Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 288 Kanye is devastated


While Link is down on his luck, his enemies and rivals are having a blast.

In a black metal bar in Brooklyn, Kanye West, 50 Cent, Lil Wayne, Drake, and the newly released T.I., among others, held up champagne glasses and shouted excitedly.

Starting from their confrontation with Link at the beginning of last year, except for the initial stage, they gained some advantages in public opinion. Since March, they were first forced to publicly apologize, and later on the rap charts, album releases, and MTV Video Awards. , they were disgraced and humiliated by Link.

At the beginning of this year, they originally wanted to join forces with SB Entertainment and Justin to deal with Link and destroy Link's new album. It was best to make his new album unable to sell a single one.

However, in the face of their pursuit, Link's new album sold 1.74 million copies in the first week, and the sales volume in the United States was double platinum in ten days.

It’s so weird!

Faced with such strong sales, they thought about it and had no hope of winning.

Seeing that he was about to be slapped in the face again, Kanye had already booked a flight and was preparing to go to Hawaii to live in seclusion when a gift from the sky came. Someone posted a video of Link and Emma Watson having sex online.

When they saw the news, they went crazy with joy. They quickly contacted the Internet service company and spent 1 million US dollars to hire trolls to forward the video. They scolded Link on various social platforms for being a scumbag. They also contacted many media and asked them to forward and report this video. news.

Their purpose is simple.

It just wants people all over the world to know that Link is a scumbag, and it is really shameless to still mess around with him even though he has a girlfriend.

They wanted to discredit Link and make him stink so that they could repay the many grievances and humiliations they had suffered from Link in the past two years.

"Haha, I'm so happy. Today is the happiest day in my life."

Kanye yelled, holding up his beer.

"Haha, I'm very happy too. That bastard Link always likes to pretend to be a good man to deceive those ignorant girls. When I saw the video today, I bet that his face must be darker than ours."

50 Cent laughed.

"Guys, this incident will definitely make Link infamous and his album will be unsaleable. Let's drink to this great victory!"

Usher yelled.


Dozens of singers and producers in the audience raised their glasses.

Waves of cheerful laughter came from the scene, and all the black people were smiling with bright white teeth, happier than Christmas.

"So this video was sent by you?"

Beyoncé held a glass of champagne and looked at Lil Wayne opposite and asked.

"No! I heard that the guy who posted the video was a computer repair guy. This guy was invited to SB Company to repair computers. He saw pornographic movies on an office computer, so he copied them and prepared to watch them at night. Later, he saw that it was Link He passed the private video with Emma Watson to a friend, who then posted the video on YouTube, and the video went viral.”

Lil Wayne shook his dreadlocks and smiled.

"After we saw this video, we quickly contacted the navy to forward it and spread it everywhere. The fact that this video spread so quickly is also due to our contribution."

Derek shrugged and laughed.

Beyoncé blinked her dark brown eyes, glanced at the two of them, raised the corners of her lips and smiled: "Well done! If this bastard Link dares to go against us, we must let him know the consequences of doing so."

"Haha, Beyoncé is right!"

“Here’s to Beyoncé’s words!”

Everyone raised their glasses and applauded Beyoncé’s speech.

"Hey, Eminem, you're here. Come here quickly and tell you some good news."

50 Cent shouted excitedly when he saw Eminem walk in.

Eminem has been recording his new album "Recovery" recently. After being busy for many days, he came out of the recording studio. He was planning to come over to have a glass of wine and relax, but instead he saw that the place was full of joy, as if he was celebrating some black legal holiday. .

When he was hesitating whether to go out, he was held up by 50 Cent and T.I. and dragged inside.

"What are you doing? Is Arthur's new album a big hit?"

Eminem asked, looking suspiciously at Usher, who was also grinning.

"No, his new album has just been released, and the weekly sales volume hasn't been released yet. We are celebrating another thing. You have a drink first, and we will tell you about it slowly."

Kanye grinned with big white teeth and thrust a glass of champagne into Eminem's hand.

Then several top rappers talked about the private video incident between Link and Emma, ​​saying that they had made Link disgraced, ruined his reputation, and made him really angry, so they gathered here to celebrate. .

Eminem understood clearly and understood the feelings of several people. A group of top music stars have been suppressed and beaten by a newcomer named Link since last year. They were unwilling to admit defeat and rose up to resist, but they were defeated repeatedly.

He couldn't beat Link no matter what, and even last week he was crushed and slapped in the face by Link's new specialization.

One can imagine the depression and grievance in my heart.

Now that they have finally found a chance to fight back and disgust Link, it is understandable that they are happy and excited.

"Amu, I know you admire Link, but this guy is not a good person. He is a philanderer and not worthy of your appreciation at all."

50 cents chuckled.

Eminem took a sip of champagne and looked at a few people, "Do you really think this incident can hit Link's reputation? Don't forget that at the beginning of the year, "People Magazine" selected the world's sexiest men, and Link was ranked first. They already have the aura of a sexy male god. The exposure of this private video should have no effect on him, and may even be beneficial."

"Eminem, what are you talking about? Link has a girlfriend and is intimate with Emma Watson. This guy is not loyal to love and is a scumbag. There must be many fans who will be disappointed in him. Do you think this is also good?"

Kanye said unhappily.

Eminem shrugged and smiled, "Link is a boxing champion, a singer-songwriter, and has strong singing ability. How can people who really like him give up on him because of this? Just like when President Clinton was involved in the zipper scandal, his approval rating rose instead of falling. At the end of his term, 65% of the people still supported him, which was also the highest approval rating of all presidents when they left office.

Link is just like him. He just made some mistakes that all men would make. It's not a big problem. Maybe his fans will support him more because he is a little bad and not so perfect.

In addition, Link just has a girlfriend and is not married. He has less problems than President Clinton, so I don't think this incident has much impact on him. It seems that you opened the champagne a little early."

Eminem raised the champagne glass and smiled at the golden wine in the glass.

Kanye and his friends were in a good mood and excited, but after listening to Eminem's words, their excited emotions were like snowmen splashed with boiling water, and their expressions and shoulders collapsed.

Seeing the faces of several people fall, Eminem suddenly felt a little happy. Some time ago, the East Coast rap gang and Link had a fight again. Because he was not trusted, he was isolated from the small gang and felt very unhappy.

Now seeing Kanye and others with black faces, he felt relieved and continued: "Don't forget that Link is only 21 years old. He is young, rich, talented and famous. Isn't it normal for such a man to cheat? And we are all men. Who of you dare to swear that you have never messed around outside after having a girlfriend?"

Eminem's eyes went from Kanye to 50 Cent, then to Lil Wayne, T.I., Usher, etc. Several people had black faces and turned their heads away in dissatisfaction. Obviously, they had messed around outside.

But when Eminem looked at Beyonce, Beyonce squinted her eyes and looked at him coldly. Eminem quickly skipped her and his eyes fell on Jay-Z.

Jay-Z glanced at Beyonce next to him and shook his head quickly.

"Look! Except for Jay-Z, all the men here have made the same mistake, so everyone will understand Link. Also, don't forget that Link is the American Dream, and Emma Watson is the most popular and beautiful actress in the UK. Don't you want to pick her up? Don't Link's male fans want to pick her up? They definitely want to.

But neither you nor they can do that. Only Link has done it. His fans will think he is very cool, and will support him more and even worship him. So I don't think this incident will have much impact on Link. It's too early for you to open the champagne."

Eminem spoke at a speed of 12 words per second, and finished the above words in one breath. While speaking, he looked at the faces of several people. Seeing that everyone's face darkened, the anger in his heart was completely discharged. He also relaxed and lay on the sofa, swinging his legs and looking at several people.

Eminem was happy, but Kanye and others were very unhappy. They kindly invited this guy to come over for a drink, but he was here to speak for Link. It was too stupid.

Several people looked at each other, Kanye stepped forward to take back the champagne glass in his hand, 50 Cent and T.I. helped Eminem walk outside, and advised him to go back to record songs and not waste time here.

Eminem left cursing.

"I think what that bastard Eminem said makes some sense. This matter doesn't seem to have much impact on Link."

Lil Wayne said with his hands spread out unhappily.

"Is this matter just over? We spent $1 million and it didn't work?"

Kanye said angrily.

50 Cent, Drake and others didn't have any good ideas. The live music stopped and the atmosphere became cold.

Beyonce shook her glass, glanced at a few people, and smiled slightly: "Don't be too depressed, I have a good way to deal with Link."


Everyone looked at Beyonce expectantly.

Not only her face, but also her smooth and round long legs, the full curve of her chest, her skin smoother than brown satin, and the unique mixed-race beauty on her cheeks.

Because everyone admires Beyoncé, when looking for a girlfriend, they will also choose a woman who is the same as Beyoncé, mixed, tall, plump, and sexy.

Beyoncé smiled with her lips raised: "You forgot a group of people, Taylor Swift's fans. Taylor suffered the most damage in this matter. Their fans must be very dissatisfied with Link. You can completely guide Taylor to attack Link, and Link will be very upset."

"YES! This idea is great!"

"Beyoncé, you are so awesome."

"Haha, using Taylor's fans to attack Link will definitely make Link look humiliated. Beyoncé, you are awesome. You are the goddess in my heart forever."

Everyone shouted excitedly.

The music in the bar started to get louder again, and everyone raised their champagne again, discussing how to guide Taylor Swift to attack Link.

At this time, someone came in and found Kanye and Usher, saying that Scooter from SB Entertainment wanted to see them for something.

Kanye and Usher heard Scooter coming and followed him out.

Lil Wayne and the others continued to drink and discuss how to deal with Link. Before they could come up with a plan, a roar suddenly came from outside.

"No! I won't agree, I will never agree! There's no need to talk about this matter! Scout, you bastard!"

The voice was full of grief, anger and depression, as if someone had been severely insulted.

This was Kanye's voice. Everyone recognized it. Just as 50 Cent was about to run out to take a look, he saw Usher with a dark face walking in, followed by Kanye West with an even darker face and an extremely gloomy expression. .

"What happened?"

Everyone looked at the two of them curiously, wondering how they could become like this when they just went out to meet their manager Scout.

Kanye sat on the corner of the sofa with a dark face and said nothing.

Usher drained the drink in his glass in one gulp and sighed: "Scooter told us just now that he reached a deal with Link Music yesterday, exchanging 38% of SB Entertainment shares for 5% of Link Music shares. Now Link Music has become We are the majority shareholder of SB Entertainment and we are a family.”


Everyone exclaimed.

Lil Wayne said in disbelief: "Link Music has become the majority shareholder of SB Entertainment, and you are SB Entertainment's contracted artists. Does that mean Link has become your boss?"


Kanye suddenly roared, grabbed the table in the middle with both hands, gritted his teeth and lifted it up with force, and overturned the table. There was a loud clang of bells in the booth, and champagne was spilled on the table.

"Kanye, calm down, don't get angry yet, let's think of countermeasures together."

50 Cent, Drake, T.I. and others pounced on Kanye and pushed him onto the couch.

"How is this possible? I remember that Scooter hated Link very much and was planning to use a video to blackmail Link and step on Link's shoulders to push Justin to the top. How could they suddenly agree to cooperate with Link Music and transfer so many shares to Link music?"

Jay-Z asked in surprise.

Usher shrugged his shoulders, "Scooter didn't tell us the reason. He just said that he also had difficulties and couldn't tell us for the time being. He also said that Link has strong creative ability and cooperating with him will be very beneficial to the development of SB Entertainment and Justin. ”

"Sounds like it makes sense."

Beyoncé swung her wine glass and spoke softly. Seeing everyone looking over, she pressed her lips and said, "You just signed a brand marketing and promotion contract with Scooter. You didn't sign a record contract. You can definitely terminate the contract with SB." ”

"Yes, terminate the contract. Terminate the contract with SB Entertainment immediately. You must not work for Link."

The 50 Cents quickly agreed.

Usher sighed softly and shook his head, "It can't be solved. After signing the marketing agency contract with Scooter, he helped us and Kanye get endorsements from several big brands, especially Kanye.

Last year, Scooter facilitated the cooperation between Kanye and Adidas to jointly launch the sub-brand Air Yeezy, and also facilitated the cooperation between Kanye and Louis Vuitton to jointly launch Sneakers sneakers.

These two transactions have helped Kanye earn hundreds of millions of dollars. If he ends the agency contract with Scooter early, he will not only lose the business of these two sub-brands, but also pay 20 million liquidated damages. I will terminate the contract with SB Entertainment. Tens of millions of liquidated damages will be paid. If you lose money to SB Entertainment, it is equivalent to giving money to Link. "

Usher said helplessly.

"Crab, does that mean you two have to work for Link next? Help him make money?"

Lil Wayne said unhappily.

"Ah! Damn it Link, I'm going to kill you!"

Kanye gritted his teeth and roared loudly.

"Kanye, don't be impulsive!"

The 50 Cent guys swooped over and pinned Kanye under the sofa again.

Kanye roared loudly and struggled hard, but he couldn't break away from the suppression of several people. He could only curse Link over and over again, calling Scooter a big pig and a shameful betrayer.

Beyoncé looked at the mess and shook her head in disappointment.

A group of top singers, multi-millionaires, and billionaires teamed up to deal with Link, a young man who had just debuted. Although they had a clear advantage, they were beaten to disgrace time and time again, without the ability to fight back.

Link is so powerful.

Beyoncé bit her lower lip, thinking of the rough and savage guy in the locker room, and suddenly felt an electric current rushing from her body to her mind, and her mind was filled with images of his strong figure in the locker room.

Beyoncé told Jay-Z that she had to leave first because she had something to do, and walked out of the bar carrying her small satchel.

After getting in the car, she immediately took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Link, telling him that the video was posted online by the person who repaired the computer, not Kanye's group. She also told him that several Lil Wayne fans were planning to borrow Taylor's video. Come attack him, ask him to be careful, and ask when he will return to New York.

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