Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 284 The crisis is temporarily resolved

After solving the video, the Sword of Damocles hanging above his head was removed. Link no longer had to worry about the collapse of the house. He relaxed and even ran an extra five kilometers in the morning.

"What happened, you looked like you were happy."

While eating breakfast, Taylor smeared the bread with fruit pulp and blinked at him, as if trying to read his thoughts.

"The sales volume in the first week was 1.74 million, ranking among the top four in history. With such a great result, shouldn't you be happy?"

Link chuckled softly.


Taylor nodded slightly and licked the blueberry jam on his white fingers, "A few days ago you said that someone was going to frame you and asked me to be mentally prepared. Why haven't you seen the news yet?"

"It's settled. At the beginning of the year, East Coast Rap and SB Entertainment wanted to compete with me in a competition to see whose album sales were higher. I was worried that they would use other methods to deal with me if they couldn't beat me, so I had to be careful.

Now that SB Entertainment knows that there is no competition, it is planning to join forces with Link Music. One will do music and the other will do marketing. This is a strong alliance. When SB Entertainment becomes a partner, I don't need to worry so much anymore. "

Link cut the barbecue into small pieces, sprinkled it with lemon juice and handed it to Taylor. Taylor only took one piece and looked at him with his fork on the meat.

"You mean Link Music and SB Entertainment are joining forces? Link Music is the most successful independent label in the current music scene, and SB Entertainment is one of the best agencies in marketing. If you join forces, other singers will still have a chance to survive. ?"

"It's not that exaggerated. Compared with the Big Five, the two companies are small grasshoppers. Together, they are far from being able to compare with the Big Five records or even the sub-brands of the Big Five. What we do is just an alliance of the weak. It will increase our Competitiveness in the entertainment industry.”

Link said with a shrug.

Taylor held up her chin and looked at him, "You were promoting the album and preparing for the boxing match during this period, and you didn't have time to get involved with the company. So the troubles that were solved and the cooperation with SB Entertainment were all caused by Eva. Do?"

"Yes, not only her, but several supervisors in the company are also doing these things."

"She's really capable."

Taylor pursed her thin lips and said meaningfully.

"You are also very capable. Ivaca has some talents in business, and you are a musical genius and will become more and more powerful in the future."

Link praised.

"Huh, I'm really praising her, not jealous of her. You don't need to comfort me in this way, I'm not that stingy."

Taylor rolled her eyes at him and said.

Link smiled softly and used a tissue to wipe off the pulp stuck to the corners of her lips. Her face, full of collagen, was smooth and elastic.

After breakfast, he went for a walk, cat-walked and read as usual, then went to the Muscle Beach boxing ring for training at noon, and then returned home for a party in the afternoon. He and Taylor invited all their relatives, friends and colleagues in Los Angeles, and hundreds of people were on the lawn of the villa. Drink, chat, listen to music, and celebrate the success of his new album together.

Time came to April. On April 2, Link brought the boxing team to Miami and participated in a boxing match at the Hard Rock Stadium. His opponent was Roy Jones Jr.

Roy Jones Jr. was once a superstar in the boxing world. At his peak, he spanned four levels, middleweight, super middleweight, light heavyweight and heavyweight, and won world boxing titles in these four levels.

Because of his strong strength, he was called the ‘King of Fighters’ and the Miami Boxing Champion.

It's a pity that I am getting old now. I am 41 years old this year. I have passed the peak of an athlete. Although my skills are still superb, my strength and speed have declined significantly.

In the match with him, Link took three rounds and knocked him down four times. The last time he hit him in the forehead with a heavy punch, causing him to fall to the ground and be unable to get up for ten seconds, successfully winning the game.

Since he and Roy Jones Jr. are both very popular boxing stars and both are from Miami, this game attracted 87,000 spectators in Miami, which was no less than the Super Bowl in early February.

The live broadcast of this game also sold 1.32 million units, creating a total PPV revenue of US$99 million.

Other peripheral and advertising income also amounted to more than 30 million.

Afterwards, according to the share, he received more than 48 million in game bonuses, while Roy Jones Jr. earned more than 32 million.

His professional record reaches 16 fights, 16 wins, and 16 KO wins, all of which were won within three rounds.

This game brought him both fame and fortune, but some media claimed that he was able to defeat Roy Jones Jr. because the opponent was older. They also said that he had the habit of bullying older boxers, from Tyson to Roy Jones. Others jokingly called him the 'elderly boxer terminator'.

Link didn't care about these people's teasing. His purpose of practicing boxing was simple.

On the one hand, through boxing training, you can become stronger, healthier, and live longer.

On the other hand, make money and become a rich man, while promoting boxing and expanding the boxing market.

In this game, he fought with Roy Jones Jr. using pure skills. After gaining the upper hand in boxing skills, he finally figured out Roy Jones Jr.'s ways before he used heavy punches to end the game.

He thinks that this is a wonderful game, so he doesn't have to worry about being criticized.

"Link, we can see from the news that you have been very busy in recent months, with a full schedule. Not only do you have to train for boxing and film movies, but you also hold autograph signings in various places. You are like a model worker, allowing everyone to compare What I’m curious about is, how can you maintain such a strong fighting capacity and perfect game condition during such a busy schedule?”

After the game, "Miami Herald" reporter and old acquaintance Simmons asked in an interview.

Link sat on the wicker chair, took a sip of water and said: "I think a boxer's combat effectiveness and competition status are related to daily training. If you practice boxing every day, your quality will improve in all aspects. If you don't practice boxing, you will regress. Although I have recently I have a lot of work, but I never fall short of one hour of fitness and two hours of boxing training every day.”

"When you are out promoting your album, you also take time to train boxing? Are you busy enough every day?"

Simmons asked with confusion.

"Yes, this is due to my regular schedule. I go to bed before nine o'clock, get up before five o'clock, wash up, have breakfast and read the newspaper, run ten kilometers in the morning, do half an hour of fitness, and two to three hours of boxing training. These things are done every day The tasks that must be performed must be completed, no matter how busy they are, so whether it is filming or promoting an album, it will not affect my training. "

Link said.

Simmons nodded, drew a few strokes on his notebook, and said with a smile: "Link, the last time I interviewed you was in Miami Beach. At that time, you were the Olympic champion and the WBA world boxing champion. Now you have become the super world boxing champion." Wang, a movie star and a super popular singer, it can be said that you are a superstar in both culture and sports. How does it feel to become a superstar? "

Link smiled softly, "It's cool! It's cool to be a boxing champion, it's cool to be a movie actor, it's equally cool to be a singer, it's three times cool, that's supercool!"

Simmons laughed, "I heard that being a star also brings a lot of troubles, such as paparazzi and passionate fans. Does this have any impact on your life?"

"Yes, it has a huge impact. I used to be a nobody and no one knew me when I walked on the street. Now I will be recognized whenever I go out, and entertainment reporters will chase me. It feels like I become a magnet and influence the people around me all the time. This will make me pay more attention to my words and deeds and try not to do anything that disappoints my fans.”

Link said with a gesture.

While he was being interviewed by Simmons, Anna suddenly walked over in a hurry, her expression a little solemn, as if something bad had happened.

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