Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 275 Sold out on shelves

I will catch you if you fall

Even if you fall, I will catch you

I'm just gonna love you like the woman I love

Link Music Company, the president's office, Evaka stood in front of the panoramic French window with her arms folded, quietly listening to Link's new song.

She hummed softly and tapped the remote control with her slender fingers.

The next song "Girls Like You" began to play in the speakers.

The cheerful rhythm also made Evaka's shoulders slowly relax. With the rhythm of the music, she snapped her fingers, gently swayed her slender waist, and her plump petals trembled under her tight skirt.

Dong Dong Dong!

There was a knock on the door outside the office. Evaka stopped shaking, turned off the player with the remote control, sat back in the office chair, and said, "Come in."

George Kapper, executive director of Link Music Company, and Bob Harrison, head of the distribution department, walked in from outside, stood in front of the desk, and greeted her.

"What's the matter?"

Evaka looked at her two right-hand men and asked.

These two people were also the first to join Link Music's management. They are all over 40 years old and have more than ten years of experience in the industry. They were dug up by Evaka as elites and were brought to Link Music.

Their performance in the past two years can indeed be called elite.

When the company was first established, there was nothing but a few million dollars, no recording studio, no distribution channels, no record production plant, and no stable publicity channels.

After several management members were in place, Link Music's distribution channels were quickly built. At present, the distribution department can independently complete the distribution work in the United States and Canada without relying on the five major record companies.

In terms of publicity, Link and several singers under his company can maintain their current popularity and exposure, which is also related to the continuous marketing and promotion of Link's publicity department.

Also because George Kapar, the head of the publicity department, did a good job, at the end of last year, Evaka promoted him to the position of executive director to help manage Link's operations.

These two people are also practical people. After meeting, they didn't waste words and directly told Evaka that only half a day after the sale of "The Woman I Love" had passed, distributors in 28 states called one after another and asked for early replenishment.

Some states need to replenish 10,000 copies, some need to replenish 50,000 copies, and the total number is more than 600,000 copies.

"A request for replenishment today?"

Ivaka was a little surprised. The first batch of physical albums of "The Woman I Love" was produced in 1 million copies. These one million copies were distributed by distributors in various states after the audition last week, with an average of 20,000 copies in each state.

After the first batch is sold out, the sales in various places will be replenished separately.

The second batch is also 1 million copies. The number of the next batch will be determined based on the sales speed of the second batch.

But only half a day after the sale of "The Woman I Love" was launched, distributors in 28 states called to request replenishment.

This speed far exceeded the expectations of the company and distributors.

According to this trend, the sales of this album may be more than the expected 3 million copies.

"How many copies are there in the warehouse?"

Ivaka asked with suppressed excitement.

"There are only 200,000 spare records left."

Director George Kapper said.

"First distribute it to places that are in urgent need of replenishment, and then contact the studio to print another 500,000 copies in the second batch, no, one million copies, and urge them to speed up the printing and packaging."

Evaka said calmly.

"Okay! President!"

Distribution director Bob Harrison nodded.

George Kapar discussed the promotion with Evaka again.

Originally, they planned to continue promoting the third album according to the promotion model of the second album.

But after the promotion started, it was found that the communication effect was very general.

The reason was that when the second album was released, Link and the East Coast rap gang were in conflict and accused each other, and they also dragged the rap king Jay-Z to compete for the album chart. There was a lot of topic, which attracted many media to actively report Link's news.

In addition, not long after the second album was released, Link released the popular song "See You Again", and held two gold medal and gold belt draws, the MTV awards ceremony incident, Link and Kanye reconciliation incident, London paparazzi incident, and boxing matches.

During those months, Link's name was often on the front page of major media, and the exposure of the second album was greatly increased.

It also saved Link Music tens of millions of publicity and promotion expenses.

When the third album was released, although there were news bonuses such as the Grammy Awards, Super Bowl, and Oscar Awards, the publicity effect was worse than the second album. In order to make up for the gap, the publicity department needed to invest more money and strengthen the publicity.


Evaka pondered for a moment and asked the publicity department to re-draft a marketing plan that was more novel.

If it was appropriate, she would make another instruction.

George Kapar and Bob Harrison nodded and said goodbye and left the office together.

Evaka crossed her slender fingers, thought quietly for a while, took out her mobile phone and called Link. The phone rang a few times before it was connected. It was Anna who spoke.

Anna told her that Link was practicing boxing and would finish at about three o'clock in the afternoon, and asked her if there was anything urgent.

Ivaka said it was nothing, hung up the phone, turned on the music player again, and Link's singing sounded in his ears again.

I need a girl like you

Yay yay

I need a girl like you

Yay yay


In Los Angeles, Link came out of the Muscle Beach Boxing Stadium. It was already four o'clock in the afternoon. He could have finished earlier, but De La Hoya came in the middle and said he wanted to discuss something with him.

Link asked what it was.

De La Hoya said that he had heard the new songs in his third album, and suddenly an idea popped up in his mind. The match between the two is expected to be held at the end of November. De La Hoya proposed that before the boxing match, a concert could be held on the spot, and he was willing to be a guest singer.

Link thought this was a good suggestion and asked him to sing a song for him to listen to.

De La Hoya hesitated and said that he was not ready yet. As long as he agreed, he would go back to practice singing.

Link did not object.


Anna got out of the car and handed the phone back to him.

"While you were training, President Eva Ka, Mandy, Selena, Mr. Paul Walker, Ms. Emma Stone and other 16 people called you, and your phone received more than 50 congratulatory text messages."

While Anna was talking, Link's phone vibrated again. It was Emma Watson, who had not seen him for a long time, who sent a message from London, asking him if he was done with his work, and also told him that his album was released in the UK today and attracted many people's pursuit.

"Someone You Loved" landed at the first place of the UK singles chart hot40, and "Everything You Need", "The Woman I Love" and "Here With You" rushed into the top ten, and 12 songs rushed into the hot40.

It was also said that the British Internet was all discussing the songs in this album, saying that his songs were crazy and swept the British music scene directly.

Link was a little bit unbelievable.

Although these songs were also songs that were once ranked in the top ten on the singles charts of various countries, after singing them by himself, many lyrics and even the soundtracks have been changed, which are very different from the original. Can they continue to be popular after the changes?

As soon as he sent a "really?", Emma Watson called him and excitedly told him that it was true. Yesterday, many people on the street were playing "Baby" by Amy Winehouse, Adele, and Justin.

Today, she went shopping in the mall and saw his songs everywhere, either "Everything You Need", "Someone You Loved" or "Girls Like You", and in bars and dance halls. His songs seemed to become popular overnight.

Link felt that her statement was a bit exaggerated.

Maybe she had heard the songs in this album, and when she went out, she heard some stores playing them, and it seemed that everyone was listening to them.

But this situation is also very good.

Regardless of what happened in the United States, the promotion and marketing work of the third album in the UK was at least very good, which also shows that Universal Music has a strong overseas distribution capability.

Link chatted with Emma for a while. Emma asked him when he would go to the UK for a tour. Link calculated the time and thought that if everything went well, it would be around July or August.

After hanging up Emma's phone, he received another message from Adele on his mobile phone.

Adele also said that his album songs were very popular in London, and that before the release of his third album, she, like the mainstream media, was not optimistic about the album, thinking that his voice was more suitable for singing inspirational and rock songs.

But after listening to the album, she changed her mind and said that Link's voice was unexpectedly soft and delicate, full of emotion and very contagious.

She also teased him that if he sang love songs to girls with this voice, few people would be able to resist it.

Link was greatly relieved to hear that Adele was also praising the album.

Before the album was released, he was worried that he would not sing well and his voice was not contagious enough, so he re-recorded it with Graeme and others around the New Year and added four songs.

Even so, he was still worried that the third album would fail.

Later, he was forced by 50 Cent and others to compete for the charts, and was not optimistic about it by the mainstream media, which put him under more pressure.

Now that he heard the great singer Adele give this album a very high evaluation, the pressure on him was relieved by 50%.

Link asked Adele which song in the album he liked best.

Adele said she liked "Girls Like You". The style of this song is very novel. It makes you feel good when you listen to it. It is very suitable for dancing.

Link smiled and guessed that Adele might not be in a good mood recently. He said that he would ask her to dance next time he went to London.

Adele agreed, but then sent a message saying that she didn't want to dance with him, otherwise she would have a scandal with him again.

After chatting with Adele, he flipped through his inbox and mailbox. There were more than 60 unread text messages and 99+ unread emails in the mailbox.

Among the unread text messages, there were text messages from Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Kesha, Carrie Underwood, Miley Cyrus, Eminem, Snoop Dogg and others, all congratulating him.

They said that this album is great and the songs are all very nice.

Even people with different tastes can find songs they like in this album, which is very rare.

Katy Perry also complained that he didn't follow the rules. Most people only have two or three hit singles in their albums, but his album has 18 hit singles, which is really too much for his peers.

Seeing these superstars also give good reviews, Link's pressure was relieved by 49% again.

Link also thanked several people and asked them which song they liked most in the album. "Everything You Need", "Someone You Loved", "Girls Like You", "The Woman I Love", "Here With You" and "Stay With Me" were mentioned the most.

Link also had some confidence in his heart, and felt that these songs had a chance to enter the top 100 of the singles chart.

He flipped through the text messages again and saw Paul Walker, Leonardo, James Franco, Joaquin Phoenix, Tobey Maguire, Kristen, Emma Roberts, Blake Lively, Jessica Alba, Michelle Rodriguez, Amanda Seyfried, Doutzen Kroes and so on.

Even director Quentin, director Sylvester Stallone, and Jet Lee sent congratulatory text messages, praising his album songs and congratulating him on the album's huge sales.

Link counted them, and if each of these people bought one, he could sell 100 or 200 copies. There were also many acquaintances who bought the album, and there should be many who didn't send congratulatory messages.

He sat in the car and replied to each message to thank them. If they were online, he would chat a little more, and if they were not online, he didn't need to talk too much.

By the time he finished replying to the messages, his phone was almost out of battery.

He turned on his computer, replied to some congratulatory messages in his mailbox, and checked Twitter by the way.

His Twitter followers soared by more than 6 million after the Super Bowl, and currently he has 21.25 million followers, becoming the star with the most followers on the Twitter platform.

Under the previous tweet, there were more than 50,000 new comments, almost all of which were positive comments.

They said things like, "It's so good," "This album is worth ten albums, full of sincerity," "Every song is worth listening to ten times, no, more than a hundred times," "Definitely the best album of the year," "With this album, you don't have to buy other love albums in the past ten years."

There were too many good reviews, and the comments were too exaggerated, as if he had hired a special army of netizens to give good reviews.

Not only did he doubt this, but some haters saw these comments and asked them where they got the business and how much each good review cost. They also wanted to earn a few cents to buy fries.

The comment with the most likes was, "Today is the day when the third album is released worldwide. Why didn't Link update his status on Twitter? Did something happen?"

This tweet had 120,000 likes.

Link smiled gently. After Link Music, Link Studio and Link Fan Club started Twitter, all work matters were posted on these three accounts. His account usually only shared his life status.

Seeing everyone asking this, he immediately sent a tweet, saying that he was training in the boxing gym today to prepare for the upcoming boxing match, and didn't have time to send a tweet.

Then he retweeted the tweet of Link Studio, saying that the third album "The Woman I Love" has started to be released, and asked everyone to support it.

In addition, the lottery event continues, and there are two prizes, including the 2009 MTV Best Male Singer trophy and the Grammy Award for New Artist of the Year.

He also explained later that the two trophies of the American Music Awards have been given away and will not participate in the lottery. The Grammy Award for Best Production of the Year belongs to all the producers of "Unstoppable" and will not participate in the lottery.

The lottery time is around May, and the rules are the same as the first time. Interested fans please pay attention to the dynamics released by the studio account.

When fans saw that he was going to start the lottery again, they all got excited. Although there were only two trophies this time, they were both the MTV Male Singer of the Year and the Grammy Award, which are very valuable. If you are lucky, you may be able to draw a trophy, which is cool to think about.

Within ten minutes after he updated his tweet, the number of likes exceeded 30,000, and the tweet was forwarded by tens of thousands of people, including some well-known celebrities.

Many fans also left messages saying that his albums were sold out too quickly in physical stores and were not available at all, and asked him to contact distributors to put more physical records on the shelves.

The number of likes for these messages was also hundreds or thousands.

Link was a little surprised. The first batch of 1 million albums were sold out on the first day of release?

How many sales will this album have in the first week?

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