Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 293 This woman is too cruel

After Taylor and Selina left the villa, Link was the only human left in the nearly 3,000 square meter villa. He suddenly felt a little empty, lonely and cold.


Meredien walked over on the soft lawn and called to him twice.

Link squatted down and touched the soft and cute cat head. Fortunately, Taylor left in a hurry and did not take the two little ones with him, otherwise he would be the only living thing left at home.

He picked up Meri and returned to the villa, poured cat food and goat milk into the cat bowl, and found Olivia lazily on the sofa on the balcony, watching the two little ones eating together.

While the two little ones were eating, he took out his mobile phone and took a photo for Taylor, persuading her to come back early, Oli and Meri couldn't leave her.

Taylor did not respond.

More than an hour later, when he was processing company documents in the study, a car horn was heard outside the villa. Taylor's assistant Emily got out of the car, followed by a van and four staff members.

Emily told him that she was going to take away the two kittens and Taylor's other belongings.

"Amy, Taylor said she needed time to adjust and would come back when she was done, why did she take everything away?"

Link came to the door and said.

"Link, this is Taylor's order, it's no use telling me."

Emily said helplessly.

Link called Taylor, but the call didn't go through. He suspected that his number was blocked by Taylor, and he felt a little disappointed. Taylor was too cruel. Once he made up his mind, he would wield a sharp blade and cut off all ties with the past without leaving any chance.

"Amy, can you use your phone to call Taylor?"

Link asked.

"I want to ask Taylor."

Emily called Taylor and told Link after a while that Taylor didn't want to talk to him for the time being.

Link had no choice but to let Emily move Taylor's belongings, her wardrobe, shoe cabinet, bag cabinet, cosmetics cabinet, trophy cabinet, oven, etc., as well as the two kittens. All the things filled a whole compartment.

At the end of the packing, Link found that in this villa, apart from the gym equipment, there were not many things that belonged to him. After Taylor moved the things away, the whole villa suddenly became empty.

"Amy, call Annie and tell her that I want to go to her house to see Taylor and ask her if it is convenient?"

Link said standing on the lawn.

"Taylor doesn't live in an apartment in the city center now. Not long ago, she bought a villa in the mid-level area of ​​Beverly Hills. She was originally going to give it to Annie and Tom to live in. Now she lives there."

Emily said.

Link was a little annoyed, "Call her and tell her that I want to visit her home and have a serious talk. Ask her if she agrees."


Emily hesitated for a moment and called Mrs. Andrea. After Mrs. Andrea asked Taylor, she said that tomorrow at noon would be fine.

After seeing Emily off, Link thought a lot, thinking of the girl who bandaged her calf on the island, thinking of the bits and pieces of their getting along, happy and joyful, feeling a little complicated, and even unable to read the documents in his hand.

He changed into sportswear and went to the gym to lift weights. He lifted a 300-pound barbell more than 100 times in one breath, straining the muscles in both arms. He practiced skipping rope with a weight of 60 pounds for an hour, and his calf muscles almost burst. Finally, he punched the sandbag fiercely until it broke.

When he came out of the gym sweating all over, the sky was already dark. A bright moon shone on the vast sea. The trees in the botanical garden in front of him were shadowy, and occasionally there were a few birds playing and fluttering.

But his villa was quiet, not even a cat meowed.

While taking a bath, he saw more than a dozen missed calls and more than 30 messages on his mobile phone. The callers included Ms. Mandy, Eva Ka, Katherine, Selena, Paul Walker, etc., and the messages were also sent by these people.

Ms. Mandy asked him what happened with Taylor. Now the Internet is full of news about their breakup. If they have not broken up, it is better to clarify it. If not, the media will assume that they have broken up.

Others were also asking about the news and asked him if he wanted to go out for a drink.

Link picked a few replies, threw down his phone, picked up his tablet and started browsing in the bathtub.

Since returning to Los Angeles, he has become the most respected figure in the entire entertainment industry. Many reporters and paparazzi have been squatting around the villa area, observing his and Taylor's every move.

Including the fact that Ms. Mandy, Mrs. Andrea, and Catherine left the villa one after another at around 1 o'clock, which was also promptly released on the Internet by the media.

At around 3 o'clock, Taylor left the villa, which caused entertainment reporters to follow him frantically, and even the luggage Taylor took away was photographed.

Since then, the media has been speculating that the two have broken up and are facing a breakup.

At around 6 o'clock, the moving company's car left the Bay Villa area, and the news of the two breaking up on the Internet reached its peak, all using words such as "solid hammer", "100% certain", and "witnessed" to hype this matter.

Searching for "Link Taylor breakup" on Google, there are as many as 137,000 related links, including articles, videos and pictures, directly occupying the top three hot spots on all news websites.

Tonight is like a feast for all the spectators.

Link opened Twitter and was influenced by the pornographic video. His fans increased from more than 21 million to 35.47 million in just ten days, becoming the first Twitter user to have more than 30 million fans. His tweets often received more attention than the headlines of many major newspapers.

"Don't talk nonsense if we haven't broken up."

After the tweet was sent, the number of likes, comments and reposts increased exponentially every minute. In just five minutes, more than 3,000 comments were posted.

"Link, stop being stubborn. The moving company's truck is here. It's clear that Taylor dumped you. You should learn to accept reality."

"Scumbag Link, happy breakup!"

"Taylor is so cool. This is how you deal with a scumbag. Kill him with one strike and never give him any chance."

"Mr. Baker, I still think it's not a good habit to tweet at night."

"Link, you asked for it. You have a girlfriend as good as Taylor, but you still mess around outside. Men are really the same."

"Link, don't be sad. We will always support you."

Link looked through the comments. Most of them were teasing him, mocking him, and blaming him.

There were also a few comments that felt sorry for the two, thinking that they were a good match and it was a pity to break up like this. They advised Link to take the initiative to win back Taylor.

Link replied to a seemingly experienced netizen under a comment, asking what to do to get his girlfriend's forgiveness?

Seeing his real self appear in the comment section, fans suddenly rioted and rushed to the comment section to help him with ideas.

Some suggested giving Taylor a carload of roses and tulips, a large diamond, or taking Taylor to the sea. Some netizens even advised him to just do it against the wall and tie Taylor back. The more drastic suggestion was to cut off his third limb and ask for forgiveness.

There were all kinds of suggestions, none of which were reliable.

Link simply stopped reading the nonsense of netizens, got up from the bathtub, put on his pajamas, and slept with the moonlight tonight.

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