Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 298 Let’s go pick up girls

At around nine o'clock, Link drove to the Muscle Beach Boxing Gym to train.

At about ten o'clock, Emma Roberts also came over carrying her training bag and said she wanted to train with him.

Compared with before, he felt that Emma seemed to be more proactive and often deliberately made physical contact with him.

Emma is petite, soft and light, and smells delicious. She is a good date, but she and Taylor haven't settled the matter yet, and she is not in the mood to flirt with women.

"Link, you are such a naive guy."

On the side of the boxing training ground, De La Hoya looked at Emma Roberts who was practicing boxing in the sandbag area, and then at Link who was filling water next to him, "Obviously Emma wants to ask you out to play, but you are here to teach her how to box." , Don’t you think it’s too much to let a girl who looks like a Barbie doll box?”

"I don't think so. This is a boxing ring, not an entertainment venue."

Link wiped the sweat off his body with a towel and put his boxing gloves back on.

"Link, although we are boxers, we are also human beings. Boxing can't be the only thing in normal people's lives. If I were you, I would seize the time and pick up more girls while I'm young. What a great era we have now. The atmosphere is open and materialistic. Hengliu, as long as you have money in hand, you can pick up many girls.

Unlike our past, if you pick up too many girls, you will be criticized by public opinion. If the age gap is too big, you will be criticized. Today’s era is great, but it’s a pity that I am no longer young.

Link, I really envy you. You are young, strong, rich, and have all the conditions to become a playboy, so don't waste your time and go pick up girls as much as you want. "

De La Hoya patted him on the shoulder and encouraged.

Link smiled softly, "I heard that before you were twenty-seven, you had a regular girlfriend and your private life was relatively healthy. After breaking up with your girlfriend, you started to mess around, going to bars and nightclubs as a young model, and became the most famous model in the boxing world. The playboy.

Also in the second year of your fall, you suffered an upset loss to WBC welterweight champion Felix Trinidad. However, you did not learn your lesson and continued to mess around, and continued to lose to Sean Mosley. Hopkins, Mayweather, Pacquiao.

So are you teaching me the experience of failure? "

"Hey hey hey!"

Morales, who was next to him, heard his words and kept grinning with big white teeth.

De La Hoya glared at Morales with a dark face, asking him to shut up, and then said to Link: "Degenerate? I am the boxer with the highest appearance fee in the world. You say I am degenerate? And what about me?" The reason why I was defeated by Trinidad and others is because I am older and my physical function is declining, and it has nothing to do with my private life.”

"I remember Trinidad is the same age as you, Hopkins is eight years older than you, Roy Jones Jr., and Holyfield is still fighting in the ring and winning in his forties, so is age the key? ?”

Link shook his head, looked at the boxing ring in the middle and said, "The Ring Magazine once selected the top ten most regrettable boxing champions in the history of boxing. I think you should at least be ranked in the top three. If you were in the boxing ring when you were young, If you take better care of your personal life, you have a great chance of becoming a legendary boxer like Rocky Marciano, but it’s a pity that you didn’t do it.”

After speaking, Link called Morales to the boxing ring and began confrontation training.

"Crab Te!"

De La Hoya looked at Link's back, clenching his fists and gritting his teeth in anger.

This bastard's mouth is too poisonous.

Listening to him talk can make people mad.

"Link is absolutely right."

Coach Brooks sat on the bench, glanced at De La Hoya, who was also wearing a suit on a hot day, and said, "Before Link appeared, you were the most qualified light-skinned boxer I have ever seen. It's a pity that you spent too much time This also leads to a rapid decline in your strength when it comes to women, enjoyment, and business.

In addition, don't try to teach Link bad in this way. With the current gap between you and Link, even if Link has ten more girlfriends, you won't be able to defeat him in the end-of-year competition. "

"Link is not as powerful as you think. I can defeat him. I will do what I say."

De La Hoya said, shaking his fist.

When Coach Brooks saw him, he remembered a psychological term, the spiritual victory method.

"Mr. Hoya, the weather is so hot, isn't it hot for you to wear a suit?"

Emma Roberts came over and asked.

She practiced for a while, and she sweated a lot. A few strands of golden hair stuck to her sweaty cheeks, and her fair skin had a pink luster.

"It's not hot, it's cool."

Hoya said nonchalantly.

"But you're sweating a lot."

Emma pointed to his temples, with a few beads of sweat hanging on them.

"No, it's water. I drank water and accidentally got it on my hair. It was very cool."

Hoya wiped his wet hair.

Emma shrugged her delicate shoulders, took a few sips of the ice-cold sparkling water, and stared at Link on the ring without blinking.

"Emma, ​​do you like Link? Do you want to date him? Do you want me to teach you how to do it?"

Hoya said with his arms crossed.

"How to do it?"

Emma asked without turning her head.

"Haha, it's very simple. Link is a boxer, and boxers have very strong desires. However, Link has just lost his love and has no female companion. At this time, you only need to pester him. If it doesn't take seven days, he will definitely agree to date you. ”

Hoya said enthusiastically.

"Mr. Hoya, this is the way you used to pursue girls in the 1980s and 1990s. It is no longer applicable. Nowadays, boys and girls need more space and freedom to interact. But thank you for your advice."

Emma politely declined his proposal, took the cup, and went to watch Link train under the ring.

"Haha! Today's young people are indeed smarter than we used to be."

Coach Brooks laughed.

The corner of Hoya's mouth twitched. He just wanted to teach Link to pick up girls, but failed. He kindly taught Emma his experience in picking up guys, but was rejected. These young people are indeed more difficult to deal with.

Bang bang bang! Bang bang bang!

In the boxing ring, Link and Morales continue to sparring. This week there will be an IBF super middleweight title defense match. The opponent is the former IBF super middleweight champion Lucian Bute, who is also a very good player. guy.

Although Link is sure to defeat his opponent, his principle for the game is to be fully prepared, take every opponent seriously, and not look down on anyone.

Countless cases have proven that carelessness is often the beginning of failure.

In addition, he also likes to train in the boxing ring. When shaking his fists, he becomes very focused. He doesn't have to think about anything and has no worries. It feels like there are only boxing and opponents left between the world and the earth.

It felt very relaxing.

After training for more than four hours, he sent the exhausted Emma Roberts home and went to a bar on Hollywood Boulevard as scheduled to chat about the movie with the scheduled director Woody Allen.

Director Allen said that the heroine Jennifer Lawrence will also come and she will be introduced to him when the time comes.

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