In a black metal music bar in Brooklyn, Jay-Z put down the phone, looked at Kanye, Lil Wayne, and 50 Cent and said,

"Don't worry, Scout said it would be sent right away."

"Okay! We're not in a hurry."

Kanye and the others shrugged their shoulders, sat back on the sofa, and stared patiently at the huge 5x7 meter long projection screen on the stage in the middle of the bar.

Next to the screen sits Drake, one of their computer masters. As soon as the video is released, Drake will put Link's private video on the big screen for everyone to watch.

This is a moment that changes the situation of the battle, and it is also an exciting moment, where they will witness the collapse of their enemy Link's house.

"Where's Beyoncé? Why didn't she come to such an important occasion?"

Kanye asked, looking at Rihanna.

Rihanna was playing with her phone and texting Katy Perry, inviting her to watch Link's fierce material. When Kanye asked, she said without looking up, "She's not feeling well and is resting at home."

"What's wrong with her? What's wrong with her?"

Kanye and others asked with concern.

Jingle Bell!

Jay-Z was smoking a cigar when his cell phone suddenly rang. It was a call from Scooter.

"Scout, has the video been posted? What? Not posted? Why?! I need an explanation."

Jay-Z was very annoyed and asked in a very unhappy tone.

Liskut told him on the phone that after an accident, he still had use for this video and could not post it for the time being. He would explain it to him in detail in two days and apologize to him repeatedly.

Jay-Z was furious after hearing this. What he needed was a video, not an apology, but Scooter hung up the phone after saying a few words, and he couldn't call to press him.

"Jace, what happened?"

50 cents asked quickly.

Jay-Z said with a dark face, "Scooter said he won't post videos tonight."

"No more? Why?"

"Didn't you agree to it earlier? Why did you suddenly change your mind?"

"We have everything ready, but he refuses to say anything. How can I explain this to the guys?"

Kanye, Usher and others all asked.

"Shut up! It was Scout who suddenly changed his mind. If you want to know the reason, ask him."

Jay-Z dropped his cigar heavily and left with a look of displeasure on his face.

"Is this the end?"

50 cents looked around. In order to watch Link's private video, they not only prepared a giant screen projection, but also prepared ten bottles of Ace of Spades champagne, beer, drinks, melon seeds, etc.

In addition, there are more than a hundred black brothers in the bar, everyone is staring at the giant screen projection, ready to watch the show

Now that he suddenly stopped posting, how could he explain this to everyone?

"50 cents, why don't you show the video?"

"Hurry up, we've been waiting for an hour."

Dozens of black people shouted outside.

50 Cent was helpless and asked Drake to play a porn movie to satisfy everyone's cravings.

When Rihanna saw a group of people gathering to watch this kind of movie, she glared at Drake, got up and left, and sent a message to Katy Perry and Beyoncé to tell them that something had happened. Link’s private video today Can't see it anymore.

When Beyoncé received the news in a private apartment in Manhattan, she was also relaxing on the sofa, feeling a little disappointed for no reason.

She picked up her phone again and sent a message to Link, asking him how he did it.


Thinking of a solution, Scooter called Iwaka the next morning and expressed his willingness to transfer 15% of SB Entertainment shares to Link Music for US$10 million.

Ivaca told him in a calm voice that it was impossible, and asked him to think clearly before calling, and then hung up the phone.

Scout was so angry that she yelled, this woman went too far, did she think she could win against her?

He took a few deep breaths, and after more than ten minutes, he expressed his willingness to spend 10 million US dollars to buy the copyright of "Baby".

Ivaca told him that it was impossible. Her bottom line was to get Bieber's brokerage contract with 50% of SB's shares for one dollar, otherwise she would see him in court.


Seeing that Ivaca was about to hang up the phone again, he quickly shouted, "Miss Ivaca, please wait a moment. There is one thing I forgot to tell you. I have a video in my hand of Link having sex with another woman." If I expose this video, Link's reputation will be tarnished. I heard that you and Link have a good relationship. You don't want to see his reputation damaged, right? How about we make a deal and I exchange this video for you? How about the copyright of "Baby"?"

Iwaka snorted coldly, "Scout, I heard that you are a very smart businessman. How could you have such naive ideas? Link can become a boxing champion with his fists. He can become a top player in the music industry. He relies on inexhaustible talent. He is a powerful star and a billionaire. So what if you expose his dirty stuff? As long as he can still play and write good songs, fans will still be there. Pay the bill.

Justin, whom SB Company focuses on cultivating, is different. His future will be ruined because of this song, and SB Company must also compensate us for all losses. How can you equate the two? "

"But if Link's reputation is bad, his album will also be affected, right? This is also a direct financial loss, don't you care?"

Scout quickly persuaded.

"It doesn't matter. If you expose Link's private video, his reputation will be temporarily damaged. He will lose tens of millions at most. It is nothing to Link Music. And the title song of Justin's new album is suspected of plagiarism. SB Company uses unfair methods to compete. Huh, this thing is fatal to you. Also, are you sure it’s a video of Link having sex with another woman? If it’s true, please post it quickly, I want to see it too.”

Ivaca said calmly.

Scout's eye muscles twitched, "Miss Ivaca, do you think I dare not?"

"You should have heard that Link and I are very close, but there is Taylor between us, and Taylor is a very stingy woman. If she sees Link having sex outside behind her back, she will definitely Break up with him, so that the barrier between me and Link will no longer exist. So if you have that kind of video, please make it public as soon as possible. When discussing SB Company’s compensation to our company in court in the future, I will reduce or reduce it as appropriate. What do you think of your $5 million?”


Scout was stunned for a while when he heard her words. At first he thought she was bluffing, but then he felt it was very reasonable.

He has also heard about the scandal between Link and Iwaka. If it is true, releasing this kind of video is really helping Iwaka, and she really doesn't seem to care.

Scout covered his forehead, feeling that this woman was too difficult to deal with. If he continued to talk, he might not be able to make her take a step back.

"Miss Ivaca, I will give you at most 20% of SB Company shares."

Scout said helplessly.

"I gave you a contract yesterday. Turn the contract to page 14, Article 22."

Ivaca said in a calm voice.

Scout didn't know what she meant, so he searched through the messy office and found the forgotten folder on the coffee table.

According to Article 22 on page 14 of what Iwaka said, he was suddenly stunned when he saw that article saying that after the transaction is completed, SB Projects needs to hand over all information that is not conducive to Link, and cannot continue to target Link.

"Did you know I had Link's private video?"

Scout had a chill down her back.

"I gave you one day yesterday, and there are still three hours before the deadline. If I don't get the reply you want after three hours, Link Music's legal department will formally file a complaint with SB Company, Justin and Luda C. in the name of infringement. Rees and others file a lawsuit. It’s your choice whether it’s war or cooperation.”

After saying that, Ivaca hung up the phone directly.

Scout heard the busy signal on the phone and leaned back weakly on his seat.

He had only told a few partners about Link's video, but Ivaka seemed to have known about the existence of the video for a long time. This meant that there were spies around him, or that someone from several partners had tipped off Evaka.

This woman was so terrifying. Not only did she arrange the poison pill plan in advance, but she also planted spies around him to control every move she made.

It's really not a good thing to face such a woman.

Scout pinched his eyebrows and racked his brains, but couldn't think of a way to break the situation. What should I do?

Should we give more shares to Link Music, cooperate with Link Music, or fight with Link Music?

Regardless of the choice, SB Company will suffer heavy losses.

Jingle Bell!

The phone rang and I saw the caller ID 'Little Kunas'.

After getting through the phone, Kunas said that Link had been hyped up to be the most perfect man in the world and asked him why he hadn't released the video yet?

Scout sighed. In order to shape Link into a good man, he invested millions of dollars and used his connections with Kunas to plot against Link.

But now that he has leverage in Evaka's hands, he can no longer send that video to stimulate her. The promotion he did during this period really became helping Link shape his character.

This is so hateful.

He held back his anger and explained Ivaca's 'poison pill plan', and asked Kunas if there was any way to persuade Ivaca to give up suing SB Company and Justin?

"Is "Baby" plagiarized from Link's song? Was it used by Iwaka to frame you?"

little Kunas asked in surprise.

"it seems to be like this."

Scout said helplessly, "Ryan, I heard that you have a good relationship with the TP family. Can you persuade her to give up pursuing SB Company's responsibility?"

"No! Since the success of Link Music, Ivaca has become more independent. She usually doesn't even listen to her father, and I can't persuade her."

Kunas Jr. said.

"Then what should we do? If we don't agree, she will sue. We will lose. Not only will we have to pay tens of millions, but Justin's reputation will also be ruined in the lawsuit. In order to train him, I have invested tens of millions one after another. I can do it right before my eyes." It was used to make money, it would be a pity to destroy it at this time.”

"You mean to give up targeting Link and choose to cooperate with him?"

Little Kunas's voice turned cold.

Scout said: "Ryan, I've thought about it. Link is a creative genius. Just writing a song can make Justin popular. Let Link Music become a shareholder of SB Company. The cooperation between the two parties to cultivate Justin will be beneficial to the development of SB Company." ”

"But doing so will also increase the market value of Link Music."

Little Kunas said through gritted teeth.

"Ryan, I don't want this, but I have the leverage in Ivaca's hands. Ivaca just wants to annex SB Company now and doesn't care about the video in my hand," she said.

Scooter repeated what Evaka said, that posting the video was equivalent to helping her and Link.

On the other end of the phone, Little Kunas was silent for a long time, "Forget it, don't post that video."

"Don't post it? You spent 1 million pounds to buy it. If it's not exposed, it will be wasted. My idea is to reconcile with Link Music on the surface, and then quietly send the video to Jay-Z, Kanye and others, and let them release it."

"Delete the video, and we will find other ways to swallow up Link Music."

Little Kunas hung up the phone.

In the bright office, Scooter pulled the corner of his mouth and breathed a sigh of relief.

In this matter, the most difficult person to deal with is Little Kunas. Cooperating with Link Music will offend Little Kunas, but not cooperating is not an option.

And Evaka's words gave him a good solution.

Little Kunas likes Evaka and has plans for her and Link Music. Naturally, he doesn't want to see Link and Evaka together.

The best way to stop the two from being together is to let Link and Taylor go on for a long time, and don't give Link and Ivaka a chance.

Little Kunas also thought of this, so he asked him to delete the video.

Love really makes people blind.

Scooter shook his head, and suddenly he thought of the beautiful woman with a hot body. Ivaka just suddenly mentioned her relationship with Link. Did she guess that he and Little Kunas were connected long ago, and deliberately said that, and used his mouth to pass the message to Little Kunas, so that Little Kunas would stop?

If this is true, Ivaka is too scary.

In the future, when cooperating with her, you must be careful, otherwise you will be killed by her at any time.

After a moment of silence, he called Ivaka again and expressed his willingness to cooperate.

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