When we returned to the Bay Villa in the evening, it was not yet nine o'clock, and Taylor had not yet gone to bed. The TV in the small living room on the second floor was on, and ABC was broadcasting the interview session after the Oscars.

Link was also stopped and asked a few questions. The host asked him who his favorite actor and actress were, and he said it was Charlie Chaplin and Marilyn Monroe.

The host asked him again whether it was true that his goal as an actor was to win the Oscar for Best Actor. Link replied that it was absolutely true.

The host asked about the gossip about the album's ranking, but he perfunctorily dismissed it.

"Honey, I'm back."

Link shouted, but received no response.

The TV screen was still flickering, and Taylor was sleeping on the sofa with her side, holding a pen in her hand, and many manuscripts were scattered on the ground.

Link walked to the sofa, stared at her face, and reached out to comb her long hair, revealing her delicate oval face completely.

Suddenly Taylor opened her blue eyes and waved her fist at his face.

Link raised his hand to block, grabbed her fist and smiled: "I teach you boxing for self-defense, not for you to beat me."

"Humph! Why did you come back so late?"

Taylor grabbed his collar and sniffed, wrinkling his nose in disgust, "It smells bad, go take a shower."

"Would you like to join me? I'll give you a SPA."

Link took off his suit jacket and smiled.

"No! Every time I let you massage, you will move your hands and feet, and you will enjoy it in the end."

Taylor took his jacket and said.

"I promise not to move this time."

"I don't believe it. You always make promises and cheat every time. I won't be fooled again."

Link shook his head and took off his shirt and pants in front of her, revealing a strong and fit body, and walked into the bathroom wearing only shorts.

But soon Taylor broke in, holding his white shirt in his hand, pointing to the collar where there was a half lipstick mark, and asked him where it came from?

His expression was very angry.

Link lay in the bathtub, took off the towel covering his face and took a look. He frowned and thought hard for a while, but he couldn't remember who he had kissed or hugged.

Suddenly he found that Taylor's lips, which were the original color just now, were now a brighter red.

Link shook his head helplessly and asked her to come closer to take a look. When she came over, he would carry her into the bathtub and take a bath together.

After the Oscars, Link continued to film in the crew of "The Expendables".

Originally, he only had more than 40 scenes in the crew, which could be filmed in ten days, but after the filming started, Stallone and the producer said that they would add more scenes for him to make the image of his character more three-dimensional, and the salary would also increase by 2 million US dollars on the original basis.

After reading the new script, Link felt very good and agreed.

This change added a lot of work to him, and also made him almost busy recently.


The car window glass exploded.


"Link, how is it? Any problem?"

At Universal Studios, on the set of The Expendables, Stallone took off his headset, stood up and asked Link.

"No problem! It was just a slight bump."

Link stood up and said.

What is being filmed now is the clip of him fighting with Gunnar Jensen, who is played by Swedish action actor Dolph Lundgren.

The other party is also a martial artist. He started martial arts at the age of 14, has a second-degree black belt in karate, served as the captain of the Swedish senior karate national team, won the European heavyweight karate championship in 1980 and 1981, and is also very strong.

Because it was the first time to shoot an action scene, Link was not familiar with the routines of action movies, and was restrained when fighting. For example, when fighting with an opponent, the action should be beautiful, fierce and imposing, but not too strong. Excessive force will hurt the opponent or even kill him.

So when shooting, he needs to save his strength and cannot play it at will.

There were also staff from Federal Insurance Company watching nearby, not allowing him to do anything dangerous.

"Boss, do you need a doctor?"

Anna asked.

"It's okay, just a minor injury."

Link had just used too much force, and his calf kicked the car door, causing a bruise in the middle of his shin. He sprayed some ointment and went into the studio to continue filming.

"OK! 17th scene, 3 takes, 2 times, action!"

The script supervisor hit the board, and filming continued.

Link punched his opponent Gunnar, who hugged his head with his arms and was beaten back repeatedly. His back hit the car door. He was about to open the car door to block it, but Link pulled the chain, hung in the air, and kicked the car door with his back.

The set of moves was clean, neat, fierce and fierce.

"This move is cool. Link is a professional boxer, how come he can also fight."

Jason Statham sat in the director's area, watching the screen playing on the monitor and said.

"It's really surprising."

Jet Lee, who plays the role of 'Yin Yang', leaned on the sofa with his legs crossed and commented on Link's fighting moves, saying that in addition to boxing, Link's moves also incorporate Muay Thai, Jeet Kune Do, and Taekwondo.

What surprised him was that Link also knew the Tongbiquan and Changquan of Chinese Kung Fu.

"Haha, what a surprising guy."

Sylvester Stallone watched the fighting clips and squeezed out a smile on his stiff left face.

The character played by Link was originally called 'Toll Road', a strong man who was good at fighting with firearms and smart, similar to the 'brain trust' in the Expendables.

When Stallone was initially looking for actors, he was going to look for the famous wrestler and UFC heavyweight champion Randy Couture to play the role.

But Randy Couture is strong and muscular, and doesn't look very smart.

Later, he saw the news about Link in the newspaper.

Link is a world boxing champion, strong and powerful.

More importantly, Link is also considered a master of boxing tactics and a smart mind, which is very consistent with the role of "Toll Road".

In addition, Link is young, handsome and popular.

The leading actors of this movie are all over 40 years old, and even the youngest Jason Statham is 43 years old this year. They are all handsome old men. Adding a young handsome man like Link can also attract young moviegoers, which has too many benefits.

For this reason, Sylvester Stallone did not hesitate to change the script and changed Link's role from "Toll Road" to "Playboy Jack", the son of Barney's old comrade-in-arms. The old comrade-in-arms died in an operation and entrusted "Jack" to him before his death. Barney and Jack are both teachers and friends.

In the entire Expendables, Jack the Playboy is also the one that everyone takes care of, a bit like a group pet.

Jack the Playboy's role also changed from male No. 6 to male No. 4, with more than 20 more scenes.


"Good job! This one is passed, Jet, it's your turn."

Stallone shouted.

Jet Lee stood up and stretched his fists and feet, walked into the set to join the fight, and teamed up with Jack the Playboy to knock Gunnar unconscious.


Link and Jet Lee bumped fists and smiled at each other.


"Very good! Take another one!"

Link continued to film on the set.

In the third week of the release of Wiz Khalifa's album "Deal Or No Deal", it sold 125,000 copies, and the cumulative sales in the United States reached 527,000 copies.

Justin Bieber's second album "My World 2.0" was released for the second week. Last week, it was recommended by many music stars, including Jay-Z, Kanye West, Mariah Carey, Usher, Justin Timberlake, etc.

The sales of this album rose instead of falling this week, selling 296,000 copies, 13,000 more than last week, and the cumulative sales in the United States were 57. Khalifa's new album sold more in three weeks.

Justin's new album won the Billboard album chart for the second consecutive time.

A 16-year-old boy won the Billboard album chart for a consecutive time, which also caused heated discussions in the music industry.

"Rolling Stone" magazine did not give a high evaluation of this album. Out of a full score of 100, it only gave "My World 2.0" 55 points, a barely passing score.

Professional music critics have mixed reviews of this album.

Positive reviews say that this album is in line with the tastes of the youth group, leading the new trend of pop music, and is more mature than "My World 1.0". Justin's progress can also be seen from this album, and Justin Bieber is called a musical genius.

Negative reviews say that the quality of this album is average, the songs are very sloppy, the tunes are simple, Justin's singing skills are also average, and many parts rely on tuning. In addition, only four of the 12 songs in this album entered the Billboard singles chart top 100, which is less than other champion albums.

Its popularity is puzzling.

Despite the low evaluation, the sales of this album are still high. In the third week, 287,000 copies were sold, and the sales in the United States reached 866,000 copies. Next week, it will steadily exceed one million copies.

The media predicts that Justin's second album will sell more than 2 million copies in the United States, or even 3 million copies.

In a media interview, 50 Cent told reporters that he did not think that the sales of Link's third album could exceed Justin's second album. If Link could win, he would go to Times Square to streak.

50 Cent, Lil Wayne, Kanye West and others also posted photos of a celebration party with Justin Bieber on Twitter, and opened ten bottles of Ace of Spades champagne on the spot, which seemed to lock in the victory in advance.

The mainstream media also began to take sides.

After confirming that Link's new album was about love, many media and musicians were not optimistic about the album.

They believed that Link's voice and style were more suitable for rock, and not suitable for singing sweet, sour and spicy love songs.

In addition, love is a clichéd and common theme.

It is too difficult for Link, a young singer, to sing something new.

Amid the doubts of the crowd, Link's third album "The Woman I Love" started an online pre-sale event.

This event is mainly for Link's fans. The first batch of limited editions of 10,000 deluxe albums, 10,000 vinyl records, and 18,000 Link's autographed albums were sold out by fans in just 13 minutes.

It set a new online pre-sale record.

Billboard expects the album to sell more than 2 million copies in the United States.

The mainstream media believes that the fast pre-sale of Link's album is because he has too many fans who support Link unconditionally, and it has nothing to do with the quality of the album.

The mainstream media still believes that the sales of this album are around 1 million.

Seeing this data, Link is also worried that the album sales will be lower than expected, so he called Evaka and asked her to be cautious in promotion and not to be too exaggerated, so as not to be slapped in the face.

Evaka ignored him and said that he was a singer and what he should do was to sing with peace of mind, and if he didn't understand the distribution, he shouldn't interfere.

Hearing that Evaka was so confident, he stopped interfering and continued to film, practice boxing, and prepare for boxing matches.

On March 22, Link's third album "The Woman I Love" was officially released in the United States. This album contains 18 songs, including the already released hit song "all of me".

There are also 12 songs that Link brought out, including "Everything You Need", "Someone You Loved", "Girls Like You", "Promises", "Stay With Me".

He participated in the creation of six songs, including "The Woman I Love", "Here With You", "the rose", "Closer", etc.

The standard version of this album is priced at US$29.5, an average of US$1.6 per song, which is US$15 higher than Justin's second album and more expensive than the previous two albums.

This price is determined by the distribution company and local distributors.

In the audition session, 23 music producers from Link Music and Universal Music and 54 representatives of record distributors gave this album an average score of 92.7, which can be called a high-quality work.

Generally speaking, if the record is of high quality and the singer is famous, the record will not be sold, and the price will be higher.

Publishing companies and distributors can also get some money.

Comparatively speaking, they also prefer to distribute such albums through agents.

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