“With so many lawsuits, do I need to appear in court?”

At the dinner table, Link asked while looking through the information.

"No need, just let the attorney appear in court."

Ms. Anna said.

Link nodded, feeling a little more relaxed.

Litigation in the United States and the United Kingdom is a long and complicated process. If he has to attend every court session in person, it will cause him a lot of trouble.

After reading a few pieces of information, he looked through his work schedule for this week, and it was still a full week.

Including promoting albums, boxing training, shooting the new album MV, attending press conferences, interviews for "The Jamie Show", defending the IBF World Boxing Championship, and "Midnight in Paris" is about to start filming, he needs to figure out the role and memorize the role. Lines.

"Squeeze out some more time and let me deal with my relationship issues with Taylor."

Link said as he put down his daily schedule.

Ms. Anna nodded, took out her notebook and asked: "Boss, what are you going to do? Break up with Taylor, or find a way to win her back. Different decisions require different times."

"Link, what are your plans for you and Taylor?" Catherine asked as she cleared the table.

Link shrugged his shoulders and said: "It's my fault. I hurt Taylor. I can't just leave like this. I'm going to find a time to talk to her again. Even if we break up, we still have time for each other." The next good ending.”

"Link, it's good that you think like this. It also shows that you are a responsible man. I will do as you say and deal with the problems between you and Taylor first. Other things can be postponed."

Catherine patted him on the shoulder.

Link showed a helpless smile. Some things are easy to say but too difficult to do.

Others thought that Taylor broke up with him because of the video. In fact, in the more than a year they got together, there were many problems and hidden problems between the two, which were not brought to light.

This video is just the trigger.

When the fuse is lit, with a bang, all the problems burst out, and it is difficult to solve them.

Link thought about it seriously, "Anna, please contact Emily and help me make an appointment with Taylor. I want to talk to her again."

"Okay, I'll contact you right away!"

Ms. Anna nodded and left.

Ding dong!

The phone on the table rang. Link picked it up and looked at it. It was a message from Katy Perry.

Asked him if he was free today. She was having a party at home in the afternoon.

Blake Lively, Rihanna, and Emma Roberts were also invited to chat with everyone.

Link replied that he had accepted a script and was going to meet the director in the afternoon, so he declined her invitation.

He was having a conflict with Taylor. At this time, he went to Katy Perry's party. On the one hand, he felt that he did not respect Taylor enough. On the other hand, he also seemed that he did not value this relationship, and he was a complete scumbag.

Ding dong!

Another message.

Emma Roberts asked him if he would go to the boxing gym to train at noon. She had time today and wanted to practice.

Link was a little confused. Just now Katy Perry said she would have a party at home and invited Emma Roberts. Why did Emma say she wanted to come and practice boxing?

After thinking for a while, he replied that he would train at the boxing gym between ten and two o'clock.

Ding dong!

Another message came. Lady Gaga sent a message saying that the recording of "Legends Never Die" was completed and asked him when he would go over to listen to it and give some comments.

Link asked her when she was going to release it, and Lady Gaga said it would be next week.

Link looked at his schedule and replied that he had time on the weekend.

Ding dong! Ding dong!

Two messages were received in succession.

Michelle Rodriguez asked him if he could drag race together and hook up with Paul Walker.

Link said to contact Paul first, that guy was a busy man.

Another message was sent by supermodel Doutzen Kroes, whom he had worked with, asking when he would shoot the music video for his new album. Don’t forget her as an old friend.

Link said yes, he was designing the MV script, and if he found a suitable role, he would invite her.

Ding dong! Ding dong!

In addition to the reply from Doutzen Kroes, he also received messages from Amanda Severis, Lindsay Lohan and others. Even Amber Heard, who had been separated for more than a year, also sent a message, saying I am going to return the one million deposit to Taylor and can I still be his girlfriend.

Seeing the word 'deposit', Link was a little confused. Did he treat him as a tool?

According to Amber, Taylor paid a deposit of 1 million last year to borrow him from her. Now that one year has expired, she wants to pay back the money and take him back.

Link shook his head and asked her to contact Taylor's assistant.

"What's wrong?"

Catherine came out of the kitchen and put down a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice.

"A lot of girls sent me messages today, which feels a little strange."

Link said in reply to the message.

"Isn't this normal? You are the best boy in the world. There are many, many girls who like you. In the past, when Taylor was here, they didn't dare to act too much. Today the media is reporting that you and Taylor broke up. You have become a single aristocrat, and they all have opportunities. Of course they will send you messages to see if there is a chance to become your next girlfriend. "

Catherine smiled slightly.

"is that so?"

Link was a little surprised. If what Catherine said was true, it meant that even Lady Gaga and the man-in-law Michelle Rodriguez was interested in him?

This is too exaggerated.


This time it wasn't a message, but a phone call, and it was Selena who called.

"What's wrong? It's almost nine o'clock, don't tell me you're still dreaming in bed."

"No, I got up early, at eight o'clock, and didn't sleep in. I called to ask if you have anything to do at noon. Miley and I are going to drive to Huntington Beach in Southern California for a trip. Do you want to join us?"

Selena asked in a lively voice.

Link smiled softly, "Are you really going out for fun? Just now, many girls sent me messages and invited me to their parties. Catherine said that it was because the media reported that I was single, and those girls who were interested in me all came to date me. You are also looking for me to date, are you interested in me too? That's not okay, we are brother and sister."

"Ahhh! Bastard Link, what are you talking about? It was Miley and Kesha who asked me to call you to make an appointment. It wasn't me, it wasn't me. I'm not interested in you. I like puppies and crabs, but I don't like shameless guys like you, bah bah bah!"

Selena was like a blasting explosive depot. She bombarded him wildly in the microphone and hung up the phone angrily without even saying goodbye.

"What's wrong with Selena? What stimulated her?"

Link asked puzzledly.

Catherine said nothing, turned around and walked to the outer living room and laughed.

Link shook his head and sent a message to Selina, saying that he had something to do today and didn't have time to go out and play. They could go on a family trip next month when Annie came.

He also told her to be careful on the road, not to go to too remote places, and it's best to bring an assistant.

He sent three messages in a row, and Selina only replied to him once.

"Got it, you're so nagging, I don't want to talk to you."

Link smiled lightly and put away his phone.

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