Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 296 Second Week Album Sales (Average Subscription and Extra Update 210)

Chapter 296 Second Week Album Sales (Equal Subscriptions and Additional Updates 2/10)

"Undefeated Boxing Champion Link 'Failed'"

The day after Link left Beverly Hills, the Los Angeles Times headline used a shocking headline to kick off the day's public opinion boom, and that article became the most read news in the United States that day.

When readers saw this news, they subconsciously thought that Link had suffered a defeat in the boxing match and was defeated by his opponent.

Everyone knows that Link is very strong, and no one has ever lasted three rounds in his hands, but now he has lost.

How did he lose?

Who defeated him?

Seeing this title, everyone thought of a lot of things in an instant, and couldn't help but open the newspaper or click the mouse.

This article was written by Mr. Mike Hiltzik, editor-in-chief of the entertainment section of the Los Angeles Times. In the article, he said that since his debut, Link has won many battles and never lost in both the boxing and music circles, which is very powerful, but this time in the relationship issue, he tasted the taste of failure.

And the person who defeated him was Taylor.

In the article, Mr. Hiltzik praised Link and Taylor as both great young people, but too immature in dealing with emotional issues. He advised the two to have a good talk, and also advised Link not to give up too early, find Taylor to apologize several times, maybe he could save the "defeat".

After reading the article, everyone can't help but curse "dead title party".

In addition to the Los Angeles Times, the New York Times, the American Express, USA Today, CBA TV, NBC TV and other large media have reported on this matter carefully and in depth, as if they were investigating and studying the love story of the two as a criminal case, and there are many different opinions.

On the Internet, the news about Link and Taylor is more popular and more messy.

On many social platforms, Taylor's fans publicly accused Link of cheating, being a playboy, and bearing an unshirkable responsibility for the breakup of the two. At the same time, they scolded Emma Watson, using many letters starting with "F" and "B".

Many of Link's fans also stood up to defend him, saying that the video was fake, Link and Emma were just kissing, it was not cheating at all, and it was Taylor who was making a fuss.

There were also fans of Emma who said that Link and Emma started dating in June 2008, half a year earlier than Taylor, and their kiss was a rekindled old love, not a third party's interference. They also posted many photos of Link and Emma playing in Miami and Orlando that had not been published before, saying that the two were more compatible.

Since Link, Taylor and Emma are all popular stars with many fans, the online quarrel between the three fans caused a lot of noise and also contributed a lot of fresh melons to the melon-eating crowd.

"Link, stop reading the newspaper and eat first."

Catherine put down a plate of vegetable salad, took off her apron and sat down on the sofa chair opposite.

Link put away the newspaper and began to taste the Italian breakfast made by Catherine.

The breakfast was simple, with only two croissants, a seafood pasta, Italian soup, Italian fried steak, and a vegetable salad.

Although the quantity is not large, the cooking method is very delicate, and the color, taste and appearance are all good. Even he, who cooks all the year round, can't find any problems.

"Catherine, your Italian food is more delicious than that of Michelin chefs. Teach me when you have time."

Link said while eating oysters in pasta.

"You are a big star, how can you like to cook?"

Catherine smiled.

"It's good to be able to cook. Not only can you satisfy your appetite, but you can also make others happy. I think this is a very useful life skill."

"Yes, I agree with this."

Catherine stopped with a fork and said, "Link, I know a girl who cooks very well, is very caring and beautiful. Do you want to meet her?"

Link shook his head, "I just want to learn how to cook, but I haven't thought about finding a chef as my girlfriend. If I talk to her about cooking every day, it may be boring after a long time."


Catherine smiled slightly and told him about Palm Beach Pictures again.

"The Scandal Project" has completed post-production and is currently negotiating with Warner for distribution. It is scheduled to be released in July and August.

The preparatory work for the movie "Bridesmaids" has been completed, and the actors have all been selected. It is planned to start shooting in June.

The main filming sites of the movie are located in Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Boston and other places. The shooting time is expected to be about two months. Link's role is about five days, and the shooting time is entirely determined by him.

In addition, the company has received many scripts. Catherine and the production department have selected two low-cost female-themed movies to be produced in the second half of the year or next year.

This mainly depends on how much box office is collected after the release of "The Scandal Project".

Catherine asked him if he wanted to see the script.

Link refused. Even if the investment in a low-cost movie fails, it will not lose much money. On the contrary, it can accumulate some experience. He does not want to interfere unless he encounters a good script, in which case he will recommend one or two.

"Link, do you remember the "Buried Alive" you took back the year before last? When are you going to shoot it?"

Catherine served him a bowl of thick soup.

Link thought about it. After the release of the third album, he had to continue to tour and shoot "Midnight in Paris" and "Snow Flower and the Secret Fan". He had no time in the past few months.

"Maybe at the end of the year or the beginning of next year."

Link took a sip of the seafood soup and couldn't help smacking his lips. It tasted so delicious that he dipped it in croissants and it was still delicious.

"How is the decoration of the new apartment?"

"It will be completed by the end of the month, and I'm going to take Annie over next month."

Catherine said.

"Very good! Annie is too young. If you stay with her to take care of her, you can work more peacefully,"

Link said.

Catherine glanced at him and asked hesitantly: "I left you a long time ago, and now I leave Anne at home for work. Do you think I am not a good mother?"

Link was stunned for a moment and said with a smile: "I have this idea, but now in the 21st century, you are not only a mother, but also an agent, a colleague, a producer, and a president. No one requires you to be a good mother. ”

Catherine smiled slightly, "Link, thank you for understanding me. Sometimes I wonder, if I hadn't left you, would you have become as good as you are now? I think it shouldn't be possible. I can't teach someone as good as you." Son, so I’m thinking about whether to treat Annie the same way I treat you. Maybe Annie will become a very powerful person in the future.”

".You're kidding, right?"

Link asked speechlessly.

Catherine laughed a few times and said 'Of course'.

While having breakfast, his assistant, Ms. Anna, also came to the villa and brought him the new issue of "Billboard" magazine, next week's work schedule, and a piece of news.

In the second week after its release, "The Woman I Love" sold a total of 813,000 copies in the U.S., a sharp drop. However, it also became the second album in music history to sell more than one million copies in its first week and still sell more than 800,000 copies in its second week.

The first is Superboy's third album "No Strings Attached" released in 2000, which sold 2.41 million copies in the first week and 867,000 copies in the second week.

The seven-day sales of "The Woman I Love" were 139,000, 122,000, 87,000, 65,000, 117,000, 132,000, and 151,000.

On Wednesday, the private video between him and Emma was exposed, and there were a lot of news on the Internet accusing him of being a scumbag and a relationship liar.

Album sales were also affected, falling below 100,000.

On Wednesday, he and Link Music made a clarification, but the effect was average, causing sales to continue to decline on Thursday.

However, due to the exposure of the private video, the new album's exposure in the media has increased significantly. Coupled with the strong support of fans, by Friday, album sales bucked the trend and increased, with album sales exceeding 100,000 copies for three consecutive days.

Because the album sales curve from Monday to Sunday is like a smile with the corners of the mouth turned up, and also because the right corner of the mouth is turned up higher, like a bad smile, "Billboard" called it 'Link's Bad Smile'.

"The Woman I Love" has sold a total of 2.55 million copies in two weeks, making this album the highest-selling album in the United States this year.

The runner-up in album sales this week is Usher's "Raymond v. Raymond", which sold 424,000 copies in its first week.

Although this result is not bad, if it were released at another time, there would be a great chance of winning the weekly championship.

But compared to Link's second week sales of 813,000 copies, it's still a long way off.

Ranked third is Justin Bieber's "My World 2.0", which sold 156,000 copies in the fifth week and has a cumulative sales of 1.18 million copies in the United States.

The fourth place is "Need You Now" by the pre-war goddess group, which sold 66,000 copies in the 15th week, with cumulative sales of 2.1 million copies.

The album has received good reviews and sales are still strong.

The fifth place is Wiz Khalifa's "Deal Or No Deal", which sold 38,000 copies in the sixth week, and the cumulative sales in the United States are 756,000 copies.

The sixth place is Qian Po Kesha's debut album "Animal", which sold 24,000 copies in the fourteenth week, with cumulative sales of 814,000 copies, and is expected to exceed one million copies within the year.

A total of eight albums on this week's Top 200 Album Chart have weekly sales of more than 10,000 copies, a 22% decrease from last week.

On the singles chart, this week's number one single is "Girls Like You."

This is also Link's first album to have two number one singles, and this song is also his third number one single this year.

The remaining songs "Everything You Need", "Here With You", "Someone You Loved" and "Stay With Me" are still in the top ten.

Ten songs including "Legends Never Die", "The Woman I Love" and "All Of Me" are still in the top 100 of the singles chart.

Anna also brought news.

SB Entertainment has filed a lawsuit against the network engineer who repaired the computer and his friend, charging them with stealing personal property, illegally distributing other people's videos for profit, and infringing on personal privacy rights.

He demanded compensation of US$30 million from several people and publicly apologized to SB Company, Link, Emma and others.

The Manhattan District Court has accepted the case.

At the same time, the Link Music Legal Department also initiated lawsuits against news platforms and media such as YouTube, MySpace, and Yahoo.

The lawsuit was filed against several parties for publishing unverified fake news and unauthorized video recordings, infringing on Link's personal privacy rights and illegally making profits.

Several parties are required to compensate Link for $100 million in mental damages.

Dynasty Promotions also filed a lawsuit against the O2 Arena Management Company, demanding 10 million pounds in compensation for mental and reputational damages because of loopholes in their security measures, which led to the disclosure of Link's privacy.

In addition, Link Studio also reported the case to the British police, asking them to arrest the person who filmed the video.

Because the other party is not only suspected of illegal filming, but also suspected of fraud and frame-up, which seriously infringes on Link and Emma Watson's privacy and reputation, it belongs to the category of civil case litigation.

The London police have accepted the case after receiving the report.

Link has taken intensive and large actions and proposed several huge amounts of compensation.

The purpose is not to ask for compensation, but to hype.

On the one hand, this method attracts the attention of the media and the public, proves that the video is fake, and Link is also an innocent victim, so as to restore his reputation.

On the other hand, in the process of hearing this case, it can also increase Link's exposure and increase album sales.

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