I'm not attached to any way you're showing up

I'm not obsessed with anything you look like

I'm just gonna love you like the woman I love

I just want to love you because you are the woman I love

Yeah I'm gonna love you

In the West Palm Beach Seaside Park, Link was wearing a blue suit, sitting in front of the piano, placing his hands on the black and white keys, playing and singing "The Woman I Love", surrounded by green grass, dolphins A shaped fountain and an awning decorated with flowers.

When he finished singing, there was a burst of warm applause and cheers, and everyone was applauding Link's performance.

Link smiled softly, stood up and bowed to everyone.

Today is the wedding day of Daniel, his friend from the hot dog shop next door, and his bride is Miss Linna from the ice cream shop.

It is said that in order to pursue Lina, Daniel went there to buy an ice cream every day and became the best taster customer of Lina's ice cream shop. As a result, he suffered several stomachaches.

After persisting for more than three years, Lina was finally moved and agreed to his proposal on New Year's Day, and the lovers finally got married.

"Daniel, Lina, congratulations!"

Link looked at the groom Daniel in a black suit in front of him. Although his neck was sweating from the heat, his face was still filled with a happy smile. Next to him was Lina, who was also a beautiful girl in a white wedding dress.

The two of them are perfect together.

Link hugged the two and congratulated them.

"Link, thank you for letting a big star like you accompany our wedding. Lina and I must be the happiest newlyweds in the world."

Daniel pulled Lina and smiled.

"Haha, yes, so you must continue to be happy."

Link patted his shoulder and hugged him again.

The wedding continued. On the green lawn with a red carpet, Daniel and the bride Lina took the microphone and talked about their love story. From acquaintance to knowing each other, falling in love, and now finally getting together, although they do not have a mansion, a sports car, jewelry, but they definitely have more happiness than people living in mansions.

"I'm so envious of Daniel. If I had known, I would have gone to Lina's ice cream shop to buy ice cream."

In the front row of the audience, Link lives in the middle, with Fat James on the left and Michael on the right. Both of them are also wearing suits and serve as best men at the wedding.

Hearing Daniel talk about his pursuit of Lina, James' round face showed an expression of envy.

"You also have a girlfriend, right?"

Link remembered that James said that he also had a girlfriend, a girl he met in the Pink Lover Bar after the 2008 Americas Qualifiers. He could think of what the girl looked like, but he couldn't remember her name.


James shrugged his round shoulders, rubbed his palms and said, "We broke up after only dating for more than four months. She didn't like it here, especially the beach. She said it was too quiet and there were too few people. She liked something more lively. place, and later I heard someone said she went to New York.”

Link patted his fleshy back, "There are so many girls on the beach, you can definitely find another one."

James manages the Baker Diving Shop, and thanks to Link's fame, he can earn more than 100,000 yuan a year. He is now worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, and is considered a small rich man.

"I can't find it. Now those girls ask me about you as soon as they see me. I'm worried that I'll say the wrong thing in the interview like last time. I don't dare to say anything. How can I find a girlfriend?"

James gave him a resentful look.

"Is this my fault? I told you, just say whatever you want, don't worry about leaking any secrets, it doesn't matter even if they are leaked, you are too cowardly, how can you blame me."

Link said unhappily.

"You can really say anything? You dated Emma and Gadot in the car the year before last, can you say that?"

James winked and grinned evilly.

Link thought for a moment. The video of him and Emma being intimate was exposed. The scandal between the two in 2008 was also mentioned again by the media. It was also known that he and Emma had dated in a store. It didn't matter. It was just One more scandal.

And Gal Gadot is already married, and Taylor also knows that he and Gadot have dated, so there is no problem in speaking out. Anyway, there have been scandals between the two in the media before.

He told James that he could tell it and he didn't need to keep any secrets.

"How are you and Taylor doing? Has she ever forgiven you?"

James asked, scratching his hot and red cheek.

Link shook his head.

Taylor's phone calls are still unreachable, and her emails have not been responded to.

Mrs. Andrea told him that she had explained it to Taylor for him, but Taylor said nothing.

Selena told him nonchalantly that when she went to the villa yesterday, Taylor had already retreated. She stayed alone in the piano room, locked the door, saw no one, and didn't respond to her words.

Selena said that she took a small ladder and climbed out of the window to take a look. Taylor was writing songs in the piano room, and there were hundreds of pieces of sheet music paper everywhere on the floor.

Hearing that Taylor was writing a song, Link knew that he was in trouble and would be scolded bloody in her song, but at the same time he was relieved.

I have lived with Taylor for more than a year, and I have gotten to know her a little bit. She is optimistic, simple, and positive. She is more concerned about the comments of others. She strives for perfection in music and other aspects. As long as she sees professional negative comments in the media , she will be very stressed, unable to eat or sleep, and will keep reflecting on herself until no one criticizes her.

When she encounters happy or unhappy things, she will write them in songs, and she will slowly calm down after writing them.

This time she wrote hundreds of pieces of paper, hoping she wouldn't be so angry after finishing.

"Now please ask the groom to put the wedding ring on the bride!"

On the red carpet, the priest who presided over the wedding said.

Daniel glanced towards the audience, and Link pushed the fat James, who looked at him doubtfully.

"Ring! Ring!"

"Oh! I almost forgot about it here."

James touched his body until he was sweating profusely, and finally found a small red box in the lining pocket of his suit. He swayed his round figure and ran onto the stage, handing the wedding ring to Daniel's hand.

After giving away the ring, James returned to his seat and breathed a sigh of relief.

"After Daniel gets married, he plans to close the hot dog shop here and move to the city to open a fast food restaurant with Lina. James, do you want to stay here?"

Michael next to him clapped his hands and said.

James' fat face was stunned for a moment, "Daniel and Linda are leaving?"

"Yes, I am also planning to leave here and take a look outside, but it should be within the year."

Michael said.

"Why? Why are you all leaving? Isn't it better to stay on the beach?"

James asked with confusion on his face.

“The beach is great, but no one will stay here for the rest of their lives, so it’s better to go outside and take a look while you’re young. If you don’t want to see the Empire State Building in New York, the Brooklyn Bridge, Universal Studios Hollywood, the Walk of Fame, and Las Vegas Don’t you want to see the city that never sleeps, the sunrise in Yellowstone Park, and the snow in the Rocky Mountains?”

Michael asked.

James shook his head, and his fleshy face swayed, "I don't want to, it's too far, and I have to walk a lot. Link, have you seen these? Is it as beautiful as Miami Beach?"

Link thought for a while, he drove by the Empire State Building, crossed the Brooklyn Bridge, filmed in the movie city, saw the tiles with names on the Avenue of Stars, and stayed at the Bellagio, the most luxurious hotel in the casino, for a few nights. But because I was too busy at work, I didn't pay much attention to whether they were beautiful or not.

“They are all good, each has its own characteristics!”

Link said seriously.

"I want to see it."

Michael said with longing in his eyes.

"Okay, you all go, I'll stay here alone."

James shrugged with disappointment.

"Why don't you follow me to Los Angeles? Los Angeles also has sunny beaches, palm trees, and beautiful scenery. You can continue to open a diving equipment store on Santa Monica Beach, and the business will be better than on Miami Beach."

Link said holding his arm around his shoulders.

"Los Angeles? I heard that there is more chaos there. Black people often take to the streets to rob. In the 1992 riots, hundreds of people died."

James said, scratching his hot face.

"The earthquake in Port-au-Prince in January resulted in 30,000 to 400,000 casualties. Last year, 32,000 people died from gun violence in the United States, and more than 100,000 people died from various sudden diseases. Do you want to live in space?"

Link said helplessly.

"Okay, I'm just saying, I have to think about going to Los Angeles. Maybe I will go there, but not now."

James said with a frown.

Link didn't try to persuade him anymore. It was up to the fat man to decide whether to go or not. As a friend, the only thing that could help him was to encourage him and lend a helping hand when necessary.

After Daniel's wedding was over, Link returned to the beach and helped dispose of a batch of diving equipment. He also arranged for a freight company to send the yacht to Los Angeles and bought a villa in Miami Gardens for future vacations.

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