Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 294 Understanding Leonardo

Didi! Didi!

When he drove out of the Bay Villa area at noon, the paparazzi waiting on both sides of the street recognized his car and rushed up to him with a loud bang. There were hundreds of people in a dense crowd. It felt like all the paparazzi in Hollywood were concentrated here at this time.

"Link, the Internet said that you were kicked by Taylor, is it true?"

"Link, last night you asked netizens how to apologize. Are you going to go to Taylor to ask for forgiveness today?"

The paparazzi surrounded his car, rushing to ask questions about him and Taylor. Some people slapped the car window glass, as if they smashed the car window and pulled him out for a visit.

Under these circumstances, it was impossible for him to be interviewed.

The driver, Bob, pressed the horn continuously for more than ten seconds. The piercing sound of the horn made the surrounding paparazzi cover their ears and step back. The car broke through the encirclement and accelerated onto the main road.

In the rearview mirror, a group of paparazzi were angry and cursing because they didn't catch the news.

The car drove more than 20 kilometers north from Santa Monica Boulevard to the Beverly Hills villa area.

Compared with the crowded apartment complex at the foot of the mountain, this place has the beautiful scenery of Beverly Hills as its backdrop, overlooking the bustling and crowded streets of Los Angeles and the magnificent view of the Pacific Ocean. It looks very good.

Taylor's villa is on the north side of Coldwater Canyon Street. It is not large in area. It is a white single-family villa with steps paved with white stone strips, several artistic stone sculptures, and a beautiful small garden. It is a very warm and comfortable place. Residential.

Considering the paparazzi at the foot of the mountain, Link suddenly felt that living in Beverly Hills might not be a bad idea. It felt like being hidden away from the city and finding peace amidst the hustle and bustle.

When Link walked into the villa courtyard holding a pot of camellias, Emily was also there. She made him a cup of coffee and then exited the semi-open living room, leaving only him and Taylor.

In the past, when facing Taylor, he could hug, pull, or even press her without any worries. But today, when facing Taylor with a cold face, he had to think carefully before even speaking.

"Your place is great, how about I move here too?"

Link said cheekily while holding the coffee cup.

Taylor glanced at him and closed the magazine in his hand, "Is this what you came for?"

"No, I originally planned to continue to apologize to you, but I think you are right. Apologizing is meaningless. I will use practical actions to prove that I will not make similar mistakes again."

"What do you mean by the same kind of mistake?"

Taylor asked coldly.

"What happened with Emma Watson, next time a girl approaches me, I will push them away without hesitation, and I will not continue to keep in contact with such girls."

"Hey, do you think I should believe you?"

"I keep my word."

Link said firmly.

After sleeping alone last night, he found that when he got up, he seemed to be used to having Taylor by his side. Without her, he always felt that something was missing and that there was no point in doing anything.

After thinking about it, he decided to cut off the half-hearted thoughts in his heart, pursue Taylor, and live his life honestly by her side. Maybe it would be good to live like this for the rest of his life.

After all, no matter how rich you are, you must learn to be satisfied when you reach a certain level. Greed will only make you emptier.

"Okay, I'll give you a chance and let's play a confession game."

Taylor leaned forward slightly, stared at him with blue eyes and asked, "Tell me the truth, since we officially started dating in February last year, how many other women have you slept with in private?"

"No, no!"

"Link Baker, it's not that I don't give you a chance, it's that you don't know how to cherish it. You can leave."

Taylor picked up the magazine and said coldly.

"Okay, I confess, there was only one time, and it was on the set, but that time didn't count at all. I was drunk that time, and I don't remember anything when I woke up. You know, I have a bad drinking ability."

Link said helplessly.

Taylor raised his head and smiled coldly, "So you've had sex with other people on the set? I was alone at home and asked you to go out to film, but you had sex with other women on the set?"

"Honey, I swear, I was really drunk that time."

Link said, holding up his finger.

"Link, you are a man, please stop making excuses, okay? You know that you are a bad drinker and you drink with other women, so is drunkenness an excuse?!"

".Dear, I know I was wrong, and I will stop drinking from now on."

Link said helplessly.

"Don't call me honey, it makes me sick."

"Well, except for that time, not really."

"Link, you wasted another opportunity, Grammy Awards in January, do you think I can't smell that disgusting perfume on you?"

Taylor picked up the magazine and smashed it on him.

Link was stunned for a moment. After that, he remembered changing his clothes. How could Taylor smell it?

"It's the perfume on the makeup artist, and the makeup artist is a woman."

"Still lying, Link, you are so disappointing."

Taylor shook his head and sneered, "I saw a few disgusting nail scratches on the back of your thighs at night. Don't tell me it was you blowing yourself."

Link sweated on his forehead when he heard this, Taylor was too attentive.

He suddenly understood why many men like silly, sweet women, because they are stupid and easy to fool, unlike Taylor, who is too smart and smarter than himself.

Having an affair under her nose was almost like playing extreme challenges or wilderness survival, and he was also very careless.

When Link saw Taylor, whose expression was getting colder and colder, he knew that he probably had no chance, so he simply spread his arms and said:

"Okay, I cheated. You also know the reason. I am lustful, lack enough resistance when faced with the temptation of the opposite sex. These are my own problems, but I have not let these problems go unchecked. I have been Try to make corrections and face this problem squarely. Why am I doing this?

Of course it's because I love you. If I didn't love you and didn't care about your feelings, I could have cheated on you countless times in the past year or so, but I didn't do that. The only two times were under very complicated circumstances. occurring. Taylor, I'm trying to correct myself and make myself better. Can you give me a chance? "

"Hmph! If our identities were switched and I cheated once, would you give me a chance?"

Taylor asked.

Link looked at his fist and determined that he couldn't.

Regardless of whether it is ancient or modern, at home or abroad, for normal men, being in love is definitely a great shame and humiliation.

This has nothing to do with love.

It’s about men’s dignity.

This is a dignity that humans will instinctively defend even if they degenerate into four-legged animals.

"So because you are a man and you cheated on me, I have to forgive you. But as a woman, if I just drink and talk about work with the opposite sex in a bar, you will be very concerned about it. Men like you are strict with their partners and treat them tolerantly. alone?"

Taylor sneered.

Link had nothing to say.

This is the disadvantage of having a smart girlfriend, sometimes you can't even argue.

He suddenly understood a little bit about Leonardo, whom he had despised before. Before, he thought that Leonardo had been picking up girls for more than 20 years and had been fighting monsters in the novice area. His pick-up skills must be poor.

After experiencing this incident, he found that Xiao Lizi was a smart man.

"Hmph! In order to spend more time with you, I ended my world tour early. Even if I went out to collect materials, I would often go home to see you. And you, you were participating in boxing matches and making out with other women backstage, and going out to shoot movies and meeting other women on the set. Women mess around. We went to an award ceremony together and we just didn’t see each other for 20 minutes, so you can have sex with another woman? Have you ever considered my feelings?”

Taylor asked with red eyes.

"I'm sorry, it was my fault. I will definitely correct it in the future."

Link took her hand and tried to hug her.

"Do not touch me!"

Taylor pushed him away coldly and pointed to the door, "You can leave, you are no longer welcome here."

When Link saw her expression showing no sign of relief, he sighed secretly, said 'I'm sorry', got up and left the villa.

Taylor threw herself on the sofa and cried. Mrs. Andrea came down the stairs and patted her back gently to reassure her not to be sad.

"Mom, I really like him and have thought about starting a family with him, but the things he did disappoint me so much. I can't be like other women who know everything but pretend not to care. If I continue to get along with him, I will feel very awkward and even disgust myself.”

Taylor cried into Mrs. Andrea's arms.

"I see!"

Mrs. Andrea sighed softly, the thing she was most worried about happened.

Taylor is so strong that she pursues perfection no matter in music, life, or her partner. There is no room for flaws in her eyes. As long as she sees a problem, she will decisively break up with her.

But a perfect partner does not exist in the world. The closer the relationship, the more you can discover each other's flaws.

Can someone as picky as Taylor find the right partner in the future?

Mrs. Andrea was secretly worried. She put her arms around Taylor's shoulders and said, "I told you, men are all children. There are no children who are born sensible and avoid getting into trouble. There are also very few children who become well-behaved after puberty. Men and women are both mothers. We need to teach him, change him and shape him little by little in order to get the person we want.

Link is not a perfect boyfriend, but he is much better than boys of the same age, more mature and stable than his peers, and has fewer problems. If you miss him."

"Mom, I don't agree with you. Men can be children, but women must be mothers? Can't women be children? Can men really be molded into good children?

Just like dad, you have lived with him for more than 20 years, constantly changing him and influencing him. What is the result? Hum, does he think others don’t know the things he has done?

Mom, I am not you, who can tolerate Dad generously, and I don’t want to be a woman like you. I want to live my own life and will never change myself for anyone. "

Taylor said wiping away tears.

Mrs. Andrea did not persuade Taylor any more. A smart, strong and powerful girl like Taylor might have a different way of living, and there was no need to live like an ordinary girl.

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