and become a capitalist himself.

After the success of his two albums and Lana's first album, Link Music's reputation in the music circle has skyrocketed, not much less than that of Big Machine Records.

However, both he and Ivaca are laymen. In terms of album production and promotion, as well as their grasp of market trends, they are temporarily inferior to Scott Bochetta, a veteran in the music industry.

This is why he didn't poach anyone even though he knew Taylor would be tricked by the other party in the future because of the termination of his contract.

If Taylor was recruited in advance, he would not be sure that Taylor would be that successful. In addition, Taylor has an independent personality and would not agree to be a singer under Ivaca.

"Haha, Link, congratulations on winning two awards."

Scott Borchetta stretched out his hand and smiled.

Link shook hands with him, "Thank you! Congratulations to Big Machine for winning the biggest award at this year's American Music Awards. This is amazing."

"Haha, compared to the total sales of your two albums of more than five million copies, all the singers in the music industry this year are worse than you."

Scott laughed.

Link smiled lightly. If it hadn't been for MJ's death and Taylor's explosion this year, he would have had the opportunity to pack all the awards.

"Link, look here, are you envious?"

Taylor walked over, picked up the Entertainer of the Year trophy and smiled.

"Stop showing off! Next year is mine."

"Next year I will also release three specialties. It doesn't matter who will win this award."

Taylor said without giving up.

Bochetta looked at the two of them and smiled: "Link, you and Taylor are a couple, and both are the most powerful male and female singers in the music industry. Have you ever thought about collaborating once and creating a couple album together? I think this album will definitely Can create miracles.”

"We discussed this issue in June, but we were too busy and didn't have time."

"You can consider it. I look forward to cooperating with you and Link Music."

Borchetta said.

Link nodded and looked at Taylor: "How about it? After releasing your third album, do you want to collaborate on an album?"

Taylor blinked and thought for a while, "Collaboration is not bad, but I like to write sad love songs. If the two of us collaborate, I'm worried that we won't be able to write good songs."

"How do you know if you don't try?"

"Okay, let's try it!"

Taylor shrugged and laughed.

"You two collaborate? It's terrible. Please give us little singers a way to survive?"

Selina protested with her round face wrinkled.

"Let's do another collaboration next time."

Link put his arm around Selina's shoulders and smiled.


Happiness is so simple. When Selena heard him say cooperation, she became excited again.

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