Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 278 Beyonce's Warning

"Link, where are you, are you okay?"

In the morning, Link was eating breakfast and reading the newspaper on the balcony. Selina called, her tone was very urgent, as if she was frightened.

"I'm having breakfast at home, where are you and what happened?"

Link asked quickly.

"I am at home too."

Selena breathed a sigh of relief on the phone, and then said, "Link, listen to me, don't go to the beach these days. I just dreamed that you fell into the sea and drank water. I wanted to pull you out." You couldn’t pull it up, that dream was so real, I was so scared that I cried.”

Link was speechless and looked at his phone. "It's almost nine o'clock. Are you still dreaming in bed? What time did you go to bed last night?"

"Ah? These are not important. Don't interrupt. Do you remember what I just said? Don't go to the beach. I'm a good dreamer."

Selina said in a serious tone.

If she were next to him, Link would not be able to help but knock her on the head, "Are you sleepy? Who am I? The holder of four swimming records, an elite diver, and often dives in the sea without equipment, you Think I’m going to drown?”

"Hey, it seems like this. Then if I sleep for a while, I will dream that you will float up on your own and you don't need me to save you. That's it. Bye."

Selina hung up the phone before he could ask any more questions.

Link sent a message to Catherine, asking Selina what she was doing last night and why she was still sleeping?

Catherine texted back and said that Selena bought a small sports car and took a few girlfriends to race on the street yesterday. She didn't get home until after eleven o'clock.

Link shook his head. Selina has become an adult and has become playful. Katherine and Mandy probably can't restrain her.

Catherine told him that the crew of "Bridesmaids" has been formed, and the director is director Paul Feig, who directed "Pornographic 3" and is good at shooting comedies.

The next step is casting, asking him if he has anyone he wants to recommend.

Link said no. He didn't remember the names of the protagonists, and he didn't intend to interfere. He just asked her and Ms. Weig to choose the actors according to the needs of the plot. Don't be influenced by other people and try to choose the most suitable actors.

Catherine understood and asked about the release of the album.

After chatting with Catherine, Link put away his phone and continued to eat breakfast. Ding dong~ The phone received a message, and the person who sent the message was Beyoncé.

Beyoncé asked: "Do you still have the whiskey I gave you last time?"

Link shook his head, "I won't drink. I'll give it to the backstage staff."

Beyoncé said: "Okay, it's definitely you. The album sold over a million copies in four days. How does it feel?"

Link smiled: "Feeling good so far!"

Beyoncé said: "Don't be too proud. You surpassed Lil Wayne and Usher on the first-week sales record list. They were very angry and said they were going to kill you with a gun."

Link smiled and said: "Thank you for informing me. I will buy a body armor and wear it tomorrow."

Beyoncé said: "Bulletproof vests are useless. Let me tell you another insider information. You have to be mentally prepared. Usher said, Scooter has your black material in his hands and is ready to discredit you. I don't know." It’s something, but it’s definitely not a good thing for you, so don’t be too happy.”

"My dirty stuff?"

Link was stunned for a moment and thought about it seriously. He didn't know what the other party had caught on to him.

"Could it be that time backstage? We were secretly photographed?"

"It's impossible. If it was a photo of us, there's no way Scooter wouldn't have told Jay-Z in advance. Jay-Z wouldn't be so calm after knowing it."

"What could that be?"

"Don't ask me, you bastard dared to torture me like that. You must have done that to other women. You should think carefully about whether it was some time you ate something secretly and someone saw it by accident."

"No, I'm not as sentimental as you think."

"You'd better not have it, otherwise your image of a perfect man will collapse when the scandal comes out. Also, you owe me a favor for this matter, remember to pay me back."

Beyoncé is offline.

Link deleted the message and felt a little worried when he thought of Beyoncé's reminder.

If it weren't for those two times backstage, what kind of black material would it be?

Was it the time with Amy Adams?

If yes, why did it take so long for it to be revealed? If not, what would it be?

Apart from these two women, he did not do anything out of the ordinary.

He thought for a while and sent a message to Ms. Mandy, asking her to send a message to the Link music marketing department to temporarily stop hyping up his good man persona and stop marketing his relationship with Taylor. It is not appropriate to use this kind of thing to promote the album. .

Ms. Mandy said yes, and after a while, she called him again and told him that the company's marketing department had no plan in this regard, and did not let the media promote him as a good man.

These news were reported by the media on their own initiative. He and Taylor are both the best-selling singers in the music industry and they are a couple.

Hyping this kind of news can attract the attention of Link and Taylor fans and sell more news products.

Just like the hype of Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake, Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston, Bruce Willis and Demi Moore.

The public relations department believed that this operation was normal and would help promote his record, so they did not intervene.

After hearing this, Link became more confused.

Before, Beyoncé told him that Scooter had dirty information about him and wanted to trick him. He didn't completely believe it, but now she has some confidence.

The media will not hype up his relationship with Taylor for no reason and help him shape his image as a good man. Someone must be creating public opinion here.

First help him establish a good image of a man, and then use "dirty materials" to destroy it, which will cause even greater damage to him.

It's just that the black material is in Kunas' hands, so it may not be easy to get it.

"What are you thinking about? You look stupid."

Just as he was thinking about how to break the situation, Taylor suddenly walked over from the side and stared at him with his blue eyes blinking.

Link's heart skipped a beat, and when he saw that the screen on his phone had gone black, he shrugged and said, "The media has been hyping me up as the most perfect man in the world for the past two days. It felt a little disgusting. I called the people in the company's publicity department and asked them not to do it. I publish this kind of article again, but they tell me that it’s not the company’s behavior but the media’s own hype. I feel like there’s something wrong here.”

"What is the problem?"

Taylor put the breakfast plate on the opposite side, tore into the soft bread and said, "If you are a good man, what does it matter if you are called a good man? Unless you think you are a bad guy."

"Yes, it's okay to say I'm a good man, but it's too much to say I'm a perfect man. Honey, look at the news in the newspaper. As long as perfection is involved, there must be problems, such as digging holes. Jump down with me."

Link poured her a glass of milk.

"Are you thinking too much?"

Taylor also picked up the newspaper and read it. After only reading a few articles, he couldn't help laughing and said, "There are some exaggerations, saying that you are the best boyfriend and the best date. This is obviously false. You are lustful. Scoundrel, stinky, gets up too early every day, disturbs my rest, has many problems, and is by no means perfect.”

Link smiled softly and stared at Taylor opposite for a while, "My dear, we have known each other for almost two years and been together for more than a year. You should know me. Although I have some problems, I am not without them. Curable, right?”

Taylor put down the silver spoon and glanced at him, "Why are you talking about this suddenly?"

Link said: "I have been too popular recently, and people who are too popular will attract jealousy. I feel that someone wants to deal with me, and I am not a perfect person, so I hope that in the next period of time, if you When you see negative news about me, don’t believe it easily. How about giving me a chance to explain?”

Taylor pursed her lips and stared at him closely, "I'm not a fool. If the news is fabricated, I can naturally tell it and won't take it seriously. But judging from your expression, this matter is obviously not that simple. "Did you do something bad behind my back?"

"Don't think about it. I'm just saying this as a precaution. You know, shopping malls are like battlefields. Sometimes I don't do any bad things, and my opponents can fabricate some fake news to attack me, just like what MJ has experienced.

Now Link Music and I are very popular, and there are more and more interests involved. There are many people who want to deal with me. I don’t know how they will deal with me, but before things happen, I need your support first. . "

Link said across the small round table, holding Taylor's hand.

Taylor blinked his blue eyes, looked at him quietly for two or three seconds, and asked with a cold face: "Is it about you and Ivaca?"

"No, I really don't have a special relationship with Eva Cayman."

Link said shaking his head.

Taylor frowned, "In other words, besides Ivaca and I, you are still hanging out with other women?"

"No, apart from boxing training, I spend the rest of my time at home. Where are you going to fool around?"

Link shook his head.

Taylor snorted, "That's not necessarily true. Last year, I only went out for two hours, and you were able to write a champion single and shoot a MV. Now you go out to practice boxing for three or four hours every day, with other women." I believe in giving birth to a bunch of kids.”

"Honey, you've been talking about this for a year."

Link said helplessly.

"Okay, I promise you, as long as you don't do anything sorry for me, I won't care about those news reports."

Taylor said while taking back his hand.

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