Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 292 Apologies are useless

The hot summer is coming, and the cicadas in Los Angeles are starting to chirp loudly.

As Catherine drove on Hollywood Boulevard, the sound of cicadas could be heard from the green forests on both sides. Perhaps the intensification of the global greenhouse effect caused the cicadas to be unearthed earlier. This year's cicadas were noisier than last year.

Driving to the intersection, after waiting for a while, I saw Selena coming out of the cold drink shop next to me with two glasses of pomegranate juice. She was wearing a white cap and Prada heart sunglasses, hiding her round face. Under the brim of the hat, he walked over with a straw in his mouth, humming.

"Katherine, here you go!"

Selina got in the car and handed another glass of juice to Katherine.

"How did Link and Tyler talk?"

Catherine took it, placed it on the cup holder, and restarted the car.

After Selena got in the car, she took off her slippers, sat cross-legged on the passenger seat with bare feet, and blew the warm air on her face against the air conditioner.

"Catherine, I bet you can't guess how Link opened the door."

"How did you open it?"

"Link was so cunning. He told Taylor that he was inspired to write a song and needed to borrow a piano. When Taylor heard this, he opened the door."

"You cheated? Will Taylor be even more angry?"

Catherine asked curiously.

Selena shook her head, bit her straw and took a sip of the cold juice and said, "I originally thought so too, and tried to persuade him not to do it, but he insisted on doing it and couldn't hold it back, hee hee, Catherine, Guess what happened in the end?"

"Speak quickly and don't be pretentious."

Catherine urged.

"That guy Link is so awesome. I originally thought he was trying to trick Taylor into opening the door when he said he wrote a song, but when he sat down in front of the piano, he really wrote a song, a very, very good song, a scumbag A song specially used to apologize to men after cheating on them.”

Can we both say the words and forget this?

Can we make peace and forget the pain of the past?

Yeah, is it too late now to say sorry?

Is it too late to say sorry now?

Cause I'm missing more than just your body

Selina imitated Link's singing style and hummed a few words.

"Did Link just write this?"

Catherine asked in surprise as she listened.

"Yes, the full version sounds better, isn't it awesome?"

"It does sound good. Link wrote a song to apologize. Has Taylor ever forgiven him?"

Catherine asked.

Selena shrugged her shoulders and sighed: "No, Taylor said she doesn't accept the apology. Cheating is cheating. This has already happened. Apology is meaningless and forgiveness is unnecessary. Taylor also said she has mental mysophobia, If she didn’t know that Link was messing around outside, she wouldn’t say anything, but now that she knows, she can’t treat Link like before.”

"They broke up for good?"

Catherine asked in surprise.

"No, Taylor said she needs time to adjust. If she can adjust her mood and not care about this matter, she may accept Link again. If she can't adjust,"

Selena spread her hands and said, "Taylor dragged her packed suitcase and left before she finished speaking. Link and I couldn't stop her."

"Don't worry, they'll take care of it."

"Do you think they'll get back together?"

Selena turned around and asked, "I think Taylor is very good. She is beautiful and talented. She is a perfect match for Link. No other woman is good enough for Link. Now that things are like this, it is all Link's fault." The responsibility is that he is too carefree and doesn't know how to cherish it. He deserves it!"

Selena cursed in a soft voice.

"This is normal! Link has become a billionaire and a world-class celebrity in his twenties. He is not focused enough on relationships, is half-hearted, and is greedy. It is very normal. Many men who are not as good as him are worse than him.

As far as the video was concerned, Link didn't do anything wrong. He just didn't push Emma Watson away in time. The problem wasn't that big. If Taylor had calmed down a bit, acted as if nothing happened, and tolerated Link's mistake. , Link will gradually calm down in the future and concentrate on staying at home and being a good man. "

Catherine said slowly.

Selina opened her mouth and looked at her in surprise, "How could this be possible? This incident was obviously Link's fault. How could it be blamed on Taylor?"

Catherine smiled slightly and said: "If you love a man very much, you should learn to accept everything about him, including the bad parts, because we are all human beings, no one is perfect, and all perfect partners are illusions.

People like Link are already the best among men. It can be said that they are rare in the world. If the whole cake is thrown away because of a spoiled cherry, what kind of person would do that? A picky woman who thinks she can find better and more delicious cakes. "

Selena held her round face in her hands and thought for a while before she figured out what Catherine said. Catherine was still defending her scumbag son and trying to blame the mistake on the innocent Taylor.

"Hehe, Catherine, you are so generous, if you find George cheating on you, will you forgive him?"

Selina asked playfully, squinting her crescent-moon smile.

"Of course not. How can George compare with Link? He is already a 1/6 rotten cake. If he dares to cheat again, it is equivalent to 1/3 rotten. It is toxic junk food. I certainly won't accept it."

"Double standard!"

Selena rolled her eyes.

Katherine raised her hand and poked her forehead. "I tell you this not to let you learn to accept a scumbag, but to hope that you can be more mature in your relationship. If you are independent and strong enough, you can choose a better partner and have higher requirements for your partner, like Taylor, pursuing perfection.

If you are not strong enough, you must learn to accept your partner's shortcomings. If you are neither strong nor very picky, you will get nothing in the end."

Selena supported her chin and thought for a while, then nodded. She probably understood what Katherine said. She rolled her eyes and remembered another thing.

"Katherine, the book says that cousins ​​can get married in Italy. Is it true?"


Katherine suddenly stepped on the brakes.

Selena was not prepared. She slammed her forehead on the co-pilot seat.

"What did you say?"

Katherine looked at her in confusion.

Selena covered her forehead and said with a red face: "Miley and the others said that. It was a joke. I don't like a scumbag like Link."

Katherine smiled slightly, looked at her forehead and said: "If it was an ordinary person, it wouldn't be a big problem, but you are all stars, it definitely won't work."

"I know, I know, I'm just asking, don't say it."

Selena covered her hot cheeks and was so embarrassed that she wanted to hide under the seat.

"Don't be shy if you dare to ask this question, get off the car!"

Arriving at the 21st Century Fox Film Production Center, Katherine took Selena, whose face was red, upstairs to participate in the script discussion of the new movie "Ramona and Sister".

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