Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 281 It’s all a conspiracy

SB Entertainment is located in the West Village of Manhattan, a neighborhood with a strong artistic atmosphere and a cultural mecca in the hearts of New Yorkers.

Various artists gather here, including painters, musicians, actors, writers, etc.

The largest number of them are singers. Since the 1950s, this place has become one of the birthplaces of modern folk songs. In 1965, when Bob Dylan sang rock at the Newport Folk Music Festival, this place became a holy place for rock musicians.

There are many musicians who sang in bars and nightclubs in the West Village before they became famous. Some were spotted by talent scouts here and went from unknowns to superstars, including jazz singers Ray Charles, Norah Jones, and Lady Gaga. wait.

SB Entertainment placed its headquarters here to draw materials from the local area.

Scooter's favorite thing to do in the past was to stand in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows and enjoy the performances of street musicians downstairs after work.

But today, he just felt that those people's music was a bit noisy, and he wanted to lie on the window and yell, "Shut up."

"Boss, I'm back."

Assistant Alex returned to the office out of breath.

"How about it?"

Scout asked quickly.

Alex took out a piece of information and put it on his desk, and told him in a helpless voice that the copyright registration information was genuine, and the two versions of "Baby" were nearly 50% similar.

"How could this be? Ludacris told me before that this is their original work. Why is it suspected of plagiarism? Why?!"

Scout asked angrily.

Alex doesn't know how to explain this. This song "Baby" was sung by Justin and Ludacris.

There are five songwriters, Justin Bieber, Ludacris, Tricky Stewart, The Dream, and Christina Milan.

The main creators are the latter four. Ludacris is a signed singer of SB Entertainment, and the other three musicians also have cooperative relations with SB.

Now that something has happened, more than a few creators have to bear the responsibility, and SB Entertainment has a greater responsibility.

According to the current court jurisprudence on infringement, the penalty rate is between five times and ten times depending on the degree of infringement of the work and the benefits obtained.

The song "Baby" is not only Justin's famous song, but also the lead single of the album "My World 2.0".

It is very influential on a global scale, and SB Company also successfully launched Justin Bieber with this song, earning tens of millions, and will earn a lot more in the future.

Also because this song has great influence and high profits.

The court will also impose high penalties when making judgments.

To make matters worse, just after Justin debuted, his lead single was suspected of plagiarism.

What will fans think if they find out?

A hit song that was in the top three of the singles chart was copied.

How will the media criticize Justin and SB Company?

If this matter is not handled well, not only will Justin's future be ruined, but SB will also go bankrupt.

"Farke! Farke!"

Scout suddenly became furious and swung his golf club and smashed it all over the office. The trophies, picture frames, and fish tanks were smashed into pieces.

"Boss, stop it. It's already happened. It's useless for you to get angry. It's better to calm down and think about countermeasures."

Alex comforted.

Bang bang bang!

Scout swung the golf club and hit it hard on the leather sofa where Ivaca had just been sitting.

After a while, four Ludacris producers walked into the office and saw the room in a mess, as if they had been visited by black brothers. Several of them had surprised expressions on their faces.

"what happened?"

Ludacris was wearing a white T-shirt and a gold chain, similar to the one in "The Fast and the Furious". He pursed his thick lips and asked Scooter, who had a gloomy face and said nothing.

"Look at this."

Alex handed Ludacris and others the copyright registration information for "Baby".

The four Ludacris looked at it again, and their expressions changed greatly.

"Impossible! We co-wrote this song, how could it be plagiarized? This information is definitely fake."

Ludacris exclaimed.

Scout leaned back on the seat, with a cold and thin face, and said nothing.

"Sadly, it's true!"

Alex took out his cell phone and flipped through the photos. There was a file he took at the Copyright Agreement Archives, which was exactly the same as this copy.

"There is also a recording demo in the archives. I listened to it once. The chorus is almost exactly the same as our "Baby"."

Alex said.

"How is this possible? I definitely did not plagiarize. Did you refer to this work when you created it?"

Ludacris looked at his three companions.

The three of them shook their heads, saying absolutely not.

Scout raised his head and stared at the four of them. Seeing that no one took the initiative to admit it, he pondered for a moment, "Besides the four of you, is there anyone else who participated in or influenced your creation?"


The three of Ludacris shook their heads in denial.

Only a musician named Tyrius Nash said: "When we were producing this song, the production assistant who came from Link Music said that the chorus sounded a bit familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere."


Scout sat up straight, leaning on his desk and yelled, "Did he have a hand in the production?"

Tellius thought for a moment, "He adjusted the soundtrack of the chorus. The original pitch was lower."

"Fake Fake! Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Scout roared loudly, and the veins on his forehead and neck popped out.

"He only changed it a little bit and contributed less than 1% to the entire song. We didn't expect it to collide with the song written by Link. This must be a coincidence."

Tyrius Nash argued.

"Idiot! This is Iwaka's trick. She knew that we were poaching people from Link Music. In order to deal with us, she deliberately put out a bait to lure us in, and then gave us a song for free. Her purpose was to annex me The company must be like this, it must be like this, this woman Ivaca is too cruel. "

Scout said angrily.

"Scooter, except for the soundtrack of the chorus, everything else was created by us, and we definitely didn't plagiarize it."

Ludacris said.

"What's the use of saying this? The two songs are 50% similar. They were registered in 2008. Our production assistant at K Music is also in our company and participated in the creation of this song. After the judges knew this, Who do you think they will believe?"

Scout shouted, blushing and slapping the table.

Ludacris and the other four were also helpless. There were so many coincidences in this matter that they couldn't explain it at all.

Scout looked at the four people angrily, and saw that they had nothing to say. He leaned weakly on the sofa seat, looked at the crystal lamp on the roof and muttered to himself.

"This must be Evaka's conspiracy, it must be. Last year, after she knew that we were dealing with Link Music, she quickly launched countermeasures and sent a poison pill to our SB Entertainment agency. After the release of "Baby" , she deliberately said nothing. When the album became a hit, she knew the time was right, so she used the copyright of "Baby" to blackmail us and wanted to forcefully acquire SB. She was so cruel. We just poached a few of her people, and she Want to annex us."

Scout clenched her fists tightly and gritted her teeth in anger.

"Boss, do you want to agree to her acquisition?"

Alex asked.

"No, of course not. SB is my heart and soul. I would rather give up Justin Bieber than sell the company to her."

Scout said coldly.

"We can only file a lawsuit with Link Music, but they have registered the copyright earlier, so it will be difficult for us to win."

Alex spread his hands and said.

Scout knew this too.

Ivaca comes from a wealthy family and has connections in the judicial system.

It is very difficult to win a lawsuit.

If he loses, not only will he compensate Link Music a large amount of money, but Justin's reputation will also be greatly affected, and his future may even be ruined. SB Company will also lose all the funds it invested in him in the past, resulting in heavy losses.

But instead of filing a lawsuit and settling the matter privately, the company must be sold to Link Music at a low price and become a subsidiary of Link Music.

This is not the result he wants to see.

"You guys go down first, I want to think about it carefully."

After a few people left, Scout sat in the office, frowning, thinking hard, hoping to find a way to break the situation.

Ding ding ding!

After an unknown amount of time, the cell phone on the table suddenly rang. Scout picked it up and saw that it was Jay-Z's call.

"Jace, what's going on?"

"Scout, you told me that Link's fuck video will be posted online at eight o'clock in the evening. It's already half past eight. Where is the video posted?"

"Video? It's already eight o'clock in the evening?"

Scout glanced at the floor-to-ceiling window. At some point, the sky outside turned dark early, and the colorful neon lights were reflected on the window glass. It was surprisingly beautiful. He patted his forehead.

"Sorry Jace, I was so busy today that I forgot about the video. Please wait a moment, I will send it now."

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