Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 276: First-day sales released

"Hey, Eva, Anna said you wanted to see me for something?"

The street scene outside the car window kept changing. Link was lying on the armchair of the nanny car, crossing his legs and holding another phone to call the company's housekeeper.

"Yes, Mr. Lover, let me tell you some good news. Distributors in 38 states have called and said that all records are expected to be sold out in three days and require replenishment in advance. The distributor in New York State announced three minutes ago The first batch of 35,000 records on the shelves have all been sold out. In addition, the online album has sold 52,000 copies, ranking first on various digital platforms. The specific news has been posted on the Link Music Twitter account. You can check it out when you have time. "

Ivaca said in a brisk tone.

Hearing her voice, I can feel that she must be in a good mood now.

Link smiled softly and asked her why she called him the Great Love Sage. In English, there is also the word Love Sage to describe an infatuated person, but adding the word "big" feels like irony.

Ivaca didn't tell him the reason, but just mentioned another thing.

Link Music Company encountered some difficulties in promoting this album. The planning plan proposed by the publicity and distribution department was not novel enough and could not influence mainstream public opinion, which made her very dissatisfied.

Iwaka asked him if he had any hype plans in the near future. After all, he was a master of hype.

Link is helpless. Since his debut, he has only participated in a few hype games. Many of them were forced to fight and became popular for no reason. It is not that he likes hype.

But now even Iwaka thinks he is good at hype, which makes it hard for him to defend.

"You haven't either? The current sales of the third album are very good. The distribution department predicts that the sales volume in the first week will be around 800,000 copies. If we do a better job in publicity and promotion, there is a great hope that it will exceed one million copies.

Think about it, Mr. Baker, one million copies were sold in the first week. What a beautiful number this is. It will also be a huge honor in your career. Don’t you want to get it? "

Ivaca said in a seductive tone.

If he had heard her speak in this voice before, Link would most likely have stiffened his lower limbs, but he is almost immune now.

"You are a business elite and the 28th best female CEO under the age of 40. Don't you have a good idea?"

Link joked.

In March, "Business Weekly" also included Evaka's name in the list of "Outstanding Female CEOs Under 40 in 2009", commenting that she is a woman with both beauty and talent.

"No, I am the president. My job is to select talents to do things for me, not to find things for myself to do. If I need to do this kind of thing myself, why should those people in the company do it?"

Ivaca said calmly, with a domineering tone.

"Well, I have a half-baked idea."

Link explained his strategy.

Ivaca listened for a while and asked in surprise: "What is the structure of your brain? How could you come up with such a strange operation?"

"Last time I was shopping on Rodeo Drive, I saw a beautiful woman fall to the ground, and all the brand-name cosmetics in her bag fell out. Taylor said those things are worth more than 100,000 US dollars. I think we can learn from it and use it to promote our record. What do you think?"

"Sounds interesting, you can give it a try and wait for my good news."

Ivaca hung up the phone without saying goodbye.

Link shook his head, picked up another cell phone and looked at it, and found that there were no calls or text messages from Taylor. After thinking for a moment, Taylor should have left the recording studio at this time, so he called the phone.

Taylor quickly picked up the phone and asked him when he would go home. What was he doing on the phone at this time?

Link asked her if she had listened to the songs on the album? how do you feel?

"Very good. How did you write these songs?"

Taylor asked.

"Of course it's because of you. You are my muse. I can write just by seeing you."

"Really? Why can't I write a single song when I'm with you, but you can write so many good songs when you're with me? Tell me quickly, are you dating me? To write songs?”

"Why do you have such an idea? Don't forget, you taught me how to write songs."

"Hmph! I can't teach a disciple like you. Every song is so good. How do you want me to record a new album?"

Taylor said with a sour tone.

"Haha, you are so awesome. You started writing songs when you were ten years old. You have already written thousands of songs. You can definitely write better songs than what I have in this album, right?"

"Of course, I will never lose to you. Come back quickly. I want to hear you sing to me live."

"OK! Wait for me in the bedroom."

"Smelly pervert!"

Link shrugged and hung up the phone.

On the first day after "The Woman I Love" was released, 82,000 digital albums were sold on online music platforms, while offline physical records, according to data compiled by distributors in 42 states, were 186,000.

The two figures add up to 268,000 copies, and there are eight states that have not yet been compiled, indicating that the sales volume on the first day was more than 260,000 copies.

In other words, "The Woman I Love" sold more than 260,000 copies in the United States on the first day of its release, which is more than 10,000 copies higher than last week's best-selling "My World 2.0".

When the first day's data was announced by Link Music on Twitter, it caused a huge sensation in the music world, and major online media also forwarded reports.

When seeing this data at first, many people did not believe it. According to this data, Link's third album has a great chance of selling more than one million copies in the first week, and singers who can sell one million copies in the first week are all superstars in the music industry.

How can Link, a new singer who debuted for just over a year, do this?

Not to mention that this album is very expensive, one copy is equivalent to two copies of others, and multiply it by 2 on the basis of 260,000, and the first-day sales of this album are more than 500,000 copies.

Too exaggerated.

Even MJ, Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears, Beyonce and other top stars in the music industry can't achieve this number.

But Link did it.

Many people suspect that Link Music is brushing data.

Since the rise of the Internet, online sales have also been included in the total album sales, which provides a convenient platform for brushers, which also leads to distortion of data for many albums and singles.

For example, Justin's two albums. Since last year, many news reports have questioned Justin's record company's data fraud, but Justin doesn't care about this statement. Brushing data is also a way of publicity and promotion, and it is also a marketing method. It conforms to the rules of business operation, so there is no need to feel ashamed.

So Link's data may also be fraudulent.

But this suspicion lasted less than two hours. Link Music updated the first-day sales of "The Woman I Love". The online sales were still 82,000 copies, but the total sales in 50 states became 224,000 copies.

The total sales became 306,000 copies.

Link Music also announced the sales performance rankings of distributors in each state below.

New York sold 54,000 copies on the first day, which is well deserved to be the first. California sold 42,000 copies on the first day, ranking second. Florida unprecedentedly rushed into the third place, with 31,000 copies sold on the first day. Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Washington DC ranked fourth, fifth, and sixth.

After the data was released, many people who questioned it shut up. Although online sales data can be falsified, data from distributors in various places is not easy to falsify.

Distributors are neutral to record companies and singers. They do not belong to a specific record company, and they will not help record companies sell some unsalable goods for nothing.

Distributors need to pay taxes based on how many records they sell and how much they earn.

Falsifying such data is asking for trouble.

And will the sales data released by Link Music Company in various places be made up on the spot?

It is impossible!

Distributors will not agree to this operation.

So Link's third album has 224,000 offline sales. According to the ratio of 3:1 or 4:1 between offline and online, 82,000 online sales is also a normal data.

After the doubts disappeared, the discussion of why this album can sell so well became noisy again.

Some people think that Link is famous and has many fans. He is a world boxing champion, a movie star, a top singer, and has more than 20 million Twitter fans. If 100 people buy one, more than 200,000 copies can be sold.

Some people think that the first and second albums are of high quality. The first single "all of me" is a classic, and his singles such as "legends never die" and "see you again" are also of high quality.

Link's works must be excellent.

Fans believe in Link's works, so when he releases his third album, they will enthusiastically support him.

However, more people think that the reason why this album sells well is that the quality is high enough. None of the 18 songs are rubbish works used to fill the numbers. Each song has the opportunity to rush to the top of the singles chart.

There are even many fans who quarrel over which song in this album is the best. These fans are divided into more than ten teams, each team supporting one song.

The songs are so good that it would be strange if they can't sell.

Not to mention that there are big stars such as Lady Gaga who recommend Link's songs online.

According to this situation, selling 300,000 copies on the first day does not seem to be a lot.

After the first day data came out, Link's third album was a big hit in the music industry, and many media reported the news.

Previously, mainstream media predicted that the album's sales in the United States would be around 1 million copies, but now it seems like a joke.

Previously, many people thought that Link's third album might not be able to beat Justin's "My World 2.0" this week, but now it seems like a joke.

On the second day of the release of "The Woman I Love", online sales fell to 75,000 copies, but offline physical record sales increased to 248,000 copies, and the total sales on the second day reached 323,000 copies.

A total of 629,000 copies in two days! !

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