Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 240 Leo's invitation

On the evening of the 25th, the American Music Awards ceremony concluded at the Nokia Center.

Taylor won five awards and became the biggest winner at this year's Music Awards. However, Link, who did not feel wronged, was considered by the media as "the most frustrated person at the American Music Awards."

With sales of more than 5 million copies of his two albums in one year, he would have been eligible to win the Artist of the Year award any year in the past.

This time, MJ passed away, but he didn't even win the best male singer in the pop category.

Many people lamented his bad luck.

However, Link's answer to reporters afterwards also won praise from many people.

Taylor is his girlfriend and music teacher, and MJ is his idol and goal. There is really no need to regret losing to these two people.

After the American Music Awards, Link was busy training and participating in the promotion of the release of "The Fighter".

After three days of release, "The Fighter" grossed US$127,000 at six theaters in the United States. The average daily box office per theater rose to US$7,055, and the attendance rate reached 81%. It is at the upper level of literary and artistic films and performed well.

Seeing that the film's screening results are good, the distributor Paramount Pictures increased the number of screening theaters to 1,209 theaters on Monday, and the box office is expected to be around 20 million in the first week.

However, there are also commercial blockbusters "The Twilight Saga 2", "2012", "Weakness", "Up", etc. released at the same time.

It is not that difficult for "The Fighter" to stand out from the competition among these blockbusters and achieve good results.

"Link, stop looking at those things."

In an outdoor cafe on Hollywood Boulevard in Los Angeles, director Woody Allen came over, took off the newspaper in his hand, sat down on the wicker chair opposite him, took off his hat and said,

"You are an actor. After the movie is released, the movie has nothing to do with you. No matter how much it is at the box office or what the reviews are, it is an established fact that you cannot change. Watching those things will only waste your time."

"I want to see how these people criticize me, and then find ways to correct it to avoid doing it again next time."

Link said hello to Woody Allen. He was training in the boxing gym when Woody Allen called and said he wanted to talk to him. He could only put down the barbell and come over to sit.

Woody Allen laughed, took out a cigarette and said with a smile: "There are very few people who are experts in writing movie reviews. If you listen to their advice, you will go further and further off. If an actor wants to be promoted, the best place is on the crew. "

"All right!"

Link nodded in approval and called the waiter to give Director Allen a cup of coffee.

"Come, take a look at this and find a girl you like."

Director Woody Allen took out a few photos and placed them on the glass table.

Link picked it up and looked at it. There were Anne Hathaway, Jessica Alba, Scarlett Johansson, Rachel McAdams, Kristen Stewart, Amanda Seyfried, and Liv Tyler. , Megan Fox and more.

They are all popular actresses in the industry, and their acting skills are pretty good.

"I like?"

Link looked over them and smiled, "They are all great. It's hard to find one I don't like."

"You have to find one, because after the filming of the movie starts, you need to spend dozens of days with her, playing the role of a couple. If you choose the wrong one, you will be the one who suffers in the end."

Director Woody Allen said, stirring his coffee.

Feeling that the sunlight above his head was too dazzling, he called the waiter and asked him to move the awning over to block it.

"How about Kristine? I know her very well. We should get along well with her. Besides, she is also very popular."

Link knew Woody Allen before. When filming, he prefers to work with popular movie stars, and his acting skills are secondary.

Later, when he was almost 90, he also collaborated with Selena on "A Rainy Day in New York". There was a cutie and an old naughty boy. The scene where the two of them collaborated must have been very joyful.

"Kristen? Why are there pictures of her?"

Woody Allen took the photo and looked at it, "Kristen can't do it. Her face is too cold and she is suitable for a bitter drama. Most of my dramas are light comedies, and her style is not suitable."

Link shook his head helplessly and took out a picture of Scarlett Johansson.

"You have collaborated with her the most, how about working together again?"

Director Woody Allen took the photo, touched his chin and looked at it.

"Originally, she was the original choice for the heroine, but she is older than you and her face is more mature. It is not suitable for you to play an unmarried couple. This is also the case with Anne Hathaway."

Link covered his forehead and felt the old man shaking him.

"In terms of age, there's no one here who is suitable for me."

"how is she?"

Woody Allen pulled a photo from the pile and clicked it with his fingertips.

"Jennifer Lawrence, a native of Kentucky, is nineteen years old this year. She starred in "The Burning Plain" which is very good. I recommend you to watch it."

Link looked at the photo of Jennifer Lawrence. She is not very beautiful, with some baby fat on her face and obvious freckles. However, her acting skills are indeed good, and she is unique among actors born in the 1990s.

"Now that you have a suitable candidate, what else do you want me to choose?"

Link raised his eyebrows and said unhappily.

"Haha, this is a discussion, the role has not been determined. If you feel it is not suitable, we can change the person."

Woody Allen laughed.

Link nodded, took out his phone, opened the photo album, clicked on the picture of Emma Stone and handed it to Woody Allen.

"I've seen Jennifer Lawrence's movies. Her appearance and temperament are relatively strong, which makes her suitable for strong female roles, but she doesn't seem to be suitable for our play. This is Emma Stone, who has played in several school comedies. , suitable for light comedy, and her acting skills are great, why don’t you give her a try?”

Director Woody Allen looked at it, nodded, and said he wanted to see her play first before talking about it.

"Link, this drama is scheduled to start filming in March or April. I hope you can grow your hair longer. Your face shape is great. You will definitely be more handsome with long hair. If you wear a pair of glasses, I bet you, No one looks more like a writer or a philosopher than you."

Woody Allen said, gesturing with his hair.

Link touched the short hair on his head and had no objection to growing his hair long. It was easier than gaining dozens of pounds.

It's just that in March and April, in addition to going on tour, I also have to release a new album, and maybe there will be a boxing match, so the timing can't be missed.

Link explained the situation to Director Allen. The tour was arranged in advance and could not be missed.

"It doesn't matter, we can shoot other scenes first, and then shoot your scene last."

Director Woody Allen nodded.

Link also breathed a sigh of relief. It was indeed easy to talk to an acquaintance. If it was an unfamiliar director, it would be time to consider changing roles.

The two chatted about the script for a while in the cafe. Director Allen was busy and left early.

Link called Catherine and told her about "Midnight in Paris" and asked Emma Stone to try it.

At the same time, he mentioned Jennifer Lawrence, the heroine of "The Burning Plain" to Catherine.

Check to see if she is signed with a talent agency.

Jennifer Lawrence is also a newcomer with great potential, and it would be a good idea to sign her while she's just starting out.

"Link, one more thing. After "The Fighter" was released, the response was very good. Reviews in newspapers praised your performance. The company received more than 30 scripts, and they all hope to cooperate with you.

According to your requirements, big production, big director, high salary, there are currently two projects that meet your requirements.

One is "Iron Man" produced by DreamWorks, with director Spielberg serving as the producer, telling the story of boxers and robots, and the other is Stallone's new film project, an action film tentatively titled "The Expendables" , the role has not yet been decided, and he said that he needs to talk to you first. "

Catherine said on the phone.

"Okay, you can send the script home first, and I'll take a look at it when I have time."

He has seen the movie "Iron Fist", starring Wolverine Hugh Jackman as the male protagonist. It tells the story of a retired boxer coaching a robot in a boxing match. The plot is average and the special effects are good, but the overall quality of the movie is very poor. ordinary.

The second "The Expendables" is undoubtedly a very good movie. After the first one was a hit, Stallone went on to film three more movies in a row, which also ushered in the second spring of Stallone's career. However, this movie has only two or three movies. The main character is pretty good, and the other supporting characters have very few roles.

Link also wanted to talk to Stallone and see what role he would give him. If the role was good, it would be good to work with a few tough guys.

Jingle Bell!

Just as Link was about to get up and leave, his phone rang again. The caller was Leonardo, whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

"Hey~ Link, let's chat when you have time. I've been in Los Angeles recently, in Beverly Hills. I'll send you the address later."

Leonardo said.

"What are you talking about? I don't have time to pick up girls. If you have watched the news, you should know that I am preparing for a boxing match."

Link leaned on the wicker chair, stretched his legs and smiled.

"Yes, I know, let's talk about movies. Last time we played, you said you wanted to cooperate with me. Now there is a good opportunity. The new movie directed by Christopher Nolan is absolutely wonderful. How about it?"

Leonardo said in an excited voice.

Link moved his lips. After "Blue Sea 2" was released last year, he wanted to cooperate with Xiao Lizi.

But this guy resisted, saying that there was no suitable role. Now that I saw that he acted well in "The Fighter", I thought of cooperating with him.

But Link's time next year is limited. Touring, recording, and boxing leave little time for movies.

In addition, the new movie directed by Nolan should be "Inception" which has been a hot topic recently.

With DiCaprio here, I can go up to one supporting actor.

Can be accepted or not.

Link thought for a moment and agreed to go over and chat when he had time.

"Inception" is a very good movie, with a global box office of more than one billion US dollars. Filming this kind of movie can expand the fan base.

Director Nolan is also a good director worth working with. He is currently a supporting actor and may have the opportunity to become a leading actor in the future.

After drinking coffee, Link put a tip on the table and drove to the club next door to continue boxing training.

The combined WBA-WBC-WBO-IBF boxing title fight starts on the weekend. During this time, apart from participating in movie promotions, the rest of the time is spent on boxing training.

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