And I was like baby, baby, baby, oh~

Like baby, baby, baby, oh~

Like baby, baby, baby, oh~

At noon, Los Angeles, Jetty Cafe, the bright sunshine shines on the sofa through the floor-to-ceiling windows, and the body is warm. Link flips through the magazine and gradually feels drowsy.

Some time ago, I held concerts one after another in South America, Australia and other places. I was constantly spinning and had little time to rest.

After returning to Los Angeles, I don’t have a full schedule, nor do I need to finish one concert and then fly to the next one.

Suddenly relaxed, physically and mentally relaxed, and in a comfortable environment, he inevitably wanted to sleep.

Because of this, he often fell asleep leaning on Taylor while watching TV with Taylor in the past two days. When he woke up, his face and neck were covered with music scores and lyrics.

Like baby, baby, baby, oh~

Like baby, baby, baby, oh~

"Hey! Bob, can you change the song to something other than babybabybaby? Don't you find it annoying?"

Link put down the magazine in his hand and looked back at the owner behind the counter of the cafe.

A bookworm in his thirties can do nothing but read books every day. If he didn't have a virtuous and capable wife, Lillian, this cafe would have closed down long ago.

Bob raised his head from behind the counter and pushed up his glasses, "This song is very popular recently and everyone is listening to it. Don't you like it?"

"Change it to another one. If you listen to it too much, you'll get bored."

"All right!"

Bob scratched his messy hair and moved his fingers to change a song on the music player.

It's been a long day without you my friend, And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again

"Don't play my songs either, let's play some soft music."

Link sighed helplessly.

During this time, I was holding concerts outside. Every time I went on stage, I had to sing "See You Again" and songs from the two albums. If I sang too much, I would get tired of it.

Bob worked at the counter for a while and changed to Richard Clayderman's piano music "Adelina by the Waterside". After changing it, he asked Link how he liked the music. Link said it was okay.

"How's your novel going?"

Link asked casually.

"It's okay. Don't listen to Lilian's nonsense. I'm not writing a novel, I'm just writing about my reading experience."

Bob said shyly with a red face.

Link shrugged his shoulders and didn't ask any more questions. He changed a magazine and continued to read.

After the New Year, various magazines began to publish their 2009 annual lists. Link was one of the most influential people in America last year and was on more than ten lists at once.

Includes Business Magazine’s ‘Most Influential People Under Thirty’

Fortune Magazine releases ‘40 American Billionaires Under 40’;

"Sports Illustrated"'s '2009 World Sports Athletes Earning Ranking';

"Billboard"'s '2009 European and American Music Singer Earning Ranking';

"Boxing Magazine"'s '2009 Boxer Earnings Ranking';

"Top Ten Philanthropic Stars List of 2009" released by "Forbes"

The ‘World’s Most Beautiful Faces Ranking’ and ‘The World’s Sexiest Male Stars Ranking’ published by People magazine.

According to data given by several magazines, his income is divided into three parts.

First, last year, his total income from boxing and swimming was approximately US$95 million, ranking second on the '2009 Sports Income Ranking'.

The champion is Tiger Woods, with a total annual income of US$99.73 million, including an annual salary of US$7.73 million + business income of US$92 million.

The third runner-up is Mickelson, a golfer with an annual income of US$52.92 million.

The fourth place is British football player Beckham, with annual income of 45.2 million US dollars.

Second, last year, his total income from music was about 87 million US dollars, including 110 million US dollars in advertising income, ranking second in the '2009 European and American Singer Income Ranking'.

The champion is MJ, with about 180 million US dollars.

Taylor ranked 12th with earnings of $36.5 million.

Third, last year, in addition to boxing and singing, there were also movie remuneration, shares in Dynasty Promotion Company, and shares in Link Music. The market value of these two companies doubled several times last year, becoming star companies in the industry.

Fortune Magazine estimates that he is worth $320 million and ranks him 32nd on its annual list of self-made billionaires under 40.

Those at the top of the list are all great figures, including the two founders of Google, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, and Facebook’s Zuckerberg.

This time Link's intensive inclusion on the list also greatly increased his reputation in the United States.

He is no longer the poor beach boy he once was, but a bona fide billionaire.

"Time" magazine used him as the cover character for the opening of 2010 in early January.

Time Magazine believes that he is the representative of the American dream in the new era, a boxing superstar, a new king of music, and the most influential youth idol in the United States. He has a great influence on the youth group. It is believed that in the next ten years, he will continue to play a huge role in the American society, so it is very appropriate to put him on the cover of the beginning of 2010.

Link doesn't care much about these reputations. He finds that too many halos are like the amount of money in the account. Too many numbers will make people feel numb and lazy.

"Mr. Baker, this is your coffee."

The coffee shop owner Lillian personally brought a cup of hand-ground coffee and gently placed it on the table.

A strong caramel aroma mixed with the mellow aroma of chocolate and the light smell of fresh milk went straight into the nose, making people smell very delicious.

This is also one of the reasons why Link often comes here to sit.

"Lillian, your craftsmanship is great."

Link praised while smelling the aroma of coffee.

The female owner Lillian brushed her hair and smiled slightly.

She is a Colombian immigrant in her twenties, with black skin, ordinary looks, and a sturdy figure, but she is clever and considerate in serving customers.

"Lillian, I have another guest, she will be here soon, please make another cup of mocha."

"Okay, Mr. Baker!"

Lillian took the tray and left.

Link noticed that Bob behind the counter was eavesdropping, and advised him to temporarily give up the idea of ​​writing a novel and try to write a script. As long as there are good ideas, there is no need to worry about no one appreciating it.

Bob still blushed and said that he had not written a novel, but just wrote it for fun.

Dingling! The sound of a bell came from the door, and a middle-aged woman in a blue women's suit walked in.

She was in her thirties, with a round face, short hair, a pair of round-framed metal-rimmed glasses, and a pair of bright green pupils that were very recognizable through thin glass lenses.

She can see the seriousness and shrewdness of a financial person, as well as the elegance and cuteness of a young woman.

A woman with a little contradiction.

"Kathy, here!"

Link raised his hand and greeted.

This is Ms. Cathie Wood, the manager of Pioneer Asset Management Company on Wall Street.

Last year, after Link participated in the Olympics, he had some money in his hand and wanted to invest in Wall Street. He asked Catherine, Franco and Mandy to recommend a company.

With the recommendation of several people, he chose Pioneer Asset Management Company, which ranked in the top three in terms of strength. Cathie Wood was responsible for receiving him at that time.

At that time, he saw that the other party had a round face and looked like she was easy to bully. She didn't look like a shrewd financial manager, so he had some doubts about her ability.

But after chatting, he found that the other party's business level was very good. He handed over more than 10 million signing bonus to the other party with a trial attitude.

Later, Cathie Wood made more and more wealth on his account through several good operations, and the cooperation between the two parties has continued to this day.

Today, he wants to have coffee with the other party to talk about investment plans for a period of time in the future.

For example, Tesla is planning to go public.

At present, Tesla's market value is less than 1 billion US dollars, and it will only be 1.7 billion after listing. After 15 years of listing, Tesla's stock price has risen by as much as 4,400%, and its market value has exceeded 500 billion US dollars, which is more valuable than Amazon.

Whether you can take action in advance to buy up a large portion of the stocks and turn from a billionaire into a tens-billionaire or a hundred-billionaire, you still need to listen to the analysis of Cathy, a professional, and the specific operations will also be left to Cathy.

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