Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 277: Plan to kill Link with praise

"620,000 copies in two days?!"

In SB Projects Entertainment Agency, Scooter saw the data released by Link Music's Twitter account, and his eye muscles twitched a few times, and his face became extremely ugly.

Originally thought that according to Justin's current fame, his album sales, even if slightly worse than Link's, would not be much worse.

But reality gave him a hard slap in the face.

Link's new album's two-day sales are 100,000 more than Justin's album's total sales in two weeks.

This data is too exaggerated, and it is difficult for him to accept.

Scooter narrowed his eyes and looked at Alex, his assistant at the desk, "How is the investigation going? Have you found any evidence that Link Music is brushing data?"

Alex shook his head.

"Boss, I just contacted two informants. They said they didn't find any evidence that Link Music was faking data. They also said that Link Music has been very busy these past two days, especially the people in the distribution department. They were all shouting that local distributors were urging them to ship urgently online. Some wanted 50,000 copies, and some directly asked for 100,000 copies.

At first, Link Music expected the album to sell 3 million copies. Now it seems that 3 million copies are not enough. The people in the marketing department are also constantly calling the people in the printing and engraving factory, saying that they need to print 2 million copies, and they also need the people in the packaging company and the transportation company to ship urgently.

When I was on the phone, I also heard from the microphone that Link Music was very busy. Two insiders said that Link Music started working overtime yesterday and could only rest for five or six hours a day, and they didn't even have time to make phone calls.

According to the current situation, Link Music should not need to faking. The album is already a best-seller, and it is simply too busy to faking data again."

Scooter's face became even worse after hearing this.

From Alex's description, he could imagine how busy Link Music was: the phones in the office area were ringing, and the operators were shouting loudly, shouting that 100,000 more copies should be printed in New York, 100,000 more copies in Los Angeles, and 50,000 more copies in Las Vegas, and even their voices were hoarse.

This kind of bustling scene.

It was the scene that Scooter and all the record company bosses dreamed of.

Unfortunately, this kind of thing did not happen in SB Project.

Justin's second album sales just crossed the threshold of 900,000 copies, and the packaging company still had more than one million stocks that had not been shipped out, and it was still a long way from being sold out.

In addition, after Link's new album was released, Justin's second album was also greatly affected, with a 12% drop yesterday compared to the day before, and a nearly 30% drop today compared to yesterday.

Such a large drop is not only due to market saturation, but also because Link released an album, many people used the money they were going to use to buy Justin's records to buy the better quality "The Woman I Love".

This is the competition between peers. The cake of pop music is only so big. If Link Music takes one more bite, SB Company and other record companies will take one less bite. Those who can't take a bite will go bankrupt.

If Scooter doesn't want to go bankrupt, he must compete with Link Music.

Originally, he planned to arrange two insiders to investigate the black material in Link Music Company and expose it in two weeks.

But those two idiots are working overtime at Link Music.

Scooter snorted coldly, loosened his tie and asked: "Is there any new progress in investigating Link's black material?"

"No! Link's life habits are very regular. He runs and exercises in the morning, works at noon, and trains boxing in the afternoon. He has never been to bars and nightclubs, nor to casinos and strip clubs. People investigating him have no chance to take pictures of his black material."

Alex said helplessly.

Scooter didn't believe it. If he hadn't seen the video, he would have thought that Link was a good man who followed the rules. After watching it, he felt that Link must have problems in his private life, but he was more cautious in doing things, and the paparazzi couldn't find out at all.

Scooter thought about it secretly, "Go tell the paparazzi that there is no need to conduct an in-depth investigation. Just take more photos of Link with the opposite sex. The more the better. I will be very useful when the time comes."


Alex nodded, and seeing that there was no other instructions, he left with the folder.

Scooter continued to stare at the numbers on the screen with a dark face. The cumulative sales in two days were 629,000. How many will the first week sales be? Will it break the first week sales records of N' Sync, Backstreet Boys, Eminem and others?

If it breaks, Link's influence in the music scene will rise to another level. At that time, he will be the only one who dominates the pop music scene, and others can only follow him and eat leftovers.

This is what Scooter doesn't want to see the most. He thought about it seriously and should contact more colleagues to step on Link together when necessary.


The mobile phone on the table rang twice. Seeing that it was a call from Little Kunas, Scooter immediately perked up and talked to Little Kunas.

Little Kunas asked him when he planned to release the video?

Scooter told him that it was not the right time yet. It would be better to create public opinion first, to lift Link up high, to make everyone think that he was a good man, and then to release the video and hit him hard.

The strong contrast would disappoint the fans and the public, and the disappointment would turn into anger and abuse.

This operation would maximize the value of the video and deal a greater blow to Link.

Little Kunas agreed with his proposal and also told him that since Link and Link Music were very successful, Atlantic Records was ready to strengthen its cooperation with Link Music, and it would be best to jointly promote the works of several Link singers.

If Atlantic Records fully cooperates with Link Music, the market value of Link Music will be higher, and it will be more difficult to annex it by then.

Scout said he understood and would step up arrangements.

After hanging up the phone, he called the publicity department and asked them to hurry up and set up the "best boyfriend" persona for Link. The higher the level, the better, and the louder the sound would be when he fell.


"Mr. Singer, where is Link's new album? Why can't I find it?"

In the record store on 47th Street on Broadway in New York City, a girl with a long ponytail searched in the album sales section but could not find Link's new album. She came to the counter and asked the record store owner.

"Ellie, you're late. Link's album has been sold out long ago."

The boss, Mr. Singer, pulled down his glasses, glanced at her and said.

"Sold out? Today is the second day of release, why is it sold out?"

The girl pursed her pink lips and said.

"I got 300 records from the distributor on Friday. I thought they would sell for a week, but Link's album was so popular. 215 copies were sold yesterday, and they were all sold out in the rest of the morning. The next batch will not be until tomorrow. Arrived only in the afternoon.”

Boss Singh smiled.

"Okay, then I'll come back tomorrow, Mr. Singh, remember to leave one for me."

The girl Ellie said with a sweet voice.

"Okay. Why don't you listen to my song first? The songs in Link's new album are really great."

Boss Singer took out a laser disc from the record player, put it in the record box and handed it to the girl Ally.

"Mr. Singh, I will pay you back tomorrow."

The girl Ellie took the record and hugged it happily.

On the third day after the release of "The Woman I Love", 275,000 copies were sold online and offline, with cumulative sales of 904,000 copies.

When Link Music account released the data, in addition to thanking fans for their support, they also apologized to fans.

The reason is that the popularity of this album far exceeded the expectations of the publishing company, which led to a lack of preparation here. Many places were sold out in less than three days, leaving many fans unable to buy Link's new album in time. Link Music apologize.

The company is currently actively deploying the second batch of albums, and record stores across the country will be replenishing them by tomorrow at the latest. Please continue to support Link.

After the tweet was sent out, some people praised Link for being so awesome. He sold more than 900,000 copies in three days and became the real king of pop music.

Colleagues in the recording industry feel that Link Music is showing off.

When other people release records, they are always worried about not being able to sell them. Link Music actually apologized to fans for selling out.

It's so enviable.

On the fourth day after its release, "The Woman I Love" sold 247,000 copies in the United States, bringing its total sales to 1.15 million.

Link's album also became one of the fastest albums to reach 1 million copies on the US album chart.

Ranking first is the third album "No Strings Attached" released by Super Boy Group in 2000, which broke through 1 million copies in two days.

Ranked second was Superboy's fourth album "Celebrity", which took three days.

Eminem, who ranked third, released his third album "The Marshall Mathers LP" in 2000, which also took four days.

The album sold 1.15 million copies in four days, which also made the mainstream media dumbfounded. They originally predicted that Link's album would sell around 1 million copies in the United States, but Link exceeded this goal in less than four days.

The mainstream media did not know what embarrassment was, and instead touted the album's artistic level, calling it "the highest quality love album in the past decade" and "one of the ten must-listen albums in 2010."

At the same time, many media began to praise Link, saying that he is a good man, does not take drugs, does not drink alcohol, has no bad habits, can create, box, and sing. He is the most perfect man in the music world, the dream lover of countless women, and the perfect date. ,marriage partner.

He also praised Link and Taylor for their stable relationship. They have been dating for more than a year, and their relationship has been stable. They have not had any conflicts until now. They are the "golden girls" in the music industry. They have set a good example for fans and made everyone believe again. Love, etc.

When Link saw this kind of article, he felt that it was too exaggerated. He was not as good as the newspaper said.

But considering that this might be planned by the propaganda department, he didn't interfere.

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