Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 252 Link Music's Market Value

"Hey Eva, are you dating Link?"

Bob Lauren of the Lauren family asked aloud.

"Why do you ask?"

Evaca held the wine glass, looked at Link surrounded by women, and smiled.

"I heard that Link has a girlfriend. She is Taylor Swift, right? Is this a love triangle?"

Bob Lauren grinned.

Ivaca shrugged noncommittally.

Seeing Ivaca's posture, the wealthy young men around them all looked unhappy. Ivaca was the most outstanding-looking girl in their circle. She was very talented and capable, and had always been a popular figure for marriage.

Originally, her family encountered a financial crisis and needed a large amount of funds to save the industries under the TP Group. This was also a good opportunity for everyone to take action.

But suddenly a beach boy Link appeared next to Ivaca, and the two also co-founded Link Music. What is even more surprising is that the two of them actually made Link Music very successful.

According to the "Wall Street Journal"'s end-of-year estimates, Link Music, which has three best-selling singers, currently has a market value of more than 100 million U.S. dollars, about 150 million U.S. dollars.

As the president of Link Music, Ivaca has also become a star figure in New York's upper class society. The heads of major families want the younger generation to learn from Ivaca, and many people hope that their children and grandchildren can marry Ivaca.

Having such a smart, capable female member who is good at management is also more beneficial to the development of the family.

Unfortunately, since Evaka and Link collaborated, she rarely attends their parties, and no longer associates with other members of the opposite sex. She usually pays attention to her discretion when accepting invitations from other members of the opposite sex to prevent scandals.

It's like she married Link and gave her body and soul to Link.

This change made everyone very jealous of Link. They had a chance to pick up Ivaca in the past, but they were not interested. Now they can't. Instead, they feel that Ivaca is getting more and more beautiful, and they are obsessed with it.

The representative figure is Little Kunas.

In the past, he never pursued girls for more than a month, but this time he spent a year pursuing Ivaca, but in the end he didn't even get her hand.

The more this happened, the more he recognized Ivaca.

"Hi Eva, there will be a concert by Andrea Bocelli at Carnegie Hall next week. Do you have time to listen to it together?"

Little Kunas, wearing a suit and with elegantly parted hair, stepped forward and asked politely.

"Red, the New Year is coming, and there are a lot of things in the company. I haven't had a holiday for a month, and it will be the same next week."

Ivaca declined politely.

"All right!"

Little Kunas shrugged his shoulders, squinted his eyes and smiled from her chest, "Eva, I'm going to work for Atlantic Records as the vice president of the distribution company. From next year, we will be peers. I hope We have more opportunities to work together.”


Ivaca was a little surprised, she had never heard of this before.

"Haha, the music industry is very profitable now. My father owns a small portion of Atlantic Records stock and is a member of the board of directors. Now I will take over this position."

Little Kunas said while shaking his wine glass.

"Congratulations! Welcome to the music industry."

Ivaca chuckled while holding the wine glass.

"Haha, Ivaca, look at Rhett. He gave up his position as president of Kunas Real Estate Management for you. He is so infatuated."

"Yes, Ivaca, we always thought you and Red were a couple."

Several young men came over and said.

Iwaka smiled noncommittally, and suddenly saw Link coming over. She said sorry, stepped on her high heels, and walked toward Link while twisting her plump waist and hips.

"There are so many beauties here, why don't we chat for a while?"

Ivaca asked softly.

Link wiped the sweat from his forehead, "It's terrible. At a high-society party, there are actually more than one people who would secretly touch my butt."


Ivaca covered her lips with a wine glass and laughed, almost losing control of her expression. She pressed the corners of her lips and said with a smile: "If something like this happened, why don't you find the reason within yourself? Is your butt too upturned? They I can’t help but reach out.”

"You're right, it's probably my fault."

Link glanced at her and saw her face full of teasing. He couldn't help but put his hand on her slender waist. His palm slowly slid down, and the slope became steeper. His palm seemed to be stuck in a swamp.

"What are you doing?"

Ivaca's expression changed and she asked coldly.

"If something like this happened, why don't you find the reason yourself? Is it because your butt is too high? He couldn't help but reach out."

"Tsk! You are such a disgusting bastard!"

Ivaca held back her laughter and stretched out her hand to squeeze his waist.

Then Link heard a sound of gnashing teeth coming from behind, which was terrifying.

"Stop making trouble, let me tell you something."

Ivaca held his hand and walked in the middle of the party, greeting the guests and telling him about Kunas joining Atlantic Records.

Iwaka said that Kunas is narrow-minded. After joining Atlantic Records, it may affect the cooperation between Link Music and Atlantic Records. For example, Atlantic Records is responsible for the overseas distribution of Mars' album.

Now that Kunas is the vice president of Atlantic Records Publishing Company, he is bound to make a fuss in this regard.

"Is there any solution?"

"It's not a big problem for now. Mars' album sales are good. They won't deliberately create trouble and make both sides lose money. The problem is that Kunas may interfere in the album production."

Ivaka said thoughtfully.

Since Link Music Company was newly established, there are too few musicians under its umbrella, and even fewer talents in various types of music.

For example, when producing rock, rap, rhythm and blues and other types of songs, people from other record companies are often needed.

Atlantic Records is headquartered in Manhattan, New York. It has many musicians under its umbrella and is close to Link Music Company. It is also one of the partners that Link Music often needs to cooperate with.

If Kunas interferes, it will affect the work of Link Music.

"We are not short of money now, so we can recruit more talents."

Link said thoughtfully.

Ivaka nodded, greeted the guests who came over, and continued:

"There is one thing I forgot to tell you. Last week, Atlantic Records made an offer to acquire us, investing 40 million US dollars to acquire 30% of Link Music's shares. Now that I think about it, this may be the idea of ​​little Kunas."

"40 million?"

Link shook his head. In November, Universal Music proposed to acquire 50% of Link Music's shares for 50 million, but he and Ivaka refused.

He and Ivaka are not short of money. 50 million is only equal to his income from a boxing match, which takes a few minutes.

If Universal Music is accepted, Universal will send people to the management of Link Music, at least vice president-level executives.

At that time, Ivaka's power will be greatly divided, and he will also need to listen to the other party's arrangements, and the workload will increase.

This is not what he wants.

He and Ivaka proposed to transfer 30% of Universal Music's shares for 40 million to facilitate in-depth cooperation with Universal Music.

Universal thinks the shares are too small and has not agreed for the time being.

Now Atlantic Records has proposed to invest, and Atlantic Records is a subsidiary of Warner Records WEA. Letting Atlantic Records invest is equivalent to being a younger brother to the younger brother of the big brother. It is not enough. It is better to cooperate with Universal.

"Hi Miss Eva! Mr. Baker!"

A middle-aged man in his forties or fifties came to say hello. He was wearing a suit, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and was gentle and refined.

Link was a little surprised. Many people greeted him just now, and they mostly called him "Link". This man called him "Mr. Baker" as soon as they met.

"Mr. Woolridge, didn't Lana come?"

Evaka came forward to greet.

"Haha, she was tired from the concert a few days ago, and she has been resting at home these days."

The middle-aged man came over, shook hands with Evaka, and took Link to thank him, "Miss Eva, Mr. Baker, thank you for your help. Liz is in a much better state recently. She is very cheerful every day and no longer runs out to drink and fight. Her mother and I are very grateful to you."

Link was confused and didn't understand what the other party was thanking him for. He looked at Evaka in confusion.

Evaka blinked at him and smiled, "Mr. Woolridge, we should thank you. Lana is better and has more potential than we thought. She is now one of the pillars of Link Music."

"Haha, this is all thanks to you. It is you who made Liz. Mr. Baker, I often hear Lana mention you at home. She said you are very good and she admires you very much. Please come to our house when you have time."

The middle-aged man said enthusiastically.

"Okay, I'll be sure!"

Link heard that the other party seemed to be someone of Lana, and nodded with a smile. When the other party left, Link pulled Evaka, "Who is he? Lana's husband?"

"Nonsense, he is Lana's father."

Evaka smiled slightly, pulled him and said, "Mr. Woolridge is also a billionaire. He has more than ten decoration and furniture companies under him. He is one of the important customers of TP Real Estate. At a party in April and May, he heard that I was the president of Link Music, and he said that he had a daughter who was rebellious and disobedient since childhood. She wanted to be a singer, but she never succeeded. He recommended Lana to me. Later, I saw Lana's singing video on YouTube. I felt that her level was very good, so I invited you to listen. As a result, there was an unexpected gain."

Link remembered that day in the Rooftop Bar, Evaka asked Lana if she had obtained the consent of her family to drop out of school to sing. Lana said no, saying that singing was her dream and had nothing to do with her family. Evaka showed a strange smile on her face.

At that time, Link thought that Evaka agreed with Lana's words and supported her in pursuing her dream.

Now that I think about it, I know why she asked that.

"So Lana is also a rich second-generation?"

"Yes, do you want to date Lana? I can tell you how to date her."

Ivaka smiled.

"Link Music, no office romance."

"I'm the president, I have the final say."

Ivaka raised her delicate chin and smiled slightly.

"Eva? You're here!"

The two were chatting when they heard a high-pitched and distinctive voice from behind. It was Eva's father. Link shrugged his shoulders, knowing that today's party was over.

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