Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 290 Return to Los Angeles

After the exposure of the intimate video of Link and Emma in the locker room, it was the most explosive news in the American entertainment industry for two consecutive days, and it was also a hot news in the international community.

Almost all world-class media, including the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Guardian, Times Daily, Yomiuri Shimbun, Bild, etc., reported on this incident.

Even the most conservative North Korean daily criticized this ugly phenomenon in the European and American entertainment industry.

And on the Internet, netizens' discussion of this incident reached an extremely high level, and it was later rated as "the top ten popular online events in 2010" by Time magazine.

According to statistics from Twitter's data department, within 48 hours after the video was exposed, "Link" was mentioned 580 million times in user tweets, Emma Watson was mentioned 190 million times, Taylor was mentioned 87 million times, the scumbag was mentioned 63 million times, and the "private video" was mentioned 58 million times.

There are also mainstream news and social networking sites such as YouTube, Google, Yahoo, MySpace, and Facebook.

Within 48 hours, the video was played 450 million times.

If Link's name is well known to many people because of his three albums and many hit songs, his face and shirtless body are also familiar to many people because of this video.

This is the power of gossip, which is more attractive than boxing matches, movies, songs, and even knowledge.

It can arouse people's curiosity and desire to the maximum extent. Driven by desire, people who have heard about this incident, both men and women, can't help but click on the video to find out.

If before this video was exposed, everyone's impression of Link was a handsome, sunny and strong young boy, and after this video, everyone's impression of him gradually changed to a mature and sexy man.

Whether this change is good or bad, it is still impossible to evaluate.

"Link is out!"

At noon, when he just walked out of the terminal of Los Angeles International Airport, hundreds of reporters shouted loudly with microphones and cameras, surrounded him from all directions, and threw one tricky question after another.

"Link, you are a popular idol. You had sex with other people of the opposite sex in the locker room even though you had a girlfriend. You disappointed many fans. Will you apologize to your fans?"

"Mr. Baker, it is rumored that Ms. Swift is going to break up with you. Is this news true?"

"Mr. Baker, there are reports in the British media that you and Ms. Emma Watson have been dating since 2008 and have not stopped until now. They believe that you are suspected of deceiving the relationship between Ms. Emma Watson and Ms. Taylor Swift. Do you agree with this accusation?"

"Mr. Baker, Mr. Kanye West said that you are a hypocritical guy. On the surface, you pretend to be a perfect man. You don't smoke, drink, or take drugs. In private, you do all kinds of bad things. Do you agree with Kanye's evaluation?"

The reporters stretched out the microphone from a distance, as if they were on the battlefield, holding an enemy with spears and swords.

Link, wearing a peaked cap and big sunglasses, said nothing under the escort of bodyguards Bob and Wallace, but waved to the fans who came to pick him up at the airport and walked into the nanny car.

The pornographic video between him and Emma is a scandal anyway. When being questioned by many people, no matter how much he explains, it is useless and cannot change the facts.

Keeping silent and not providing fresh materials to the media will reduce the heat instead.

"Everyone, please be quiet!"

After Link got on the bus, Ms. Mandy, who came to take over, stood in front of the business car and shouted, "Regarding the video of Link and Miss Emma Watson circulating on the Internet, except for the first three minutes, the rest of the content is all edited and spliced. We have explained this matter on Twitter, Facebook and other platforms. Please pay attention to the scale when reporting. For media and individuals who infringe Link's reputation, Link Music will pursue relevant legal responsibilities.

In addition, regarding the issue of the video, our company will hold a press conference next Wednesday. I will post the specific time and place on the Link Studio Twitter account. Please stay tuned."

"Link, I love you!"

"Link, we support you!"

In the airport exit square, many fans held his posters and shouted loudly. At a glance, there were thousands of people, more than 70% of whom were young women.

Link waved in the car to respond to the fans, and the fans shouted even louder.

"Are these fans crazy? They know Link is a scumbag, but they still come to the airport to support him."

Mike, a reporter from the San Francisco Tribune, looked at the group of fans who kept shouting Link's name, including many beautiful girls, and felt a little incredible.

Tim, a reporter from the Los Angeles Times, took two photos of the fans with his camera and said, "Do you know when is the best time to test a fan's loyalty?"

"Fan loyalty?"

Mike thought for a while, "When the album is released, those who are willing to spend money to buy the album are considered loyal fans, right?"

"No, it's when the idol is in a trough, just like everyone will encounter a trough in life, and idols will also. Fans who choose to stay by his side and support him when his career is at a low point will feel more satisfied and even moved when the idol rises again in the future, just like accompanying the idol through fire and sword mountains.

My daughter who is just in middle school told me that many of her classmates are fans of Link. Now they are supporting Link in various ways and are ready to accompany Link through the difficulties, so running to the airport to pick him up is nothing. "

Reporter Tim shrugged his shoulders and said.

Reporter Mike frowned, "What's wrong with young people nowadays? Even if the second half of the video is spliced, the kiss between Link and Emma Watson in the locker room is always true. Link is a playboy, why do so many fans support him?"

Reporter Tim smiled and said, "If you love a woman deeply, a woman like Marilyn Monroe, and you hear that she cheated, will you give up loving her? If you give up and cannot tolerate any shortcomings and mistakes of her, it only means that you don't love her deeply enough and you are a fake fan. "

Reporter Mike opened his mouth, somewhat speechless, and found that he was indeed not a good fan.

It was noon when Link drove back to the Santa Monica Bay Villa.

Although Los Angeles is at a higher latitude than Miami and has a Mediterranean climate, the sun at noon is still very hot, and the leaves of the pine, oak, and metasequoia trees in front of the villa also look more luxuriant than a few days ago.

Link stood in front of the main villa. Except for the sound of the wind and the occasional flying birds, the surroundings seemed very quiet.

He looked up at the piano room on the second floor and heard Mandy say that Taylor was still staying in the house, eating, sleeping, and going to the toilet as usual, but he didn't talk to others. This situation made Link very worried.

"Don't worry, there are always conflicts between lovers. When you meet Taylor, explain it well, and she will forgive you."

Ms. Mandy smiled and comforted.

Link looked at her, then at Anna, Wallace, and Bob, and finally walked into the villa with the encouragement of everyone.

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