Bang bang! Bang bang!

"Morales, move faster! Keep the distance. Remember, when fighting Link, you must keep distance. He is very fast and flexible. If you get too close, you will only get beaten."

At the Muscle Beach Boxing Training Ground, Coach Brooks shouted to the two people fighting on the stage.

The main purpose is to guide the sparring partner Morales so that he can play more rounds with Link and create some difficulties for Link's training.

As for Link.

After fourteen professional matches, his boxing skills have become more and more sophisticated, coupled with his boxing weight of more than 1,500 pounds, excellent speed, super-fast reaction ability, and superb tactical thinking in the boxing ring.

In the super middleweight field, Coach Brooks doesn’t think anyone will be his opponent.

Now when he is instructing Link to train, his main task is to find Link's shortcomings, check for omissions and fill in the gaps, and conduct targeted training to make Link more perfect.

Now Link is not only the hope of the dynasty promotion, but also one of the spokespersons of boxing.

The higher his popularity and strength, the more passers-by he will be able to attract, pay attention to and become involved in this sport.

When more people choose this path, the narrow road becomes a broad avenue.

As a member of the boxing field, no one wants to watch boxing become more and more popular and become a popular sport.

While Coach Brooks was training on the podium, De La Hoya walked in from the outside, wearing a suit, pointed shoes, and combed back his hair, dressed like a business elite.

Coach Brooks glanced at him and nodded as a greeting.

Muscle Beach Boxing Stadium is one of the training facilities under Golden Boy Promotions, and De La Hoya is also a shareholder here.

After Golden Boy Promotions and Dynasty Promotions negotiated and finalized the match between him and Link last month, De La Hoya often came over to watch Link train, euphemistically calling it 'observation'.

Coach Brooks is not surprised by this either.

Despite Golden Boy Promotions' competition with Dynasty Promotions and Main Events, De La Hoya is Link's next opponent, and the two sides appear to be rivals, friend and foe.

In fact, in the boxing industry, except when two boxers fight on the stage, there is a little conflict between the two parties.

Other stages include event negotiation, pre-match hype and publicity, post-match promotion, etc., which are all the result of mutual cooperation between boxers and boxers, promotion companies and promotion companies.

A promotion company without a spirit of cooperation cannot gain a foothold in the boxing world, which also leads to the fact that in the field of boxing, connections are extremely important.

De La Hoya was first a boxer for Top Promotions. He founded Golden Boy Promotions in 2005 and has developed well in recent years.

In addition to promoting his own games, he also has more than ten professional boxers under his banner, and has cooperated with major events and top promotions many times, including the game between De La Hoya and Pacquiao, the WBA/De La Hoya and Sean Mosley The battle for the WBC middleweight title.

Golden Boy Promotion has gradually become a more powerful promotion company.


De La Hoya looked at the training on the stage and suddenly uttered obscenities.

Coach Brooks looked at him doubtfully, and De La Hoya shrugged, "I should have gone to Miami in person last year to persuade Link and give him 100 million U.S. dollars. He would be happy to join Golden Boy Promotions. With him here, I bet , in the future, only one company, Golden Boy Promotions, can make a lot of money in the boxing world.”

Coach Brooks shook his head, feeling that what he said was useless. If time could be turned back, De La Hoya would not be the only one willing to spend $100 million to sign Link. A powerful agency in the boxing world would be happy to do so.

"Have you found Link's flaws after watching it so many times?"

The purpose of Coach Brooks' asking this question is to see what problems there are in Link's boxing from the perspective of Link's opponent.

"Of course there is. There are many questions. Don't ask what they are. You will know after I defeat him."

De La Hoya touched the stubble on his chin and showed a confident expression.

Coach Brooks frowned and looked at him, "Are you sure you're not joking?"

"Of course, when have you ever seen me joke about something like this?"

Hoya spread his hands and smiled.

Coach Brooks thought for a moment and nodded. He had known De La Hoya for more than a year or two and had guided De La Hoya's training in 2004-05. Apart from being a bit lecherous, this man did take boxing seriously.

"Then tell me what his shortcomings are? Tell me one and let me listen."

"Emm, for a boxer of Morales' level, Link is an invincible opponent. His technique, speed, and punch weight are all at the top level, but for me, Mayweather, and Pacque Well, even for Bernard Hopkins, he had a lot of problems.

Here’s an example, lest you think I’m bragging.

It’s his combination punches. Viewed individually, there is no problem with his combination punches, but the transition and connection between the combination punches are not as flexible and smooth as those of Pacquiao and I. There will often be delays of one and a half seconds.

In professional competitions, five or six attacks can be output in one second. If you are one second slower, you will miss the opportunity and give your opponent a chance to defend.

This is one of the reasons why Link often uses violent storm attacks in games, but cannot destroy his opponents.

Another point is that Link relies more on heavy punches in competitions and likes to win by KO. In a super middleweight competition, this style of play looks cool.

After moving up to the light heavyweight class, this style of fighting will make him very embarrassed. If you don't believe it, just wait and see. "

Hoya crossed his arms and smiled lightly.

Coach Brooks watched Link's training and nodded.

Link had a little problem with combination punches, but it was not entirely his problem. It was because his opponent did not put enough pressure on him, which caused him to think too much during the game and not be able to fully devote himself to the game.

If in a game, the opponent is too strong, he cannot think too much, and the punches he throws are mostly stress reactions, and his combination punches will not be stuck.

This is also the reason why most top boxers like to compete with masters, so that they can find their own problems in the game and improve their boxing level.

Coach Brooks believes that this problem is not a big problem for Link.

Link plans to move up to the light heavyweight after winning the super middleweight Grand Slam. There are many masters in the light heavyweight class, and the competition pressure will be greater. Those problems can be slowly corrected.

There is also the problem of punch weight.

After moving up to the light heavyweight class, Link can add a few pounds of muscle and his punch weight will become heavier.

With the punch weight he currently shows, if he adds a few dozen pounds and goes to the light heavyweight field, he will still have a great advantage.

Thinking of this, Coach Brooks glanced at De La Hoya unhappily. This guy talked for a long time, but only mentioned two unsolvable problems, and didn't get to the point at all.

De La Hoya laughed and spread his hands and said, "Link is my opponent. I won't say it now, you should understand. After I defeat Link, I will write you a PPT to explain Link's shortcomings, how about it?"

"No need. If you really find Link's flaws and have the confidence to defeat him, you won't come to the training ground every day in a suit."

Coach Brooks shook his head and walked away with his hands behind his back.

"What do you mean? I wear a suit because I just finished a meeting."

De La Hoya retorted.

Bang Bang!

The training on the boxing ring was temporarily over. Link shook the sweat in his hair and waved his fist at De La Hoya under the stage, "Oscar, how about coming up to fight? Let me see how fast your fast punch is."

De La Hoya's full name is Oscar de La Hoya, a Latino boxer.

"No, it's inconvenient for me to wear a suit."

De La Hoya waved his hand and said.

"Can't you take it off? The suit doesn't grow on you."

Morales grinned and teased.

"Don't talk nonsense, continue to practice with Link. When you can beat Link, I will reward you with one million US dollars. I mean what I say."

Hoya shook a finger and said proudly.

Morales rolled his eyes. If he could beat Link, a mere one million would be nothing. He could earn ten million or one hundred million.

Link smiled lightly and continued to practice with Morales.

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