After receiving Beyonce's message, Link's daily schedule was disrupted. Originally, after breakfast, he would go for a walk with his cat and read professional books for an hour, but he couldn't calm down because of something in his mind.

He called Evaka, told her the whole story, and asked her what countermeasures she had.

"Scooter has your dirty laundry? How did you know?"

Evaka asked in confusion.

"Someone tipped me off, so it's more credible."

"What dirty laundry?"

"I don't know."

"Think about the bad things you've done, do you have any guesses?"

Evaka asked.

Link thought about it, and now he was most worried that the dirty laundry was related to him and Amy Adams. Amy Adams had just given birth to a child not long ago. If this kind of news came out, the impact would be very bad, but this kind of thing involved Amy Adams' privacy, and he couldn't tell Evaka.

"Thinking about it for so long? How many bad things have you done?"

Evaka asked.

"Don't talk nonsense. I can't remember what bad things I did."

"Really? Link, this is a critical moment. We are partners and comrades. I need you to be honest with me so that I can find a way to deal with it and get through this difficult time. If I react after someone exposes it, it will be too late."

Ivaka said seriously.

"Well, last year, I got drunk on the crew and had sex with a woman. For the other party's privacy, I can't tell you her name."

"Was it rape?"

Ivaka asked curiously.

"Of course not. How could I do that?"

"Is that so? If it was just drunken sex, then there's no need to be too nervous. This kind of thing is very common in the entertainment industry, and it doesn't matter if it's exposed."

"It's not that simple. They are hyping up my image as a good man. The sudden exposure of my cheating scandal at this time will inevitably affect my image and album sales. We must pay attention to it."

"Okay, I will arrange for someone to negotiate with Scooter and find a way to get that thing over, provided that there is that thing."

Ivaka said.

"How are you going to get it? In order to trick me, they used a lot of media resources. From this point of view, this black material should be very important and will not be handed over to us easily."

"What do you think?"

Link thought about it and proposed to exchange it with the copyright of "Baby".

After attending the Grammy Awards last time, Graham found him and said that "Baby" was a song he wrote in the same batch as "Never Say Never" in 2008, and it was 50% similar, but that song was not suitable for the style of the first album, so it was abandoned.

Later, Link Music was poached by a rival, and a production assistant jumped to work for Island Records, which was the producer of Justin's two albums.

Graham suspected that it was the production assistant who brought "baby" to Island Records.

The copyright of this song has been registered with the American Society of Composers. Evaka plans to use this song to deal with the competition from SB Company and to pit SB Company if necessary.

Link plans to use the copyright of "baby" in exchange.

In the United States, infringement is a very serious problem, and the courts and copyright associations also impose severe penalties in this regard.

If Scooter has black material in his hands, he should not refuse the deal for Justin's future.

"Exchange with copyright? I don't think this is a good idea. If we sue SB Entertainment and Island Records for infringement, we will win 100%, and the compensation will not be less than 30 million US dollars, which will also seriously hit SB Company. Do you think it is worth it to buy an unconfirmed evidence for 30 million US dollars?"

Evaka said.

"30 million is just the income from one game. I don't care. Besides, as an idol, maintaining a good public image is more valuable than 30 million US dollars."

"Okay, you just promote the album and prepare for the game. I will handle this matter."

Finally, Ivaka mentioned the promotion plan he gave two days ago.

After the discussion of the think tanks, it is believed that this promotion plan is highly operational and will be very effective in promoting this album.

However, the sales of the third album are stable and the popularity is also very high. There is a high possibility of winning the championship. There is no need for too much hype for the time being. You can wait for two or three weeks, when the popularity drops and the album sales decline, and then use this plan. The effect will be better.

Link did not object and left it to her.

On the fifth day of the release of "The Woman I Love", Link began to hold autograph sessions in various cities in the United States. In the past, he signed more than 10,000 copies a day, but now it is limited to 3,000 copies, which also greatly reduced his workload.

In the media, there are more and more news hyping him as a good man and a good boyfriend, saying that he is a man with all-round development in morality, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics, and labor, with good looks and talent, and a particularly strong function in some aspects. He is the dream lover of 900 million beautiful girls around the world.

This also leads to an increasing number of his female fans.

All the people queuing for autographs are female fans, ranging from a few years old to dozens of years old.

As soon as he appears, female fans will shout loudly.

"Ah~ Link! Love spicy dance oil!"

"Link, I want to give birth to a baby for you."

"Link, look here, I'm here!"

On TV, when Link appeared at the book signing event in Seattle, thousands of fans screamed loudly, both men and women, with 70% of them being girls, mostly in their twenties and thirties. Some girls saw Link looking at them and immediately lifted up their T-shirts to reveal their sexy bodies.

"Fuck! This bastard is too popular now."

50 Cent was so angry when he saw many black hotties on TV also madly chasing Link and saying they wanted to have children for him. He cursed.

Kanye West and Lil Wayne also looked unhappy.

In March last year, they were the top stars in the music industry and rap kings.

And Link was just a rookie who was trampled by them. After being criticized by them at the Grammy Awards, he didn't dare to spray them in person and could only leave the scene in disgrace.

But in just one year, Link, this bastard, has become the top star in the music industry. His new album sold more than 1.3 million copies in five days, and he has more and more fans. No matter where he goes, he will be fanatically pursued by fans, and he is more popular than them.

It's so hateful.

Especially when they thought about how this bastard had stepped on everyone's face to rush to the top of the music scene, Kanye and his friends looked even worse.

"Don't be angry, this is Scooter's strategy. In a few days, when he reveals Link's dirty secrets, Link will fall from the altar. The more proud he is now, the more embarrassed he will be in a few days."

Usher laughed while shaking his wine glass.

"What dirty secrets? Why didn't you reveal it earlier? Link, this bastard, is already proud enough."

Lil Wayne asked.

Usher shrugged his shoulders, "I haven't seen it either, but Scooter assured us that the black material is very heavy and will definitely hit Link's image hard."

"Really? Why not expose it now? Link is already very popular now. If it is exposed at this time, it will definitely make him fall hard. It's cool to think about it."

Beyoncé hooked her red lips and leaned on the sofa. She was wearing a white suspender skirt with thin straps hanging on her huge shoulders, revealing her full and plump curves. Under the skirt was a pair of coffee-colored long legs as smooth as satin, gently overlapping each other.

Lil Wayne, 50 Cent, Drake and others sometimes pretended to glance casually, and then quickly moved their eyes away. Jay-Z was present, so they didn't dare to look too presumptuously.

"Honey, Scooter has his plans, we just need to watch the show."

Jay-Z said while holding a cigar.

"Jay-Z, have you seen the dirty stuff? If you haven't seen it and don't know what it's about, how can you guarantee that the dirty stuff can hit Link? I know Scooter, he's a pure businessman, very good at marketing and hype, but not in other aspects."

Beyoncé shook her head slightly, showing a disapproving expression.

"Boss Jay-Z, I think what Beyoncé said makes sense. If it's really a very important piece of dirty stuff, Scooter can just release it to ruin Link's reputation, and there's no need for all this foreplay. I feel like he's being mysterious by doing this."

Drake glanced at Beyoncé and said.

Jay-Z frowned, picked up the phone and called Scooter, asking him when he was going to release Link's dirty stuff.

Scooter said he planned to do it tonight.

Jay-Z asked what the dirty stuff was and if he could reveal a little bit in advance.

Scooter hesitated for a moment and said it was a video recording of Link messing around with other women in the locker room while he was dating Taylor.

When Beyoncé heard that it was a video of Link messing around with other women in the locker room, her heartbeat suddenly became disordered, her chest trembled slightly, and her breathing became rapid.

She bit her lower lip and couldn't help but think of the day in the Lakers locker room when Link pressed her against the closet partition and then became as crazy as a beast. If the scene at that time was filmed and posted online, people all over the world would come to watch it.

Thinking of this, Beyoncé's heartbeat faster, her face became hot, and her lips were slightly wet. She clamped her knees, picked up the wine glass and took a sip to cover her red cheeks.

"It's a video of Link messing around with another woman in the locker room."

Jay-Z hung up the phone and smiled to everyone, "Scooter's plan is very good. First, hype Link as a good boyfriend, and then release the video of him cheating. The serious conflict between the previous and the next character will definitely make Link's reputation ruined."

"Sounds good!"

"Haha, I saw it a long time ago. Link is not a good person."

"Haha, if Link knew that he messed around in the locker room and was secretly photographed, I don't know what his expression would be."

"In any case, Link is doomed."

The depressed Kanye also laughed excitedly and picked up the wine glass to ask everyone to drink.

Beyonce drank a glass of wine and left the party early on the pretext that she had work to do in the recording studio.

When she got to the car, she quickly took out her mobile phone and prepared to call Link. Thinking that he might be busy at this time, she edited a text message and sent it to him.

She sat in the car, looked back at the bar, started the car and decided to go out of town to avoid the limelight.

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