Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 253 The invitation of the Snow Flower Secret Fan

At the party, Link also met Murdoch, the president of News Corporation, and his wife, Ms. Wendy Deng.

Murdoch was not very interested in him. He just asked some questions about boxing training, why he was so strong, and whether he had any skills in physical training.

Link understood what the old man was thinking, which was that he was afraid of death and wanted to live a few more years.

He talked about his training methods, including weight-bearing running, deep-sea diving, barbell lifting, skipping, etc.

These are obviously not suitable for Murdoch, an old man in his seventies.

Wendy Deng was more enthusiastic towards him and asked him if he could speak Chinese. She was making a Chinese-language film and needed a Western face who could speak Chinese and asked him if he was interested.

Link guessed it was the lesbian movie "Snowflake and the Secret Fan".

Except for the good heroines Bingbing and Zhixian, everything else in that movie was average and didn't add much to my reputation.

Link said that he would be embarking on a world tour within the year, and he also had new films directed by Woody Allen and Stallone. He probably didn't have time, so he declined the other party's proposal.

But Ms. Deng became even more enthusiastic after hearing this.

He said that there weren’t many scenes for that character, and they could be filmed in a week or two.

This movie is produced by Fox Searchlight Pictures, a subsidiary of News Corporation. The director is the famous Chinese female director Wang Ying. The heroine and supporting actors are all international first-line movie stars. The quality is guaranteed. I hope he will consider it carefully.

Link saw that the other party was sincere and felt that it would be impolite to refuse directly. He said that he needed to check the schedule. If there was no conflict in schedule, he could consider it.

Ms. Deng was very happy to hear this and said that the schedule could be adjusted according to his arrangement.

Link could only agree.

After agreeing, he wanted to go back on his word. There was too much work this year. From January 1st to December 30th of the new year, there was no day off.

Now that I’m taking on another drama, I’ll probably be extremely busy.

"What's wrong?"

Ivaca finished dealing with her annoying dad and came over.

After a while, she changed her outfit again, a blue deep V dress, showing off her plump and hot figure and her long, slender legs.

Her long blond hair was pulled up, and she wore the necklace he gave her on her white swan neck. She looked luxurious and sexy.

"Eva, you are such a beauty."

Link looked at her wildly.

"Thank you! You are also a bastard with rude eyes."

Iwaka hummed.

"Well, I just got myself into trouble again."

Link spread his hands and talked about Ms. Wendy Deng's new movie.

Ivaca smiled slightly, brushed the hair beside her ear and said: "It's also a very good trouble. China has been developing better and better in recent years, and the market prospects are broad. Your two records sold over 120 Having more than 10,000 photos also shows that there is a huge market for you there. Taking on Chinese-language films can increase your reputation in China, which will bring you many benefits in the future.”

Link thought for a while, and it was indeed the case. China has developed rapidly in recent years, with its GDP reaching 33,535.3 billion yuan, surpassing Germany and becoming the third largest economy in the world.

This has also caused many people to go to China to make money, and Hollywood movies have begun to pay attention to China. They often hold movie premieres there and take Hollywood stars to road shows in major cities in China.

Link also wanted to invest, donate, and build a few boxing schools or clubs in China, but unfortunately there was no suitable opportunity.

It might be a good opportunity to take on a Chinese-language film.

"Why is your father looking for you? His face looks very bad."

Link glanced at the chatting and laughing blond old man in the crowd and smiled.

"Yes, since he failed to rent the white house in Washington last year, he has been in a bad mood. He just told me that I am 26 years old and can't continue to mess around. He hopes that I can take this matter seriously. "

Ivaca said, imitating her father's tone.

Link smiled softly. He originally wanted to remind her that she would be 27 years old after the New Year, but after thinking about it, she didn't want to get that look.

"Remember you said that as long as Link Music's market value exceeds 100 million US dollars, he will no longer care about your life-long affairs?"

"Yeah, so I ignored him."

Ivaca said calmly.


Link gave a thumbs up.

Iwaka rolled her eyes at him and saw two gentlemen and ladies walking across from them. She smiled slightly and pulled Link forward to say hello.

At the party, Link followed Ivaca to meet many celebrities in New York, including the head of the Hearst family.

Hearst Corporation is one of the world's largest diversified media groups, with 15 daily newspapers, 34 weekly magazines, more than 300 magazines and publications worldwide, and 29 local television stations.

The more famous media brands include "Harper's Bazaar", "Esquire", "ELLE", ESPN TV and A+E Networks cable TV networks, as well as the famous Bilibili and Legendary Pictures, which are also under the Hearst Group. .

There are many benefits to knowing this kind of person.

There is also Frank Mars Jr. of Mars Group, who serves as vice president of Mars Group.

And Link likes their lollipops very much.

After the party, Link returned to Link Recording Studio to continue polishing the new song "Legends Never Die", and spent the 2010 New Year's Day in the recording studio with Lana, Graeme, Mars and other colleagues.

At the beginning of the new year, Link did not take a day off. He led the tour team to continue to hold 13 concerts in South America, Australia and other places.

On January 18th, he returned to the United States to attend the Film and Television Golden Globe Awards. Unfortunately, he failed to win the award this time.

The biggest winner of this year's Golden Globe Awards was "Avatar" directed by James Cameron, which won the most valuable Best Picture and Best Director awards.

"The Fighter" had seven nominations, but only won one award for Best Supporting Actress in a Drama Series, for Melissa Leo, who played her mother.

Christian Bale lost out to Inglourious Basterds' Christoph Waltz for the award.

It lost out to "Up in the Clouds" starring George Clooney in the Best Screenplay nomination.

Although "The Fighter" did not perform well at the Golden Globe Awards, the media believes that the Golden Globe Awards and the Academy Awards are often the opposite. Movies that are favored by the Golden Globe Awards are often snubbed by the Oscars, and movies that are snubbed by the Golden Globe Awards are often ignored by the Oscars. Often praised by Oscars.

Just like "The Hurt Locker", which was very popular before the Golden Globe Awards, it was nominated 0 out of 4 times at this year's Golden Globe Awards.

In this regard, there is no need to be too frustrated that "Fighter" failed to win more awards.

Shortly after the Golden Globe Awards ended, the nomination list for the 82nd Academy Awards was also announced in the media.

"Avatar" and "The Hurt Locker" tied for first place with nine nominations each.

"The Fighter" ranked second, with eight nominations, including Best Picture, Best Director, Best Supporting Actor, Two Best Supporting Actresses, Best Original Screenplay, Best Film Editing, and Best Original Song .

Link also only won one for Best Original Song, and he was also invited by the Oscar organizers to sing the nominated song at the Academy Awards ceremony.

"Okay, I got it Mandy!"

Link put away his phone and looked at the sunset on the Melbourne coast. He took a few photos and sent them to Taylor, Ivaca and Selena for them to envy.

Taylor asked where this place was. He heard that there were many beauties in Australia, such as Nicole Kidman, Naomi Watts, and Cate Blanchett. He asked if he knew any of them.

Link replied that there were more than a few, and all the people lying on the bed last night were Australian beauties, seventy or eighty of them.

Taylor fired a few punches and waited until he came back to deliver.

Ivaca said that his photography skills have improved and asked him to post it on Twitter later and also do some publicity.

Link said yes.

Selena sent a message saying "ugly", and also said that there is a penguin island in Melbourne. There is a kind of little penguin over 20 centimeters on the island. She asked him to catch a few and bring them back. She also said that it was not she who wanted them, but Annie.

Link shook his head, this girl was going to send his brother to prison.

However, the little penguins on Penguin Island are really cute. You can buy a few penguin dolls and take them back to Annie as gifts.

"Link, there are a few celebrities in Australia who want seats in the family and friends area. Do you want to agree?"

Anna shouted from the bow of the boat.

"Is there anyone I know?"

"No, they are all local little stars."

"Give tickets to public relations. Don't just give tickets away to friends and relatives."

Link said helplessly.

Since he became famous, various starlets and Internet celebrities have often used various methods to gain his popularity.

Some are very polite and say hello before taking advantage of the heat.

Some of them just rubbed against him, pulling and trampling him while rubbing against him.

In order to prevent others from rubbing off on him, he, like Kanye, is now extremely vigilant about people who are trying to catch his attention.

It’s the end of January, and the 52nd Grammy Music Awards will be held in Los Angeles on January 31.

Link had to attend awards ceremonies and perform shows, so he had to temporarily stop touring and leave the band at the end of January to return to Los Angeles to rest.

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