In April, the sunshine on Miami Beach was warmer than that of New York and Los Angeles. Link just sat on a wicker chair for a while and answered a few questions before he was covered in hot sweat.

Seeing Anna walking over with a solemn expression, he said hello to Simmons, stood up and asked Anna what happened.

Ms. Anna told him that he was in trouble. An hour ago, someone posted a video of him and Emma Watson making out in the locker room on the YouTube website. Just a moment ago, it had more than 20 million views and was displayed. Go viral.

Link frowned upon hearing this.

After SB Entertainment agreed to cooperate with Link Music, he thought that the video issue was safely over and he didn't need to worry about it anymore. But just when he was relaxing, the incident unexpectedly broke out again.

According to Ivaca, apart from the photographer, only three people have seen this video, Little Kunas, Scout and her.

Ivaca is his partner and a smart woman who will not do such a thing to undermine unity at this time.

As for Scooter, after Link Music cooperates with SB, he will also own 5% of Link Music's shares. It will not be good for him to expose his dirty information.

Then the person who posted this video should be Kunas Jr.

The other party originally wanted to use Scooter's hand to trick him, but unexpectedly, the copyright infringement incident of "Baby" occurred, and Scooter had to accept Iwaka's conditions and cooperate with Link Music.

Kunas Jr. planned to go bankrupt, and he was probably furious and broke out this video in anger.

Link thought clearly about the cause of the matter in an instant. He didn't blame Ivaca, he just blamed himself for being too careless and forgetting that the "baby" copyright was useful against Scooter, but not against little Kunas.

Now that the matter has come out, he has no intention of escaping. Just as he is about to call Ivaca to discuss countermeasures, Ivaca also calls and tells him to go about his own business and leave the video to the company.

Link agreed. Evaka is the president of Link Music. She has good management skills and is good at calling people. He can rest assured that he can leave this matter to her.

All that's left is Taylor.

Thinking of Taylor, Link couldn't help but have a headache.

Taylor is very good, beautiful, smart, long-legged, and a musical genius, but she also has some problems that ordinary girls have. She is relatively strong, willful, and possessive of her partner. If she sees this video, even if it is a half-true video , I’m afraid he will also be very angry.

Now that the Internet is spreading very fast, maybe she has seen the video and is angry.

Link sighed and took out his cell phone to call Taylor.

The phone rang a few times before being answered, and Taylor's sweet and brisk voice came from the receiver.

"Has the wedding started? When will you come back?"

Judging from her tone, she probably hasn't watched the video yet.

Link couldn't help but feel a little distressed. Should he confess directly, or should he change the topic and wait for her to read it before explaining?

"Honey, there's something I need to explain to you."

"What's the matter? Wait, I'll answer the phone first, and we'll talk later."

After Taylor finished speaking, he logged off.

Link tried calling again but still couldn't get through. After three minutes, he still couldn't get through. When he called after ten minutes, the phone prompted to shut down.

Link knew there was trouble.

Someone must have called her just now to tell her about the video.

Damn it!

I should have just confessed and explained it directly to Taylor, maybe I could have saved some things for myself.

Now that Taylor isn't answering the phone, it means she's very angry.

Link quickly called Mrs. Andrea and took the initiative to mention the video to her. He said that the video was fake. It was only about kissing and not the rest. He also told her about Taylor's phone being turned off and asked her to go see Taylor. , help explain.

Lady Andrea sighed and agreed to help.

Link called Taylor again, but still didn't get through. He opened his mailbox and explained the whole story in the email, hoping that Taylor could forgive him.

Mail sent successfully.

But Link knew that this explanation might not be of much use.

He told Ms. Mandy, Katherine and Selena who were far away in Los Angeles, telling them that the video was fake and not to believe it and not to worry.

If Selena has time, ask her to go to the villa and explain to Taylor.

"I know, Miley and I were watching this video just now. This video is so popular. It received over 100 million views in two hours and left hundreds of thousands of comments. Many people on Twitter are also tweeting this video. It's all over the Internet. It’s the news that you cheated on Emma Watson. It’s so exciting. Many people say you should make pornographic movies.”

Selina said in an exaggerated voice.

Link's head was filled with black threads, "How can you, a girl, watch such a video?"

"I'm an adult!"

Selena said confidently.

"This video is fake. Only the first three minutes are real. The rest of the video is spliced ​​together."

"False? Why didn't I see it? Wait a minute and I'll look at it again."

".Don't look now. I have something to ask you for help."

"What's the matter? Tell me quickly!"

When Selena was speaking, a woman's high-pitched voice came from the microphone, as well as the laughter of several Miley Cyrus girls.

Link covered his forehead and said, holding back his embarrassment, "That's it. I didn't get through to Taylor when I called her. She probably saw the video and is angry with me now. If you're not busy, go watch it over there in the villa." See if she's here."

"No problem! I'll go after reading it."

Selena yelled at Miley on the phone, asking her to lower her voice, and then said to Link: "Hey, Link, do you remember, I dreamed about you falling into the sea a few days ago, and I even deliberately I called you and asked you not to go to the beach. Now that I think about it, that dream should be about this. It foretells that you will be in trouble, big trouble. Haha, I told you that I have good dreams. Now you believe it. Yet?"

"Believe! You are the goddess from Mexico!"

"Disgusting! I am the priestess of the Mayan temple in Mexico."

"Yes, Saint! Remember to go to the villa and explain it to me."

"Okay, but according to the prediction in the dream, I probably can't help you with this matter. If you want to get out of trouble, you still need to work hard on your own. By the way, after the phone call that day, I made up for the rest of the dream. I dreamed that you floated by yourself, which means that this matter will be safe."

"Well, thank you for giving me a good ending."

"You're welcome. Just don't worry about me staying up late from now on. In fact, I'm not staying up late. I'm communicating with the gods. Yes, this is the job of the saint."

Selina now made up an excuse.

Link was really defeated by her innocence, but now that he was asking for help from her, he couldn't reprimand her. He could only praise her with a few words, "Long live the saint," to cheer her up, and then teach her a lesson after the incident was over.

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