Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 285 Private video leaked

In the morning, the weather in New York was good.

It was early spring, the sun was warm, the air was fresh, the mulberry trees and sycamores on the street had fresh green leaves, and the flowers and willows in the Greenwich Park next door were more pleasing to the eye than the neon lights at night.

Scooter carried his work bag and stood on the street to listen to a street singer singing "Girls Like You".

In terms of singing skills and performance ability, this singer is not much inferior to Link, but so what, after all, he is Link, a billionaire, world boxing champion, one of the fastest money-making people on the planet, and one of the most handsome men in the world.

This song is his, and after he sings it, it will also be attached with his halo, just like the underwear worn by Marilyn Monroe, the same material and design, the price and popularity will be ten thousand times different.

Because of this, promotion and marketing will become more and more important in the entertainment industry. For these underground singers who only know how to hone their skills and don't know how to market themselves, Scooter can only say with regret that your popularity depends entirely on fate.

When he arrived at SB Entertainment, Scooter found that the company's employees were drinking coffee and chatting, looking like they had nothing to do.

This made him very unhappy. SB Entertainment and Link Music had reached a cooperation intention. The next step was that Link Music would become a major shareholder of SB Company and would send people to the company to work.

If that woman Evaka saw the company like this, she might take the opportunity to cut him again.


Before he could speak, his assistant Alex came over and told him that the company's network system had been attacked by hackers, causing the work system to be paralyzed and was currently being repaired.

"Hackers? Why did they invade our company's system?"

Scooter frowned and asked.

"I don't know the reason yet."

"Go check the music library. Maybe someone wants to steal our songs in this way."

Scooter said hurriedly.

"Boss, the music library is a local area network with a firewall. Don't worry."

Alex said.

Scooter was relieved after hearing this. Although the Internet brings a lot of convenience to people's work, there are also a lot of troubles.

He told Alex that the works created by his musicians in the future must be filed in advance, and all completed works must be registered. They cannot plagiarize other people's works, nor can they be plagiarized by others.

While talking, the network engineer hired by the company told them that the system had been repaired and the network viruses had been cleaned up. He also suggested that they watch less pornographic videos on the company's computers, because that kind of thing carries more viruses than a dead mouse.

Scooter wanted to say that no one in the company watched that kind of video, but the network engineer left with the tools after he finished speaking.

Back in the office, Scooter turned on the computer and suddenly remembered that there was a pornographic video on the computer. He watched it again and then clicked to delete it.

On April 2, the tenth day after the release of "The Woman I Love", the sales in the United States exceeded 2 million copies, reaching a total of 2.008 million copies, becoming the second album in 2010 to achieve double platinum sales in the United States.

It is also the album that has achieved double platinum sales in the shortest time in the past eight years.

On the same day, Link defeated boxing legend Roy Jones Jr. at the Hard Rock Stadium in Miami, adding another victory to his career.

Link Studio, Link Music, and Dynasty Promotions all posted tweets on Twitter to congratulate Link on his double happiness.

His boxing fans and music fans were also super excited, and they all gathered on Link's fan club website to celebrate, posting many beautiful pictures of Link and game videos, as well as many photos with Link.

According to statistics from the club website administrator, more than 800,000 users logged in and visited in one day, making Link's fan website the most visited fan website at present.

At 5 pm on the same day, a video titled "Real: Link and Emma Watson's sex tape" was posted on YouTube.

Since Link is one of the most popular celebrities in the United States, and Emma Watson has become famous all over the world with the Harry Potter movie, both of them enjoy extremely high popularity in Europe, America and the world.

After this video was released, it was like an atomic bomb, boom! It caused a huge shock on the Internet.

In just three hours, the video was viewed more than 120 million times and downloaded 3.5 million times. The YouTube system failed three times and users were unable to log in successfully.

According to the investigation of YouTube's data department, before the video was deleted due to infringement, the global viewing volume reached 552 million times in 13 hours and 25 minutes, becoming the fastest video to break 500 million views since the establishment of YouTube. The paid download volume reached 13.34 million times, and it also became the first video with more than 10 million downloads.

Although the original video on YouTube was deleted, many large news social networking sites including Yahoo, Pornhub, MySpace, Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, the official website of the New York Post, the official website of the Los Angeles Times, the official website of the Hollywood Reporter, the Link fan club, the Harry Potter fan club, etc.

All published related videos and links, and there are countless on small websites.

Many website staff said: It is impossible to delete them all.

This video is 32 minutes and 46 seconds long. The camera angle is in the locker room. At the beginning, the video camera is a little shaky. After Link came in from the door, the camera became stable again. The first two minutes are Link's conversation with coach Brooks and assistant Simon.

Link asked Simon how his opponent Carl Franche was.

Simon said he was awake and nothing serious.

Coach Brooks asked him if he deliberately lured Carl Franche to attack because he was a little weak at the beginning.

Link said Carl Franche played very fiercely and the audience liked to watch it. He couldn't bear to end the game early.

Franco smiled and asked him if he could end the game in 10 seconds if he went all out.

Before Link could answer, Emma Watson rushed in from outside, regardless of the people next to her, threw herself into his arms, hugged his neck, and kissed him passionately.


The audience couldn't help but scream when they saw this.

One by one, they stared with wide eyes and watched the wonderful performances of the two super popular stars attentively.

In the video, Link did not push Emma Watson away. He held her hips and kissed her for dozens of seconds. He also put his hand into her T-shirt and touched her.

"Wow! So exciting. Link must be a good kisser."

Katy Perry covered her red lips and praised.

Rihanna looked at Emma Watson with a blushing face and nodded in agreement.

"This is the private video of Link you mentioned last time. Why didn't you post it a few days ago? Why did you post it now?"

Katy Perry asked.

"I don't know. I heard from Usher and Kanye that Scooter has Link's private video. He said he would post it a few days ago, but he didn't release it. I don't know why he released it today. I also saw it for the first time."

Rihanna shrugged and said.

"Maybe he is jealous of Link's good album sales and wants to hit him in this way. Link will probably be very distressed these two days."

Katy Perry blinked, took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Link, asking him not to care about the comments on the Internet. No matter what, she will support him.

"What is this, mindless admiration?"

Rihanna looked at her with disdain.

"It's none of your business!"

Katy Perry rolled her eyes and continued to watch the video.

The foreplay was over.

Link put Emma down, whispered something to her, and then walked into the dressing room.

At this moment, the camera suddenly shook, and the photographer raised the camera a little higher, moved towards the dressing room, and stopped at the corner.

The camera was aimed at the curtain of the dressing room, and through the light, two figures could be seen entangled.

This plot lasted for more than 20 minutes.

When there was no sound behind the curtain, the photographer immediately left the dressing room and hid in the closet again.

The video ended.

"It's so fierce, I thought what Amber said was all lies, but now it seems to be true."

Katy Perry blinked her long eyelashes, stared at the black screen, her knees tightly together, and her plump buttocks twisted.

"Do you want to watch it again?"

Rihanna asked, biting her fingers.


Katy Perry clicked repeat.

At this time, not only the two of them, but also many people were watching this video.

"It turned out to be Emma Watson."

When Beyoncé saw that it was Emma Watson who was on the screen, she completely relaxed, put her arms on her plump buttocks, and watched the video of the two people sideways.

This bastard!

Beyoncé bit her plump lower lip and complained.

"Tsk tsk, actually messing around in the locker room, Link is definitely degenerate."

In the boxing gym, Mario grinned and laughed strangely.

"Link is going to be in the limelight again. He was popular enough, and now he is even more popular."

Dino said, touching his chin.

"Or I will shoot a video in the locker room, maybe it will be popular too."

Mario said with a squint.

Dino thought about it. After this video was exposed, "locker room" and "messing around" became hot words. At this time, if a video of Link's fellow boxer Mario messing around in the locker room was exposed, it might indeed be popular.

But Coach West would probably be furious after seeing this. Besides, Mario is not Link, he is not famous and looks average. Even if he posts this kind of video, he will not get much attention. It will also ruin his already bad public image, which is not worth it.

"Chris, last time you said Link likes the front view, but this time they are standing."

Emma Roberts lay on the bed with a laptop in front of her, shaking her two white and tender legs.

"Standing is also the front view."

Kristen Stewart said with headphones.

"Link is so strong, do you think he can pick me up?"

Emma Roberts asked with her little face propped up.

"I can pick you up too, how about trying?"

Kristen said, hugging Emma's slender waist.

"Stop it!"

Emma pushed Kristen away, but Kristen insisted on holding her, and the two started to play on the bed.

"What are you looking at?"

Julia Roberts came in from outside and asked while they were playing.


The two hurriedly blocked the computer, but the headphone jack was accidentally pulled out, and then a high-pitched scream came from the laptop speakers.


The three looked at each other.

"Scooter! Damn it, I said to delete this video, why did you post it online again?"

SB Entertainment, President's Office, Scooter received a call from Kunas. He touched his forehead and said helplessly: "Ryan, I didn't post it. I have already planned to cooperate with Link Music and will be responsible for it in the future." Link’s album marketing, he is my god of wealth, how could I publish his dirty material.”

"Who could it be if it weren't you? I only sent the video to you. Who has your video been shown to?"


Scout pinched his eyebrows and said, "It shouldn't be her. If she wants to do this, it won't be at this time. By the way, my company's network system was attacked by hackers and it only returned to normal in the morning. I'm wondering if it will happen." A hacker could have stolen that video from me."

"What? You put such an important video directly on your computer?"

"I didn't expect hackers to attack our company's network. It was really careless."

Scout said reproachfully, and suddenly he remembered something and said quickly, "Ryan, don't worry, there is one thing I forgot to tell you. This video is fake. Only the first 3 minutes and 35 seconds are real, and the rest are real." 29 minutes is fake, it’s a spliced ​​video.”


little Kunas screamed.

"It's true. I sent the video to Iwaka two days ago. After she watched it, she said it was fake. I watched it carefully and found that there were indeed traces of editing. There were some differences in lighting and environment. It was obviously splicing. 's video.

"Damn it, I was fooled, that bastard cheated me out of a million pounds."

Little Kunas cursed angrily.

Scooter was also helpless because it was a fake video. During the negotiation, Ivaca said it was a commercial fraud and behaved badly. She forcibly asked for 3% more of his shares. His loss was greater than that of Kunas. .

Kunas Jr. continued to curse on the phone.

After this fake video is released, it will definitely affect the relationship between Link and Taylor, and may also lead to Link and Ivaca getting together. As this video is suspected of being fake, the negative impact it will bring to Link will not be too great. big.

From this point of view, he is the biggest victim of this 'pornographic video incident'.

Love makes people blind.

Scout shook his head and quickly comforted little Kunas, asking him to trace it based on the account number and contact person, and maybe recover the 1 million pounds, otherwise he would lose both people and money, and the loss would be even greater.

After dealing with little Kunas, before Scout could take a breath, the phone rang again, and the caller ID was 'Evaka***'.

He is the president of SB Entertainment and occasionally works part-time as a talent scout.

When you meet someone with potential, you will mark the person's contact information with a '*' according to their strength, which means that this contact needs special attention. Three '*' means that you must treat it with caution, which is equivalent to a dangerous person.

Iwaka is the only Samsung among the contacts.

This time, as soon as the video came out, Ivaca called. She must have thought that the video was sent by him.

Scout sighed helplessly and said when the call was connected: "Miss Ivaca, I swear to God, I did not post that video."

"Who else have you given this video to?"

"No, after Ryan sent me the video, I only gave it to you, but..."

Scooter also talked about the company's network being attacked by hackers, causing the company's system to be paralyzed. He suspected that the video was stolen by hackers and posted on the Internet.

"Who knew you had that video and that you put the video on the computer in your office?"

Ivaca said in a calm voice.

"Jay-Z, Usher, and Kanye all know about it. I originally planned to post a video a few days ago, and I also informed them. There should be many people who know that I have a video, but they probably don't know where I put the video. ”

Scout thought about it seriously and said.

"It has happened. Let's not hold anyone accountable for now. The top priority is how to settle this matter. I heard that you are a gold medal promoter and are good at promotion, marketing and publicity. I am going to leave this crisis public relations to you. What? Sample?"

"Put me in charge?"

Scout said in surprise.

"Yes, Link Music has certain advantages in producing music, but there are some shortcomings in publicity and marketing, and you happen to be good at these. If this crisis public relations can be handled well, Link and I will consider putting him You will be responsible for some of the brokerage appointments.”

"Okay, I'm willing to accept this commission."

Scout was stunned for a moment and said without hesitation.

"I'm waiting for your good news."

Ivaca said goodbye and hung up the phone.

Scout held the phone and was silent for a few seconds, then suddenly he clenched his fist and waved it vigorously.

Before answering the phone, he thought Ivaca was going to cause trouble for him, but it turned out not to be, but a great good thing.


Just now Ivaca said that if he could handle this matter well, he would hand over part of Link's management contract to him, which meant that he was invited to join Link's management team and become Link's manager in a certain aspect of his work.

Although he is a multi-millionaire and the president of SB Entertainment, what he does actually falls under the category of an agent. He is responsible for marketing and promoting several of his contracted artists, including Kanye West, Ludacris, and Asia. The Kid, and newcomer Justin Bieber.

Help them sell albums, help them with advertising and other activities.

In this way, the agent's commission is extracted from the artist's salary.

For famous artists like Kanye and Usher, the commission he can get is not much, less than 10%.

For Justin Bieber, who was promoted by him, the commission will be higher, 73%, 70% for the company and 30% for the company’s seven artists.

Although a lot of money can be made from Justin, compared with Link, Justin is just a little beast.

From the moment Scout got to know Link, he thought he was the most unique being in the entertainment industry. He is an Olympic champion, a world boxing champion, a swimming star, a popular movie star, a creative genius, a pop music king, a billionaire, and the most handsome man in the world. man.

Any one of the many haloes is a goal that many people pursue throughout their lives but cannot achieve.

According to this kind of strength, as long as he doesn't kill people and set fires, he has a great chance of becoming a figure like the King of Music MJ in the future, and even more influential than MJ.

If you cooperate with this person and become one of his agents, you will definitely earn more money in the future than through SB Entertainment. For example, MJ agents Frank DiLeo, Raymond Bain and others have passed through Responsible for MJ's management work and became a billionaire.

This is why he couldn't help but laugh after receiving Iwaka's commission.

In addition, the pornographic video incident that Link encountered this time is not difficult to solve.

Because it is a fake video, the negative impact will slowly disappear after a public clarification. Through this sexy video, more people will recognize Link, which will also increase his popularity and popularity.

As for him having an affair with other women even though he has a girlfriend, that's nothing.

This kind of thing is too common in the entertainment industry. He just made the same mistake as any man, just like President Zipperton.

Men will understand him and be jealous of him, thinking that celebrities are just like ordinary people and cannot control their lower body.

Women may criticize a few words, but in their hearts they long to be Emma Watson and be held in his arms.

The overall impact will not be too great.

This also makes his job not difficult to do.

However, in order to do this job well and satisfy Link and Iwaka, Scout decided to work overtime today and put out a "Link's Peach Video Incident Crisis Public Relations Response Plan" overnight.

At around five o'clock in the afternoon, assistant Alex was getting ready to get off work. He saw that the lights in Scout's office were still on, and was about to knock on the door to remind him to get off work when he heard a burst of laughter of "hehehehe" coming from inside the room.

Alex felt a chill run down his spine.

A few days ago, Scout often yelled in the office like crazy, and now he was hiding in the office laughing like a rat stealing butter. It felt very abnormal.

He was about to turn around and leave when he heard Scout shout, Alex, come in, I have a very important job for you.

Alex could only bite the bullet, step up and walk into the office.

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