Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 251 Eva's Special Reward

"A New Year's gift for you, see if you like it."

Link took it and saw that it was a sports watch.

The combination of the stainless steel case and the black ceramic bezel looks like the instruments in the cockpit of an airplane. The brown and black strap is printed with the TAG Heuer Autavia customized mark. The workmanship is very exquisite, and it is more beautiful than the ones Link bought. .

Link once wanted to buy this kind of sports watch, but unfortunately he had too little knowledge and didn’t know where to buy it with his dollar bills.

"Thank you, I like it very much. By the way, I also prepared a gift for you."

Link went to the office next door and took out an exquisite box and gave it to Ivaca.

"what gift?"

Ivaca took the box curiously.

I opened it and looked at it. It was a Tiffany white gold rose diamond necklace with very outdated workmanship and a lot of gold and diamonds.

This necklace sells for more than 120,000 US dollars and is specially designed to satisfy the aesthetics of nouveau riche housewives. In the past, Eva Ka would not even look at it twice when she saw it on the counter.

"How is it? Is it beautiful?"

Link laughed.

Before Christmas, he specially bought more than ten limited edition necklaces, bracelets, and watches at the Tiffany store and gave them to Taylor, Katherine, Mandy, Selena, Anne, Mrs. Andrea, Anna, etc. People close to you.

So far everyone says it's beautiful.

Ivaca moved her lips, looked up at him, and smiled: "She's very beautiful. You really know how to buy gifts."


"Would you like to put it on for me?"

Ivaca twisted the platinum necklace with her slender fingers and shook it.


Link shrugged his shoulders, walked behind her, and brushed back his long blond hair.

Her hair, with the fragrance of rose water and the warmth of her body, felt soft and smooth to the touch, so he couldn't help but brush it, then picked up the diamond necklace and put it on her elegant swan neck.

The exquisite design of the necklace, with its dazzling blue drop-shaped diamonds, matched well with her black turtleneck knitted sweater.

"How about it?"

Link asked, pressing her shoulder.

"Great! So how about I give you a little reward?"


When he was about to let go of his hand, Ivaca suddenly grabbed his palm and gently covered it with the fullness in front of him.

Link's heart suddenly jumped and his palms contracted unconsciously.

Suddenly, the famous painting "The Milkmaid in Bordeaux" by the famous Spanish painter Francisco Goya came to mind.

The other party is very particular about the details of the painting and uses colors flexibly. The rough tawny fingers of the female worker are in sharp contrast with the fair skin of the cow, which also gives people a strong visual impact.

He thought again of the marshmallows he had eaten on the street when he was a child. It felt like catching the white clouds in the sky. His arm muscles also trembled slightly. He couldn't help but put down his other hand and gently stroked her shoulder.

Just as he was about to explore downward, the cell phone on the table rang.

Jingle Bell!

Ivaca took a look and answered the phone. The loud and clear voice of her father, Comrade Lao Tang, came from the phone. He asked where Ivaca was. The New Year's party was about to start. She was half the host and could not be late.

Ivaca shrugged and said she would be there soon.

"Would you like to come together? My dad would like to introduce Tiffany to you."

Ivaca turned around and asked.

"Tiffany? Your sister?"

Link looked at his palm and didn't understand her thoughts.

Ivaca snorted softly, straightened her long hair, put on her coat, put on her high heels and said: "Don't get me wrong, this is just a little reward, it doesn't mean anything to you, nor is it to seduce you, and there won't be any more. next time."

"You women are so fickle!"

Link shook his head helplessly, and when he saw her putting on her clothes and getting ready to go out, he shouted, "Did you just invite me to the party, just casually?"

Ivaca turned her head gracefully, looked at him and smiled: "I invite you, do you dare to go?"

"Just kidding, do you know who is standing in front of you?"

Link put on his coat and said with a smile, "He is an Olympic champion, a world boxing champion, a four-item swimming record holder, a top singer in the music industry, a popular Hollywood movie star, and a new billionaire. What do you think he has in this world?" Don’t you dare to do it?”

"Wow, you are so awesome, let's go!"

Ivaca smiled and came over to hold his arm.

"How big of a party is this? Do I need to change clothes?"

"No! With your titles, no one would dare to say anything when you wear a bikini."

Ivaca smiled slightly.

Link shrugged his shoulders and took a car to the Ivaca family's villa on the Upper West Side.

This villa is located on the west side of Central Park, covering an area of ​​more than 5,000 square meters. Its market price is more than 300 million US dollars, and it is impossible to buy it even if you have money.

The people who live here are all New York landowners and wealthy people. Many of them were billionaires three generations ago. Ivaca is now the fourth generation billionaire in their family.

This is the foundation of a wealthy family.

Living among billionaires, surrounded by neighbors, relatives, friends, and people you interact with are all billionaires. It is probably difficult for this kind of person to go bankrupt.

When Link and Ivaca walked into the villa in the middle of the manor, Ivaca's New Year's party had already begun, with hundreds of guests attending the party.

There are the newspaper giant Hearst family, hotel giant Hilton family, candy giant Mars family, clothing industry tycoon CK family, New York real estate tycoon Crown Estate Chela family, New York political powerhouse Bloomberg family, real estate tycoon Durst family, New Jersey real estate tycoon Kunas family, Murdoch couple, etc.

All of them are regulars on the Forbes list.

If these people are kidnapped, at least hundreds of billions of dollars can be squeezed out.

Among these people, Link only knows Paris Hilton sisters, Amanda Hearst, Georgia Bloomberg, Kunas Jr. and other young heirs of wealthy families.

Because it is an upper-class party, male guests are all wearing suits, bow ties or dark ties, and women are all wearing beautiful dresses, wearing expensive accessories, and exuding charming fragrance.

Each one is very decent, like a gathering of British aristocrats in the 18th century.

So when Link walked into the party scene in a sports down jacket, he was like a monkey breaking into Times Square, instantly attracting the attention of all the guests.

"Are you sure you don't need to change clothes?"


Evaka took his arm, raised her lips and whispered as she walked, "These people are very rich. Money is not a scarce resource here. What they lack is honor and the feeling of being respected and admired. Honor is what you have the most. Any of the achievements you have made are beyond their reach even if they work hard all their lives. So here, you, a bastard, are the real rich man. You are fully qualified to walk in front of them with your head held high without looking at any of them."

"I'm not that proud."

Link smiled lightly. When he saw these people, he didn't feel inferior or afraid. He was just not used to being a conspicuous bag in a crowded place.

"Wow, Eva, look who you brought."

A girl screamed.

"Eva, why didn't you tell me earlier that you invited Link? This is so exciting."

"Link, it's nice to see you here."

A group of rich girls dressed up in fancy clothes came over and greeted enthusiastically.

Evaka pursed her lips, smiled at them, and whispered, "Paris has mentioned to me more than once that she wants to meet you, saying that you are her dream lover. If you want to sleep with her, just go to the bathroom next to her.

The one in the red dress in the middle is Georgina Bloomberg. Her father is the mayor of New York, worth more than 12 billion, and she likes riding horses. If you accompany her to ride horses a few times, she will definitely fall in love with you and even marry you with billions of dollars.

The one on the left is Amanda Hearst, the granddaughter of a newspaper tycoon, who likes music. If you just write a song for her, she will immediately jump into your arms and kiss you."

Link smiled lightly, "What about you?"

"I'm not interested in you."

Evaka glanced at him, let go of his arm, and smiled and greeted her sisters. Although she insulted them badly, she was very affectionate when she spoke, like a good sister and a good girlfriend.

Women are born actors.

Link secretly admired.

"Eva, why are you here just now? Did you go on a date?"

Paris Hilton pulled Eva Ka and looked at Link and teased.

"Eva, how does it feel to date Link? I heard he is very powerful, is that true?"

Georgina also teased.

"Haha, it must be true. Look at Eva's rosy face. She must be very satisfied."

Hearing Georgina's words, several rich girls around couldn't help laughing, and their eyes slowly slid down from Link's handsome face.

Link smiled politely at several wealthy girls.

Evaka took two glasses of champagne, handed one to Link, and said to several girlfriends: "Link has been invited by the FNL Alliance to participate in the halftime show of this Super Bowl. Time is urgent. We have been rehearsing overtime in the studio these days."

"Link will participate in the Super Bowl performance?"

"Wow, Link, you are so amazing."

"Link, I am your fan, I like every song of yours, your songs are really great."

Paris, Georgina, Amanda and other rich girls came over, each with a fiery look.

Link held the wine glass and politely dealt with the flattery of several people.

Although these rich girls have some problems in their lifestyle and personality, the environment they live in determines that they are not too stupid, and the inheritance rights and connections they have also determine that they cannot be underestimated.

When dealing with these people, try not to offend them if you can. Maybe there are still many possible places for cooperation in business in the future.

It's just that when he was surrounded by celebrities, the rich boys at the party were inevitably neglected.

Gatherings like the New Year's Party, in addition to the heads of the major families bragging and bonding together, are also opportunities for the young people in the family to communicate more, similar to a blind date.

When the girls at the party all rushed to Link, the boys inevitably became united in their hatred of the enemy.

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