"Damn it! An album is 30 US dollars, are they stealing money?"

In New York, in the office of the president of SB Entertainment, Scooter took over the album "The Woman I Love" he just bought from his assistant. Although it is cheaper to buy digital albums online, as a half-musician, he is listening to When singing, I am more accustomed to listening to physical records.

"Ally, how are the sales in the record stores on Fifth Avenue?"

Scout asked, holding up the album.

“Very hot!”

Assistant Alex said.

When he came over just now, there were many people queuing up in front of several physical record stores near Fifth Avenue and Broadway to buy Link's records. Some record stores announced they were sold out not long after they opened.

He also waited in line for more than 40 minutes to buy this album.

Scooter frowned when he heard this. For a singer, having a record sold out as soon as it was put on the shelves is so satisfying. It is more worthy of praise than winning a Grammy Award, but for his opponent, this is Not good news.

"Boss, Link is so popular this year. First he stole the show at the Grammy Awards, and then he released the hit song "Legends Never Die" at the Super Bowl halftime show. His fame skyrocketed, and then he performed at the Academy Awards. After showing off, in the first three months of this year, his news never stopped.

In addition, I just listened to it again. The quality of the songs in this album is very high, and there is almost no mediocre work. With Justin's current situation, it will be more difficult to step on Link and rise to the top. "

Assistant Alex said holding the folder.

Scout felt even more unhappy when he heard this, and waved his hand to let Alex go out first. He opened the album box, put the record into the music player, and clicked play.

You're sitting in the bedroom playing the guitar

You're sitting in your bedroom playing guitar

Writing in a notebook your wish upon a star

Write down your wishes for the stars in a notebook

You are like a snowflake melting in my hand

Along with the pleasant prelude, Link's clear and slightly magnetic voice came from the speakers, gentle and delicate, with sincere feelings and a hint of warm masculine temperament.

Scout frowned.

I have heard Link sing "Give Me Reason" and "Legends Never Die" before, and I feel that his voice is high-pitched and hoarse, which is more suitable for rock singing.

Hearing that Link's third album was a love album, Scout secretly rejoiced, thinking that he had chosen the wrong theme and might suffer big losses on this album.

But when he heard Link's singing, he realized that he seemed to be wrong.

This guy's voice is very gentle, magnetic, and contagious. It seems to be very suitable for singing this kind of love song.

"Damn, isn't this bastard a boxer?"

After Scooter finished listening to "Everything You Need", he continued to listen to the second song "The Woman I Love", and then "Girls Like You" and "Here With You".

After listening to each song, he marked it with a pen on paper and gave an evaluation.

After listening to eighteen songs in a row, he lay weakly on the sofa, his brown curly hair became damp, and his face became very ugly.

There are eighteen letters on the paper, including 8 A+, 6 A, and 4 A-, and the scores are all above A-.

This is the result of his using relatively harsh standards to score.

If you relax a little, the quality of many songs is above A+ level.

He couldn't find anything wrong even after listening to it once. How excited will those fans who like Link be after hearing the songs in this album?

How high will the sales of this album be?

With a ceiling as strong as Link's, when will Justin Bieber become the No. 1 pop music star?

In the music world, the most profitable people are the No. 1 performers in each category. The second, third and fourth performers often don’t make as much money as the first performer.

This is the winner-take-all principle, and it applies to both the business world and the music world.

Scout frowned tightly, feeling very depressed.

In the past two years, SB Company has invested tens of millions of dollars and many connections in cultivating Justin. The company has also invested tens of millions of promotional funds to promote Justin's two albums.

But after all the hard work, it seems that he still can't compare to Link.

Scout cursed Fake, turned on the computer, watched the candid video again, and gradually calmed down.

He touched his chin and laughed coldly.

Then he picked up the phone and called the head of the publicity department.

They want them to vigorously promote the love story between Link and Taylor in the near future, saying that all the songs in Link's album were written for Taylor, that Link is a love saint, the most infatuated man in the world, and that the two are the most loving in the music world. , the most suitable pair.

The head of the propaganda department didn't understand the purpose of this, but he didn't ask any questions and carried it out resolutely.

Scout sneered, hung up the phone, turned on the music player, and Link's singing started again.

To all my friends

To all my friends

The night is young

Ye Weiyang

The music's loud

The music is not dead

They playing our song

Happily in the songs we love

Nowhere else that I belong

I just want to be with you here, I don't want to go anywhere else

"Fuck! Just now it was a country pop song, now it's an electro pop song, does this bastard think he is an all-around singer?"

In the golden metal bar in Brooklyn, New York, 50 Cent cursed and clicked the mouse, switching to a song.

"Wait! The rhythm of this song is great, listen to it again."

Rihanna leaned on the sofa and shouted.

"Rihanna, this is Link's song, there is no need to listen to it so many times."

Lil Wayne said.

"This song is great, I guess this style of song may be popular, don't you need to know about it?"

Rihanna said while chewing gum.

Kanye West, Lil Wayne, Drake, Usher and others had a gloomy face and did not object.

Although they were very unhappy with Link, the bastard, they had to admit that the songs in this album were all fucking masterpieces.

The artistic level of each song is higher than Justin's "Baby", and it is more pleasant to listen to, not so noisy, and can make people calm down and listen.

If there are one or two such songs in an album, it is considered a very good album, just like "Need You Now" by the band Antebellum, which sold nearly two million copies with a single hit.

And Link, the bastard, arranged eighteen songs of the same level in this album.

Eighteen A-level works!

One album can be equivalent to ten albums of others.

This album is too powerful. Justin's "My World 2.0" can hardly beat this album by relying on hype and data.

If Justin loses, they will lose face again, and Link will be complacent again.

"Fuck! My god, fuck!"

Kanye West had a dark face and kicked the coffee table in the middle.

He regretted it very much. If he had known this would happen, he should not have criticized Link at the beginning of last year. If he hadn't criticized Link, the bastard's first album would not have been a big hit and sold more than two million copies.

If his first album hadn't been a big hit, then that bastard wouldn't have been so famous in the music industry, and his second and third albums wouldn't have been so popular, and he and his partners wouldn't have lost face.

It's all his fault for being too impulsive.

Kanye bared his white teeth and cursed angrily.

"Kanye, don't get angry yet. This album has only been released for the first day, and the data hasn't come out yet. There's no need to be too nervous. Maybe the price is too high, and fans may not buy it."

Lil Wayne put away the fruit knife on the table and persuaded.

"Lil has a point."

Usher pulled Kanye and persuaded, "Don't forget that Scooter promised us that he has a secret weapon to deal with Link, and we should believe him."

Hearing Usher's words, Kanye slowly calmed down.

A few days ago, Scooter came to them for a secret talk and said that he had a secret weapon that would definitely destroy Link's reputation. Although Scooter didn't say what the secret weapon was, Kanye believed that he wouldn't say anything nonsense.

"Secret weapon? What is it? Why don't I know it?"

Rihanna asked curiously.

Drake and 50 Cent also looked at Usher and Kanye curiously, and it was obvious that they didn't know about this either.

"Keep it a secret for now, you'll know in a few days."

Usher hushed and said mysteriously.

"Keep it a secret? What secret?"

As he was talking, Eminem walked in from outside. He had a quarrel with this circle before, and they drank less together, but today Link released a new album, and he wanted to come here to see how Kanye and the others were feeling?

Seeing Eminem coming in, several people took the initiative to shut up and listen to the song quietly.

Girls like you

Love fun

And yeah me too

What I want

When I come through

I need a girl like you

This song perfectly combines pop, rock and rap, with a novel and unique style and a relaxing tune.

It sounds better than the previous two songs, but Kanye and the others looked worse.

Eminem came to the booth area and looked at them strangely.

"You guys are listening to a digital album together? You're all multi-millionaires, can you not be so stingy?"

"I was going to buy it, but they wouldn't let me."

Rihanna said, shaking her legs.

"Humph! This is Link's new album. If each of us buys one, the sales of this album will increase by more than ten copies. We're not that stupid."

50 Cent said.

Eminem shook his head and lifted his hoodie, only to see that his waistband was full of Link's records, like a dealer selling pirated discs.

50 Cent and his friends stared at him.

"Fuck, why did you buy so many Link's records?"

"Haha, I knew you guys wouldn't spend money, so I bought a few more as gifts for everyone, how about that?"

Eminem took out all the records and distributed them to the people present one by one, like dealing playing cards.

While posting, he said, "Do you know how popular Link's records are? Today, all record stores in New York are limited to buying two per person. My assistant and I went to five record stores on three streets to buy ten. Link's The record is a huge hit.”

Kanye and others looked even worse after hearing this.

When every singer releases an album, he fantasizes that his album will be sold out as soon as it is released. However, with the rise of Internet music stores, it is more convenient and cheaper to purchase digital albums online.

Things like record purchase restrictions haven't happened in many years, not even when MJ passed away last year, but today it happened to Link, a new singer who only debuted for two years.

This kind of person is so hateful.

"Kanye, don't you want it?"

Eminem sends album to Kanye.

Kanye rolled his eyes. Since Eminem, the bastard, bought it, Link's album sales have increased. Don't give it up.

"Eminem, has Link Music announced who the woman on the album is?"

Rihanna said, pointing to the album cover.

The cover of this album is so sexy. Link has a first-class appearance and figure, and the figure of the woman in his arms is also very sexy. She has milky white skin and looks a bit like Nicole Kidman, but Nicole is already in her forties. It's impossible to stay in such good shape.

"Turn it over and see if you can recognize it."

Eminem said.

Rihanna flipped over to the other side of the album box, and there was also a photo.

She was a woman wearing a golden mask, hugging Link tightly. The beautifully shaped mask covered half of her face, revealing only her violet eyes, her pretty and delicate nose, and her rosy red lips.

The woman's complexion is very white, which is in sharp contrast to Link's bronze skin. Her delicate and delicate face and beautiful and delicate fingers are also in contrast to Link's strong and solid back muscles.

Very beautiful and very artistic.

Rihanna looked at it for a while, but still couldn't identify the woman.

"It is said online that the deluxe edition album cover has a 3D effect. You can touch the muscle contours of Link's body, as well as a woman's skin and hair. There is also a golden mask in the album gift package. The price is only US$39.9. It is a great deal. Unfortunately, before I couldn’t grab it for two days, but someone in the Amazon store was willing to resell it, and the price has soared to $299 per piece, which is an increase of nearly ten times. It’s so fierce.”

Eminem marveled.

"Hmph! The key to album sales is the songs. These little tricks are of no use."

Lil Wayne said disdainfully.

“Aren’t the songs on this album good?”

Eminem pointed to the stereo.

Lil Wayne opened his mouth, wanting to criticize a few words, but couldn't find the target, so he could only hum softly and continue listening to the song.

I'm holdin' steady

I stayed where I was

My heart's at home

My heart is always at home

With my hand behind you

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