Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 295 It’s time for Eva to take action (110)

Chapter 295 It’s time for Eva to take action (1/10)

When Link's car came out of Beverly Hills, the group of paparazzi were like hyenas that smelled the smell of blood. They rushed towards his car crazily. There was a huge crowd, more than the previous group of people.

The paparazzi stood in front of the car as if they were desperate for their lives and refused to leave. Some of them surrounded the car, and the sound of their palms slapping against the window glass was deafening.

Fortunately, the car window glass is bulletproof, otherwise it would have been beaten to pieces.

Wallace glanced at Link in the rearview mirror. Link was sitting in the back seat with his eyes closed and said nothing.

Bob kept honking the horn, and the piercing sound of the horn made many paparazzi move away, but some of them still gathered in front of the car, with an attitude of refusing to give news and not letting people go.

The two sides were in a stalemate for three or four minutes, until the surrounding patrol police arrived, drew their pistols and ordered the paparazzi to retreat, and the car returned to the main road in the city.

Although he couldn't get any news from Link, as Mandy said, silence was an answer.

When Link left Beverly Hills, the news that he failed to seek forgiveness from Taylor and that the two announced their breakup once again made headlines on major news websites and social platforms, and the major media also conducted long and lengthy discussions on it. Report.

Even the top ten most searched lists on many news websites contain news about the two of them.

Some are blaming Link, saying that he missed the best girlfriend in the world.

Some people sympathized with Taylor, who was entrusted to a wrong person.

Some lament that another generation of golden boys and girls in the music industry have tragically broken up, and that true love is hard to come by in the entertainment industry.

Some are analyzing the love story of the two in detail, from falling in love to breaking up, and who is more responsible.

Although many people will curse when they see the hot search list, saying that national events are ignored and public resources are wasted on these meaningless entertainment news every day.

But they would still curse and watch with great fun.

Find a little fun in your mundane life by consuming this kind of news.

Boom, boom, boom!

The tranquility of the president's office of Link Music in New York was broken by a rapid knock on the door.

"Please come in!"

Hearing the noise in the house, Lana Del Rey excitedly rushed into Ivaca's office with her tablet in hand.

Although she is now wearing a fashionable Prada tight skirt, with long golden brown curly hair hanging on her fair shoulders, long eyelashes, and exquisite makeup, she has the style of a classic British beauty.

But secretly she is still the girl who wants to be a rock singer.

"What's wrong?"

Behind the large desk, Ivaca put down the pen in her hand and looked up at Lana.

"Eva, have you seen the news? Link and Taylor broke up."

Lana walked up to Ivaca with the tablet and swiped the tablet excitedly, her face filled with the satisfaction of eating a big melon.

"They announced it?"

"No! However, many media reporters confirmed that they saw Link entering Beverly Hills Road at 12:20 and coming out at 12:55. The meeting between the two lasted less than 40 minutes. This shows that the two chatted Very unpleasant.

In addition, when Link left Beverly Hills, hundreds of entertainment reporters surrounded his car, hoping that he would come out and say a few words. The two sides were in a stalemate for four or five minutes, but Link never showed up or said a word.

The media believed that this was not in line with Link's style. In the past, whenever he met reporters, he would chat for a few words, but now he doesn't say a word, which proves that he is in a very bad mood and indirectly proves that he has not been able to get the news. Taylor's forgiveness.

From this, the media concluded that the two have broken up! "

Lana was worthy of being a singer. She finished speaking a long paragraph without taking a breath, but her pretty face was flushed with excitement.

Ivaca glanced at her and leaned on the sofa chair, "Lana, what are you happy about? Don't forget that Link is your boss or your leader. When you hear that he was kicked, you are so excited, Does it fit?"

Lana shrugged her shoulders and smiled: "Eva, I'm not happy, no, I'm happy for you. You also like Link, like him very much, right? I asked you before why you didn't take the initiative to pursue Link, 伱You didn’t tell me the answer, now I understand, you were waiting for Link and Taylor to break up, right? You are so awesome, how could you predict that the two would break up?”

"I didn't predict that the two would break up."

Ivaca crossed her slender fingers and smiled.

"Don't lie to me. You had already seen that there was a problem between them, so you didn't rush to take action, right? Tell me your opinion and let me learn from it."

Lana pulled a round stool over and sat next to Ivaca and said.

Ivaca smiled slightly, stood up from her seat, walked to the small bar, picked up a bottle of Lafite, and poured two glasses of red wine.

She wore slim straight pants and a light blue square-necked silk shirt. She was tall and plump. She was sexier and fuller than the hottest woman in the entertainment industry, but her dignified and cold expression and smart and capable temperament made her look... Not so easy to mess with.

Lana followed her to the bar, holding red wine, and sat on the round sofa by the floor-to-ceiling window.

"I didn't guess that they would break up, but I have seen a lot and understand some human nature. Link and Taylor are both young and very good. People like them are destined to meet many people after entering the entertainment industry. lure.

If they are more mature and know what is behind the temptation and what is more precious, they may be able to resist the temptation.

But they were too young and met too early, so it was not easy for them to stay together for a long time. "

Ivaca leaned on the sofa and said in a leisurely voice.

Lana nodded slightly, blinked her long eyelashes and smiled: "Eva, Link is single, when are you going to take action?"

"What move?"

Ivaca took a sip of red wine, and her plump red lips turned bright red.

"Stop pretending, you love Link, you love him very much, that's why you haven't found a male partner for so long. Now that he is finally single, shouldn't you take advantage of the opportunity to take action?"

Lana leaned sideways on the sofa and smiled.

Ivaca frowned and thought for a moment, then said, "I'm five or six years older than him. Will he accept me?"

"Of course, Eva, you are Miss Evaka. You are so smart, so beautiful, so capable, and so noble. The men in the upper class circles of New York regard you as a dream woman. You will make them happy even if you say a word to them. They went into a frenzy. How could anyone not like a woman like you?

How could Link say no? And now is the time when Link is emotionally empty. I dare say that as long as you speak, he will definitely say to you without hesitation, I Do! "

Lana said cheerfully.

Ivaca thought for a while and shook her head slightly, "It feels like it's still too early. First, they haven't officially broken up, so it's not appropriate to intervene early. Second, based on my understanding of him, he shouldn't pursue another relationship for the time being. A stable relationship.”

Lana rolled her eyes helplessly.

Ivaca is very smart and beautiful, and very rational in her actions, but sometimes she is too smart and rational, which makes her prone to looking forward and backward when encountering things related to herself, and lacks the impulsiveness and willfulness that a young person should have.

"Eva, do you know that in Hollywood today, apart from the paparazzi, which group is most interested in Link?"

Lana said with a serious expression.

"What group?"

"Of course it's those unmarried actresses, singers, and models."

Lana waved her hand and said, "Eva, you should know how good Link is. He is the sexiest, strongest, youngest, richest and most talented man in the world. He is the dream of countless girls around the world. This is not A false statement.

Before Link and Taylor broke up, the group of women in the entertainment industry ignored the rumors and kept seducing Link, making him make mistakes, and ruining their relationship. Now that they have succeeded, and Link is single, they will Should you miss this good opportunity?

Of course not, they would pounce on Link like poisonous snakes, bite him with their fangs, and wrap their bodies tightly around him.

As long as they can become Link's women, they can have the most perfect boyfriend in the world, feel the best sex in the world, and share Link's wealth and honor. Will anyone miss this kind of thing?

Absolutely no one. "

Ivaca looked at the swaying wine in the glass and remained silent.

Seeing her like this, Lana was about to die. She took Evaka's arm and said, "Eva, what are you still hesitating about? Now you have the greatest advantage and the best chance to catch Link and block those crazy women." Attack, if you hesitate any longer, another woman will climb into his bed and become Link’s next girlfriend, so take action!”

Ivaca smiled slightly, returned to the desk and opened the folder.

"Let them fight. I think it is more appropriate to continue to treat Link as a partner."


Lana saw her unhurried posture and lay weakly on the sofa.

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